Let’s take a look at how Apple creates great examples of products that create positive user experiences and set the standard for similar products offered by competitors:

  • The iPhone 5 smartphone used a revolutionary design, with its all-metal case and glass front, giving users a highly usable, quality product that fulfilled the basic functions of a smartphone with the desirable features of luxury and ease of use. [1]
  • Apple’s 2012 MacBook Air set new standards for laptop aesthetics by enabling the Apple logo to light up as well as offering users the world’s slimmest laptop design at the time. It left Windows laptops playing catch-up for many years, particularly in the elements of desirable ‘look and feel’. [2]

Apple continues to ensure that creating delight for user experience is present in all its products by setting standards for product design.

Instructions: Describe a good or bad experience with Apple OR any product

Think about products that you have had a good or bad experience with and respond to the questions.

  1. Reflect on a good or bad experience you had when using an Apple product or another similar product.
  2. Post your experience in the community discussion group. Why do you think your experience was positive or negative? Provide reasons for your answer.
  3. Respond to at least one of your peers’ responses to see if anyone experienced the same as you. What do you think of their reasons?

Next, let’s take a look at how you can apply design thinking for your product design and development.

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247 thoughts on “Practical activity 2: Product Management Course: How does Apple create positive UX?

  1. My Experience with Tecno Spark 4Air and Infinix Hot 40i

    My Experience with Tecno Spark 4Air
    I had used the Tecno Spark 4Air with 32GB storage and 4GB RAM for quite some time. My experience with this device was mostly positive. The phone had a decent camera and satisfactory battery life and was quite affordable. However, there were some limitations, particularly with storage and performance. With only 32GB of storage, I frequently found myself deleting apps and photos to make space. Additionally, the 4GB RAM struggled with multitasking and running more demanding applications, which led to occasional lagging and slowdowns.

    My Transition to Infinix Hot 40i
    Recently, I switched to the Infinix Hot 40i with 128GB storage and 8GB RAM, and the difference has been remarkable. The increased storage capacity has been a game-changer, allowing me to download more apps and store more photos and videos without constantly worrying about space. The 8GB RAM has significantly improved the phone’s performance, making multitasking smoother and reducing lag. The Infinix Hot 40i also boasts a better camera and a more modern design, which enhances the overall user experience.

    Why My Experience Was Positive
    The primary reasons for my positive experience with the Infinix Hot 40i are:

    Increased Storage: The 128GB storage is ample for my needs, eliminating the constant hassle of managing space.
    Enhanced Performance: The 8GB RAM allows for better multitasking and smoother operation of applications.
    Better Camera: Improved camera quality has been a pleasant upgrade, making it easier to capture high-quality photos and videos.
    Modern Design: The sleek design and better build quality add to the overall satisfaction.

  2. Apple has been able to develop a good product that really hit the market. Let’s take any instance of iPhone. iPhone is a good initiative which captivate the young minds. I love the fact that the camera is so clear and beautiful. Kudo to Apple for that.
    Though i don’t use any apple product at the moment but my friends do complain about the life span of the battery:
    1. Storage capacity
    2. Competition of upgrade on the level of iPhone they use: they always feel like upgrading each time and i ask myself why? but they do feel the latest grade is the best…
    3. Cost of purchase

  3. Apple is a great product no doubt. The features and designs is brilliant but the negative experience I have using apple is the
    . Cost
    . Battery health
    . Memory space
    The feature has made it lesss beautiful experience using the apple product tho I have read/heard the apple product are made for limited time-use.
    Overall apple is a great and competitive brand all over the world.

  4. I ave not actually used any of the apply products.But my friend had a frustrating experience with Apple’s customer support. For instance, he tried to repair his iPhone’s faulty battery, but the support team insisted on replacing the entire device, despite the warranty covering only the battery. The process was time-consuming, and the he felt misled and undervalued.

    This experience was negative due to poor communication, inflexible policies, and a lack of empathy from the support team. It highlighted the importance of effective customer service and clear warranty explanations.

  5. I have always had a good experience with Techno products generally and trust they are really good at what they do. I’ve never been a lover of Apple and Samsung products as I believe it is overrated. Being a Techno User for almost a decade made me realize that you always get the value of what you are paying for and not being fake with their products as each product they produce always has its own unique feature that customers will always want to get no matter the price.

  6. The bad experience I had with a MacBook PC was the minimizing feature with three fingers, which enabled you to minimize several tabs on different activities you’re working on at the same.
    I think my experience was negative because I was always reluctant to use the MacBook PC for anything.

    I agree with enobrosky on his last statement as well.. As this features can initially be different and annoying but becomes easy to use as time goes

  7. My experience was with a Macbook. I acquired a Macbook different from all the Windows operating laptops I had ever used, which was plug-and-play. The Macbook is a lot preferable but my initial experience was mind-boggling. I kept going to the outlet to install apps I needed because the downloads did not have easy permissions with Apple. I eventually had to list out all the apps that I use and had them installed at my dealership. It is now a very seamless user experience but initially, it all seemed cumbersome and needed a bit of getting used to.

  8. Apple products are good and unique but I don’t like the uniqueness of not being able to interface with android phones, you can’t data easily.
    I got an idino iPad lately but my user experience wasn’t good. 1.The battery life is low and 2. poor response time. One good thing is the price, I guess you can’t have it all..

  9. Using an iPhone comes with so many issues for new user.
    Creating iCloud
    And the cloud size compared to android

  10. Using an iPhone comes with many benefits the camera and the good quality but also comes with battery issues , low phone storage and sometimes Face ID.My response is negative due to the large responses have been getting from people who used this product and i have experienced it before.

  11. Owning a phone,Infinix hot 8, sometimes feels like it’s outdated because of some functions but then the good part of using the phone is more than the bad.

    It has served me over 3years without repair and it still functions well, aside the hanging which I know is as a result of much load.

    My experiences illustrate how a product device like the Infinite Hot 7 phone can vary greatly in terms of user satisfaction based on its features, performance, and overall usability.
    Good Experience:
    Owning the Infinite Hot 7 phone has been an absolute delight. The sleek design coupled with a vibrant display makes it a pleasure to use for both work and entertainment. The phone’s performance is top-notch, handling multitasking effortlessly thanks to its powerful processor and ample RAM of 1gb with storage space of 16gb. The camera quality exceeds expectations, capturing sharp photos and videos in various lighting conditions. Battery life is another standout feature, easily lasting me through a full day of heavy usage without needing a recharge. What impresses me the most is the phone’s user-friendly interface and the seamless integration of useful features like facial recognition and fast charging. Overall, the Infinite Hot 7 has become my go-to device, offering a fantastic blend of style, performance, and reliability. The Infinite Hot7 phone is a phone that has 3G network but it can work with 4G Sim card , software Android version of 8.1.0
    Bad Experience:
    My experience with the Infinite Hot 7 phone has been frustrating and disappointing. Despite its attractive design, the phone suffers from significant performance issues. It frequently lags and freezes, especially when running multiple apps or playing games, which severely impacts usability. The camera quality is mediocre, often producing grainy or blurry photos even in well-lit environments. Battery life is another major letdown, barely lasting a few hours with minimal usage before needing a recharge. The phone’s software is buggy, with frequent crashes and slow updates exacerbating the usability problems. This phone is not compatibles with some software like Upwork and some games Overall, the Infinite Hot 7 phone has failed to live up to its promises, leaving me dissatisfied with its performance and reliability.

  13. My experience with Techno and its related phones wasn’t good, and I concluded that I wouldn’t use the product again, no matter how sleek, beautiful or well-advertised it is.

    The software kept failing me from time to time. I was a regular face at their Service center, and it made me lose time and money.

  14. Product: iPhone 12

    Given Apple’s reputation for innovation, quality, and user experience, the release of iPhone 112 was met with very high user expectations

    Positive Aspects:

    Design and Build Quality: it was a sleek, modern design with a ceramic shield front cover that promises better durability.
    Performance: Being powered by the A14 Bionic chip, the iPhone 12 delivered exceptional performance. Apps launched quickly, multitasking was smooth, and games ran flawlessly. The phone handled all tasks with ease, from basic daily activities to intensive processing tasks like video editing.
    Display: The OLED display provided vibrant colors, deep blacks, and impressive brightness levels. Watching videos and playing games was an immersive experience.
    Camera Quality: The dual-camera system produced outstanding photos and videos. The Night mode worked exceptionally well, capturing clear and detailed images in low-light conditions.
    5G Connectivity: The iPhone 12 was one of the first iPhones to support 5G, providing faster internet speeds and improved connectivity. This was particularly useful for streaming high-quality content and downloading large files quickly.
    Ecosystem Integration: Seamless integration with other Apple products enhanced the overall experience. Features like AirDrop, Handoff, and Continuity made it easy to switch between devices and share information effortlessly. Using the iPhone alongside my MacBook and Apple Watch created a cohesive and efficient workflow.

