Earlier, we looked at a few examples of products that were launched successfully with creative marketing strategies. This discussion asks you to identify and share effective marketing strategies from a short case study about a WePay launch and from your own experiences with successful product launches.

Instructions: Identifying WePay’s marketing strategies

  1. Read the case study: WePay seized an opportunity for its launch when its competitor, PayPal, received negative publicity about freezing member accounts. WePay showed up at PayPal’s annual developer conference and demonstrated a massive block of ice with frozen cash and the message ‘Paypal freezes your accounts’ in it.
    WePay wanted to assure its users that it would never freeze their accounts. Within about two hours of dropping the ice, WePay’s stunt was on TechCrunch’s front page. It also featured on other popular tech sites. The publicity from the exercise resulted in: three times more conversions on the stunt landing page 225% increase in web traffic 300% increase in signups. This was achieved with a start-up’s limited marketing budget.
  2. Answer the following questions:
    • How was WePay positioned and what was its main product messaging?
    • What specific factors of their marketing strategy do you think made it successful?
  3. Post your answers in the discussion group.
  4. Respond to at least one of your peers’ posts by considering the risks associated with the WePay strategy and reflecting on other examples of successful product marketing strategies that you have experienced or learned about.

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179 thoughts on “Practical activity 4: Identifying and sharing critical factors that lead to product launch success

  1. As per the STP, Segmentation, WePay offers the same services as PayPal. It was positioned by the internal factor of, ‘ability of the consumer’ to use their services effectively without accounts getting frozen. They also saw the competitor activity made them bring in a feature their competitors didn’t have. Their main product messaging was ‘PayPal freezes your accounts’.
    WePay rose at the time PayPal was having issues on freezing accounts.

  2. WePay was positioned such that they were ploted against the obvious loophole in PayPal. Its main product messaging was “we will not freeze your account”

    The specific factors that made their marketing strategy successful include:
    * Studying the market to know what the consumers want and
    * Creating clearly defined product narrative.

  3. Identify and articulate the target market segments: Wepay identified Paypal as a major competitor who had greatly disrupted the market in terms of payment systems. Flexibility and availability was a key factor in the payments industry
    Consider the varying competitive factors: Consumers were interested in availability, flexibility, innovative, global reach. These were some of the factors that were limited on the paypal platform.
    Evaluate the competition: Wepay came up with flexibility, reduced regulatory control, giving consumers the ease of doing business as an assigned KPI.
    Plot the map: It took the competition to Paypal’s terrain and dropped its competitive advantage right where it hurts.
    Identify the strategic opportunity: Wepay’s competitive advantage was highlighting that they would never freeze a consumer’s access to their funds, flexibility. This became the factor that immediately worked and grew their business and improved their position in the market.
    In conclusion, by effectively analysing its SWOT analysis, it was able to create a market position for itself.

  4. Wepay was able to use SWOT analysis of its product to position itself better than paypal by simply passing descriptive visual to customers that unlike their competitor paypal, they will never freeze customers cash , a message that was virtual easy to without much budget by appearing with a frozen ice with cash inside

  5. It should be worthy of note that, in this context, WePay was able to consider the varying competitive factor, by evaluating and identifying who their competitors were and what could be their weakness(s) while evaluating their performances. This was the possible strategy WePay used to strike PayPal out and it made them thrive in the market because they were able to identify the possible strategy opportunity.
    This was where their product needed to exist in the market to receive the slightest opportunity of survival.

  6. Wepay were able to convince the audience for a more better and transparent services than their competitors,this was because they studied the customers needs and the weaknesses of their counterparts so they were able to gain better ground for their customers

  7. Positioning and Product Messaging:
    WePay positioned itself as a reliable and trustworthy alternative to PayPal, emphasizing that it would never freeze users’ accounts. The main product messaging was centered around this key differentiator, conveying a sense of security and stability.
    They leverage on Timely Opportunities.
    They grabbed the Stunt
    Target Event marketing
    Their massage was clear and concise
    Measurable landing page and conversion optimization.

    1. However, their action in some cases would be counter productive, as it is not only necessary to leverage on other people’s weaknesses, but also to identify your own SWOT in order for your product to stand the test of time why faced with such threat that your competitor faced. That is why it’s necessary to consider your strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat, because we live in a world of competition.

  8. They were able to convince the audience for a more better and transparent services than their counterparts,this was successful because they studied the customers needs and the weaknesses of their counterparts so that was how they used it against them to gain over the customers

  9. How was WePay positioned and what was its main product messaging?
    We pay positioned by studying the market to understand what customers want by accounting for and assessing their competitors, and SWOT analysis was evidence in how they positioned themselves.
    It’s main product messaging was assuring it’s user that it would never freeze their account.

    The specific factor of their marketing strategy was leveraging on their competitors PR, to bring themselves into the market and the hands of customers.
    They were able to articulate their value proposition to customers with limited resources.

  10. How was WePay positioned and what was its main product messaging?

    WePay positioned itself as a more reliable and user-friendly alternative to PayPal, with a main product message assuring users that it would never freeze their accounts. This aimed to build trust and attract customers dissatisfied with PayPal’s practices.

    What specific factors of their marketing strategy made it successful?
    1. Timing and Relevance: Launched during PayPal’s negative publicity, making WePay’s message highly relevant.
    2. Bold and Memorable Stunt: The ice block stunt grabbed attention and stood out.
    3. Targeted Audience: Showcased at PayPal’s developer conference, directly targeting affected users.
    4. Viral Potential: Designed to generate buzz and media coverage, quickly featured on major tech sites.
    5. Clear and Simple Messaging: The straightforward message effectively communicated WePay’s value proposition.

    1. Your response was well articulated, however considering the risks associated with WePay marketing strategy; I think PayPal might come back hard on WePay, because it’s a startup; with PayPal ruling out the fact that WePay only used a mistake on their path as a strategy and that they won’t be reliable and unable to satisfy users for a long time, in terms of the service they’ve (PayPal) been offering to customers.

      Also, reflecting on other examples of a good product marketing strategy would be – creating the product narrative by using a persona that outlines the key messages of the products; which should answer basic questions as
      * Who’s the product for?
      * What does the product do?
      * Why would customer wants to use it, meaning what problem does it solve for users)
      * How is the product different to similar products already in the market?

      WePay could leverage more on this as well I guess

  11. WePay’s marketing strategy showcased exceptional skill in creating a “counter-narrative” brand, leveraging PayPal’s account freezing controversies to craft a compelling story of trust, reliability, and user focus. The campaign’s success can be attributed to:

    1. Seizing the narrative: WePay cleverly commandeered the conversation surrounding PayPal’s issues, redirecting attention to their own strengths.

    2. Strategic timing and placement: By targeting PayPal’s developer conference, WePay ensured their message resonated with an already receptive audience.

    3. Powerful symbolism:The ice block stunt served as a potent symbol of PayPal’s shortcomings, while highlighting WePay’s commitment to user empowerment and flexibility.

    4. Viral momentum: The campaign created a memorable, shareable moment that rapidly spread across social media and tech communities, generating significant organic buzz.

    5. Genuine commitment: WePay’s bold move demonstrated a sincere dedication to challenging the status quo and advocating for users’ rights, fostering trust and loyalty among their target audience.

    6. Agile resourcefulness: WePay’s ability to execute a high-impact campaign with limited resources showcases their adaptability and resourcefulness as a startup.

  12. Wepay positioned itself as a reliable and better alternative to their user: they demonstrated a confidence in their service that their customers can be rest assured that their fund is safe with them. They discovered their competitor’s weakness with swot analysis and they positioned their product well before the product lunching

  13. Wepay positioned itself as the savior and solution of stranded customers who had their accounts frozen with Paypal. The main product messaging was that they are the alternative to Paypal and would offer better services in terms of seamless cash transfer.
    The specific factor of marketing that got WePay an edge is the solution for easy and readily available cash transfer solution.

  14. Positioning:
    WePay positioned itself as a user-friendly and reliable alternative to PayPal, particularly focusing on the frustration and inconvenience caused by account freezes experienced by PayPal users. By addressing this specific pain point, WePay aimed to attract users who were dissatisfied with PayPal’s practices.
    The main product messaging revolved around the assurance that WePay would not freeze user accounts.

