3 experts have described difficult decisions they had to take in one project.

Now think about what was important for them in taking the decision the took. Would they act differently in a different context? Why?

(If you are part of an ongoing PM bootcamp cohort on DEXA, also copy your comment to your group)

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1,001 thoughts on “~~ Dealing with difficult decisions – Discussion

  1. From my own point of view,the 3 speakers narrate some of their ordeals/challenges they all came across and how they took approachable steps in resolving them which includes communication, being proactive,time management, working under pressure,terminating a project, meeting deadlines and lots more.

    I think the steps they took in approaching each problem is based on how much knowledge they have gathered to tackle that particular project.

  2. The three experts pinpointed their challenges in making difficult decisions in their career as a Project Manager. The decision to terminate a project early giving all the efforts put into the project. Examples are when organizations have another high priority project ongoing, when the project is not feasible to continue, in this case the decision to continue versus cancelling depends on clear options that are set out for better understanding- resolving this will mean staying positive throughout the process, discuss the setbacks and review the goals of the project and outline the lessons learned from the cancelled project.

    The second male PM who spoke about a sport event that needed a water supply but the manager had no resources outlined for such emergent need in one of the proposed venues, this led to a meeting with their client and the client later paid for a contingency buffer to help the situation which later become a legacy for that venue.

    The third expert said Language was his main challenge that has led to project cancellation since Communication is an important feature or skill needed to carry out projects. Communication is key in every project and could hinder flow of information amongst stakeholders.

    These points above was for them the right decision they could have made at that point which was carefully considered and discussed among the team before a final decision was made. As for me, they could have acted differently in a different context where the scenerio or situation is different altogether.

  3. The three experts emphasized the importance of thorough evaluation, proactive problem-solving, and learning from past experiences when making difficult decisions in project management. Key factors in their decision-making process included open communication with stakeholders and team members, ensuring that everyone understood the implications and reasoning behind their choices. They recognized that adapting their approach to communication, particularly in diverse linguistic contexts, was crucial for fostering collaboration and ensuring that all voices were heard. If faced with a different context, such as a more culturally homogeneous team or a different industry, they might prioritize different aspects of communication or decision-making. For example, in a more familiar environment, they could rely on established relationships and less formal communication channels, whereas, in a diverse setting, they would need to be more deliberate in ensuring clarity and inclusivity in their messaging to facilitate understanding and engagement. The adaptability of their approach would be guided by the specific dynamics and challenges presented in each context.

  4. Cohort 19, Team 1

    The experts in the video spotted and tackled their impending mishap head-on. They were not afraid/shy to bring into the solution all parties involved to strike a balance. I admire the flexibility of their technics in problem solving. It is not cast on stone. And I do not think they would have acted differently given a different context because it has become a norm for them over time.
    The three major skills applied are Communication, proactivity and Collaboration.

  5. These experts spoke on different challenges faced and how they were solved. One common way they both dealt with the situation was through communication.
    As a PM, understand how best to communicate with stakeholders. I took from this session that project has different strokes, and a clear understanding of the project goals and objectives is very important.

  6. From this 3 experts in this video, I learnt that Different strokes for different projects, every project has its uniqueness even in challenges, keeping the objective of each project in mind sustains the success of a project, and it is necessary to evaluste all possible advantages and disadvantages during the planning process, Analyse potential challenges and proffer possible solutions risk assessment is necessary to be involved in our planning stage, to avert recurrence in the future take document lessons learnt to be put into consideration for subsequent projects.
    Decision making and especially in between a project can be straining but Certain Decisions must be taken for the Benefit of Everyone involved.

  7. Dealing with difficult decisions in project management requires a structured approach. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

    _Step 1: Define the Problem_

    1. Clearly articulate the issue
    2. Gather relevant data and information
    3. Identify stakeholders and their interests

    _Step 2: Assess Options_

    1. Generate potential solutions
    2. Evaluate pros and cons of each option
    3. Consider risks and opportunities

    _Step 3: Evaluate Criteria_

    1. Establish decision-making criteria (e.g., cost, time, quality)
    2. Weight criteria based on project priorities
    3. Assess options against criteria

    _Step 4: Make a Decision_

    1. Choose the best option
    2. Consider seeking input from stakeholders or experts
    3. Document decision rationale

    _Step 5: Communicate and Implement_

    1. Inform stakeholders of the decision
    2. Develop an implementation plan
    3. Monitor progress and adjust as needed

    _Decision-Making Techniques:_

    1. Cost-benefit analysis
    2. Decision trees
    3. Pareto analysis
    4. Six Thinking Hats
    5. SWOT analysis

  8. I learnt from the 3 experts in the video that:
    1) Evaluating all possible pros and cons of a project while creating a plan with your project team is very important.
    2) Provide a possible solution /suggest way out of any risk or issues envisaged while planning.
    3) There is always a lesson to learn from any difficult decision made to help strengthen your planing a future project.

  9. Different stroke for different project. Having the goal of every project in minds can keep it going. Yes, we may get to the point where we have to compromise to accommodate and also for the good of the project but we should also be able to know when the project isn’t making any headway anymore and call it a stop.

    Difficult? YES, but we have to do what we have to do for the benefits of everyone.

  10. I believe they took important decisions that was necessary for the success of the project. Every decision they took was equally important to the success of the project.

  11. As a project manager you are responsible for the project, so you’re accountable for its development.
    The decision taken was for the best interest of the organisation ,and through effective communication with stakeholders issues were resolved.
    they would’ve acted differently in the sense that different project has different approach.

  12. It’s not all your engagement that you get to finish. Whenever, circumstances that are beyond the scope of your duties appears either as a result of inadequacies, forcemajor or lack of communications. And it defile known better solutions, the best thing would have been to let go of it not to further strain the bad relationship.

    1. It’s not all your engagement that you get to finish. Whenever, circumstances that are beyond the scope of your duties appears either as a result of inadequacies, forcemajor or lack of communications. And it defile known better solutions, the best thing would have been to let go of it not to further strain the bad relationship.

  13. As a communicator and a student of Project Management, I can say communication takes the lead in all ways. One of the ways the 3experts dealt with difficult decisions was through communication.
    For you to terminate project, early or later, you need to communicate with people involved- clients and team.
    For language differences, you need to find a way to speak everyone’s language to have Effective and efficient team and delivery.
    For me, I would have done exactly what they all did to deal with difficult decisions. Proactiveness and communication takes the lead.

  14. The most important lesson I picked is compromise it is not always a sad compromise sometimes it can be a happy compromise. I would say yes they would act differently in a different context this is because the problems varies and it requires different solutions.

  15. Rather than dwelling on the challenges, the most important thing for the 3 of them was the goal of the project and it spurred them on to making considerable marks on their respective projects.

  16. Communication and staying focused on the goal/project was clear for these Project Managers. They made an effort to bring together and maintain a good balance among all the parties involved in the project before making the hard decision.

  17. These 3 project managers shared their scenario about having to make difficult decision. One key point i picked up was proper communication and deliberations before coming to the conclusion of such decision. Thereby appreciating all the team members and stakeholders outputs towards the project all these time.

  18. These project managers all had difficult decisions to make, one talked about project terminations these happens when the organizations embark on a higher prioritized project and naturally the stakeholders conduct a meeting to contemplate the termination of the initial project, the second talked about a water related issue where both parties had to find a common ground and the third talked on language barrier but one similar thing between this project managers were compromise and addressing the people involved with humility.

  19. The first expert spoke about early project termination. This happens as a result of when an organisation embarks on a higher project or technical issues. The company has no choice but to discontinue the project. It is one of the most difficult situations but the only way to achieve a higher project. The Project Manager would not have acted differently as this is the best way to achieve higher project. Stakehoders meeting normally holds to deliberate on termination or continuation

  20. These three experts where faced with difficult decisions but one thing these PM had in common was they were able communicate their challenges, and their major aim was to look out what was best for the project they were and handling and everyone that was involved. Though the decisions were not easy but they look for a common ground.

  21. These three experts where faced with difficult decisions but one thing these PM called was they were able communicate their challenges, and their major aim was to look out what was best for the project they were and handling and everyone that was involved. Though the wasn’t decisions were easy but they look for a common ground.

  22. All three of them were faced with challenges but one key similarity was people speaking different languages, but I noticed they all came to a collaborative agreement, ego was set aside and a few compromise here and there and team efforts and at the end success was achieved. A project manager has to be open to considering lots of options while staying calm in a troubling situation.

  23. Here the project manager has to see himself as team member open to ideas in involving all the party ,collaborating, sharing ideas, considering the prons and cons of opinions, etc before a decision which is in the best interest of the project is taken.