    Negative Aspects:

    Battery Life: The battery life wasn’t significantly better than previous models. On days of heavy use, it needed frequent recharge

    Storage Options: The base model starting with 64GB of storage felt insufficient for a high-end smartphone, especially considering the capabilities of its camera and the potential size of apps and games. Upgrading to higher storage options was relatively expensive.

    Lack of Charger in the Box: Apple’s decision to not include a charger in the box was controversial. While the move was explained as an effort to reduce electronic waste, it required many users to purchase a separate charger, especially those new to the iPhone ecosystem or without compatible chargers.

    Overall Experience: The iPhone 12 exceeded user expectations in many areas, particularly in performance, camera quality, and design. It reinforced why Apple is a leader in the smartphone industry. The seamless integration with other Apple devices and the overall user experience were standout positives showcasing Apple’s commitment to quality and innovation.

  15. I have always had a good experience with Samsung products generally and trust they are really good at what they do. I’ve never been a lover of Apple products as I believe it is overrated. Being a Samsung User for almost a decade made me realize that you always get the value of what you are paying for and not being fake with their products as each product they produce always has its own unique feature that customers will always want to get no matter the price.

  16. I’m very impressed with my Redmi Note 13. The performance is very fast. The camera system is good too, it’s even a big deal for me. The battery life is incredible, it lasts a day and a half.
    The design thinking approach they’ve taken has resulted in a product that meets and even exceeds expectations. I like to see brands like this pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the smartphone market

  17. I would love to use META AI as a product i have lot’s of UX experience
    I am not really a fan of Apple Products

    First of i was really pissed off when facebook introduced the Meta Ai into their search
    hence depriving me of the quick search on similar things i could easily buy on facebook through a simple search

    For couple of hours i couldn’t find what i desperately need which was initially the easiest thing for me to do on Facebook search button

    I thought to myself, Meta Ai is okay but can some of us still have an option to either use the regular search button or the Meta AI button

    Not impose on the user what they should use. I almost uninstalled the app on my phone just because i could not search for a particular vendor i needed within facebook.
    Luckily, the next day i noticed facebook now had an option to choose

    My second User Experience was with Pepsi black cover and blue Cover
    No matter how expensive the Blue cover of pepsi was, i still would have gotten it because of the taste and feeling i got from a simple bottle of pepsi….but pepsi on long run FORCED the public to use the black of which i clearly stopped patronizing their product because of how sugaring it was and i no longer even recommend it.

  18. Nokia has good products, long lasting battery life, and easy to carry everywhere but the cost was not friendly. This was the problem when Nokia introduced smartphones that the sales dropped, not only that, other products that were not as quality as Nokia products took over the market and this cost the company a lot.

    1. You’re right. Their durability and battery life were indeed legendary, and their phones were often considered indestructible.I think thier situation is a classic case of disruptive innovation because of their slow adaptation to the smartphone revolution and high pricing strategy. This might be one of so many reasons that led to their decline though

  19. I have always had a good experience with Samsung and believer they are really good at what they do. Each phone the produce always has its own unique feature that customers will always want to get
    , same goes with IPhone

  20. For a positive experience, Apple products like Mackbook are great products.
    Then in terms of the negative part, Mackbook ways of using and navigating are kind of stressful.
    Too many protocols and restrictions are a big inconvenience.

  21. Itel 33plus is awesome in terms of battery durability, padded battery or inbuilt battery, fancy colour designs, affordability and user friendly.
    However, poor picture quality, small size RAM, sluggish charging are major pitfalls that needs to addressed in order to compete.

  22. I remember the iPhone 4 had antenna/cellular signal issues. This was no deliberate. They came up with an almost revolutionary way to design smartphone antennas but due to insufficient testing, they did not correctly predict how it would work when released. This radical new design led to poor cellular signals when held (with the left hand. weird right?). If Apple had not already built up a lot of good will, it could have been a very costly mistake for them. The user experience of the iPhone 4 is pretty poor when compared to other iPhones. Safe to say that lessons were learned.

  23. I had a bad experience with the crypto currency exchange mobile app. They had a massive app install campaign with a very good promise on the value to be delivered to the customers, which got thousands of users to join a wait list before the app launch. First, there were several delays on the app launch and after it was finally launched, the user experience was nothing that the users expected. It was really disappointing

  24. my first smart phone was a windows HTC, at the time they were not really called smart phones. it was a very good experience
    it had one home button, everything else was screen touch. big screen and a touch pen.
    the downside was probably because there was no continuity and they failed to build on the success.

  25. Several years ago, I used NOKIA phone. It is not a desirable experience to me compared to the phones now because the size of the phone, weight of the phone and the style of the ringing tones.

    1. This is why nokia lost a massive market share and even the small brands are now even more innovative in their product delivery

  26. Sometimes ago I bought a Samsung J5 mobile phone with a very attractive design,I was fascinated with it but as time goes on I discover the phone battery was not strong as supposed.
    I was so disappointed and devastated that I have to dispose the phone cheaply

  27. I used a microsoft phone some years back, the experience was not positive, I could barely navigate the phone and the battery life was very bad that I changed it twice.

    I would not recommend the product to anyone.

    1. I remember these phones. I never used them but being in IT support, I had to support them. The phones were so bad that their resale value reflected how poorly made they were.

    2. Most Microsoft phones are like that and that was the cause of the reasons they were lost in the market.

  28. I had used a Sony Xperia phone, I love the functionality and the browsing speed but I wasn’t pleased with the rate at which the battery runs down. Then power was not in existence, so I have to buy additional smaller phone for backup.

  29. A product I used that give me positive user experience is Solar light and fan, I saw their Ad on social media then, and decided to try it out, search for their office and purchase it, like 3 years back….. Still enjoying it till now, easy to assemble, no need of engineer, reduce my cost on fuel, it is useful, accessible, usable, delightful and still performing greatly till now.

  30. A product I used was an app called Battery charger doctor, i saw an ad on YouTube and the theme available and colors were very catchy and amazing but upon downloading it was the absolute opposite, it didn’t have the amazing themes I saw on the ad, I deleted immediately.

  31. I had a good experience using Redmi Note 7Pro. From the phone design to the camera quality, to the battery life and functionality. The phone is everything.

    Evelyn Edomwonyi

  32. I had a good experience using Redmi Note 7Pro. From the phone design to the camera quality, to the battery life and functionality. The phone is everything

  33. in my case,i am a lover of samsung products.i started with s6 series ,though i had challenges with battery life and constant heat generated by the phone but when i started using advanced versions of samesung,i came to like it more .this is to say the poducts are upgraded every time to meet the needs of end users.Talking about apple products,am not really into them but i can relate they have the same vission with samsung as they both compete the market.

  34. As a Samsung Galaxy S20+ user, I have encountered a few concerns with my device. Firstly, I’ve experienced UI (User Interface) glitches or display issues, where the screen occasionally flickers or exhibits visual artifacts. Additionally, the touchscreen responsiveness can be inconsistent at times, leading to frustrating moments when the screen fails to register inputs accurately. Another area of concern is the camera performance, as I’ve noticed problems with autofocus, blurry photos, or inconsistent image quality in certain lighting conditions. Despite these hiccups, I must say that overall, I am thoroughly enjoying the features and capabilities of the Samsung Galaxy S20+. The device has impressed me with its powerful performance, sleek design, and a plethora of innovative features that enhance my mobile experience.

  35. 1. What product did you use?
    I used a high-end smartphone from a leading brand.

    2. What was your experience with the product?
    My experience was very positive. The smartphone had a sleek design, excellent camera quality, long battery life, and a user-friendly interface.

    3. What aspects of the product did you like? I particularly liked the camera’s high resolution and various shooting modes, the fast processing speed, the vibrant display, and the seamless integration with other devices and services.

    4. Were there any aspects you didn’t like?

    The only minor issue was the price, which was quite high, but considering the features and performance, it was worth the investment.