  15. WePay took advantage of her competitors error to launch their own product.
    And their message is that they will never freeze their clients accounts under no circumstances giving them confidence and security ensuring them of their competence.
    They employed product creation, product marketing and product launch all at a go, SWOT analysis was fully implemented, PayPal was at the receiving end.

  16. Wepay initiated the SWOT system and discovered the weakness of PayPal, hence, used it as an opportunity to push its product to the market offering them what paypal was lagging and more.

    However, wepay equally made sure they sorted all issues that would have hindered their progress and used their strentghts against paypal.

    WePay was positioned as a payment processor catering specifically to platform businesses. Its main product messaging centered around providing seamless, integrated payment solutions that enabled platforms to manage transactions on behalf of their users. Here are some key aspects of WePay’s positioning and marketing strategy that contributed to its success:
    1. Focus on Platform Businesses: WePay targeted platform businesses such as marketplaces, crowdfunding sites, and small business software platforms. By focusing on this niche, WePay positioned itself as an expert in handling the unique challenges of payments within these ecosystems.
    2. Payment Facilitation: WePay offered payment facilitation services, which allowed platforms to act as the merchant of record for their users. This simplified the payment process for platform businesses by handling compliance, underwriting, and risk management on their behalf.
    3. Compliance and Security: Addressing the stringent regulatory requirements and ensuring high levels of security were crucial aspects of WePay’s messaging. They highlighted their compliance with industry standards and their robust security measures to build trust with customers.
    4. Customer Support and Service: Providing excellent customer support tailored to the needs of platform businesses was another factor in WePay’s success. They offered dedicated account management and technical support to assist with integration and ongoing payment operations.
    5. Partnerships and Ecosystem: WePay fostered partnerships with various platform providers and developers, creating a network effect that enhanced its market presence. These partnerships helped drive adoption and integration of WePay’s services within the platforms their customers were already using.
    6. Scalability and Flexibility: WePay emphasized scalability, allowing platform businesses to grow without worrying about outgrowing their payment infrastructure. They also offered flexibility in pricing and services, catering to businesses of different sizes and stages of growth.
    WePay’s success can be attributed to its specialized focus on platform businesses, seamless API integration, payment facilitation services, strong emphasis on compliance and security, excellent customer support, strategic partnerships, and scalability. These factors collectively enabled WePay to differentiate itself in the competitive payment processing landscape and cater effectively to the needs of its target market.

  18. WePay’s marketing strategy was successful due to its creative strategies put in place, awareness of prevailing business environment, strategic execution, effective/strategic use of social media, and clear communication of its value proposition at a time a major business competitor was vulnerable. It capitalized on its competitor’s weakness , using a visually impactful stunt, WePay went all out to satisfy there competitors and won over there customers.

  19. Wepay took advantage of paypal’s high handedness by offering consumers “peace of mind” for the money.
    Their product launch was timely, coming into the market not just as a more reliable alternative but also as a disruptor to a monopolised market, something the average consumer loves.

  20. WePay’s marketing strategy was successful due to its creative approach, awareness of prevailing business environment, strategic execution, effective/strategic use of social media, and clear communication of its value proposition at a time a major business competitor was vulnerable. By capitalizing on a competitor’s weakness and using a visually impactful stunt, WePay was able to attract significant attention and convert that attention into sign ups and tangible business gains.

  21. WePay positioned itself as a reliable and trusted platform when realised the weakness of Palpay. This means that the weakness of Palpay gave WePay the opportunity over the former.
    WePay uses SWOT analysis on Palpay to get it’s position in the market.
    WePay saw the consumer needs and meet them thereby won the market.

  22. WePay positioned itself as a fast and reliable payment processing platform that focused on providing easier way and uninterrupted payment solutions for individuals and businesses.

    Their main product messaging emphasized on faster means of payment, simplicity, and flexibility in handling online transactions and to build trust.

    Overall, WePay’s success can be attributed to producing a reliable marketing strategies needed at the moment.

  23. WePay is a payment processing platform focused on providing payment solutions for businesses. With the demonstration, they claim to put their client in front as a result, they would have communication channels and medium to ease any issue that would lead to freezing account as PayPal did.

    Overall, WePay’s success can be attributed to produce marketing strategies.

  24. WePay positioned itself as a payment processing platform that focused on providing easy-to-use and customizable payment solutions for businesses. Their main product messaging emphasized simplicity, security, and flexibility in handling online transactions.

    Overall, WePay’s success can be attributed to a combination of targeted marketing strategies, strategic partnerships, emphasis on user experience and security, and excellent customer support.

    1. It’s was a smart move. Wepay certainly would have communication channels that would cause for ease of communication between clients and them in the case of necessity for freezing any account.

  25. The analysis highlights the significant risks and smart moves in WePay’s strategy. Indeed, WePay took a bold risk by leveraging PayPal’s negative publicity to position itself as a trustworthy alternative

  26. WePay capitalized on PayPal’s negative publicity, creating a clever and attention-grabbing stunt that resonated with potential customers.
    they were very creative with the use of a massive block of ice with frozen cash and a bold message created a visually striking and memorable experience.The stunt’s unique nature and visual appeal made it perfect for social media and tech sites, generating organic coverage and amplifying the message.
    Overall, WePay was positioned as a reliable and trustworthy alternative to PayPal, emphasizing that it would never freeze user accounts. The main product messaging was centered around this key differentiator, highlighting WePay’s commitment to user security and convenience and all of these combined to create a successful marketing strategy that effectively positioned WePay as a trustworthy and innovative player in the payment processing space.

  27. Wepay positioned itself as the savior and solution of stranded customers who had their accounts frozen with Paypal. The main product messaging was that they are the alternative to Paypal and would offer better services in terms of seamless cash transfer.
    The specific factor of marketing that got WePay an edge is the solution for easy and readily available cash transfer solution.

  28. WePay astutely capitalized on the opportunity PayPal presented to demonstrate their trustworthiness and reliability. They assured users that with WePay, they wouldn’t face account freezes.

    Key factors in their effective strategy included:

    Addressing the Issue: WePay clearly highlighted the problem, showcasing the benefits of their services.
    Creative Stunt: The ice stunt at PayPal’s annual developer conference cleverly captured the attention of potential users and the attending media.
    Timing: By delivering their message at the conference, WePay maximized impact, drawing significant attention and raising awareness among potential users and media outlets.
    Resourceful Execution: Conducting the stunt at PayPal’s conference was a cost-effective move. The message spread widely via social media and news outlets without the need for paid advertising.
    Results: This strategy led to a significant increase in new users within a short period.

  29. WePay smartly capitalized on the opportunity presented by PayPal’s negative publicity about freezing member accounts, showcasing their reliability and trustworthiness. They assured users they wouldn’t experience account freezing with WePay.

    Addressing the issue: WePay clearly addressed the problem, highlighting the advantages of their service.
    Creative stunt:The ice stunt at PayPal’s annual developer conference cleverly captured the attention of potential users and the media.
    Timing: WePay’s timing was impeccable, delivering their message during the conference to maximize impact and media coverage, thereby raising awareness.
    Cost-effective resources: The stunt was a genius move, using minimal resources. There was no need for paid advertising, as the message spread organically through social media and news outlets.
    Results: This approach led to a significant increase in new users within a short period.

  30. Wepay took some high risks in its strategies especially that it was not aware of the extent and dimension or the liabilities it will inherit from paypal because it took all this decisions in the conference meeting immediately wepay made the announcement of freezing customer account without undertaking any research to understand more about wepay operations and liabilities.

    The examples of product marketing strategies experienced are:

    Product -it meet the needs of the consumer.

    Price -wepay offer it’s products at the lowest cost possible as it leverage on the media groups available at the conference organized by PayPal.

    Promotion -Wepay made a lot of publicity to promote it’s products thereby creating awareness to cross sections of the public .

    Place and People-wepay took advantage of the organized conference and people who are reputable members of society in different sectors of the economy who attended it.That is ,it saw the audiences as a good market for its product-the bail out.

    1. Your analysis highlights the significant risks and smart moves in WePay’s strategy. Indeed, WePay took a bold risk by leveraging PayPal’s negative publicity to position itself as a trustworthy alternative. However, this approach had potential pitfalls:

      Risks Associated with WePay’s Strategy

      1. Unknown Liabilities

      2. Potential Backlash

      3. Legal and Ethical Issues

  31. We pay was positioned when it’s rival PayPal posted that it will freeze members account.
    We pay announce that it will never freeze account of members and therefore provided massive cash to liquidate any liability.
    We pay main product message and strategy was to announce and publicize their remedy and not to freeze members account through Techcrunch and popular tech sites.
    Their marketing strategy are:Address the needs of customers.Gave assistance to customers.