  24. All three persons under review did the right thing by communicating and collaborating with all the players involved in the project, this bringing together all ideas each person has due to individual expertise and experiences.

  25. what was important to them in those situations was collaboration, getting the parties involved in a round table to discuss the way forward, if the project was going to stop, to make sure everybody understood the reason for that and that they understood that the reason for stopping the project outweighs continuing the project. Basically, it is teamwork, communication, and collaboration.

  26. As a project manager, one has to be prepared to make tough decisions at every point of time.
    Our speakers from the video talked about how they were able to make tough decisions. One has to deal with ending a project before completion. In spite of the efforts that has invested by the team, Another has deal with water supply issue. And the third one because of the language barrier, he still made decisions.
    Decisions making is part of project management. And when there’s necessity to make those tough call, one must manage how one will communicate with both the investors and the team.

  27. One of the strengths a project manager must exhibit is decision-making and risk management. A project manager must be able to decide appropriate for the best of the project and the stakeholders not minding the risk involved. The key speakers in this video did very well by elaborating on their decision-making experience and why they arrived at such decisions. In effect, purpose determines and outweighs the decision. The outcome of every project is the result of decisions taken at some point in the life cycle of the project. Decisions affect the outcome. Decision-making is crucial to achieving the overall objectives of projects; time-saving and can be cost-effective thus a stitch in time saves nine. Some decisions could be tough and painful but for a project manager, such decisions are stepping stones to success.
    Another takeaway is that decisions must not be stereotyped as no two projects are the same. Different projects present different sets of risks. As a project manager, it is important to understand that circumstances have a great role to play in decision-making. For example, recently I had to decide on a need to change our operational approach having foreseen the difficulty that may arise from market forecast. The decision was communicated to all stakeholders and it was approved. The decision eventually resulted in the completion of the project ahead of schedule and helped in keeping the project within budget. The key reason for the decision was to save the project from a 45% variation which could have affected the cost and the time of completion. The decision was timely and precise.

  28. Ogoke Nwachukwu Felicia O COHORT 18

    In every project there must be Risks or difficult moments, and it is at this point that the Project manager’s skills are rated. When difficulties arise in the course of a project, it is the duty of the PM to discuss the way out with the team members and the stakeholder to mitigate what it is in order to have a successful project result.

  29. The most important object of concern is the “Team”.
    The PM needed to communicate the actual situation to the members of the team in abid to arrive at a collective decision that will be acceptable by everyone especially where the outcome is not a pleasant one.

  30. Project management is really about managing problems and as such one should expect that as the unspoken job description. A Project Managers success is not just in the ability to come up with brilliant ideas but in the ability to carry the project team and stakeholders along ultimately A’sing the project

  31. One goal that every project manager have is being successful in each project. It happens that some project get terminated before completion or execution because there is glitch in communication. That’s why all details are meant to be payed attention to.

  32. The major concern is that projects intentions are successfully implemented.
    As a PM you have to not only put success of your projects in mind but always make the right decisions that will not ruin the projects at the end

  33. Their primary concern was that the project’s intended changes were successfully implemented. They might have acted differently in a more rigid organizational culture

  34. As project manager you must be able to make decision at a go even if it tough you must be able to make decisions that will best suit the project at the time and explains to the concerned parties if need be

  35. As a project manager, making some decisions may be somehow daunting sometimes, but making sure everyone is on the same page as you will always help the team to sort out things during this difficult time. All lessons learned should be documented for future projects.

  36. Theresa Ogungbenro Cohort 18 team 7

    As a project manager, prioritizing project success is key. You must make decisions that drive the project forward. Effective communication is also critical—especially when a project faces termination. Clearly explaining the reasons behind decisions and aligning the team is essential.

  37. The project interest should come first but when the project manager is faced with difficult challenges then, he/she should be sure of been on the same page with the sponsor of the project

  38. Suleiman Yunusa
    Team 9
    Decision making is not something easy but ensuring the project success is very important. As a PM you’ll have to put the success of the project first and make necessary decisions in time to make sure the project aims and objectives are met.
    As a PM you need to be very good at communicating with all stakeholders and team members to enable you make necessary decisions at the right time so that when you have to terminate a project you will be able to make the decision early.

  39. Decision making is not something easy but ensuring the project success is very important. As a PM you’ll have to put the success of the project first and make necessary decisions in time to make sure the project aims and objectives are met.
    As a PM you need to be very good at communicating with all stakeholders and team members to enable you make necessary decisions at the right time so that when you have to terminate a project you will be able to make the decision early.

  40. Sherifa Shoba, Cohort 18, team 9

    Overall, ensuring the success of the project is crucial and knowing there are times where difficult decision will be made. Being able to handle that if it occurs but also taking note of the positive impacts of the project and new discoveries which can help in other projects.

    Unexpected challenges that occur should be tackled immediately after concluded meetings with every persons involved by providing alternatives that can serve well for the purpose of fulfilling the goal of the project.

    Overcoming personal barriers that can influence the way we communicate as a project manager in terms of language and cultural differences. Bridging the gap between them through proper research and personal advancement to meet up with the project goals and responsibilities as a project manager.

  41. Alexandra cohort 18 team 7

    The goal of a project manager should always be to see to the success of a project. But when presented with a difficult decision, maybe to terminate a project, a project manager should see that it aligns with the organization’s core values and goal, and also communicate with team members on why the decision was made.

  42. Christopher Nkanta Cohort 18 Team 3

    They all faced different challenges as Project Managers at a particular point, they had to look for a way to resolve the Ethics of the profession In making decisions. You deal with what is most important in the project or what will be the best for the project.

  43. They would have acted differently in different scenarios because every project is unique and requires a unique approach. Every decision taken has its side of effect on the company and the PMs personality

    Terminating a project before completion may result in sunk costs where the money, time, and resources already invested cannot be recovered. The project manager’s reputation may be affected depending on the reason for termination. If the project is terminated for valid reasons (e.g., misalignment with business objectives), the project manager may be seen as decisive and pragmatic. However, if poor planning or execution led to early termination, it could harm their professional standing.

    On the other hand, Early termination may free up resources (budget, personnel, etc.) that can be redirected to more strategic or higher-priority initiatives. This can be a positive if the project no longer aligns with the organization’s goals.

    To mitigate the adverse implications of terminating a project early, the project manager and organization need to adopt proactive and strategic measures such as clear communication with stakeholders on the reasons behind the termination, Offer support, and keep the team engaged and motivated for future success, etc.

    A project manager should up his decision-making skills and ensure that it aligns with organizations goals and values

  44. Communication is key when difficult decisions have to be made. The main goal is to ensure everyone is carried along and happy at the end. They may have taken another decision if the scenario was different. The bottomline is there is no size fits all for all projects. A project manager must find out what works and make decisions based on that.

  45. Nkechi Izeji Chort 18 Team 6. For me, if I had no choice but t terminate a project, I will make sure everyone is carried along to seee reasonn so as not to feel wasted or used.
    Like the lady manager said, I will make sure a particular knowledge is taken out of that project.

  46. They may act differently in different contexts due to organizational values, industry-specific regulations and standards, project type, stakeholder dynamics and expectations, level of uncertainty and ambiguity, and other reasons. Project managers must consider the specific context and adapt their decision-making approach to ensure successful project outcomes.

  47. Every situation would definitely have different pattern to solve it cause every Project manager come across different people which different techniques are needed to work with this people in order to achieve a goal. I will personally say every one acted accordingly due to their different client responses.

  48. Exactly what’s said here’s that; In a situation that demands a difficult decision making, balances should be checked.
    Working under someone could be draining, especially when being ordered. If you’re going to get to that point of making difficult decisions, then it shouldn’t be one that’ll strike the organization so hard and also cause you a query.

  49. It is important that, as a project manager, we tackle different issues according to their peculiarities. Each of them faced the issues the way it applied, and they had to make difficult decisions to resolve what they were facing, though it might affect a particular thing, team, or department, but whatever decision a project manager is taking, the effect must be very minimal to the whole project.

  50. they would act differently because the challenge will not be exactly thesame and, some has communication challenge and it was not same with the one that has to compromise to get the project done even it means working overtime so as to be able to meet up with the proposed deadline.

  51. Reaching the outcome was important for them in taking the decision.
    They would act differently in a different context because of the tasks to be undertaken to meet the project deadlines.

  52. The three project managers handled the project based on what the present situation was,termination of project,clients not happy with previous project and needed to compromise a bit just to meet their target,communication issues,they are issues that just needed to be way,failures set in at some point in a project and it is a motivation to go back to the drawing board ,reanalyse and get it done by any means necessary in a legal way.That is another different context I feel they can use even if they are to act differently.