    5. Would you recommend this product to others? Why or why not?

    Yes, I would definitely recommend this smartphone to others because of its superior performance, high-quality camera, and reliable battery life, which make it an excellent choice for both work and leisure.

    Product 2: Budget Headphones (Bad Experience)

    1. What product did you use?
    I used a pair of budget wireless headphones from a lesser-known brand.

    2. What was your experience with the product?

    My experience was disappointing. The headphones had poor sound quality, short battery life, and were uncomfortable to wear for extended periods.

    3. What aspects of the product did you like?

    The only aspect I liked was the wireless feature, which allowed for more mobility compared to wired headphones.

    4. Were there any aspects you didn’t like? I disliked the poor sound quality, including muffled audio and weak bass. The battery life was also inadequate, lasting only a couple of hours on a full charge. Additionally, the headphones felt bulky and uncomfortable.

    5. Would you recommend this product to others? Why or why not?
    No, I would not recommend these headphones to others. Despite being affordable, the trade-offs in sound quality, comfort, and battery life make them a poor choice compared to slightly more expensive but better-performing alternatives.

  36. I once had an experience with iPhone, I had to be going about with powerbank which can be consuming. I had to go back to my Android.

    1. This reminds me of my HTC home then. It can be very hot after a long usage. But then the phone was like speed. I love everything about it except for the heat and battery life

      1. I used HTC too, as a windows phone. i didn’t really experience the hot battery but then phones didn’t have ‘apps’ per say

  37. I encountered a problem with my Android device and was given an iPhone to use temporarily. It was quite a headache. Normally, I enjoy exploring phone features on my own without needing a manual, but the iPhone felt particularly frustrating. Navigating the interface was stressful, and the phone’s complexity didn’t suit me. I was extremely relieved when I got my Android device back.

  38. I have great experience using my phone I first brought but now its starting to becoming but the features are nice

  39. I recently upgraded to the newest iPhone, and I couldn’t be happier with it—from the flawless setup and exceptional performance to the superb camera and first-rate customer service, everything about my experience has been excellent. The easy integration with my other Apple devices has also improved the user experience overall.

  40. I can vividly remember that I had a very bad experience with my Samsung Galaxy S6 edge which does not have a long duration of battery usage. The battery runs out swiftly In areas I visited which had power outage almost all the time.

    Why I had to give this comment is because of the frustrating time I had using the phone.

  41. I have had a very good experience with my Lenovo laptop, I love working with rim or subdued light, and the keyboard light function of the laptop enabled that I could work and type continuously under low light conditions

  42. I’ve had a great experience with Apple, specifically with my iPhone. One of the things that impressed me was how fast and responsive it is – I never experienced any lag or slow loading times, which made using it a pleasure. The camera was also exceptional, taking high-quality photos and videos that I was proud to share.

    On the other hand, I had a frustrating experience with my current phone (not an Apple product) when it came to multitasking. Unlike my iPhone, I couldn’t minimize apps and switch between them easily, which was inconvenient and slowed me down.

    Overall, my experience with Apple has been positive, with the iPhone’s speed and camera quality standing out as highlights. The seamless performance and user-friendly design made it a joy to use.

  43. Reliability: Apple products are known for their reliability and longevity, reducing the need for frequent replacements and maintenance costs.
    It also ensures that product is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, ergonomic, safe, and efficient which could be a blessing and a curse at the same time cos IPhone 6s,X, and 12pro has all of the fore mentioned properties and qualities but has a downside with redundant temperature increase while using it as a result of this the battery level drains faster and charges at a terribly low speed or doesn’t even charge at all till the temperature cools off literally.

  44. I am having a positive experience using a Redmi 13c android phone.It wasn’t difficult figuring out how to use the phone and there was minimal difficulty accessing and utilising the different features. But what I really find delightful using this product was the wallpaper feature that updates every morning giving me beautiful quotes, pictures, and health tips. My user experience with this product is great.

  45. Reflecting on my Positive Experience with Apple Products
    One of my best experiences with an Apple product was with the iPhone 8. Here are the reasons why my experience was positive.
    Friendly User Interface: The iPhone 8’s interface was extremely straightforward and simple to use. The architecture and design of the iOS operating system make it simple to identify and utilize apps and services, even for those who are not particularly tech-savvy.
    Performance: The iPhone 8 ran well with minimal lag, whether I was using apps, playing games, or browsing the web. The A11 Bionic chip guaranteed that everything operated smoothly.

  46. During my National diploma in school, I could remember vividly I sold my Nokia 2610c and add money to buy a second hand symbian phone. Solely because the symbian phone offers a very captivating feature I’ve never used before, the ability to navigate several apps without having to close any by minimizing the apps. It was a surreal feeling and I was elated to have experience it.

  47. I honestly haven’t used any apple product but, I have siblings and friends who do.
    I can say that apple products are built as celebrity products because they are very sophisticated and have great features.
    The downside I noticed is that it doesn’t have lasting batteries, making users to carry battery bank up and down, also apple products have distinct charging devices, making it difficult for users to charge their devices with other chargers meant for non Apple devices.
    Apple products are equally very expensive and lack secondhand values (price wise).

    As a matter of personal preference, I don’t desire to own an iPhone, despite it’s sophisticated features.

    1. I totally agree with you on this. Apple products, especially the iPhones are very expensive for an average living person in Nigeria, and the fact that they don’t have a lasting battery life that comes with a distinctive charger makes feel less interested in their products. If you ask me to choose between Tecno camon 20 with a 5000mah battery and iPhone XR with about 3000mah, don’t be disappointed if I go for the Tecno cus of the battery capacity considering crippling power supply in my region. However I believe Apple iPhones have improved overtime in terms of battery, designs and inbuilt features that aids seamless usage of the product.

  48. I haven’t used an Apple phone before, but my sisters do. i don’t mind having one…lol

    Apple phones are complex, but great. am not happy with Apple phone because it doesn’t share files with other phones, and it make things difficult e.g. you cannot transfer document to another device but other device like Samsung is compactible to other device.

    Apple phones is the world best phones for me because of all their features and their camera is top notch.

  49. In my opinion, I think Apple build features that are simple in complex and difficult ways just in the name of luxury and sophistication. Originally, an average person may not be able to identify or utilize Apple products features to its maximum potential without assistance from someone who has an idea on how it works unlike Samsung phone or HP laptop which is easy to navigate and understand without training.

    1. I totally agree with you in your assessment of Apple products. I personally think they build complex features in the name of sophistication.

    2. My thoughts exactly! The one time I used an iPhone temporarily was a frustrating experience. I was so relieved to get my Android device fixed and return to seamless, stress-free navigation.

  50. My first time of using an apple iPhone i was not happy because it cannot share files with other phones then not until Xender was integrated. However, the clarity of the camera was top notch and i am loving it.

  51. Apple got to the market with a very unique features starting with a brighter camera with long durability unlike other brands that the camera reduces brightness as it’s used. Fast charging features, smooth and seamless calibration. Including the iCloud features that helps iPhone users to safe apps and important folders without fear of losing the phone.

  52. The iphone is such a great phone with beautiful aesthetics and excellent design appealing to users. Its simple and classy physical appearance, high-quality camera, portable size, and high screen resolution among other features made the product team stand out. I must commend the design team for developing the modern design for smartphones creating a strong brand name that other competitors are only struggling to catch up with. However, the product has some limitations such as poor battery duration which requires African users to buy power banks alongside the phones, very expensive, making it a celebrity kind of phone, and high-value depression; for instance, an iPhone bought for N1.5m can be sold for N450k in second-hand value after using it for less than 1 year. A very high depression rate compared to other phones.

  53. Apple is a good product, has really nice features and quite easy to navigate but the general issue has always been the battery life span and all.
    But nobody talks about the space usage, about how it gets full so fast and being asked to buy space on iCloud.

  54. Apple makes their products really easy to use and beautiful to look at. They use fancy materials and keep things simple so anyone can use them.

    Apple makes sleek and user-friendly devices. My iPad, for example, is easy to set up. The screen is amazing, and everything works smoothly. Plus, it connects perfectly with my iPhone and Macbook. However, the battery life could be better.

  55. Iphones has a great camera no doubt and this is one of the reasons it stands out. but most iphone users will agree with me that the battery life span is nothing to write home about. its so discouraging and annoying.

  56. Iphones has a great camera no doubt and this is one of the reasons the stands out. but most iphone users will agree with me that the battery life span is nothing to write home about. its so discouraging and annoying.