    Timely intervention -wepay provided a solution to the challenges of customers that were desperately in need.

    Publicity to both the customers, stakeholders and public of how the situation will be remedied with no cost to the customers of PayPal through popular popular and reliable Tech sites.

    This encourage more users to sign up into the package with wepay thereby boosting customer base ,success and huge income.

  32. Wepay was quite smart to seize the opportunity PayPal gave them to show how trustworthy and reliable they could be. They assured the users they won’t have to experience the freezing of accounts at any time while using their services.
    Key factors that helped in their brilliant strategy:
    Addressing the issue: The issue was addressed quite clearly, thus showing the advantage of their services.
    Creative stunt: The ice stunt at the PayPal annual developer’s conference was a clever way to get the attention of potential users and media that was present.
    Timing: Wepay made sure their message made an impact at the conference which gained the attention of potential users and the media, thereby increasing awareness.
    Resources: Use of resources was cost effective. It was a genius idea to perform the stunt at PayPal’s conference. There was no need for paid advertising as the message was spread via social media and news outlets.
    Results: There was a high increase in number of new users within a short period of time.

  33. We pay positioned itself as reliable and trustworthy with the message…. “We pay never freezes customers account” .

    What makes We pay market strategy successful is Timely execution by using the weakness of their competitors to focus on the gap in the market and logically fill in the gap.

    Strategic location We pay used is the stunt performed at PayPal’s developer conference when the We pay targeted audience are present and disappointed.

  34. WePay discovered a need for a guaranteed service. The service that will note be unduly interrupted (the customer’s account not be suspended.)

    WePay was able to address the fears of their customers and the general public via social media. They leveraged on the power of the social media.

  35. Already talked about the power of using social media to market products.

    With the influence of social media and news outlets, WePay was able to showcase its product credibility by making use of the PayPal fallout with the customers and rendering quality service that PayPal lacks to its customers, thereby making waves and a good name for the company.

    WePay used its product credibility to win customers’ loyalty, which was what PayPal was not able to achieve.

  36. – Wepay positioned itself as a reliable payment platform compared to its competitor Paypal and their message was “Wepay never freezes your account”
    – Wepay identified a gap in the market and took advantage of it by building a campaign around their competitor’s fault, thereby creating a ”Saviour complex” to the dissatisfied customers of their competitor, resulting in a massive shift of loyalty to them.

  37. 1. WePay was positioned as a reliable and trustworthy payment platform, with its main product messaging being “WePay never freezes your accounts”.

    2. The specific factors that made WePay’s marketing strategy successful were:
    – Timely execution, exploiting the weakness of PayPal, Targeted audience (attendees at PayPal’s developer conference were a relevant and influential audience)

  38. WePay’s Marketing Strategy: A Breakdown


    How was WePay positioned and what was its main product messaging?
    Positioning and Messaging:

    WePay positioned itself as a reliable alternative to PayPal. Their core message highlighted how WePay wouldn’t freeze user accounts, unlike PayPal’s practices. This focus on trustworthiness aimed to attract customers dissatisfied with PayPal.

    What specific factors of their marketing strategy do you think made it successful?

    Success Factors of Their Marketing Strategy

    WePay’s marketing strategy focused on identifying a gap in the market and strategically positioning itself to fill that space. By using a positioning map, WePay was able to spot an opportunity to enter an “open space” in the market and capitalize on PayPal’s annual developer conference. Positioning maps plot products against each other based on competitive factors, helping to identify market opportunities.
    WePay successfully implemented its strategy by:

    – Defining its ideal customer and understanding their needs.
    – Identifying factors that influence customer purchases.
    – Researching and evaluating top competitors.
    – Visually positioning its product against competitors.
    – Identifying the whitespace for product success.

    Key Elements of Their Strategy:

    a. Timely Opportunity: WePay seized the moment when PayPal was receiving negative publicity for freezing accounts, making WePay’s message resonate more strongly with potential customers who were unhappy with PayPal.
    b. Strategic Location The stunt was performed at PayPal’s developer conference, ensuring the presence of the target audience (developers and potential customers) for maximum impact and increasing the chances of generating significant buzz and exposure.
    c. Creative and Attention-Grabbing Stunt WePay executed a memorable stunt by displaying a massive block of ice with frozen cash and the message “PayPal freezes your accounts.” This visually striking and clever message effectively communicated WePay’s core value proposition.
    d. Leveraging Online Media The stunt quickly gained traction on popular tech websites like TechCrunch, amplifying WePay’s reach and generating organic publicity far beyond what a small startup’s marketing budget could typically achieve.
    e. Measurable Results The campaign yielded tangible results, including a significant increase in website traffic, signups, and conversions on the campaign’s targeted landing page.
    f. Cost-Effectiveness Despite a limited marketing budget, WePay achieved a highly successful campaign through creative and strategic execution, showcasing the potential impact of well-planned guerrilla marketing tactics.
    Overall, WePay’s strategy combined a timely opportunity, creative execution, strategic targeting, online amplification, and measurable results for a highly effective campaign.

  39. Wepay was able to identify and Target the customer for theirs product,thereby playing with the weakness of their competitor paypal positioning themselves,solving customers needs in places and platform that publicized and enable them communicate .

  40. WePay’s successful launch strategy mixed timing, innovation, and strategic execution to create a huge impact. By aggressively addressing a competitor’s problem with a memorable and newsworthy stunt, WePay effectively articulated its value proposition and generated large media coverage and user engagement with no financial commitment.

  41. WePay positioned itself as a user-friendly alternative to PayPal, emphasizing reliability and trust. Its main product messaging revolved around the assurance that it would not freeze users’ accounts, directly addressing a common frustration experienced with PayPal. By contrasting itself against a competitor’s negative trait, WePay aimed to build a positive reputation as a more dependable option for managing payments.

    The success of WePay’s marketing strategy can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the timing and context of the stunt were perfect, as they capitalized on the existing negative sentiment towards PayPal. Secondly, the stunt was highly visual and attention-grabbing, which made it easily shareable and newsworthy. The massive block of ice with frozen cash was a powerful metaphor that quickly conveyed WePay’s core message. Additionally, the stunt was executed in a public, high-profile setting (PayPal’s annual developer conference), ensuring that it would be noticed by key industry influencers and media outlets, amplifying its reach.

    Engaging with peers, it’s important to consider the risks associated with such a bold strategy. For instance, directly attacking a competitor could backfire if perceived as unprofessional or overly aggressive. Moreover, relying on stunts for initial attention requires ensuring that the underlying product can meet heightened expectations. Reflecting on other successful marketing strategies, such as Dollar Shave Club’s viral video campaign, underscores the effectiveness of creativity and clear messaging in resonating with target audiences while highlighting the importance of aligning marketing tactics with overall brand values and customer expectations.

  42. WePay were already about to launch their product, their target audience were skeptical about the competitor because of the negative reaction to freezing of multiple accounts.
    They maximized the opportunity by playing in the competitor’s weakness and answering the prospective clients fears and concerns

    1. WePay was poised to launch their product at a critical moment when their target audience was already skeptical about the competitor due to widespread negative reactions to account freezes. They capitalized on this vulnerability by directly addressing and alleviating the fears and concerns of prospective clients. By highlighting their reliability and commitment to not freezing accounts, WePay effectively turned a competitor’s weakness into a compelling advantage, thereby maximizing their launch impact.

  43. Wepay was able to identify and Target the customer for theirs product.
    And thereby positioning themselves in places and platform that publicized and enable them communicate to the customers

  44. WePay were about to launch their product, and having identify the market segment, they explore PayPal’s publicity on how they freezes customers account which by targeting what matters most the their customer; the safety of their money. However, by publicly ridicule

    1. Question 1 Ans = WePay were about to launch their product, and having identify the market segment, they explore PayPal’s publicity on how they freezes customers account which by targeting what matters most the their customer; the safety of their money.