  53. i think each handled their challenges based on the context or the situation they found themselves, and might require another approach if the situation was changed but what was important in all three approaches was that each kept the goals and objectives of the project foremost in mind and priority and also were able to harmonize the differing team members or stakeholders making sure that each is committed to the completion of the projects

  54. Based on the scenarios/Experiences of the Project managers,they would not have acted differently as they all had the same pivotal focus. Ensuring that what was best for the project was executed and being able to reach a favourable compromise amongst the different stakeholders involved which in turn ensured the smooth running of the project.

  55. The most important and similar the about the three of them is the fact that they all focus on the goal of the project by adapting and embracing challenges and finding solutions to them to see to the success of the project.

  56. In the course of making these difficult decisions, one thing was peculiar to the three scenarios which is the drive and focus on the goal . They all aimed at getting resolutions, explored all available resources in making sure the problem was solved, although they were difficult decisions but in the end the decisions supported the goals of the project. Another thing that was important was communication; passing and receiving information in real time. Sourcing for feedbacks and making sure every stakeholder involved were well informed in the course of taking those decisions.

    Judging all the scenarios, I do not think they would have done anything differently as all decision were made careful and based on the context of the situation at hand.

  57. One of the experts had the issue of making a compromise in the course of executing the project. Compromises are sometimes necessary to achieve set goals of a project, and in such times it is important to maintain constant communication on the issues at hand with your team.
    But what was important for all three expert is the drive to see their projects completed and leave their client satisfied

  58. One of the experts had the challenges of language barrier and communication is a very important aspect of project management. it was important for him to take the decision he took in order to carryout a successful project. Communication helps to bring the team together and foster a positive relationship with one another. I don’t think he would have acted differently

    One common factor the three speakers displayed was to ensure that the goal of the project is met as planned, by exploring all options available to them in dealing with problems/challenges that might lead to early termination of project.
    In another development, the speakers took a different approach in handling some difficult issues they face at different levels of the project. Some of these issues received adequate support from responsible stakeholder who are willing to accept responsibility, while in other situation the responsible stakeholder failed to meet up with their responsibility which eventually lead early project termination.
    Furthermore, the three speakers recognized different races, genders involved in their project and hence, ensured their human rights are respected, valuing their opinions helped in reducing conflicts that has the potentials to disrupt the progress of the project.

    Cohort 17, Team 2

  60. Peter Benedict

    What was important for all of them was the fact that the three of them are focusing on the goal of the project instead of dwelling on the challenges and may end up terminating the project prematurely and they were able to take the challenges out of the way by doing what they have to, to achieve the desire goal at the end.

  61. What was important for all three speakers is ensuring the goal of the project was met and the projects being executed successfully. They were able to achieve this goal by being adaptable in the sense of embracing new changes and challenging themselves to grow and adapt.
    Being fast thinkers and having problem solving skills
    Having good teamspirit and collaborating with other stakeholders
    Having emotional intelligence and empathy, especially during situations where other team members had differences in opinions. They were able to listen and understand every members view, analyze and try to remind the team of the core values of the project and find possible solutions and way forward.

    In a different context, they might’ve acted differently due to the differences in stakeholders influence and expectations, personal values, organizational culture, resource realignment

  62. They endeavored to do one thing, which is to ensure that the goal of the project is met. They were empathetic, transparent, adaptable, critical thinking and restructuring to meet the time constraint.

    In a different context, there would’ve been biases and a lot of personal adjustments would be employed to not deviate completely from the path of the project line especially where the Stakeholders have High Power- High Interest

    COHORT 17 TEAM 6

    I reflect on the experts’ decision-making processes, I realise that they mainly focused on one goal, which is ensuring the successful execution of the projects. After the many problems they faced, the experts were able to navigate the complex project challenges by harnessing the power of:

    1. Purposeful Alignment: Ensuring decisions resonated with the project’s core purpose and deliverables.

    2. Empathetic Insight: Considering the human impact on stakeholders and adjusting course accordingly.

    3. Resilience and Adaptability: Embracing changes, new experiences, and uncertainties with a growth mindset and adapting to new information.

    4. Collaborative Synergy: Weaving together diverse perspectives, mapping out decisions with input from team members and experts. to create a myriad of solutions.

    5. Values-Driven Integrity: Anchoring decisions in strong personal and professional moral values.

    6. Data-Informed Curiosity: Exploring new frontiers with a curious mindset and evidence-based insights.

    7. Transparency and Authenticity: Sharing decisions and rationales with vulnerability and trust.

    8. Risk Management and Problem-Solving Skills: Analysing problems, identifying solutions, and mitigating risks.

    9. Team Support and Empowerment: Foster a positive team culture, encourage ownership, and provide guidance.

    10. Emotional Intelligence and Empathy: Understand team members’ perspectives, concerns, and motivations.

    11. Realistic Expectations and Prioritization: Manage stakeholder expectations, prioritise tasks, and focus on high-impact activities.

    In a different context, these experts might alter their approach due to:

    Personal values and biases
    Cultural and environmental context
    Available information and data
    Time constraints and pressure
    Stakeholder influence and expectations
    Risk tolerance and appetite
    Emotional state and intuition
    Team dynamics and collaboration
    Shifts in organisational culture and policies
    Economic and resource constraints
    Technological advancements and innovations
    Regulatory requirements and compliance
    Unforeseen circumstances and surprises
    Individual experiences and expertise
    Power dynamics and authority
    Resource Reallocation.

    By recognizing and understanding these factors, project managers can adapt their decision-making approaches to different situations and contexts, leading to more informed decisions and successful project outcomes.

  64. After listening to them all, what I realise is that they all want to achieve the same goal which is, making sure the project turns out successful. After facing all the difficulties, they were all able to find solutions to the problem.

  65. What I observed from the three speakers was one main point: they each wanted their project to go on and to be concluded positively. So they each had a contingency plan, made compromises and collaborated with the people to achieve the desired result. Yes, they would have acted differently in a different context because they would have wanted to prove their points and carried out their own decisions, but as the Project Managers they are, they took good ethical decisions.

  66. In my organisation and community the core values are Service, Fellowship, Diversity, Integrity and Leadership and these help me work effectively with others while executing a project

  67. After listening to them all, what I realise is that they all want to achieve the same goal which is, making sure the project turns out successful. After facing all the difficulties, they were all able to find solutions to the problem.

  68. Listening to the project managers in the video what i understood was that their main aim was to achieve their goals and give in a quality project.
    The project manager would act differently on a different context because I believe every individual has a way of handling difficulty or challenges.

  69. Reflecting on the experts’ decisions, we can identify key factors that influenced their choices:

    1. *Project goals and objectives*: Aligning decisions with project outcomes and success criteria.
    2. *Stakeholder expectations*: Managing stakeholder needs, concerns, and communication.
    3. *Risk management*: Assessing and mitigating potential risks and impacts.
    4. *Team dynamics and resources*: Considering team members’ skills, workload, and well-being.
    5. *Contextual factors*: Taking into account the project’s unique environment, constraints, and opportunities.
    6. *Ethical considerations*: Making decisions that respect ethical principles and professional standards.
    7. *Long-term implications*: Weighing short-term needs against long-term consequences and benefits.

    In a different context, the experts might act differently due to variations in:

    1. *Project scope and complexity*
    2. *Stakeholder priorities and expectations*
    3. *Resource availability and constraints*
    4. *Team composition and skills*
    5. *Organizational culture and policies*
    6. *External factors (market, regulatory, etc.)*

    The experts’ ability to adapt and consider multiple factors would remain crucial. They would reassess the situation, weighing the new context’s unique factors and adjusting their decisions accordingly.

    Key takeaways:

    – Decision-making in project management involves balancing competing factors and prioritizing project goals.
    – Context plays a significant role in shaping decisions, and adaptability is essential.
    – Ethical considerations and long-term implications should always be taken into account.

  70. What I understood from the three expert discussion is; their sole aim was to achieve a goal and give in a quality project.
    The project manager would act differently on a different context because I believe every individual has a way of handling difficulty or challenges.
    Cohort 17 team 10

  71. A project manager would adapt their approach to achieve a goal in different contexts because each context presents unique challenges, opportunities, and requirements. They must be flexible and responsive to ensure the project aligns with the specific needs, constraints, and priorities of each context. This might involve adjusting their communication style, risk management strategies, resource allocation, or stakeholder engagement approach to optimize project outcomes. By doing so, they can leverage the strengths and mitigate the weaknesses of each context to achieve the project’s objectives.