    1. Iphones has a great camera no doubt and this is one of the reasons the stands out. but most iphone users will agree with me that the battery life span is nothing to write home about. its so discouraging and annoying.

  57. Apple for me,created a bad experience as it’s battery life is terrible, it also has phone heating issues and screen freezing issues.
    Aside this bad experience it’s second to none for having user friendly functions,an amazing camera that contributes to building lasting memories,it has a simple and beautiful appearance. it has a social relevance.

  58. I had a positive experience with the Apple iPhone XR, particularly with its impressive camera capabilities. The device’s single-camera system delivered stunning photos with vibrant colors and excellent clarity, even in challenging lighting conditions. The Portrait Mode feature produced professional-looking photos with beautifully blurred backgrounds, adding a touch of sophistication to my shots. Additionally, the Smart HDR feature enhanced the dynamic range of photos, resulting in more balanced and lifelike images. Overall, the iPhone XR’s camera exceeded my expectations, allowing me to capture memorable moments with exceptional quality and ease.

  59. I had a bad experience with DSTV Settlling in for a relaxing evening, looking forward to catching up on my favorite shows with my DSTV subscription. However, as I turn on the TV and navigate to the desired channel, I was met with frustration. The signal is weak, causing the picture to pixelate and freeze intermittently.

    I try troubleshooting by rebooting the decoder, but the issue persists. Frustrated, I call the customer service line, only to be put on hold for an extended period. When I finally reach a representative,I was met with a scripted responses and unhelpful suggestions that I have already tried.

    After what feels like hours of troubleshooting, I was informed that a technician will need to be dispatched to my location, but the earliest appointment available is several days away. Feeling disappointed and let down by the service, I resign myself to missing out on my favorite shows until the issue was resolved.

    As the days pass, I find myself increasingly frustrated with the inconvenience and lack of reliable service. Despite being a loyal subscriber, I can’t help but feel disillusioned by the recurring technical issues and poor customer support. This bad experience with my DSTV subscription leaves me questioning whether it’s worth continuing the service at all.

  60. Let’s talk about the iPhone – an almost must-have in the digital world. I’ve used a couple of iPhones, and I must say, it’s been a pretty solid experience. But hey, nobody’s perfect, right?

    On the good side of things, I have to give it up for the iPhone’s sleek design and user-friendly interface. I mean, it’s like Apple just gets me, you know? Everything from the layout to the gestures feels intuitive and easy to use, which is a big win in my book.

    And not forgetting the camera – with an iPhone, everyone, including me, is a professional photographer. Whether I’m capturing everyday moments or trying to get that perfect Instagram shot, the iPhone delivers stunning results every time.

    But with the iPhone, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Every now and then, I’ve run into some annoying bugs and glitches that make me want to pull my hair out. Like, sometimes, the screen randomly freezes when I am in the middle of something important. I’ve had my iphone crash a few times, I still don’t know what those were about. And don’t even get me started on the battery life. It’s like the struggle is real trying to make it through the day without constantly hunting down a charger. Sometimes I feel like I’m tethered to the nearest power outlet just to keep my phone alive.

    But hey, despite its flaws, I have to say, I’m still a loyal iPhone user. It may not be perfect, but it’s got enough going for it to keep me coming back for more.

  61. Samsung product is actually one of the best and their technology adaptation is also impressive but they need to do better with their phone screen, despite the phones sleekness and functionalities, the cost of repair is beyond normal threshold. Sometimes I feel it’s probably to discourage people from repair and rather purchase another one but this has scare many people off purchase Samsung mobile in some cases

    1. I totally agree with this, having used a Samsung phone before, I can say they have top notch values and aesthetics but the fragility of the screen need to be worked upon

  62. I had a bad experience using one of the dating apps called ihappy.
    Too many ads, like if you try to reply to messages or view a profile, for every single two seconds ads pump up making it difficult for easy access and to utilize the app well. After two days of my bad experience, I have to delete my account.

  63. I actually agree that Apple products stand out and they also create a positive user experience.
    Talking about MTN, I love the network but when it comes to the data, it finishes so fast that I will sometimes wonder how come. I love the network in that it is very fast when browsing but the rate at which it get exhausted is too fast when compared to others

  64. I had a bad experience using Whatsapp to do business. Because messages sent are end to end encrypted, criminals, fraudsters messages cannot be traced by detective and at such won’t be caught. I think something can be done about it.

  65. I have a bad experience using WhatsApp, they making features customers don’t need but what they think we should need. you can’t use WhatsApp properly if you have lots of activities going on there, messages come in slowly. Telegram is 100% better they come up with lots of things I am so speechless about, even if you have 20k messages it just connects once, it’s seem less not gonna lie

    1. Yes, they put more effort into what they think the users want without identifying if the users truly love it which does make sense.

  66. I had a bad experience using a product called Zizou can drink in Northern Part of Nigeria, the opening of the mouth to drink was so difficult that it pours on somebody’s body, the opening needs a review design for easy drinking.
    Also, I used a Gionee F6L phone and I have a good experience still using this phone, I love the phone for its simple features that look modern and flexible and easy to use. Its sizeable nature makes it convenient to handle, I have bought other phones yet I still hold on to the phone.

  67. I acknowledge the fact that Apple has set some standard in both it aesthetic and the value it offered, my bad experience is with Samsung, although Samsung too offered a to top notch value and aesthetic for it users but the only things I don’t really like about their product is the flexibility of their screens and how it is expensive and scarce, apart from that, they have been up well and doing in other aspects.

  68. Yeah…I totally agreed that apple products standard out from all its competitors. Its functionalities are user friendly but apple products are meant for premium people and not for everyone. It is not all individual that can afford this product.
    On the second hand, VIVO product is one of my best brand when it comes to gadgets. Its standard is incomparable, strong, easy to operate, high durability battery, with a topnotch device performance. Above all, it’s affordable.

    1. You are right, I totally agree with you though I have not tried VIVO products, I have used other products instead. I think Apple needs to look at the cost of their products but the security of their products is top notch, and they keep redesigning to remain relevant in the market, but needs to be affordable as you said.

  69. No doubt Apple products stands out in aesthetics and I believe it’s user experience should align however, I am not sure it’s cost is for all classes of users. Based on this, it’s maintenance also can be challenging if my experience using Oppo A55 is anything to go by. I have had screen issues and changed it for about 6 times in 18 months. This is unlike other phones I have used not to talk of using a more expensive in the class of apple products.

  70. Am Maria Vincent Olayemi Appel has created a solid foundation that stand them out. outside other product, Apple creates great examples of products that create positive user Friedly experiences and set the standard that create long lasting impression on customers.

  71. To me Apple may have a good product but is for some selected people (the rich) because not everyone can afford their luxury product. The bad experience I have had is with Infinix product. Ant time I want to buy a phone is always infix but all their product gets bad once it’s 1 year. That how you will continue changing charging port. Until I found Vivo which I have used now going to 4 years and have not done any repairs on it.

    1. i think i disagree with the first line of point.”To me Apple may have a good product but is for some selected people (the rich) because not everyone can afford their luxury product. Apple is never made for the rich, it’s a premium product and it offers value for every bit of money spent on it. However, samsung is dragging the top spot with Apple because of their diverse usage and more flexibility in functionalities.

      1. It’s true it may have value for it’s cost (money) except it has created a vague class mostly for symbol status. I believe Apple can win more markets if they have products that are more cost effective.

        1. Yeah…I totally agreed that apple products standard out from all its competitors. Its functionalities are user friendly but apple products are meant for premium people and not for everyone. It is not all individual that can afford this product.
          On the second hand, VIVO product is one of my best brand when it comes to gadgets. Its standard is incomparable, strong, easy to operate, high durability battery, with a topnotch device performance. Above all, it’s affordable.


      i think i disagree with the first line of point.”To me Apple may have a good product but is for some selected people (the rich) because not everyone can afford their luxury product. Apple is never made for the rich, it’s a premium product and it offers value for every bit of money spent on it. However, samsung is dragging the top spot with Apple because of their diverse usage and more flexibility in functionalities.

  72. Apple has established a reputation for delivering value and aesthetically pleasing iPhones to their customers.
    The sleek design, quality of pictures and videos, and seamless file transfer between devices are standout features. However, one drawback I’ve personally experienced is the tendency for iPhones to heat up during prolonged usage.
    While some may argue that it serves as a reminder to give the phone a break, it remains an unpleasing aspect. Even using a patch hasn’t proven effective, as the heat permeates through.
    At times, I’ve had to resort to temporarily cooling my phone in the fridge.