      Question 2 Ans = Marketing funnel

  45. WePay evaluated their competitor PayPal, identify a gap in their market -and took advantage of this strategic opportunity to create a positioning message whereby customers are assured of free access to their money at all time.
    One specific factor that made WePay marketing strategy to work is their having a positioning map and plotting the map to understand where their competitor products stood- this understanding helped them take advantage of the gap in the market created by PayPal freezing customers accounts.

    1. Wepay actually identified, researched, and definitely outplayed the weakness of her competitor.

  46. Wepay an online payment platform was well positioned and as such they were able to conduct a market survey on the challenges that paypal was facing.They were able to provide a solution at the development stage of their product after which they experienced rapid growth from customers who subscribe to their products

  47. Wepay which is an online payment platform was able to make research on the challenges their rival in the market paypal was passing through which is account freezing, Wepay was able to provide a solution for this during the development stage of their product and after the introduction they experienced rapid growth from customers who subscribe to their product.The market survey and due diligence helped them to provide a product that guarantee the security of their customers fund.Thereby making them a reliable and dependable online payment platform.

  48. Firstly, WePay ran a smooth and secure online payment system.
    So, by capitalising on their competitor’s weakness, WePay assured their prospective users of not just simplicity and flexibility, but also reliability and security. This was achieved using a clean, seamless track record of success. Of course, no one will trust a platform that has a record of failure.

  49. Wepay was able to identify its competitors weak point or flaws and leverage on it to excel. by not repeating the mistakes of paypal wthich is freezing accounts of their customers.

  50. WePay, a payment processing company, was positioned as a platform that facilitated seamless and secure online payments for businesses and platforms. Its main product messaging emphasized simplicity, reliability, and ease of integration for businesses looking to accept payments online.
    Overall, WePay’s product messaging focused on simplifying the payment process for businesses while prioritizing security, reliability, and ease of integration.

  51. Webpay analysis its market, it explains important of details about product and high roles time factors play. In addition, Their messaging was crystal clear: no freezing accounts. They wanted users to feel confident that their money was safe and accessible whenever they needed it.

  52. WePay analysed the market and leveraged on the weakness of its competitor, PayPal to create awareness and generate traffic for its product. Its positioning message was trust, reliability and efficiency.

    WePay’s timing was the key factor that helped their marketing strategy. It entered the market at a time when there was a need and provided a solution to that need.

  53. We pay positioned itself as a reliable company even though they offer similar services with PayPal, they made it open that they will never act like PayPal and in a way strategically telling their prospective customers to trust them because they are reliable and know what they are doing.

    Their brand message was Trust, Reliability and Efficiency.

    The specific factors of their marketing strategies were timing (this was demonstrated by the act of showing up at PayPal’s event) knowing when to show up (the traffic they experienced on their website was as a result of the mocking demonstration they made at the event, the users were curious about their offerings hence the traffic on their website), and leveraging on their competitors weakness to have a competitive advantage over them by offering the users what they want at the time they wanted it.

  54. How was WePay positioned and what was its main product messaging?

    Wepay was positioned as an alternative brand to PayPal by offering the same service but in a more reliable, and efficient way.

    The message was reliability, trust, and consistency which PayPal couldn’t provide them with when they restricted users from accessing their funds, The specific factors of their marketing strategies were; Timing, Identifying the perfect/strategic opportunity to meet their target audience, and leveraging their competitor’s weakness, by providing users what they can’t.

  55. WePay capitalized on an opportunity to launch its platform by leveraging negative publicity surrounding its competitor, PayPal, which was facing criticism for freezing member accounts. WePay strategically demonstrated its commitment to avoiding such practices by staging a provocative stunt at PayPal’s annual developer conference. This stunt involved showcasing a large block of ice containing frozen cash with the message “PayPal freezes your accounts.”

    The impact of this stunt was significant:

    Media Attention: WePay’s stunt quickly garnered attention from prominent tech news outlets, with coverage appearing on TechCrunch’s front page and other popular tech sites. This generated widespread publicity for WePay’s message and brand.

    Increased Conversions: The stunt resulted in three times more conversions on the landing page associated with the campaign. This indicates that the message resonated with the target audience, leading to heightened interest and engagement with WePay’s services.

    Surge in Web Traffic: WePay experienced a remarkable 225% increase in web traffic following the stunt. This influx of visitors suggests heightened curiosity and interest in exploring WePay’s offerings, possibly driven by the attention generated by the stunt and subsequent media coverage.

    Significant Increase in Signups: The most tangible outcome of the stunt was a 300% increase in signups for WePay’s platform. This indicates that the campaign successfully attracted new users to the platform, likely drawn by the promise of account stability and the contrast with PayPal’s issues.
    Overall, WePay’s creative and timely response to its competitor’s challenges enabled it to achieve substantial results with limited marketing resources. The stunt effectively communicated WePay’s value proposition and positioned the brand as a reliable alternative to PayPal, resonating strongly with its target audience and driving significant growth in user acquisition.

  56. WePay saw PayPal’s habit of freezing accounts (which left many users frustrated) as a golden opportunity which they could capitalized on. Instead of splurging on pricey ads, they decided to tackle the issue by opting for a more innovative approach and in so doing, carved out a niche for themselves as a reliable, secure, and transparent payment solution.

    Their messaging was crystal clear: no freezing accounts. They wanted users to feel confident that their money was safe and accessible whenever they needed it.

    The success of WePay’s marketing strategy can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, they capitalized on a prime opportunity, leveraging PayPal’s negative publicity to showcase their own reliability. Secondly, their creative stunt at a major PayPal event garnered widespread attention, generating buzz and landing them coverage on tech news sites. This innovative approach helped WePay stand out in a crowded market. Additionally, their clear message resonated with users, leading to a surge in sign-ups as people sought a trustworthy payment alternative.

    Overall, WePay’s strategic timing, creativity, and straightforward messaging were instrumental in their successful launch.

  57. PayPal freezing people’s accounts was a major turn-off for many. WePay saw this as an opportunity! They knew people hated having their money locked away, so they jumped in to offer a solution. Instead of expensive ads, they got creative. WePay showed up at a big PayPal event with a giant block of ice. It had “PayPal freezes your accounts” frozen inside! This eye-catching stunt got them on tech news sites everywhere. People noticed WePay, and many signed up because they promised to never freeze accounts. WePay’s launch was a smart way to take advantage of a competitor’s mistake.

  58. Wepay positioned herself as an alternative to PayPal by offering the same service in a more reliable,and efficient way.
    The message was reliability,which PayPal had proven to not possess,The specific factors of their marketing strategies was ;Timing, media publicity and creative stunt.

  59. Wepay became an alternative to Paypal,thus becoming a strong competitor applying swot analysis. The weakness of PayPal was used as a strength and as such gain entrance into the market and also go ahead of there competitor.

  60. Wepay was able to understand the segments of the market, targeting the most attractive segment and then positioning offers to attract and assuring them t of not freezing their accounts.
    They Identified the strategic opportunity, that was what made them successful.

  61. Wepay conducted their research to understand their competitors’ challenges, and they used that to build the business by offering what the competitors were not giving to the customers. Wepay positioned itself effectively.

  62. Wepay leverage on the mistake made by PayPal. They understood that nobody will ever want their money to be freeze and since that has happened to people using PayPal they actually leverage on that to introduce another alternative to people promising them that their money will never be freeze.

  63. WePay uses the available opportunity any use the lapses of their competitors as a stunt for their marketing and it really works out well for them.

  64. We pay did their research very well and understand their competitors challenges, they built on it and used a stunt to market theirs devoid of what the competitors were experiencing. The positioning was well calculated though slippery but effective.

  65. I think they were just strategically positioned for the opportunity, and they took it when the time came.

  66. WePay used Strategic Marketing system to send their message about their product to the proposed customers by presenting a better option which will interest the customers which shows, they did their research well to spot out the weak point of their opponent i.e PayPal and use it for their advantage which is freezing of customers account, they promise the opposite.

    Also, the message was clear and concise, straight to the point, the demonstration of the action physically using Ice made it go vial which advertise them the more and their patronage increased to 225%.

  67. We pay leveraged on the mistakes of PayPal when it froze customers account by using media publicity, timing, creative stunt . These and many more announced their arrival in the market niche.
    Although it would have failed considering the risk of demarketing another’s business. They would have been liable to law suit.

    1. They can’t be liable since a name of any company was not particularly mentioned. They only capitalize on the current experience of clients with their competitors.

