
A comprehensive view on resource overload ( PM Course discussion)

How do resource smoothing and resource leveling differ from each other? Resource smoothing aims to maintain original project deadlines while increasing project costs. On the other hand, resource leveling does not alter the existing resource capacity but instead emphasizes rescheduling, which may have an impact on project deadlines. The accompanying diagram, sourced from the APM […]

What is quality [PM Course discussion]

Various definitions of the concept of quality have been put forward. One generic definition (Pass, 2006b) is as follows: The overall characteristics of a product or service that fulfill the requirements of customers in terms of quality. This definition aligns with the viewpoint of Joseph Juran, who, in the 1950s, defined quality as ‘fitness for […]

Your experiences of diversity in teams (PM Course discussion)

Experts have a clear understanding of the potential advantages that diversity brings to teams and organizations. APM acknowledges that diverse teams generally outperform homogeneous ones. This correlation is increasingly evident in the performance and financial outcomes of organizations. Does this align with your personal experience? In a previous section, you explored exceptional and high-performing teams. […]

Apply what you’ve learned (PM Course Discussion)

Put yourself in the role of a project manager collaborating with MTD, an events company. Considering the difficulties and problems that MTD encounters in their projects, what insights have you gained this week that could offer assistance? If an iterative approach were employed in organizing an event as a project, what would be the consequences? […]

Acting ethically – (PM Course Discussion)

It is now time to review a case study that focuses on ethical behavior. Access the Open APM’s ethics case study resource provided below to read a scenario concerning ethics in projects. Can you pinpoint a few instances of professional conduct highlighted in this scenario? Reflect on the skills employed to integrate ethical considerations into […]

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