    It’s disappointing that many users share this complaint, and as a company consistently releasing new products, Apple should address this issue in future upgrades.

  73. I actually enjoy using Apple iphone 5 as at when it came out because it had a nice aesthetics, and good to feel.

  74. My bad experience with Samsung phones is the aspect of the screen being so expensive, the phone is to be carried like an egg: because, once the screen is faulty, the money required to change the screen, if the money is added up, it will definitely get a new phone…but aside that, every other features of Samsung is topnotch.

  75. 1, my good experience in using apple products is it features and settings. Taking a look at apple products , I always have that mindset that this product has all I want.It has all this features look and feel.

    2, My experience was positive because apple continues to ensure that creating delight for user experience is present in all its products by setting standards for product design.

  76. One good experience I had with an Apple product was when I upgraded to a new iPhone. The transition process was seamless, with all my data, apps, and settings transferring over effortlessly. The device’s performance and reliability were top-notch, making it a hassle-free upgrade experience.

    XYZ is a hypothetical name I have given to a phone model that I use presently. Normally, a product experience is specifically targeted at the customers’ experience with the product as a whole and it should guide, educate, and prod users at the appropriate points. The customer needs enough information and setting without distracting them from the task at hand. Product experience is different from Customer experience, which refers to the experience a customer has with the product and its surrounding experiences, and User experience which is more specifically targeted. It focuses on how specific interactions with the product affect the user, with less regard for how the product as a whole does
    However, for this discussion, I will intertwine these three experiences as my summative, holistic or overall experience. The big question is “What makes a great product experience?” The answer is not far-fetched, it is the ability of the customer to have a good understanding of how to use the product, how to resolve basic application issues when they arise and how to quickly get help for advanced problems. These are features that excite me in XYZ phone.
    Other factors that make the XYZ phone experience an exciting one for me are:
    • Easy Onboarding
    • Usability and accessibility.
    • User interface.
    • Features and functionality.
    • Information architecture.
    • Content strategy, and many more.

  78. I have always had a poor experience with Yahoo mail as compared to Gmail. My Gmail user interphase is quite easy to navigate, and segmented in an appealing manner. The yahoo mail is not. Besides, I get instant mails on my gmail, once a mail is sent. But for yahoo mail, I would have to wait an extra 1 hour for a mail to show up. So, it’s been very frustrating to get OTPs for transactions on yahoo mail whenever I can’t access my gmail.

  79. The product is iPhones in general

    It is a known fact that Apple has done a lot when it comes to delivering not just value, but an aesthetically pleasing one at that to their customers, from how sleek their smartphones are, to the quality of their pictures, videos, ease of transferring your files from an old iPhone to a new one, and all the other qualities that make them stand out. However, my most unpleasing experience with them to date is how hot their smartphones get when used for a long time, though one would argue that that’s how you know your phone needs to rest for a while and all.

    I hope they can find a solution to the hotness that comes with it, even wearing a patch doesn’t help because the heat permeates through. I have resorted to putting my phone in the fridge sometimes to cool it down when it gets too hot.

    I consider that a bad experience, especially since most of their users have the same complaint. As a company that pushes out new products regularly, they need to upgrade in that aspect as well

    1. The product is Airtel and mtn ,
      1. Excellent experience while using both Airtel and Mtn , good about Airtel , the network is not poor but not strong like mtn but at the same has low patronage than mtn
      2.calls from mtn to other network is more expensive but there network is every where but other network call to mtn is not expensive and not every where.
      3. Mtn data subscription is not durable but other network data subscription are durable

      1. Yea…
        I have had this too. MTN network is practically everywhere, allows for easy reach but its data doesn’t last, and its charges are quite high as compared to other networks.

  80. My Really Few Apple Negative Experiences::

    *Battery Life: My battery life drains quite faster than it did with my former android device

    *Single sim port: it would have been nice if i could fit in 2 different sims in my apple device

  81. The bad experience I had was on Huawei iPad, though it’s a very strong product but, it’s mostly not a layman user friendly.

  82. The product is Amazon fire HD8 tablet
    1. Excellent experience while reading ebooks, good colors and comfortable eye reflection
    2. Slow device’s response from time to time.
    3. Not all Amazon subscription s available in my region
    4. Some subscriptions are pricey for where I come from.
    5. When I subscribe on LinkedIn I still pay a high amount for ebooks, where I expect it to be less because I am a subscriber.

  83. Most people know that Smart phones are usually upgraded to a better, smarter version.
    My bitter experience was when I bought a big phone (as in size) without checking the storage capacity. hahaha, you know what it means, when the new phone is only better than the old one by SIZE.

  84. It’s easy to navigate. It has features that excites me like its camera, video quality, means of sharing information via airdrop. Data services are also faster with iPhones. It is also very durable.

    Its battery can drain quickly especially if you are constantly on line. Also data usage is high bevause of the quality and speed it provides

  85. iPhones which happen to be one of Apple’s revolutional product stands out greatly and to me, its camera has it for me.

    However, its battery is no encouraging like that of Samsung and it seems as they upgrade it becomes no much better.

  86. my bad experience is on Samsung phone when the screen broke the cost o replacement is almost the cost of getting new one…but i love their camera quality

  87. iPhones and Airpods are rated A+ for user experience in my books. The downsides are the incompatibility with other devises like with Bluetooth connections.

    The battery life is also another sore point.

  88. My experience with infinix mobile phone is the longevity it has, and component do not just get damaged for no reason.

  89. Apple products are truly a complete package in terms of the user experience and the inbuilt luxury. Only if they can improve on the battery lifespan then the Apple product will be incomparable to other global phones like Oppo, Redmi, Vivo, Huawei, Samsung, and Nokia when it comes to battery lifespan.

  90. One thing I love about apple products is the graphics and camera the user experience is cool, but always battery issue.

  91. Tecno and infinix phone are genuine product.
    But the battery of tecno phone last longer more than infinix for sometimes that when you charge a infinix phone one of the things you will discover is at the battery we’re going to go down but when you use techno battery capacity is so strong and you think for a very good start and with a very good from one of the things you need is first of all the battery capacity of the phone then talking about the future’s I techno has a very good future or the difference between techno and infinix is that infinix asked more of smart storage for all hops and devices now to protect you from scammers activities

  92. My experience with apple has been amazing. I would say the only issues I have with apple is not allowing external storage and not having strong battery.

  93. My experience with Apple product i quite fair. My major issue with them is the fact that they do not allow external storage unlike other brands.

  94. I have been using iPhones and I agree it has been cool, last year I was really excited to finally upgrade to the 14 Pro for the camera. But I’m finding myself disappointed and have at times, fallen back to using the iPhoneXS.

    The iPhone 14 Pro camera desaturates the colours, overly colour corrects to the point it looks horrible, and when used in apps like instagram, the camera is glitchy, and heavily pixelated. It’s disappointing, considering the price and how Apple keeps boasting about the camera quality.

  95. My experience with apple product was satisfactory but the problem i had was the battery life soon became an issue which made me get a small nokia phone for back up

  96. I’m a huge fan of Samsung phones, and I’ve been using their products for a while. Great and high quality pictures, easy to navigate and relatively long lasting battery than iPhones.

    The disadvantage for me is the screen and flex been mopped together, making it costly to replace the screen when broken or when the green lines appears.

  97. My experience with using an Apple MacBook was awesome.The speed of the processors is amazing. No matter the number of tabs you open on a Macboook, it doesnt hang or slow down the speed. This was a positive experience for me.

    The negative part is that it appears to be a bit complex for new users to navigate through.

    However, on my rating, the AppleMac Book is an amazing product.

  98. I have had a great experience with my I phone, from its swift operating system, to great picture quality to its light and sleek designs. With my I phone, I can multi-task in terms of having various app you can use that makes you want to forget you need a laptop.

  99. My experience with the iPhone is both positive and negative. My positive experience is that the iOS operating system is very intuitive and easy to use. I also think the design of the iPhone is very attractive and sleek, and the size and weight of the phone make it easy to hold and use. The camera is also top-notch, and the photos I’ve taken with my iPhone have been very high quality.
    My negative experience is the battery life. The battery does not last and it makes me carry power bank around.