    Ibeh Chiamaka
    Cohort 17 team 5

  72. The project managers would have handled the issues differently depending on the context. No two projects will encounter same issues but lessons learnt from the experts are that they communicated with stakeholders involved before taking final decisions. The goals of the project and the reality on ground and the factors affecting the implementation of the projects were x-rayed before decisions were made.

  73. Problems differs depending on the scope, and dealing with difficult situations requires that it should be within the context of the project.

    I believe the experts will act differently depending on the context, there are different ways of dealing with different situations but whenever a difficult decision is needed to be made, a project manager should take into consideration the scope of the work and goals of the team so that the decision will not change the teams goal.

    A project manager needs to consider the feasibility and viability of a project when making a decision, also the option for continuing versus cancellation of the project needs to be clearly defined and discussed with the team members.

    Lawrence C Johnson
    Cohort 17 Team 6

  74. Listening to these three Project Managers, I have been able to understand that in handling a project, decision making can be very challenging especially when it has to do with a difficult decision.
    But one thing I discovered about the there project managers was that in all of these challenges or difficulties in decision making, achieving the goal of the project was the main aim.

    As a prospective Project Manager, I should expect challenges and as well be ready not to give up along the line, I should as well work with a positive mindset and persevere amidst every challenge.

    Genevieve Osondu
    Cohort 17 Team 5

  75. Listening to these managers have been able to understand one important aspect of PM which is in respective of the difficult situation encountered during a project ,which can not be overemphasis because as said from the initial aspect of this lesson that there is no perfect project and that PM thrives on chaos . It is expedient to note that when on a project one may encounter unforeseen issues either from internal or external adversities but in whichever angle its emerges from one important thing to have in mind as a PM and as said by the managers is the project goals which you must not deviates from in the face of hurdles.

    So, sometimes a project manager have to use his critical thinking that is outside the written rules and regulations or scopes to resolved issues.

    have learnt in the cause of this lesson that as a project manager always be ready and to expect the unplanned for which would or may calls for some tough decision making .

  76. Encountering difficult situation during project is an expectation that can not be ruled out. As the case of the managers in the video who gave their experience, they all had one thing in common; keep the company’s goal above any other factor influencing decision making. As long as ethical standards are not compromised, integrity and trust built with good communication and understanding, its a win for everyone.
    A professional manager despite situation being confronted, will push forward organizational goals above internal or external driven adversities.

  77. one thing I learned, is that in all of their challenges, they persevered to protect the value of their organization. Some problems can be unforeseen, perhaps why we call it a problem, and that brings out the critical thinking in you as a project manager to proffer a solution, just like that of the language barrier. Most times too, as a project manager, compromise that aligns with your values can be tolerated.

  78. Giving the fact that one of the instructor’s had earlier mentioned that project managers thrive on chaos, having watched this reviews from these project managers it resonates with me,

    I have also come to understand with the learning so far,that regardless of how smooth the project journey seems,you as a project manager will need to give room for unforseen circumstances where you might need to take some tough decisions as they arise.

  79. Listening to the Project Managers speak about the tough decisions they had to make handling a project, i discovered that amidst the difficulty, they tend to move towards the goal of the project still even when the parties involved were in serious conflict. They reminded the parties about the very goal of the project and kept the bond that existed between the parties. You know, i remember what the project manager in the earlier lessons mention about “project managers thriving in chaos” and it dawns on me more deeper that as a Project Manager, I have to know how to handle conflicts that arises on the spur of the moment because chaos will come in unannounced

  80. For one, he said that language was a barrier for him at some point.
    Language can always be a barrier, but there are always ways to maneuver it. Either having a translator or using translator apps.
    In a different context, they might have executed their project in another way as there is no defined way of going a problem. Sometimes, the problems we face help us get more insights on how to go about solving them.

  81. From the 3 experiences shared, it was obvious that achieving the aim was the goal so with consistency, diligence and ruggedity
    They were able to work around the problems and come up with a way out
    As an aspiring project manager, I should expect challenges and be ready to sort them out in a composed manner and be ready to let go of my ego when situation demands and do the needful

  82. The difficult decisions taken in the three different scenarios provided had one thing in common – providing a solution.

    All project managers used different approaches. However, they had to communicate in a way that didn’t aggravate the issues at hand. I learned that compromise can be a powerful skill and being humble.

    Overall, the project goal was the determining factor in making these difficult decisions. When the advantages are less than the disadvantages, there is nothing wrong with addressing everyone involved that the project should be cancelled.

  83. The video isn’t playing for me, I don’t know if it’s my browser, network issues or my system that is the problem. I can’t say anything yet.

  84. The three different project managers took different decisions but at the same time, they followed a laid out pattern which is: “they were being guided by the ethics of the profession!” Even though they were faced with a difficult situation, they were still able to provide solution to the issue on ground.
    In the case of any difficult situation, always remember the end goal of the project and be ready to take decisions, make sacrifices where possible so that you can achieve that desired goal. If the circumstances are not favorable and the project needs to be canceled to avoid more losses, the project manager should be able to tactically explain to his or her team the reason he or she is taking the decision to cancel without sending a wrong signal or notion to his or her team mates. This is where being able to communicate well with team members will do the magic!

  85. Project management is guided by ethics so in the case of the 3 experts, the decisions they took were guided by the ethics despite being in a dilemma, there are some considerations they included in the decision making.

    It is my view that ethical considerations differ according to context so yes the decisions may be different in other set ups. What differentiate decisions is the context

  86. For one, he said that language was a barrier for him at some point.
    Language can always be a barrier, but there are always ways to maneuver it. Either having a translator or using translator apps.
    In a different context, they might have executed their project in another way as there is no defined way of going a problem. Sometimes, the problems we face help us get more insights on how to go about solving them.

  87. What was important for the project managers was the goal and objectives of their various projects and the need for collaboration across board.

    in a different context, i think they would have acted differently, as their is no one singular way/method in handling challenges, what is most important is that the goal as well as the objectives are not lost.

  88. The difficult decisions being faced by the experts during the project, what was important for them in taking the decisions was that, in making the decision they had to look at the goal in mind, what they wanted to achieve, the reason why the project was created and where able to effectively communicate it to the people involved and work to make adjustments and series of decisions to ensure that the deliverables are being achieved

  89. The managers took the most likely decisions for the project, hence, I don’t think they would act differently in another context since the measure taken was for the best interest of all involved in the project.

  90. Kennedy Sunday
    The 3 experts took a difficult decision differently because of situation they face in their project deliverable. though it seems difficult but with more proactive measures which was effective communications approach. Their decisions were based on ethical within internal and external factors. there was no other alternative.

  91. Taking the best decision for all parties involved….
    I don’t think they would act differently except a different action would benefit everyone

  92. If they would act differently in a different context then it would be because they couldn’t do otherwise in the situation at hand. I believe there really are no rules to these things,just make sure that whatever’s the case scenario,you act calmly and in the best interest of those who work with you and the clients. That way,you’ll always deliver,no matter the situation.

  93. Sometimes we have to make difficult decisions to achieve a goal.
    This decision helps in completing our projects peacefully without in convincing your team members and also maintaining transparency between team members and stakeholders.

  94. Effective project Management requires meeting the project timelines and achieving the project objectives

    Adewole Oluwabukunmi
    Cohort 17
    Team 1

  95. Tough decisions are often made to achieve a set goal. As stated in the video, meeting the deadline of the project is more important irrespective of the convenience if the team members provided the will be compensated at the end of the project.

  96. No two projects are exactly the same and so reactions to difficulties presented by different projects may elicit different reactions from the different project managers.

    The key point however is that, whatever the difficulties that evolve, focusing on achieving the main objective should be paramount. Doing this helps to channel energies towards resolving each problem that evolve.

    This is what could be deduced from three project managers who inspire of unexpected challenges that threatened the success of their projects, they were willing to think differently rather than fuelling the crisis like:
    • disallowing ego,
    •strengthening relationship with members with previous negative premonition,
    •seeking to address needs, pacifying Team members,
    •reaching out to alternative sources of supply to ensure project continuity,
    •coming to a compromise in difficult issues and
    •conquering the tendency for language barrier to be a major source of contention.

    Emmanuel Olusegun Omotere
    Cohort 17
    Team 4

  97. I think the main focus was to complete the project in good terms with all the parties involved.
    They wouldn’t have done it differently. They all agreed that difficult situations to be communicated clearly. Even in the difficult circumstances, they managed it well. They were result oriented, focused and determined to arrive at a solution. They dropped their ego and collaborated with clients to make the best decisions and they achieved their goals.