  68. WePay positioned itself as an alternative to PayPal, emphasizing its commitment to never freeze user accounts. Its main product messaging focused on reliability and trustworthiness.

    Several factors contributed to WePay’s successful marketing strategy:
    1. Timing: WePay capitalized on negative publicity surrounding PayPal’s account freezing, seizing the opportunity to showcase its own reliability.
    2. Creative Stunt: The use of a physical demonstration with a block of ice containing frozen cash grabbed attention and effectively communicated the message.
    3. Media Coverage: Generating buzz by getting featured on TechCrunch and other popular tech sites amplified the message and reached a broader audience.
    4. Clear Messaging: WePay’s message about never freezing accounts was simple and easy to understand, resonating with users’ concerns about account security.
    5. Results-oriented Approach: The stunt resulted in tangible outcomes, such as a significant increase in conversions, web traffic, and signups, demonstrating the effectiveness of the strategy.

  69. 1. Positioning and Main Product Messaging:
    WePay was positioned as a direct competitor to PayPal, aiming to capitalize on the negative publicity PayPal received regarding frozen member accounts. Its main product messaging revolved around the assurance of never freezing user accounts, which was in stark contrast to the negative image associated with PayPal at the time. WePay emphasized its commitment to providing a more reliable and trustworthy alternative.

    2. Factors of Successful Marketing Strategy:
    a. Timeliness and Relevance: WePay seized the opportunity to launch its campaign at PayPal’s annual developer conference when negative publicity about frozen accounts was at its peak. This allowed them to capitalize on the moment and position themselves as a superior alternative.

    b. Creative and Attention-Grabbing Stunt: The use of a massive block of ice with frozen cash inside, coupled with a compelling message, grabbed immediate attention. This creative stunt effectively conveyed its key message while generating curiosity and intrigue among the audience.

    c. Media Coverage: The stunt quickly garnered attention from popular tech news outlets such as TechCrunch and other tech sites. The rapid coverage amplified the reach of WePay’s message, exposing it to a wider audience beyond the attendees of the conference.

    d. Engagement and Conversion Optimization: The stunt landing page generated three times more conversions, indicating effective engagement and conversion optimization strategies. This suggests that WePay not only attracted attention but also successfully guided interested users toward signing up for their service.

    e. Cost-Effectiveness: Despite being a startup with a limited marketing budget, WePay managed to achieve significant results in terms of increased web traffic, signups, and conversions. This highlights the efficiency and effectiveness of their marketing strategy in maximizing impact within budget constraints.

  70. WePay was positioned as a reliable and trustworthy alternative to PayPal, especially in terms of not freezing member accounts. Their main product messaging focused on the promise of never freezing their users’ accounts, ensuring smooth and uninterrupted transactions.

    Several factors contributed to the success of WePay’s marketing strategy:

    Timeliness and relevance: By capitalizing on the negative publicity surrounding PayPal’s account freezing, WePay seized the opportunity to position themselves as a better alternative.

    Creativity and attention-grabbing stunt: The use of a physical block of ice with frozen cash and a clear message was a creative and attention-grabbing way to convey their message.

    Virality and media coverage: By showcasing their stunt at PayPal’s developer conference, WePay generated significant buzz and media coverage, leading to increased visibility and brand recognition.

    WePay clearly communicated their unique selling point of not freezing accounts, which resonated with users who were concerned about such issues.

    Overall, WePay’s successful marketing strategy was a combination of creativity, timing, clear messaging, and effective use of resources to generate buzz and drive user engagement.

  71. We pay position at STP and the marketing strategy used was to engage the third party product performance and capitalized on the weakness of PayPal. The main product messaging was that WePay don’t freeze account as PayPal does.

  72. Wepay’s position was that of an alternative to PayPal. The main product message was ” your money will not be freeze by us”.

  73. WePay leveraged on the negative publicity of their competitor Paypal.
    They actually use the negative publicity of their competitors at the annual conference to gain publicity for themselves.
    WePay was able to reach their target market at the conference.
    Publicity strategy made it successful.

    WePay made a groundbreaking entry into the market through a marketing stunt that caught attention and left a lasting impression on potential users. They achieve this, by dropping a 600-pound block of ice filled with hundreds of dollar bills. The statement was that PayPal freezes your money and WePay makes payments quickly and easily with integrated payment processing. The stunt helped WePay to outplay its biggest competitor, PayPal.

    The factors that contributed to WePay’s success were:
    1. The Power of Emotional Triggers: They stressed the pain point experienced by many PayPal users such as the frustration of frozen accounts. Drumming the people’s emotions was a very strategic
    2. Invisible Marketing at Its Finest: They used an unconventional approach which sparked curiosity and prompted individuals to explore further.
    3. Viral Amplification: This enables WePay to reach a wider audience
    4. Conversion Surge: This demonstrates the effectiveness of connecting emotionally with users.
    5. Sign-Up Surge and Traffic Boost: This was a ripple effect of the stunt planned by WePay

  75. You can actually get your value proposition from what a competitor is not doing well. You see a wound in their strategy, you pick it till it bleads, then you offer the solution. WePay used this strategy, capitalized on the weakness of its competition, a narrative the clients weren’t happy about, and made their product a boomerang of a success.

    Another thing worthy of note was the swiftness of the Wepay Team. While the Paypal guys were not smart enough in incorporating the feedbacks they got, and doing something about it, WePay went to work. Time translated to numbers and became a win for the latter.

  76. WePay leveraged on the negative publicity of their competitor.
    They showed up at PayPal’s annual conference with a visual depiction of frozen funds which some PayPal accounts were facing and that they would never freeze anyone’s accounts.
    WePay was able to reach their target market at the conference.
    Publicity strategy made it successful.

  77. WePay’s strategic move to leverage the negative publicity surrounding PayPal was a game-changer. By highlighting customers’ inability to access cash and playing on their emotions, WePay emerged as the go-to platform for secure and hassle-free transactions.

    Their main selling point was that WePay accounts would never be frozen, unlike their competitors. The bold move to attack PayPal’s domain and use a visual image of frozen cash in a massive block of ice was a stroke of genius. It effectively communicated WePay’s message and gave customers the assurance that their cash would always be accessible. The buzz generated by the follow-up publicity on popular tech sites was the icing on the cake. WePay’s message of reliability and accessibility was loud and clear, and customers responded accordingly.

    1. I couldn’t agree less. Their message was crystal. They leveraged the weakness of the competition, and promised something better. The result was massive!

      1. WePay leveraged on the negative publicity of their competitor Paypal.
        They actually use the negative publicity of their competitors at the annual conference to gain publicity for themselves.
        WePay was able to reach their target market at the conference.
        Publicity strategy made it successful.

  78. WePay leveraged on the weak point of Paypal to by positioning itself as Paypal. WePay also applied the marketing strategy of segmentations thereby emphasizing its commitment to never freezing member accounts. Its main product messaging focused on offering secure and reliable payment processing services which end users would so treasure.
    The success of WePay’s marketing strategy can be attributed to its bold and attention-grabbing stunt at PayPal’s developer conference, which capitalized on negative publicity surrounding PayPal’s account freezes. The use of visual imagery, such as a massive block of ice with frozen cash, effectively communicated WePay’s message. Additionally, the quick dissemination of the stunt’s coverage on popular tech sites, such as TechCrunch, amplified its reach and generated significant interest, resulting in a substantial increase in conversions, web traffic, and signups despite operating on a limited marketing budget.
    Wepay might have paid off at that moment but I see danger in their business approach of developing their policies after the product launch. That means all customers can carry out all activity at the sites irrespective of actions.

  79. WePay leveraged on the negative publicity of their competitor.
    They showed up at PayPal’s annual conference with a visual depiction of frozen funds which some PayPal accounts were facing. They did so with their own message that they would never freeze your accounts.
    This was a very bold and assertive statement and they took it directly to their target market who were obviously at the conference.
    They also leveraged on the media who gave the story great visibility by sharing it on multiple platforms.
    WePay was able to reach their target market at the conference and even outside without spending so much.
    This was a great strategy but it could easily have backfired if ie,the media had run with a story depicting WePay as an incompetent alternative to PayPal.