  100. I do have a 2015 Apple MacBook laptop. A sister of mine gave it to me in 2022, and till now, I’ve not been able to effectively use it. Even though the laptop is sleek and portable, the user interface is not friendly in my own opinion. I had issues with navigating through the tools. At first, I thought maybe it’s because I’ve been too used to HP Laptop was why. But when I asked around, I was told the same thing. It wasn’t easy to navigate, and to get apps on it as well is difficult, unlike HP.

    I’ve eventually gotten a HP laptop and I’m glad that I did.

  101. One of the bad experience I got from an apple product happens to be that I can’t get some of those apps I do get in android os. And the apple phones of that time couldn’t complete on battery. We literally had to carry power banks around.

    1. My experience sure resonate with you. Thinking about it again right now, I feel upset about my experience with the Apple product.

  102. I have only two Apple products (iPad 4 & iPhone 6) and so far so good. I think iOS is a much better operating system compared to Android. It’s smooth, stable and gives users more satisfaction than Android does. iOS apps are always better than Android apps. Apple products have higher quality than the best Android phones/tablets.

    But Apple is not perfect. There are flaws with their products too. Apple’s restrictions imposed on app developers and users is unreasonably harsh. iTunes is confusing and needs a long time getting used to.

  103. Quality Hardware: Apple products are renowned for their build quality, sleek design, and attention to detail. From the aluminum unibody of MacBooks to the robustness of iPhones, users often appreciate the premium feel and durability.

    I personally love the premium feel of my iphone.

  104. One positive experience I had with an Apple product was when I upgraded to a new iPhone model. The process was seamless, and the new features enhanced my overall user experience. Conversely, a negative experience occurred when I encountered a hardware issue with my MacBook Pro. Despite being under warranty, the repair process took longer than expected, causing inconvenience.

    The positive experience with the iPhone upgrade was due to Apple’s attention to user-friendly design and smooth transition processes between devices. On the other hand, the negative experience with the MacBook Pro stemmed from a breakdown in customer service and communication during the repair process. The delay and lack of transparency regarding the repair status contributed to the negative perception. In both cases, the quality of customer service played a significant role in shaping the overall experience.

    Finally, Stanislaus_seyi’s reason for choosing a Google Pixel over an Apple product based on feedback from users and his preferences is entirely valid. People’s experiences and preferences vary greatly, and it’s essential to choose a product that aligns with your needs and expectations.

  105. I recently had a bad experience when using my iPhone. I was trying to access a website on my phone, but the site kept crashing and would not load properly. I tried everything I could think of to fix the problem, including clearing my browser history and data, but nothing worked. I eventually had to contact Apple support to troubleshoot the issue. It turned out that there was a bug in the Safari browser that was causing the problem. Apple released an update to fix the bug, and I was able to access the website without any issues after that. Even though it was frustrating, I was glad that it happened

  106. My best experience with appel is the fact that I’m comfortable doing different things with my phone when it comes to studying.

  107. My most preferred feature on Apple phones are the find my phone feature and how you can keep your phone constantly connected and visible to those of your friends in case of theft. They’re other great features like iCloud back up, camera quality which I also enjoy.

  108. I had never use an apple product before, though from comment from users, it has so many delightful features like the camera, airpod, memory capacity and fast internet access but what discouraged me is the battery life, that’s why most users are seen with power bank, which means the battery can damage anytime…

  109. I have never used an Apple products before, although I have always wanted to but the feedback I got from users has always kept discouraging me from purchasing it, the battery life, the fact that you have to download almost everything needed, and the overall issue is that it’s so common.
    So I had to get a Google pixel when I heard of it and it has been a wonderful and positive experience I must say. It has a lot of interesting, understandable features. And i would recommend this to anyone anyday.

  110. Personally I’m not a fan of apple products. It’s undisputable that the design and functionality is top notch but the limitation for me Is the ease of accessibility and social pressure to keep up with each version of the product. It’s never really a one off buy for a significant amount of time. Though androids come with their own challenges it’s still my preferred choice.

  111. I purchased a new smart phone, from the moment I unboxed it, I was impressed with the design and the quality of the phone. Setty up the phone was easy, thanks to the helpful on screen instructions. The phone’s performance exceeded my expectations with fast processing speed. The camera quality was outstanding and also the battery life was fine as well. I was satisfied with the purchase of the smartphone and I would recommend it to others

  112. I have used both an iPhone and a techno phone. The tecno phone had a bad sound and video quality. But one advantage is it’s lasting battery which last longer than an iPhone. But I had to go back to using an iPhone because of it’s better user experience. Fast internet access and a ecurity. You are sure to download apps that are free from fraud or virus as they are directly sourced from Apple Store although sometimes comes with a price.

  113. I have had great experience using Apple products. They make user experience very desirable most especially when you are using both their laptop and phone as a graphic designer, it makes your work easier and faster.

  114. I have had a fairly good experience using apple products but the only downside i have had is that a new software upgrade comes with battery problems

  115. personally i’m a big fan of apple iphones and so far one of the good experiences i’ve had using the product is the apple removal of headphones jack and the introduction of apple airpods. personally the airpods makes it feel easy for me to move around and make calls or listen to music without having to carry my phones around.

  116. I’ve had an amazing experience with the Apple products I’ve used, ranging from the iPad (1st generation) to the iPhone 8 Plus. The interface is excellent, and they are incredibly user-friendly. It’s easy to adapt to their features.

  117. I have never used an Apple product before, I use a Google phone (Google Pixel) and a Chromebook. So far it has been an amazing experience using the Google products.

      1. The battery life being dependent on usage I believe and know that it is applicable to all other mobile products, therefore, this does not just tailor the problem to apple products.

  118. The negative experience I had with an apple product was with the iPhone 6S. After use of a not so long period, the battery life becomes poor and the experience for the user becomes unbearable as you have to charge the phone almost everytime.
    This is not peculiar to iPhone alone, as it cut across many smart phone companies including the ones that talk about Lithium 4000+mAh powered batteries. The user doesn’t get a lasting experience with the promised battery life.

  119. I have yet to use any Apple product, but from the feedback I have heard people give, the issue with the battery and the fact that you have to pay for everything and sign in everywhere are a turn-off for me. I know they want to secure my activities and account, but it feels suffocating and too much exposure for me.
    I once used a Gionee phone that needed resetting almost every week after using it for a month, then the battery drained fast and started getting hot when you used it or were charging it. I almost regretted buying it but it had a great design, a great camera, and a user-friendly interface. I guess it was a trial product or there was a defect in that batch because the reviews were terrible.

  120. My first Android phone was the Tecno Phantom Z. At first, it was good until the battery became a mini microwave oven in my pocket, heating up even when being used. upgraded to the Phantom Z+ and still had the same experience. I was even afraid that the phone might explode in my pocket one day. That was the last time I bought any Tecno product and switched to Samsung.

    1. Quite understandable not to want a “pocket oven” for a mobile device, but from my experience from using smart phones, other mobile phones also have the issue of hotness with varying degrees, including some Samsung devices.

  121. Every interaction I have had with Apple products feels smooth and natural, thanks to their commitment to user-friendly design.

  122. Every product has it’s strengths and weaknesses. Using an Android phone and iPhone. The Android phone is relatively cheaper with long lasting batteries. The camera quality at first is usually very bright. But,depreciates in quality as times go by . While, the iPhone camera quality is ever bright. But batteries don’t last and it’s susceptible to loosing it’s software components.

  123. Apple products are very nice. Where I’ve reservation is the battery life of the iPhone. The camera quality makes it a must have for online entrepreneurs who need to take picturesnof their products.

  124. I got an apple product and kinda was enjoying it and was comfortable with it.
    Then I couldn’t charge it nor be able to access it.
    It was tough as I used my last money I have to purchase the product and it failed to deliver as expected in a short period of time. It was terrible

  125. My positive experience is with Tecno product especially phones.
    Tecno phones are nice, it’s affordable, the batter lasts long as well
    Y negative experience about Tecno is about the camera quality, at first it’s nice but at some point it reduces in quality

  126. My positive experience is with an infinix product in the sense that they have very affordable phones and user friendly and easy to use phone with quality battery that lasts for a very long time.

    My negative experience with it was that the quality of the camera was poor it snaps blurry pictures.

  127. I had a very good experience with my apple AirPods.
    Here’s why I think it’s a good experience: The sound quality is way better compared to that of any other brand. I tried the oraimo ear buds one time and I just couldn’t stick with the product because apple AirPods are way better

    A negative experience I had with an apple product was couple of years ago when I was using the iPhoneX, I discovered that the battery gets drained quickly and I always have to charge constantly to keep the phone functioning.