    Chinasa Anikeze
    Cohorts17, team3

  98. I think they may act differently in another context because Project managers encounter various challenges throughout the course of a project and each problem might require a different solution.

    Aishat Aiteseme Abdulrazaaq
    Cohort 17
    Team 1

  99. I believe that maintaining the ethics of the profession is one of, if not the most important thing these project managers had to consider in taking the important decisions they had to take and they could have acted differently in a different context for so many reasons ,one of which is
    1. Experience-their many or few years in practice can largely affect whatever decision they decide to take that hopefully doesn’t go against the ethics of the profession.

  100. Project managers encounter various challenges throughout a project’s lifecycle. Effective decision-making helps them identify and implement the best solutions to address these situations as they arise.

  101. In a different context where the decisions to be made does not affect the organizational values and are in line with the budget, deadline and with zero to minimum risks the managers might have made a different decision

  102. In their decision-making processes, experts typically weigh key factors such as risk assessment, ethical considerations, stakeholder interests, and the long-term implications of their choices. The specific context plays a crucial role in shaping their decisions, as varying circumstances can alter priorities and available options. For example, in less pressured scenarios or when stakeholder priorities differ, experts might focus more on strategic innovation and long-term benefits rather than immediate problem-solving. Additionally, considering broader impacts and aligning decisions with overarching goals can lead to more sustainable and forward-thinking outcomes. This approach ensures that decisions not only address current challenges but also contribute to the long-term success and integrity of the project.

  103. making difficult decision in any project as a project manger in necessary especial to avoid a chaotic outcome and also maintain some levels of transparency
    in the video, the three project managers were also concerned about the pros and cons to consider before making that decision, in as much as it painful with all the resources has been put into the job so far, what needs to be done has to be done.

  104. The three Project Managers must make decisions based on a variety of scenarios, budgets, deadlines, and risks; however, all must be made with the primary goal of resolving challenges in mind.
    To prevent preventable issues from cropping up in the middle of project operations, it is critical for project managers to critically align with the procedures involved in project management from the outset. As a result, frequent, intensive team communication is required.

  105. Adewale Bisola
    PM Boot camp cohort 16( Group 1)
    Dealing with difficult decisions as a project manager requires:

    1. *Clear objectives*: Understanding the project’s goals and priorities to make decisions that align with them.

    2. *Accurate information*: Gathering relevant and reliable data to inform decision-making.

    3. *Critical thinking*: Objectively analyzing options and potential outcomes.

    4. *Risk assessment*: Identifying and evaluating potential risks and consequences.

    5. *Stakeholder input*: Consulting with relevant stakeholders to understand their perspectives and needs.

    6. *Creative problem-solving*: Finding innovative solutions to complex problems.

    7. *Decisiveness*: Making timely and confident decisions, even in uncertain situations.

    8. *Communication skills*: Effectively explaining decisions and rationales to stakeholders.

    9. *Flexibility*: Being adaptable and willing to adjust decisions as circumstances change.

    10. *Accountability*: Taking ownership of decisions and being responsible for their outcomes.

    11. *Ethical considerations*: Ensuring decisions align with ethical principles and organizational values.

    12. *Collaboration*: Working with team members and stakeholders to share knowledge and expertise.

    By considering these factors, project managers can make informed, effective, and timely decisions that support project success.

  106. Dealing with difficult decisions as a project manager requires a thoughtful, innovative and bold approach to explore the best possible outcomes.
    As explained difficult decision is one where there is no obvious way forward, you have a number of options that has their pros and cons.
    Firstly, one of the most difficult decisions to make as project manager is deciding to pull the plug on a project before delivering. There are some reasons why this happens:
    It could be change in the organization’s priority or technical reasons why the project is no longer feasible. Whatever the reason(s) maybe the project manager must clearly state the reasons for cancelling against reasons for continuing, so that the team and stakeholders are aware.

    secondly, drawing a team with diverse backgrounds, languages and competences can be challenging since communication is a must in a project. But when you find a way to communicate and get the team to work together, it is also rewarding.

    Odinfe David Chika

  107. Edeh Chibueze Goodluck
    Team 3, Cohort 16

    For the temporary water supplier, they took a bold step of involving their client and communicating with local stakeholders to ensure that water was available for the project. This emphasized the need of of decision-making skills from a project manager.

    In the event that the local stakeholders couldn’t meet the demand, the project would have been terminated at an early stage before it could be delivered.

  108. Stephen Izuchukwu Emeasoba.
    Team 9. Cohort 16.

    Dealing with difficult decisions as a project manager requires a thoughtful and structured approach to achieved the best possible outcomes.

    From the video, it was important for them to take the decision they took to ensure resolution of the issues with the stakeholders and agree on possible solutions.

    For this to be achieved, the project managers were calm, Keeping their emotions in check and approached the decision objectively.
    They were transparent with their team and stakeholders, and were prepared to address resistance and concerns from stakeholders about the issues, and discus possible solutions.

    The project managers can act differently in a different context, depending on the issues that needs to be addressed and the stakeholder involved.

  109. Decision making is one of the major skill a project manager should possess. Ability to identify issues early during a project lifecycle and work together with the project team and project board to take a decision is very important.
    The goal or objective of any project is to meet the users requirement for the product, if the requirement cannot be met, even with the tolerances in place, then the motive for the project is defeated.
    The project managers in the about lessons, could have acted differently if it was in a BAU (Business as usual) environment.

  110. Project managers face numerous challenges and obstacles throughout a project’s lifecycle. Effective decision-making enables them to identify and implement the best solutions to overcome these the situation at the time.

  111. As a project manager sometimes faced with difficult challenges. Especially in situations where the plugs are pulled before delivery date. I believe that the team’s approach would vary depending on the specific project scenario, as each project presents its unique challenges and experiences. However, their ability to collaborate, brainstorm, and work together towards a common goal, despite the obstacles, is a valuable asset that will help them navigate challenges and achieve project success.

  112. Dealing with difficult decisions involves a careful balance of analysis, stakeholder consideration, risk assessment, and alignment with organizational goals and ethical standards. By approaching challenging decisions systematically and thoughtfully, you can make well-informed choices that lead to positive outcomes for your projects and stakeholders.

  113. Dealing with difficult decisions.
    Referring to the 3 experts who have described their difficult decisions taken in a project, I think what was important for them in taking the decision they took is to build up different ideas that will enable them to carry out the project successfully which will be based on their different role and job specification in a project. To the question if they will act differently in a different context? This is obviously “YES” Why? For every project to be completed successfully it will not be a one-man thing, it must involve different job role which will be acted on differently. For example, taking a project of Developing a Health Application, here we will need a product design, frontend and backend web developer, a mobile developer etc. they act differently in their various context or role to achieve the goal of Developing a Health Application.

  114. My name is Kingsley Okpoko, Team 6, cohort 16.
    About dealing with difficult decisions, i have to come understand that we cannot run away from challenges in life, even in what ever we do.
    I want to believe that Project managers will act differently in different contexts because stakeholders needs varies from pausing a project because of unstable economic policies to prioritizing a higher project, or change in management with a different ideologies, etc.

  115. Daniel eyo
    Team 5,cohort 16,In my own view they would have acted differently in a different project because every project has its own measures, experience, and needs but their ability to manage any risk or change with effective communication will give them an edge to scale through

  116. Reflecting on the decision-making processes of the experts, key factors included reliance on data and evidence, considering stakeholder impact, balancing long-term and short-term benefits, and ensuring alignment with organizational values. In a different context, they might act differently due to varying stakeholder needs, data availability, and specific organizational goals, but these core principles would still guide their decisions. The adaptability of their approach would depend on the unique challenges and priorities of the new context.
    Yes, the experts might act differently in a different context. Decisions are influenced by factors like stakeholder needs, data availability, and organizational goals, which can vary significantly across various scenarios. While core principles such as reliance on data, stakeholder impact, and alignment with values guide their decisions, the specific actions taken would adapt to the unique challenges and priorities of the new context. This adaptability ensures that decisions are effective and relevant, reflecting the dynamic nature of different project environments.

  117. Blessing Olusakin ( Team 3 Cohort16). I think they would have acted differently if it was a different scenario because every project comes with its own unique and peculiar experience however their ability to sit at round table for ideas, brainstorming on solutions and how to navigate the challenges focusing on the goal of the project will help a lot to scale through and arrive at the project goal.