  80. One strategy that worked well for them was leveraging social media platforms to reach their target audience. They created engaging content, ran targeted ads, and interacted with their followers to build brand awareness and drive user acquisition. Another strategy was partnering with influential bloggers and thought leaders in their industry to amplify their reach and credibility. By collaborating with these influencers, WePay was able to tap into their existing audience and gain more exposure. These are just a couple of examples, but there are many other strategies that can be effective depending on the specific goals and target audience of a company.

  81. WePay leverage the negative publicity on PayPal while using emotional blackmail on the customers’ inability to access cash. The main product message was that WePay will never freeze customers’ account.

    I think the frontal attack right at PayPal’s domain, then the use of visual image (massive block of ice with frozen cash) gave the notion that their cash may not be recoverable, effectively communicated WePay’s message. Also, the follow up publicity on popular tech sites did the trick.

  82. Wepay uses the PayPal failure to address the customers needs that matters, and also provided a solutions against the future.
    They organized the product that consumers will feel safe and strategically advertised to gain customers.

    1. That is a wrong approach to product launch and marketing strategy. Developing their own product to speak for them would have best way to launch successfully. If freezing people’s account was failure on the side of PayPal that means We pay would encourage both illegal and unethical business practices

  83. WePay used the shortcomings of competitor as an advantage to market its own product.But using a direct demarketing strategy of a rival product, is it right?

    1. I agree with your point.

      This is the same strategy most successful brands used in driving their way into the market and now thriving.

  84. WePay’s main product messaging is that they won’t freeze customer’s account. Taking advantage of their competition’s failings, and filling the gap that exist in the market.

    The strategy was to address customer’s painpoints and satisfy the needs in the process. And it worked!

  85. WePay positioned itself as an alternative to PayPal, emphasizing its commitment to never freezing member accounts. Its main product messaging focused on offering secure and reliable payment processing services.
    The success of WePay’s marketing strategy can be attributed to its bold and attention-grabbing stunt at PayPal’s developer conference, which capitalized on negative publicity surrounding PayPal’s account freezes. The use of visual imagery, such as a massive block of ice with frozen cash, effectively communicated WePay’s message. Additionally, the quick dissemination of the stunt’s coverage on popular tech sites, such as TechCrunch, amplified its reach and generated significant interest, resulting in a substantial increase in conversions, web traffic, and signups despite operating on a limited marketing budget.

    1. Wepay used the failure of its competitor and developed a product that solves the problem by providing easy solution.
      The also demostrated organizational product that consumers will feel safe and strategically partronise.

  86. Wepay used the failure of its competitor and developed a product that solves their need.
    They organized the product that consumers will feel safe and strategically advertised to gain customers.

  87. From my knowledge so, wepay used strategy of their user want, they leverage competitors and developed a product that solve their needs.

  88. Wepay leveraged on the failure of its competitor and developed a product that solves their need. They organized the product that consumers will feel safe and hence they make profit from the market.

  89. From my knowledge so far in this course, Wepay uses the strategy of the users want, what delight them and interest them, in which they won’t felt uncomfortable or offended from using their product by letting them know that they will never freeze their account…

    On the other hand, my own experience is about a radio station in my town, I won’t mention their names, the first radio that came to the town barely runs for a year, while the one that was launch at almost the same time with it is still in existence mainly because the CEO can’t pay the workers a reasonable salary, which affects their recruitment of staffs and shooting down of the business finally…

  90. Wepay use the weakness of it competitor to sell itself into the market, Informing consumers why they are different and the value they are bringing to the market.

  91. Wepay strategically positioned itself in the market as an alternative to PayPal, reassuring targeted consumers with reliability and trustworthiness. This addressed the issue of account freezing, a gap that PayPal had at the time and which was a pain point of the targeted consumers.
    Wepay further conveyed its value through media engagement, including the stunts during the annual developer conference.

    1. U are making sense on this, Wepay seize the weakness of their competitor, even if PayPal later suspend the freezing of accounts approach, it will still have effects on their users patronize

  92. WePay’s Positioning and Messaging:


    Challenger brand:WePay positioned itself as the alternative to the dominant player, PayPal, capitalizing on negative sentiment towards the latter’s account freezing practices.
    Trustworthy and reliable: The core message revolved around offering a payment solution that would never freeze user accounts, emphasizing reliability and security.

    Main product messaging;

    Never freeze your money”: This simple, direct message addressed the core pain point of the target audience frustrated with PayPal’s practices.
    Transparent and accountable:The stunt itself conveyed a sense of openness and audacity, suggesting a brand different from the established competition.
    Focus on developer community:Targeting the developer conference showcased WePay’s understanding of the specific needs and challenges faced by users in that space.

    Factors Contributing to Success:

    Capitalizing on existing negativity: Leveraging the negative publicity surrounding PayPal’s account freezing was a smart move, allowing WePay to stand out as a solution to a relevant problem.
    Attention-grabbing stunt: The ice block stunt was eye-catching, memorable, and created a buzz, generating significant media coverage and online discussion.
    Targeted audience: Focusing on developers at the relevant conference ensured reaching the right audience with a message tailored to their needs.
    Strong landing page: Converting media attention into actual signups required a well-designed landing page that addressed the pain points highlighted in the stunt.
    Limited budget impact: The success demonstrates how creativity and strategic planning can achieve significant results even with limited resources.

    * While the stunt was effective, it’s important to consider potential ethical concerns around potentially exploiting competitor negativity.
    * WePay’s long-term success likely depended on delivering on its core promise of reliability and building trust with users beyond the initial campaign.

  93. Positioning: WePay positioned itself as THE reliable, trustworthy alternative to PayPal by addressing concerns raised over PayPal’s negative publicity.

    Winning marketing strategy –

    -They acted quickly to capitalize on PayPal’s negative publicity, demonstrating agility and responsiveness.
    – Attention-grabbing and memorable stunt with the ice block, ditching conventional marketing approaches.
    – Targeted Audience: Staging the stunt at PayPal’s developer conference ensured the message reached exactly the right audience – potential customers and partners who might be disillusioned with PayPal.
    – Use of visual storytelling

  94. WePay positioned itself as an alternative to PayPal, emphasizing its commitment to never freezing member accounts. Its main product messaging focused on offering secure and reliable payment processing services.
    The success of WePay’s marketing strategy can be attributed to its bold and attention-grabbing stunt at PayPal’s developer conference, which capitalized on negative publicity surrounding PayPal’s account freezes. The use of visual imagery, such as a massive block of ice with frozen cash, effectively communicated WePay’s message. Additionally, the quick dissemination of the stunt’s coverage on popular tech sites, such as TechCrunch, amplified its reach and generated significant interest, resulting in a substantial increase in conversions, web traffic, and signups despite operating on a limited marketing budget.

  95. wepay made a good valuable alternative and took advantage over their competitors. And they were able to show the audience that they are reliable and trustworthy.

  96. Wepay positioned themselves as an upgrade from paypal. By identifying a flaw in paypal’s operation. Promising people they don’t block accounts like paypal does.

    They capitalized on their market position to become successful.

  97. WePay seized an opportunity for its launch when its competitor, PayPal, received negative publicity about freezing member accounts. WePay showed up at PayPal’s annual developer conference and demonstrated a massive block of ice with frozen cash and the message ‘Paypal freezes your accounts’ in it.
    WePay wanted to assure its users that it would never freeze their accounts. Within about two hours of dropping the ice, WePay’s stunt was on TechCrunch’s front page. It also featured on other popular tech sites. The publicity from the exercise resulted in: three times more conversions on the stunt landing page 225% increase in web traffic 300% increase in signups. This was achieved with a start-up’s limited marketing budget.

  98. * WePay positioning
    Wepay positioned it as a direct alternative to PayPal in the market, by messaging that unlike the present product, Wepay will not breach consumer trust and lock their accounts.
    They identified a gap, a negativity in the operation of PayPal and positioned themselves to fill the gap.

    * Factors that made the marketing strategy successful
    1) WePay made the a public show of to detail on PayPal’s inadequacy launching it’s product. They presented the problem and the alternative.
    2) WePay took advantage of the event of technical and global attendance of experts and enthusiasts, with media coverage to launch their product at the negative expense of an industry giant. The right use of drama and media to market the product.

    1. We pay leveraged on the fact that there was already a negative publicity on PayPal’s services as users accounts were threatened to be frozen and use that as an advantage. Its message was that it would never freeze the account of its users thereby building trust and confidence in its target market.