  128. Reflecting on a positive experience, I recall my seamless interaction with an Apple product, particularly the user-friendly interface of my iPad Air. Its intuitive design and smooth performance significantly enhanced my productivity and overall user experience.

    A negative experience I had with an Apple product was when my iPhone’s battery unexpectedly drained rapidly after a software update. Despite trying various troubleshooting steps, the issue persisted, causing frustration and inconvenience as I relied heavily on my phone for work and communication.

    1. I can relate with the part where you said your phone battery was getting drained rapidly. I also had this same experience when I used the iPhoneX

  129. Apple is renowned for its user-centric philosophy and commitment to simplicity, aesthetics, and seamless user experiences. These qualities, combined with the intuitive interactions and consistency across devices, make Apple’s UI/UX highly attractive to mainstream consumers. Apple’s design process is centered on the needs and desires of the user, resulting in a product that is tailored to their requirements. The company’s focus on the user’s perspective has resulted in a design approach that is both elegant and functional.

  130. A product similar to Apple which I had a good experience with was Samsung. I would trade a Samsung for an iPhone any day especially the S series because of battery durability. I’m always on my phone and don’t like the burden of moving about with a power bank, so I prefer to have a device that would last for the whole day without having to charge it. I’ve been privileged to use different Samsung products even their televisions and so far so good, the quality is top notch. The downside being unavailable parts when they go bad, like a damaged phone screen replacement would cost almost as much as getting a new phone.

    1. Yeah that’s why i don’t really like iPhone because you would have to be walking about with power bank cause of the battery.

    2. I can relate, Samsung parts are really expensive and scarce. Having to carry a power bank is a big turn-off. Imagine needing to charge your iPhone only to discover you are not with your charger.

  131. Recently, I had a highly positive experience with my Apple AirPods Pro, and I’d like to share why I believe it was such a great experience.

    1. Sound Quality: The sound quality of the AirPods Pro is exceptional. The clarity and depth of the audio enhance my listening experience, whether I’m enjoying music, podcasts, or taking calls.

    2. Active Noise Cancellation: The active noise cancellation feature is a game-changer, especially in noisy environments like coffee shops or during commutes. It effectively blocks out external distractions, allowing me to focus on my tasks or enjoy my entertainment without interruptions.

    3. Comfort and Fit: The AirPods Pro’s ergonomic design ensures a comfortable and secure fit in my ears, even during extended wear. The silicone ear tips provide a snug seal, further enhancing sound quality and passive noise isolation.

    4. Reliable Connectivity: The Bluetooth connectivity of the AirPods Pro is rock solid. I rarely experience dropouts or connection issues, ensuring a consistent and uninterrupted listening experience.

    Overall, my experience with the Apple AirPods Pro has been overwhelmingly positive. The combination of exceptional sound quality, effective noise cancellation, comfort, seamless integration, and reliable connectivity makes them a standout product in the wireless earbuds market. I believe Apple’s attention to detail and focus on user experience are key factors contributing to the success of the AirPods Pro.

  132. Apple makes their products easy to use and they look really nice. They pay attention to every detail, like how the logo on the MacBook Air lights up. When things work well together, like Apple products do, it makes using them really enjoyable. My experience with Apple products has been great because they’re so easy to use and everything works together smoothly.

  133. I have not used an apple product before but i can say i have had to revert to the iPhone camera even though i use the best of another brand’s camera. i am big fan of the Samsung, especially the s-series. i took the iPhone 7 and Samsung s12 and decided to test each camera outlook and realistic result. i should say, the iPhone 7 camera even though a very old product of apple still stood its own against one of the best of Samsung.

    this might be a positive experience per say but i should say the image capturing of the iPhone has made even the worse of photographer seem like a pro in a field they have little knowledge of. this can’t be help but it more like pushing a weakling to the warfront; he will either kill himself or endanger the rest.

    Apple’s iPhone has set the standard for other brands in terms of making the user have the sense of luxury, security and even fast processing.

  134. My Experience was with the BlackBerry phones. If there was anything that stood the product out for me was the instant message id name “pin” I was literally in love with the phone at the time that I owned multiple of them because it was the “smartphone ” of the season at the time and fun for chats.

    In January 2022, BlackBerry Limited CEO John Chen confirmed that the infrastructure operating system, software, and services of the BlackBerry, which had been around for two decades, was being decommissioned. This meant that text messages, Wi-Fi, and even data usage would no longer work as they once did. It was not pleasant to me given the announcement that they are officially defunct and are physically unable to function.

    I got to realize that they transitioned into a software company, one with a different purpose than the company had before, and are now of the leading cybersecurity companies.

    I think it was a good thing for the brand because they had probably discovered a better solution for its consumers problems in better ways and the decision has been satisfactory both to the brand and its consumers.

  135. Upgrading to a Samsung mobile device has been a great experience for me. The functionality, design, easy software upgrade,security (anti-virus) and user experience has been the game changer for me. I prefer it to other brands and I have never fixed anything hardware on it. The only thing I replaced was the charger and ear piece.
    Samsung is customer-focused and this is why I will go for it any day.

  136. I recall my first experience with an Apple phone – the iPhone 7 plus. The experience was out of this world for me at the time because I had been using Android phones and the iPhone was an upgrade for me. The curved aesthetics of the phone was part of the positive experiences for me. Also the keypad was amazing as it was like it adjusted to my typing thereby reducing my typos. Another reason why the experience was elevated for me was the consciousness of being in the esteemed class of iPhone users – a status perception!

  137. my experience is going to be on samsung product and apple product stating the differences to samsung product which is one of the most expensive gadget parts yes its a good product with good configuration which is andriod and with this the security level is very low kinda because it will be very easy to hack your phone but samsung is till one of the best best product to me and to iphone their security level is top notch and there product will always be outstanding and unique because they work wiyh customers preference

  138. Apple still lead the race for me in both the physical appearance and configurations. The apple product is designed in such a way that they are not proned to theft and hacking unlike the android. The look and feel, the display of the applications, the texture, the weight, the overall look is appealing and very captivating and every users will like to experience it.

  139. i once used an Apple Xs max mobile , it was a great product, users friendly and had great functional activities
    one of the negative experience i had with the phone was the fact that it over heats at some point of usage and you have to shot it down in other to cool off

    1. I remember when I changed phones from an android to iPhone and I never I was never going back 😆, the user experience was just so sleek and smooth, then iPhone interface had a enhanced and upgraded look to it and i was really hooked.

      1. Exactly my experience too. But beyond the aesthetics of the phone was also the status symbol of an iPhone. I think this is an area to consider when designing a product – consider the perception of the product in the mind of users and the society.

  140. I’ve been using apple iPhone 11 for over a year. The functionality and aesthetics are amazing but it overheats alot

    1. same cannot be said of iphone 12 promax. even if the charging is getting hotter, it will automatically stop charging and tell you it will resume when the condition normalise.

  141. My experience is with my Redmi Note 11, I have been using it for almost 2 years and it has given me ease… The battery life span is strong, it charges fast and then the system updates are amazing. The body built up is also great

  142. I have once used an iPhone and a Samsung phone before and I can say they are perfect in all other features a mobile phone can give except their battery life and of course their accessories are more expensive than any other mobile brand.
    And because I always have so much to do on a mobile, I realized they couldn’t satisfy my need of getting a mobile phone ,so I settled for a phone that could give a near experience and still provide me a good battery life to keep up my daily activity which is either a tecno phone and Gionee.

    Nevertheless, they are great products if you have the luxury of pleasure.

  143. My experience is going to be on infinix note 8 mobile phone I have been using for a while.
    My experience is really delightful as compared to previous phones I used before it.
    The phone has been able to provide me with ease of use, its picture quality are desirable, the battery life is extensive. I think I get value I would get from more expensive brand from it thereby saving cost .

  144. I’ve had both good and bad experiences with Apple products before. The good experience I had with Apple was when I got my new iPhone. It was super sleek and the camera quality was amazing. But there was also a time I had a not-so-great experience with Apple when I got iPhone X, it kept heating, which was really frustrating.

  145. Apple products are well known for their speed and perfect camera quality, another thing that makes Apple stand out is its Ecosystem, you’d rather use Apple Music than Spotify which makes the user stay within the Apple niche.