  118. For me I would say they would have acted same way if it was a different project because all their actions were centered to definitive goals which could still be applied in any similar or different projects and still come up successfully. They all emphasized following strategies below:

    – The importance of critical thinking and sound judgment
    – Balancing competing priorities and stakeholder expectations
    – Communicating effectively and transparently
    – Being adaptable and open to changing circumstances or new information
    – Reflecting on their own biases and assumptions

  119. Rose Matarise
    Difficult decisions require careful consideration and assessment of various factors.They all needed to consider Project objectives and alignment and evaluate whether the project still aligns with the organization’s objectives and goals. A significant shift in priorities may warrant termination.Also to be considered are the risks associated with continuing the project versus the risks of terminating it.

  120. They all made decisions based on the challenges the faced during their project, but it is important that in taking decisions in difficult project that requires collaboration you need to A) keep your eyes on the goal B) Be ready to make compromise especially when dealing with other managers who are sentimental about the project.
    For project that requires speaking to people of different language, it is important that you find an efficient way of communication.
    If the project is to be cancelled maybe because the Organization have higher priority projects, it is important that you send time catching the lessons, picking up positive knowledge and skills, this could help you in subsequent project you will manage.

  121. hi, my name is Ruth Chidinma Albert, As a project manager sometimes you will have to deal with difficult decision to ensure the goal for the project is achieved,
    by dropping ones Ego
    making sure the option are set out real
    getting the relevant parties together, the local maintenance team, the organizing team and ourself
    and also having a deep connection installed which is very important for the project

  122. They all made the decisions based on the peculiar challenge they faced. They will all act differently in other circumstances because they made those decisions based on the challenge they all faced. Been a project manager does not have a rigid reaction but a flexible solution .
    Having a meeting of all stakeholders involved brings everyone forward to accept your decision has a Project Manager

  123. I’m Fatimah Oluwatoyin. What was important to the experts was achieving the project goal. So, if taking difficult decision is the way to achieve the goal, then let it be.
    Though, it might be painful going back to do some adjustment on the project. We should also remember that a project is not complete if the goal is not achieved.

  124. Ojomo Ayodele Olaitan
    Cohort 16
    Team 7

    No, i don’t think the project manager experts would have done anything different in a different context because providing solutions to problems or issues usually stem from the experience gained in solving problems in past projects.
    The Project manager experts here simply stuck to their guns and executed their plan, all for the sake of delivering a good and quality project.
    1. Transparency in both word and deed is crucial, it shows who you are and what you would need to get the job done.
    2. No Ego.
    3. Collaborative efforts with partners, reminding them of the goal of the project and what they need to achieve. This was what the first experts iterated, a meeting wth relevant parties:
    a. A water corporation.
    b. The local maintenance team
    c. the organizer

    4. Compromisation: This could be well on the part of the PM experts or their partners which the 3rd project manager talk about, he trying to learn new language to effectively communicate to clients and team members, to ensure proper execution of the project.
    5. Avoidance of bringing in past bad experiences from other failed projects into a new one by the PM themselves or their partners.

  125. Aminah Yusuff
    Team 2 Cohort 16

    I do not think the experts would have acted differently in a different context because there is an objective. They remained fixated on their objective, remembering their purpose and adapting their approach as needed. Through flexibility, cooperation, and a willingness to compromise, they stayed committed to achieving their goal. By sustaining a positive outlook, even in challenging circumstances, they stayed motivated and focused on success.
    The female expert emphasizes on the need not to never allow your ego comes in the way of your project

  126. Good decision making is very essential in project management, the project managers were influenced by the situation of the project.
    Below are the points considered:
    1. Technical reasons
    2. Spend some time to analyze the project.
    3. Meeting with parties involved.
    4. Collaboration with other parties
    5. Draw their attention towards the goals.
    6. Encourage them on why the decision must be made.

  127. Considering the situation at hand, every project manager has to make a sound decision which cuts all round for the best of all the stakeholders. From the video we see that improved communication is very important to get off the challenge of language barrier, weighing the pros and cons and setting out clearly reason of decision is also very important. Communication also helps bring harmony in any stakeholders meeting.

  128. Difficult decisions are taken based on the situation(s) at hand however, the pm will focus a lot on collaboration and clearly communicate to the team

  129. Reflecting on the decisions the project managers took, I would say they will act differently to suite the different situations. However, they made some key points which might not change. For instance, the project manager making everyone keep focus and or redirect the team’s focus on the goal of the project. Also increased collaboration and improved communication skill, to take out language barrier.

    Wale Oyegunle
    Team 8 Cohort 16

  130. The three experts made those decisions after considering multiple options for what was best for the project’s objectives or goals. As a PM, you are saddled with making decisions on behalf of the project team, however, communicating effectively with the team and stakeholders could provide viable solutions in different cases.

  131. It’s important for them in taking this decisions because it’s for the good of the project plan and also for the good of the organization they represent but I would have used my negotiation skills to make a suitable plan to enable me finish up the project instead of ending before the due date.

  132. From Joseph Ikechukwu Onyeocha:

    Certainly! The 3 Different people may react in various ways when faced with difficult decisions in a project.

    1. The Analytical Thinker: This person prefers to approach decisions with a logical and systematic mindset.

    2. The Intuitive Visionary: This individual relies heavily on gut feelings and intuition when making decisions.

    3. The Collaborative Consensus-Builder: This type of person values input and consensus from others in the decision-making process. They might:

    These reactions illustrate how different personalities can approach difficult decisions in distinct ways, drawing on their unique strengths and preferences.

  133. I don’t think they would have acted differently because they have the interest of the project and would want to do what they feel is the best for the project. There are times you have to terminate and project and restrategize or start all over again this decision is always the hardest to take but necessary.
    Also calling all stakeholders to determine the way forward is very vital. One just need to know which approach is best.

  134. Nnadi Stella Chidinma
    Team 7
    As a PM, when faced with difficult decisions
    1. Do not let your ego get in the way of communicating properly.
    2. Go back to the goals of the project find out what went wrong and explain it individually to every member of the team and also have a general meeting for brainstorming to look for solutions and resolve the issues.
    3. When there is conflict of interest, negotiate between parties and find common ground.

  135. The Project Managers were more concerned about the best way forward. They kept their focus on the goal, why they are there, and considered what necessary adjustment, compromise and collaboration they could make to meet their goal. They maintained a positive mindset in any situation.

    In a different context they wouldn’t act differently because of the values they have as Project Managers. For instance, the lady expert spoke about herself not allowing ego to get in the way of her negotiation. That value enabled her meet the clients need and she won the day. They all were purpose driven, not rigid, and solution oriented. The context might be different other times with varying challenges and decisions to make. But In any case, as project managers they have to find a balance that is guided by ethics, values and norms as they did in the situations in the video.

  136. Given all the challenges faced by the project managers, their difficult decisions would not have taken a different route considering the lack of supporting resources. After thorough consideration by the organization, it became clear that language constraints significantly impacted project management. These constraints are a fundamental aspect of the challenges we face, shaping the decisions and strategies employed by the project managers

  137. Reflecting on the decision taken by the experts, I would not have acted differently.
    The goal of any project is for it to be completed, irrespective of the challenges be it the language barrier, unforeseen technical issues, low resources et. c. sometimes for a project to be completed, there must be compromise on the side of everyone involved in the project (from the project team to the sponsors and stakeholders) because it will be very painful if a project is to be canceled when time and resources have been invested in to.

  138. The experts found it difficult to take the decisions they were required to take because they considered all resources including time, energy plus all things everyone had pit to ensure the success of the projects.

    No, in different projects, given the same challenge they won’t act differently. Basically because they understand their roles as project managers and the demand thereof. They understand the importance of negotiation, which they applied and got results. They were able to adhere to the ethical expectations of the project, hence they considered the impact of the challenges on everyone directly or indirectly. They had to act fast to address the situations.

  139. I would say i wouldn’t have acted any differently from them because one of the necessary characteristics a PM must have is negotiation. That is, they must be able to negotiate in order to get a win-win for the project and team

  140. I would say, I wouldn’t have acted differently as the goal of every project manager is to see that all projects are done and that at the end of the day there is a win-win situation, and that stakeholders are satisfied. All three are centered on clear communication and transparency to the team as this is a core characteristics of a good project manager.

  141. Reflecting on the decisions made by three project management experts in challenging situations and how context influences their actions, I don’t think they would have acted differently seeing that their aim was centered on
    — Minimizing risks and ensuring the well-being and productivity of the project stakeholders(Team)
    — Balancing Quality and Budget.
    — Ensuring they don’t slack on the part of effective and honest communication.

  142. The goal of every project manager is to ensure that a project is delivered as expected and planned. However, in ensuring that the project is achieved, it must not be at the expense of the organization’s ethics and values. In summary the goal is to have a win-win at the end of everything.