      The factors in their marketing strategy that made it successful was their product messaging and strategic media influence. Dropping that big bomb in a PayPal developer annual conference with big potential stakeholders and consumers in attendance and also a wide media coverage was a fast way to pass its message across about their product and its advantage over PayPal considering the rumor already going around. And this they did without spending so much as a start up

  99. Positioning and main product messaging of WePay:
    WePay positioned itself as an alternative to PayPal, emphasizing trust and reliability. Its main product messaging focused on the assurance that user accounts would never be frozen, in contrast to the negative publicity surrounding PayPal’s account freezing practices. The message conveyed a sense of security and reliability for users’ financial transactions.

    Specific factors of their marketing strategy contributing to success:
    a. Timeliness and relevance: WePay capitalized on a specific moment of opportunity when PayPal faced negative publicity about freezing member accounts. By demonstrating their commitment to avoiding such practices at PayPal’s developer conference, they captured attention and positioned themselves as a more favorable alternative.
    b. Creative and attention-grabbing stunt: The use of a massive block of ice with frozen cash and a direct message targeting PayPal’s account freezing issues was a highly creative and attention-grabbing stunt. This unconventional approach effectively garnered media attention and captured the interest of both conference attendees and online audiences.
    c. Strategic placement and visibility: Choosing to showcase the stunt at PayPal’s annual developer conference ensured maximum visibility and impact. The stunt directly confronted the audience most likely to be interested in payment processing alternatives, maximizing the effectiveness of the message.
    d. Media coverage amplification: The stunt’s novelty and relevance led to widespread media coverage, with prominent tech news sites like TechCrunch featuring it on their front page. This earned media significantly extended the reach of WePay’s message, exposing it to a broader audience beyond the conference attendees.
    e. Measurable impact: WePay’s marketing strategy was successful not only in generating attention but also in driving tangible results. The significant increases in conversions, web traffic, and signups demonstrated the effectiveness of the campaign in translating attention into user engagement and acquisition, all achieved within the constraints of a limited marketing budget.

  100. We pay took advantage of their competitor’s weakness and positioned itself as a more reliable alternative. They made sure it was done during the conference in order to get across to the targeted audience with the media’s presence.

  101. Wepay launched and positioned itself as the one that wouldn’t freeze customer’s account. They made use of the media and conference to target the audience that are affected by their competitors weakness

  102. WePay positioned itself as a reliable alternative with the message that they will “never freeze customers’ accounts”.
    They made timely use of the media presence to negatively project the competitor’s weakness and pass the visual story using the ice cube with a better message that meets the customers’ needs.

  103. Wepay strategically positioned itself in the market as an alternative to PayPal, reassuring targeted consumers with reliability and trustworthiness. This addressed the issue of account freezing, a gap that PayPal had at the time and which was a pain point of the targeted consumers.
    Wepay further conveyed its value through media engagement, including the stunts during the annual developer conference.

  104. Wepay main message at the conference was to assure the consumers that they will no freeze their account.

    Wepay targeted market segments, using the SWOT analysis this enable them capitalize on the weakness of PayPal.

    Wepay carefully evaluated their competitor thereby lunching their products at the time PayPal failed to meet its consumers needs.

    Wepay created a narrative that assured the consumers of stress free usage of their product because they understood what the consumer needs.

    Wepay took advantage of the launch to position themselves on the social media platforms strategically.

  105. Wepay was able to strategically position it self at a point where paypal was not able to give our its value to consumers, they froze their users account and have lost credibility from the users and wepay was there at that point to give this value to the consumers.

    And to make the consumers be aware of them they dropped a stun that made the front page of a tech newspaper and also featured in lots of tech sites. they made you of the medias to make users aware of the value and services they give or create and that in turn gave them a huge success. They leveraged on their competition’s inadequacies.

  106. WePay positioned itself as a secure alternative to PayPal, emphasizing that it would not freeze user accounts. Its main message was about reliability and trustworthiness.

    The success of WePay’s marketing strategy can be attributed to its timeliness, creativity, and ability to generate significant publicity. The stunt at PayPal’s conference was a bold move that captured attention and effectively communicated WePay’s value proposition. This, combined with the media coverage it received, helped drive conversions, web traffic, and signups.

  107. WePay was able to timely exploit the of her competitor’s weakness and capitalized on the negative publicity by strategically positioning itself as the solution to the problem.

    WePay’s message was straightforward: they would not freeze accounts like PayPal. This clear value proposition resonated with users who were frustrated with PayPal’s policies, leading to a surge in conversions, web traffic, and signups.

    One of the factor, is they had low budgets which made high impacts.

  108. WePay was positioned to by the marketing team to be the best alternative to the challenged Paypal. while the Paypal has lost customer’s credibility after freezing their account, WePay visually and verbally assured customers of not freezing their account. this is their major product message.
    the factor that made this breakthrough feasible is the market research and collecting competitor’s data which was the biggest edge in improving their product development strategy.

  109. WePay carefully researched on PayPal and used their shortcomings as their main marketing strategy : better service and all time access to their accounts. WePay also made use of visuals and storytelling to sell their value : with them, you will always have access to your account.

    From the case study, WePay uses the negative publicity of PayPal to push their product. Should PayPal decide to work on customer feedback and better position themselves in the market, WePay would have to come up with a better marketing strategy, or a new innovation to maintain their market share.

  110. Wepay studied PayPal in the market as a competitor , looked at its weaknesses and capitalized on its major weakness, which is freezing of people’s account.We pay attended PayPal conference and described its features, customer’s problem and solutions to customer’s problem. That gave wepay an edge over paypal and they had customer increase.

  111. WePay was positioned as a better alternative in the market by assuring its target customers of better service. It made a good use of the poor UX of PayPal to sell itself,

  112. WePay was positioned as a better alternative in the market by assuring its target customers of better service.
    Its main product messaging is to assure its customers that their accounts would never be frozen.

    WePay considered using Visual Messaging in driving home its resolve never to freeze customers’ accounts thereby applying the effective use of media strategy for its launch.

    It also adopted the strategy of Researching competitors, in this case, PayPal and used its negative publicity as a basis to profer solution that customers were seeking.

  113. WePay was positioned as a better alternative in the market by assuring its target customers of better service.
    Its main product messaging is to assure its customers that their accounts would never be frozen.

    WePay considered using Visual Messaging in driving home its resolve never to freeze customers’ accounts thereby applying the effective use of media strategy for its launch.

    It also adopted the strategy of Researching competitors, in this case, PayPal and used its negative publicity as a basis to profer solution that customers were seeking.

  114. WePay positioned itself as a more effective and efficient product than its competitor(s) by leveraging on the negative user experience of PayPal to market itself.

    The major marketing strategy is the timely and effective media publicity that came immediately they delivered their product message

  115. Wepay leverage on the weakness of their counterpath. They were able to identify and articulate the target market segment, Evaluate the competition vizaviz the customers feedback. The launch was strategic and they key into it.

    They do not care to splurge into building their product by using the A list publicity companies to advertise their strategy and it worked.

  116. Wepay identified and targeted the most attractive segment of the market ,which is the annual PayPal developers conference and leverage on their competitors negative publicity and use the opportunity to introduce their product and the value it brings by their demonstration, and finally using the SWOT analysis made their strategy successful.

  117. Wepay targeted market segments, evaluated their competitor, plotted a map, and seized the opportunity to assure users that they would not freeze their accounts.

  118. Webpay knew the weakness of their competitor PayPal and leveraged on it.
    The leveraged on the freezing of customer account to convert PayPal customers to theirs knowing that customers were displeased by PayPal’s action

  119. Wepay positioned themselves ar the point where their competitors users were left almost uncovered. They brought themselves into the picture by showing that they can provide equal or even better service than their competitor.
    Their strategy was to use their competitor negative user experience to promote their product. This must have come from thoroughly analyzing their competition’s data

  120. WePay did a competitive analysis on their biggest competitor (Paypal) and leveraged on their research outcome, making clear their product message as to never do what Paypal did to their customers (freezing customers’ accounts).