  146. Apple has over the years built a niche for their product,how ever the introduction of upgrade from time to time affects the users experience of the product

  147. Apple has been a standout in the mobile market economy due to their different and unique software operating systems.

  148. Apple has created a niche for themselves in the market that phones are classified into 2 apple and Android. Which is very good but the inability of the phone to receive some apps or files from other devices is a turn off. But in all apple users always praise their product for it’s safety features which is great.

  149. I feel Apple Products are design basically to function in that “Apple community” – that is iPhone, MacBook, AirPods, Apple AirPort Express all connect to one another quite easily and is always difficult to connect outside the Apple community.
    Due to open source of Android systems, its easy for different brands to connect easily whether it’s Samsung, Tecno, Infinix, etc

    I feel its positive when I consider my Apple devices but see it as negative when I consider my iPhone doesn’t connect easily and seamlessly with my PC

  150. Apple has created a class in the market to an extent that phones are classified into two categories namely:
    These has earn them an edge over other products despite the lack accessibility and high cost (i.e not able to transfer app with other products) users still prefer it over any other brand.

  151. Apple products are the most expensive product in the market but we notice that it has gained wide attention by people because of their users experience which make many people love the product and want it, I will also love to own one, things are said not to be perfect, they need to improve the battery life of their products especially the phones and also work on the adaptability by allowing it to access some apps that are easy on android. I use Tecno product and the consistent issue I have is that I have been repairing the charging port due to fake chargers that have penetrated the market.

  152. I have an apple laptop, specifically a Mac Air 2013, one of the issues I have with the laptop is the fact that it is extremely expensive to maintain.

  153. Apple products are the most expensive and well known worldwide. Their market value is very great. I don’t use apple, but people that you it around me complain of battery and inability to download certain applications that are easy in any other android phones. I believe those are few negative views.
    Personally i use Samsung phones,and in as much as i love their market value, the negative side i encounter with Samsung is charging cord and head. They have allowed a number of fake chargers of their products to penetrate the market ,giving end users difficulty in finding the right chargers to charge there phones with. In my own opinion, I will always pick Samsung over iphones because of its less complexity.

  154. One good experience I’ve had using apple products is their speed of work and their camera quality. This sets them apart from other competitors.

  155. I can reflect on my experiences using the Siri AI assistant on my iPhone. One of the best things about Siri is that it’s really easy to use. I just need to press a button and then I can ask Siri a question, and it will give me the answer I need. This is really convenient and efficient. One of the things that can be frustrating about Siri is that sometimes it doesn’t understand what I’m asking. I can ask a question and Siri will give me an answer that’s not related to what I asked. This can be annoying, but overall I think Siri is a useful tool.

  156. Apple is creating a positive user experience by building what people need.
    Apple products are consistently advancing to meet up with customer’s expectations. Their product boosts the confidence of their users and has found a way to remain relevant in the market despite increasing competition and high cost of their products and some deficiencies.

  157. Compared to some android smartphones I have used, my current iphone has limited RAM and storage. This definitely limits my experience, such that I usually have to pair my iphone with an android to support my business and lifestyle.

  158. Hey there! I’d be happy to share my experience with an Apple product. I recently had a great experience with the iPhone 12. The performance, camera quality, and overall user experience were top-notch. The design was sleek and the display was stunning. The seamless integration with other Apple devices made it even more convenient for me. Overall, my experience with the iPhone 12 was positive because it delivered on both functionality and aesthetics.

    As for design thinking, it’s a fantastic approach to product design and development. It focuses on understanding user needs, generating creative ideas, and prototyping solutions. By putting the user at the center of the design process, it helps create products that truly meet their needs and expectations.

  159. Using an Apple product, like an iPhone or MacBook, often provides a seamless and intuitive user experience. The integration between hardware and software is typically well-executed, making tasks like setting up devices, syncing data across devices, and accessing services like iCloud, iMessage, and FaceTime, straightforward and efficient. This cohesion contributes to a smooth and enjoyable user experience especially for those who enjoyed reliability in technology and that’s a positive experience to me.

    Negative experience I have is the durability .The battery is not strong and their product is relatively too high in cost.

  160. Apple products has lasted in market based on their design, consistency and accessibility and I can say this are the good experience I have had with the product. The bad experiences that I have had with apple phone is the battery life of the phone, expensive repairs.

  161. Apple is one product that has lasted in the market place because of the kind of name (growth and maturity) it has kept over the years. However I will on the contrary say it is overrated. One of the reasons I say so it’s because of the iphone model, the battery durability is poor and that is a very poor user experience

  162. Apple has been one of the leading product in the market based on their compatibility and consistency in the market,which users have had relevant experiences, but the negative side is that an average consumer will not be able to access their products based on the amount been put on it, their products are not really as strong as other products that last long

  163. Apple products are mostly recognised as one of the best products in the market. For me the positive experience I had with apple phone is that it’s more durable and strong. While the negative experience is that, it’s expensive to manage. More on the negative experience is that it’s not that flexible with application as it only accepts applications contain in its apps store. However, it’s secure and functions appropriately with other apple products.

  164. Bad experience I have with using Apple phone includes poor battery performance, expensive repairs and replacements and lack of compatibility with certain software. These negative experiences informed help appple build on a better product.


  165. Bad experiences with Apple may include poor battery performance, software bugs and glitches, expensive repairs and replacements, limited hardware customization options, lack of compatibility with certain software or devices, and limited storage capacity.

  166. Apple’s commitment to design, simplicity, consistency, and customer-centricity plays a significant role in creating positive user experiences across its products and services

  167. Apple is known for its focus on creating a positive user experience (UX), and there are several ways they do this. First, they design their products with simplicity and ease of use in mind. They also pay close attention to the user interface (UI), making sure it’s intuitive and easy to navigate. In addition, they create products that are visually appealing and have a premium feel. Finally, they provide excellent customer support, ensuring users have a positive experience even if they encounter problems.

  168. I have a good experience using a Macbook which I purchased recently. it was easy to use and it was also very accessible. The only challenge I had which was my own problem was that i was not familiar with the product but then it was swift and sweet to use. I also love the fact that it’s very sleek and I can just put it in my handbag when going out.

    1. I have a good experience with Samsung Galaxy phone because of the camera quality and the input capacity
      But one of the bad experience about Samsung Galaxy phone is the battery capacity with always makes the phone to shutdown fast. So if they can improve on the battery capacity I think it will be of great help

  169. Here’s an example of a good experience with an Apple product:

    A few years ago, I purchased a MacBook Pro for work and personal use. From the moment I opened the sleek packaging, I was impressed by the attention to detail and craftsmanship. Setting up the MacBook was seamless, thanks to the intuitive user interface and easy-to-follow instructions.

    One aspect that stood out was the performance of the MacBook Pro. It was incredibly fast and responsive, allowing me to multitask effortlessly and handle demanding tasks such as video editing and graphic design with ease. The Retina display provided stunning visuals, making everything from web browsing to watching movies a delight.

    Another highlight was the reliability of the MacBook Pro. Over the years, it remained stable and dependable, with minimal issues or slowdowns. The build quality was excellent, and despite regular use, the laptop showed no signs of wear and tear.

    Additionally, the customer support provided by Apple was exceptional. On the rare occasions when I needed assistance, Apple’s customer service representatives were knowledgeable, helpful, and efficient in resolving any issues I encountered.

    Overall, my experience with the MacBook Pro was overwhelmingly positive, and it solidified my trust and loyalty to the Apple brand. The combination of outstanding performance, reliability, and excellent customer service made it a truly remarkable product.

  170. The bad experience I have with apple phone is the battery life of the phone.. And it’s almost all iPhone users that go around with a power bank..

    This is a negative experience for me as it causes inconvenience to my satisfaction..no doubt the phone is good but the battery life is an issue which they need to look at.

    Working on this aspect will also increase customer satisfaction with the product

    1. well, I think I agree with you on this. For me, one of the things I consider before buying a phone is the battery life. This is one of the reasons why I don’t like Samsung products as well. I believe if they can resolve it if they see it as an issue.

      1. The product is Samsung tablet
        1. Excellent experience while reading ebooks, good colors and comfortable eye reflection
        2. It was user friendly and ease to operate since I was new to use tablets and android.

        3. Samsung phones and tablets has been super nice since inceptions.

        4. Its iconic network display is amazing and knows no boundary

        5. While my choice of brand may affect others aspirations and aspirations, I recommend the use of Samsung products for its user friendly experience.