    The question is, in the midst of these difficult decision making, would they act differently in a different context?

    Well, there might be a different approach to making difficult decisions in different context. Nonetheless, one thing is constant, in every decision taken there ought not to be a compromise as regards to the ethics and values of both parties.

  143. Damilola Ogunsakin

    From the video evidence, it’s evident that their response to the situation was likely not context-dependent. They handled it adeptly, maintaining transparency and clear communication with their team and stakeholders. By keeping their focus on the ultimate goal, they were able to navigate challenges effectively and find appropriate solutions.

  144. Firstly I would say, the goal of the project they were working on is more important to them. Making those difficult decisions they took wasn’t simple, but the reason why the project started initially was stronger than the odds. The goal served as a driving force in making the decision.

    The decision to terminate a project early isn’t a simple one at all because the team members would have invested their time and expertise in the project based on the outlined goals and plans. So then the decision of the project manager to terminate the project after considering the odds or other factors has not been to hurt the effort of the team members but to prevent a major loss at the end of the project. Loss of time, money and resources.

    To the question “Would they have acted differently in a different context?” I would say No to this. Part of the quality of a good project manager is to ensure the well-being of the team members and other stakeholders and to ensure the project is successfully delivered on time and within the budget. Deciding to terminate a project early, sounds like the best decision if it contradicts the ethics of the job.

  145. It’s better to take that tough decision than living of moving on false hope. I won’t have acted differently. They made the right choice at the perfect timing.

  146. From the information gathered from the video, I do not think they would have acted any different in another context. My reasons are that, firstly, they all understood the goals set for the the project which was the major value of their organisation and that sets their decision in motion. They also took into cognizance the essence of collaborating as a team and made use of effective communication to achieve the desired goal irrespective of the challenges encountered. These are great skills required of any project manager, they deployed it and it allowed them get the desired result.

  147. From my point of view, I think they would have acted the same way once it was in the interest of the project and the organization, although it may be difficult for them. As project managers, making a tough decision is part of the skill required.

  148. From this context, they all focused on the importance of team work, clear communications, project goals and above all supportive collaborations and these variables greatly helped them and also shaped their decision making mindset which resulted to a win win situation in the various situations.
    So personally, I think they still would have done same in a different context because they properly understood the importance of the aforementioned variables in project management

  149. Flexibility is crucial when faced with tough decisions, and collaboration and sustainable teamwork are the ultimate solutions to overcoming challenging project decisions.

  150. In each situation, the project goals, team work and collaboration was important and this help shape their decisions. Having these as priority I believe theybwould act the same way in different contexts because their decisions re shaped by the same values.

  151. Hello!!!

    My name is PAUL NWEKE, COHORT 16, TEAM 9.

    From the video, I noticed the following from them;
    – Decision making – Difficult decision to terminate a project.
    – Language challenges – Language barriers.
    – Funding issue – Funding challenges for a project.

    Among these challenges, they were able to overcome the challenges by making sure that they followed the due process. They made sure that there was effective communication with the right authorities and channels to make sure the gap was closed properly. They made sure there was a meeting with the team and other stakeholders involved to resolve the issues. And that decision was just a wonderful one. I think this is the right thing they are supposed to do and I do not think doing otherwise in another context would yield a maximum result like what they did here – engaging the right stakeholders through a proper communication channel.


    Here are the three major challenges I noted from the video:

    1. Making the difficult decision to terminate a project early.
    2. Facing unexpected funding challenges for a project.
    3. Language barriers presenting a challenge.

    Here’s how each challenge was resolved:

    1. Terminating a project early may result from management decisions. However, it’s important to carefully consider the impact, especially if another high-priority project is expected to be carried out. To keep the team motivated, the original goal should be kept in mind, and the knowledge and skills gained should not go to waste.

    2. Addressing the lack of funding for a project involved seeking collaboration with external parties who could provide assistance, with the understanding that they would receive a return on their investment.

    3. Overcoming language barriers is crucial for smooth communication within the project team and with stakeholders. Clear and effective communication is essential for successful project execution.

  153. Frankly, i think project managers often in handling various projects will possibly face difficult situations that make require taking difficult decisions. From the video , i learnt its important for a project manager not to have a ego but to emphasize the place of team work, collaboration, good and effective communication with all team members at all time. Also, an overall believe in the reason or objectives of the projects also helps in been able to cope with taking difficult decisions and above personal ethics as a project manager remains significant.

  154. From the video of the three (3) expert points, there were 3 point i can pick from there
    1. Decision making:- one of the important key as a Project manager is Decision Making, decision is not isolate to one person in field of project management.
    Making decision is a thing that one or group of people must be very careful to carry out for the success of the task or project

    2. Reflection:- this is the process of check over and over before it can be implement on a project. a place of reflection is very important in project manager life.

    3. Different context:- different context bring different ideas together for which manager and team workers should compel together to safe guide the damage that may occur in future

    Uwoghiren Osagie Williams
    Cohort 16
    Team 10

  155. Being cool and calm is a great tool for managing any project even in a family setting, you don’t rush, take decisions and tackle problems just as they come and achieving real life solutions to them, this could be tiring or rather frustrating initially but I am very optimistic that it will pay off at the long run. This actually helped her achieve what she wouldn’t have if she had used a negative approach.

  156. Here is my pick from the three Project Manager sharing of their difficult decision:

    I have realized that Project Manager is not as easy as the name depict. A successful project must posses 3 or more of the give skillset if not all in decision making.

    I their discussion, they wouldn’t have made a better decision for the success of the project if communication, collaboration, ad ethics were absence.

  157. Stephen Amarachi Grace Team 9

    Considering the situation at hand faced by the three experts, I don’t think they could have done anything differently as they had to make the toughest decisions in that project.
    One thing I picked out was collaboration. Project management is not a solo adventure. By collaborating with your team or other team if the need be will also help with decision making.
    Communication is key. Despite the fact that all the experts needed to make a decision, they communicated with their team. Imagine terminating a project early and the project manager just decided that and does it without letting the team know. It would demoralize them as they would feel their efforts was a waste. Communication is also crucial even in dealing with difficult decision.

  158. What was important for them was delivering a complete project to the stakeholders and making sure the efforts of the project team was never in vain.

    I don’t think they would have done something different as at that time. The approach they took was the best approach as at that time.

  159. My name is Omopariola Emmanuel Seun

    Hard decision should be taken, as to whether to cancel the project or to continue.
    The project manager should go extra miles, make sacrifices, take the team back to the initial goal, collaborate the team.

  160. They were able to employ a good communication and collaboration skills in order to solve the difficulties. Margaret Ebieme, Cohort 16 team 6

  161. From the 3 experts point of view, there were 3 points that was highlighted from there discussion
    !. Decision making: in Project management decision making can not be taken from one person i the place of project work.
    Making a decision you must be careful in other not affect the entire project works or task.
    2. reflection: this is the best ideas to look out over and over before the implementation of the project on site
    3. Different context: bringing different ideas together make the manager and his teams to safe guide the risk that may occur in feature during implementing the project.

    Esther Ezinne Uwoghiren
    Cohort 16
    Team 4

  162. I don’t think they had any cause to regret any of the decisions they made.
    As one speaker said, ego was kept aside. They ensured that communication lines were still kept open with all stakeholders to maintain continuity of the project. Another thing that they did was to be open and transparent – they were not afraid to admit the mistakes, take blame and work towards achieving a solution.

  163. Communication works hand in hand with the Ethics
    All three experts made sure the communicated effectively to their project team and clients concerning all the problems they faced. they also remained calm and collected and made sure to find a solution

  164. The 3 expert highlighted 3 major points, which are;

    Being extremely careful when making decisions in order not to affect the project.

    Reflecting on ideas over and over again before implementing them.

    Different Context:
    In a different context, such as a less severe weather condition where safety risks were manageable, decisions made should be considered. The balance between safety and project deadlines would shift based on the severity of the risk.

  165. Their aims is to streak a balance and solve the difficulties or kios that arise

    One of the power tools is communication and collaboration they ensure they have good communication which makes them address the situation and look for alternatives to achieve their goals

    Some need to understand the moral values of his team members

  166. Communication, collaboration and understanding with all parties involved in the project was their major way of handling those difficult decisions, then looking back at what the goal of the project was in order to achieve it’s aims and goals.

  167. Communication and collaboration with all parties involved in the project was their major way of handling those difficult decisions, then looking back at what the goal of the project was in order to achieve it’s aim.

  168. They prioritized the Project, while giving Clear communication and then Collaboration.
    Their ability to remain positive, clearly convey ideas and work seamlessly as a group is truly impressive.