  121. Wepay was very smart in its market strategy by capitalising on the negative UX from PayPal customers. It presented itself as a more credible brand and promised the customers that they’ll never experience account block from their brand. Wepay used a strategy canvas competitors analysis to drive home its key features, which can be seen in its seamless service delivery style

  122. WePay positioned itself as a more trustworthy alternative to PayPal by capitalizing on the negative publicity surrounding PayPal’s account freezing issues. Its main product messaging emphasized the promise of never freezing user accounts, contrasting itself with PayPal’s perceived shortcomings in this regard.The use of a massive block of ice with frozen cash and a clear message directly targeting PayPal’s issues was attention-grabbing and memorable. This stunt effectively communicated WePay’s positioning as a solution to the problems experienced by PayPal users.

  123. They used emotional intelligence (E. I). Knowing fully well, that clients/users of paypal are not happy with freezing oF accounts, Wepay deployed the opposite by assuring it’s users they wouldn’t “freeze any account”

  124. They consider the varying competitive factor While the product messaging was Wepay we never freeze her user account.

    2) ease of use

  125. Wepay really positioned its self at a very positioning situation in other to attract customers. Using freezing account which is a defect from PayPal to pass information about how reliable there product is.
    They where able to target their competitors mistakes and turn it to there own merit.

  126. WePay marketed it’s product on the grounds of assurance where PayPal’s was sleeping. They understood the market and what customers wanted.

  127. WePay assure its users that it would never freeze their accounts.
    WePay used promotional tactics marketing strategy for its users.

  128. 1. Wepay make use of availability opportunity against it’s competitor, paypal by assuring the public/prospective customer of their commitment and promising to serve them better.
    2. Competitive factor.

  129. WePay assuring the public that it would never block their accounts during the period paypal was receiving negative publicity about freezing its customer’s accounts created awareness that made customers trust and try WePay services.

  130. Wepay which provide the same service as paypal, but wepay used the opportunity when paypay service was down which declined the amount of PayPal’s customers.
    Wepay used the opportunity to reach out to the public through media after launching their services. This awareness make the customers to try wepay service. Also, wepay also considered public feedback from the customers which may improve the service.

  131. Wepay which provide the same service as paypal, but wepay used the opportunity when paypay service was down which declined the amount of PayPal’s customers.
    Wepay used the opportunity to reach out to the public through media after launching their services. This awareness make the customers to try wepay service.

  132. WePay is also servicing the market just like PayPal, they positioned themselves right by making use of the opportunity PayPal refuses to utilize.

    1. The demonstration at PayPal’s annual developer conference.

    2. They were able to target the competitor’s negative publicity and convert them as an advantage to their service.

  133. How was WePay positioned? – WePay provides same service as PayPal, and served the same market segment, and so was a perfect substitute for PayPal.
    What was its main product messaging? – the essence of a fintech is the start-to-end processing of customer’s financial transactions. WePay product messaging was that ‘we are a fintech that will NEVER truncate this basic service from start to finish. Fortunately for them, this was the major let-down for their major competitor at launch time.

    What specific factors of their marketing strategy do you think made it successful?
    1. The demonstration at PayPal’s annual developer conference – they had the ears and eyes of PayPal’s stakeholders.
    2. Targeting the competitor’s negative publicity and converting same to their advantage.
    3. WePay adequately prepared for the resultant deluge of attention the got from the stunt – conversions on the stunt’s landing page, contained the massive web traffic, and managed the signups.

    1. Well said. I am also concerned about the direct attack nature of the stunt by WePay as this may launch the two companies on the war path. I also think this stunt may backfire in the future. Paypal being a finteck company might have frozen the accounts due to regulatory issues for which they have no control. That will mean that WePay may also be forced to freeze accounts in the future hence overpromising and under-delivering on their promises.

  134. Chinazor mbagwu.
    WePay, positioned using product positioning. It analyzed the market and the competitors position( PayPal) ,brought in their own communication messages using their own particular brands produtc images. That they are the best who will not freeze accounts of their customers….they had the perfect timing.

    There market strategy was characteristics based positioning,giving them a space in the market, to deliver value to its customers.

  135. My attempt on the case study involving WePay and Paypal:
    Wepay was positioned effectively in the sense that they had a defined target of customers. By monitoring, assessing and evaluating their competitor’s market (PayPal), they knew where they will get such customers as well. The annual developer’s conference gave them the opportunity they needed to reach their target customers, capitalizing on the negative publicity PayPal received from freezing of customer’s account.

    They were clear and specific about their product and the problem it intends to solve and what differentiates them from PayPal; They won’t freeze customers’ accounts. This stunt alone gave them the needed publicity they needed in all relevant media platforms, projecting their message.

    2. Factors of the marketing strategy that made them successful include;
    i- Effective market research. Understanding what their customers want and the problem they needed to solve.
    ii- Clear and effective product narrative. What they want to do and the benefits to their customers
    iii-Assessing competitor and basic SWOT analysis

    I am open to further objective criticisms, corrections and discussions please. Thank you.

  136. How was WePay positioned and what was its main product messaging?
    WePay was positioned as a better choice to the customers because they seized the opportunity when PayPal was having bad publicity of disappointing their customers/clients.

    What specific factors of their marketing strategy do you think made it successful?
    1. Timing: WePay strategized accurately with timing because they used the right time that their competitors (PayPal) was having challenges to advertise their product.
    Message: WePay passed the right message to clients that their product will not fail them unlike that of PayPal.

  137. Looking at the situation, two factors helped WePay to have a successful product launch, viz:

    1. Message: their message ‘it would never freeze its users’ accounts’, unlike PayPal, was professionally chosen, because it ignite the customers against their competitor and help them articulate their better solution that can make the customers finally swing position.

    2. Timing: the right message might come at the wrong time but it is not so in the case of we pay because the message came at the time Paypal was having a negative review which will make the users see the need for a better alternative at the time.

  138. WePay positioned as a better alternative to PayPal with the message ‘it would never freeze its users’ accounts’, unlike PayPal, which had a reputation for doing so.

    One factor is the timing of their launch, which coincided with PayPal’s negative publicity. This created a contrast between the two companies and generated buzz among the target audience.

  139. Wepay targeted PayPal and seize the opportunity at the right time. Ensuring users that they are reliable and trustworthy.

  140. wepay was positioned as a better product than its competitor paypal especially for people who do more of online payments and transactions. Its messaging was assuring customers that their accounts would never be freezed as paypal did.

    what led to the product success?
    1. Timing: they seized the right time that their competitors were having a challenge for their product launch and it worked for them.
    2.Messaging; the messaging was concise and clear and easy to understand.
    I love their strategy, they saw a lapse with their competitors product and created a better product and it worked.
    Also, their marketing strategy is top notch.

  141. How was WePay positioned and what was its main product messaging?
    WePay was positioned as a better alternative to PayPal, especially for small businesses and individuals who rely on online payments and transactions.
    Its main product messaging was that it would never freeze its users’ accounts, unlike PayPal, which had a reputation for doing so. It also emphasized its simplicity, security, and customer service.

    What specific factors of their marketing strategy do you think made it successful?
    One factor is the timing of their launch, which coincided with PayPal’s negative publicity. This created a contrast between the two companies and generated buzz among the target audience.

    1. they are good at what they do. their competitors weakness gave them the opportunity to evaluate their product and do the necessary adjustments as to make it a better product to paypal.

  142. In my opinion, WePay was positioned as a more user-friendly and reliable alternative to PayPal. Its main product messaging was that it would never freeze users’ accounts, unlike PayPal. This messaging was effective in creating a positive impression of WePay, and differentiating it from its competitors.

    The factors that made WePay’s marketing strategy successful were:
    – Timing: WePay capitalized on PayPal’s negative publicity and used it as an opportunity to position itself as a better alternative.
    – Messaging: The messaging was clear, concise, and memorable. The image of frozen cash was particularly powerful and evocative.
    The success of WePay’s marketing strategy highlights the importance of being agile and responsive to changes in the market. However, there were some risks associated with the strategy. First, there was the risk that WePay could be perceived as being opportunistic or exploitative of PayPal’s negative publicity. Second, WePay’s message could have been misinterpreted or seen as an attack on PayPal, which could have backfired.

    1. I think that this could backfire if WePay fails to deliver on its promise of not freezing accounts or if it faces any technical or legal issues that affect its service quality or reputation.

  143. WePay utilised the SWOT analysis process effectively by identifying the weakness of PayPal and took the opportunity to present and publicise the strength of their account, and the safety of the customer’s money was assured.

  144. Wepay studied alternatives and used the mistake to in showcasing there own strength, it assures the customers of what to get.