  169. Why the Project Managers took the decisions which they did:
    These 3 project managers had one aim in mind from the onset which was the achieving the goals of the project.

    They had issues ranging from communication to collaboration to resources not being able to go round and a host of other key issues. It took the collaboration of all the stakeholders to actively engage and proffer a solution to the hurdles encountered in the course of the project.

    The different case scenerios entailed different approaches to resolve the different type of problems that came up within the project.

    Would they have handled it otherwise in different situations, most probably, but the solutions would still have been tailored to the needs of the project hurdle.

  170. Communication and collaboration with all parties involved in the project was their major way of handling those difficult decisions, then looking back at what the goal of the project was in order to achieve it’s aim.

  171. What was important for the taking of the decision where that the goal of the project must be achieved and nothing short of that, this help them to know when to continue or cancel a project, as a project manager

  172. Expert 1: Sarah, Project Manager in Construction
    Sarah had to decide whether to continue construction during an unexpected severe weather event. Continuing would risk worker safety, but halting the project would delay completion and increase costs.

    For Sarah, worker safety was paramount. She ultimately decided to halt construction despite the financial implications. This decision was influenced by the ethical responsibility to ensure the well-being of her team and compliance with safety regulations.

    Different Context:
    In a different context, such as a less severe weather condition where safety risks were manageable, Sarah might have decided to implement additional safety measures and continue working. The balance between safety and project deadlines would shift based on the severity of the risk.

    Expert 2: Michael, IT Project Lead
    Michael had to choose between two software solutions for a critical project. One solution was well-known and reliable but expensive, while the other was less expensive but relatively untested.

    Michael prioritized reliability and long-term stability. He opted for the more expensive, well-known software to ensure project success and minimize the risk of future issues. Trust in proven technology and risk aversion guided his decision.

    Different Context:
    If the project had a more flexible budget or if the timeline allowed for thorough testing, Michael might have considered the cheaper, untested software. In a startup environment with limited funds, cost-saving could outweigh the risk, prompting a different choice.

    Expert 3: Lisa, Marketing Campaign Manager
    Lisa faced a dilemma between launching a marketing campaign on schedule with incomplete market research or delaying the launch to gather more data. Launching on schedule could capture immediate market opportunities but risked missing the target audience due to insufficient insights.

    For Lisa, understanding the audience and ensuring the campaign’s effectiveness were crucial. She decided to delay the launch to complete the research, believing that a well-targeted campaign would yield better long-term results despite the short-term delay.

    Different Context:
    In a fast-moving market where timing is critical, such as during a holiday season or a trending event, Lisa might prioritize speed over comprehensive data. Here, capturing the market opportunity quickly could be more important than perfect targeting.

    Common Factors in Decision-Making:

    Values and Priorities: Each expert’s decision was heavily influenced by their core values, such as safety, reliability, and effectiveness.
    Contextual Factors: The specifics of the project environment, such as severity of risks, budget constraints, and timing, significantly impacted the decisions.
    Acting Differently in Different Contexts:

    Sarah: In a less severe weather situation or with different safety protocols, she might balance safety and deadlines differently.
    Michael: With more time or in a financially constrained environment, he might take a calculated risk on the cheaper software.
    Lisa: In a time-sensitive market, she could prioritize a timely launch over exhaustive research.
    These reflections highlight the importance of context in decision-making. While values provide a foundation, the specific circumstances and constraints of each project can lead to different decisions.

  173. For each of these professionals, in making tough calls they prioritised the project, putting into consideration the goals and objectives of the project in the first place. They also considered the people. Without the people, as the PM, you can’t successfully achieve all that you set out to. So, getting the people to a place where their needs are met and they get the work done is a win-win.

  174. Let’s not forget that project management is above all about achieving the planned objectives with the planned resources and within the planned timeframe.
    And in order to deal with endogenous and exogenous factors, communication is needed that respects stakeholders.
    One project manager’s decision may differ from another’s, but what is fundamental is the solidity of the team and its adaptability to any situation.
    In my country, there’s an adage that goes ‘there’s never a problem without a solution’.

  175. In taking decision, you deal with what is most important in the project or what will be the best for the project

  176. What was important to them was ensuring proper management of the situation faced. They used different approaches depending on what they were faced with.

  177. Reflect on what was important in taking the decision:
    Ethics of their organization was important for them in taking the decision they did and also counting the cost and ensuring not to compromise on ethics and openness in their decision making.

    Would they act differently in a different context, why?
    I think they wouldn’t have acted differently in another context due to the fact that no matter the difficulty faced, the project team had adequate communication to the appropriate stakeholders. And this is crucial in the success of any project.

  178. Why the Project Managers took the decision they made.
    The major reason why they took the decision is that they are focused on the project goal. In achieving the goal they had to be flexible in addressing the challenges that came up. Hence through stakeholders engagement and collaboration, they were able to resolve issues and achieve their project goal.

    Would they have acted differently?
    Yes would have acted differently if all resources were available, stakeholders were not affected and are satisfied. But under the circumstance they wouldn’t have acted differently if they were to achieve their project goal.

    Kennedy Anyanwu
    Cohort 15

  179. Yes they would act differently on a different context.
    Firstly the to project management see handling different project , obviously what A plans and decision would be will be different to B plans and decision would be depict the fact that they would follow same skills. Also them would be having different team’s to work on the project. If the two project managers are working on a project as a team then there won’t be difference in their plan and fulfillment of the project.

  180. I think what was important to them was counting the cost, ensuring that they did not compromise on ethics and openness in the decisions made with regards to the stakeholders of the project.

    While past projects can be used to set precedents for future projects, each project is actually unique in nature and should be handled in relation to the unique circumstances surrounding it.

  181. They would react differently in different context because each situation requires different approach

  182. Umeanolue Lilian
    Team 6

    Dealing with issues and taking important decision is one of the skill for a Project Manager.They did exactly what they were meant to do.They would have also acted the same in different context using a different approach.
    Its basically all about decision making and updating the stake holders.

  183. What was important for them is that regardless of the difficulty, the project has to go on and they had to find ways to navigate through the difficulty which will lead to a successful project. For them it was all about teamwork and adequate communication. I don’t think they would have acted differently in another context because no matter the difficulty faced, the project team and adequate communication to the appropriate stakeholders is a constant in the success of any project.

  184. I think it was all about achieving the aim of the project that made the experts take their various decisions. If it wasn’t for their roles as project managers, maybe they would have acted differently because, as an individual it is up to you to decide if you want to work together to achieve a purpose or not.

  185. The success of the project at hand was more important to them and that greatly influenced their decisions. I am certain that they would act differently in another situation, so long as it’s in the best interest of the project.

  186. Osuji Mirian
    May 10,2024@2:08

    As already known project Managers are faced with critical task that are very burdensome but thank God for the three experts, that could handle their different situations amicably.

  187. As a project manager, one must develop a good problem solving skill in order to achieve the best result in a project. However, the 3 experts did their best in resolving the issues faced and i know they would have made better decisions if the circumstances were different

  188. Project managers deal with issues differently depending on the exact problem. It is important that project manager must showcase a high level of knowledge as well as empathy in dealing with issues that may concern the team member and the organization, in this case the issues will be dealt with different because of their morals and empathy concerning that situation.

  189. Basically the three experts did their best in bring along lasting solution to the problems they encountered and treated it respectively. being a project manager problem solving skills is essential and each of the expert were faced with a different problem in their field and was able to manage the situation to the best of their knowledge with the help of other team members.

  190. I believe the three experts did what they had to do in the circumstance in view of their role as PM from whom accountability and open communication with all stakeholders are essential.

  191. Dealing with issues has already been said as part of project managers, but issues are dealt in different ways and perspective. We all have a way of dealing with issues, so in this case the issues will be dealt with different because of their morals and empathy concerning that situation.

  192. Dealing with difficult issues is part of being a Project manager, it is inevitable. However, the recipe for dealing with this issues is always almost found in the kind of decision to be made, the issue involved and the stakeholders in play. I believe the project managers in the video did was necessary at the time, and handled the issues perfectly.

    1. Project managers deal with issues differently depending on the nature of the problem. It is pertinent that project manager must showcase a high level of knowledge as well as empathy in dealing with an issue that may concern the team member and the organization.

  193. Dealing with issues and taking important decision is one of the skill for a PM.They did exactly what they were meant to do.They would have also acted the same in different context using a different approach.
    Its basically all about decision making and updating the stake holders.

  194. As project managers, dealing with difficult decision in project management calls for a well-thought-out methodology. For the three Project managers ,each of them managed the difficulty in the best way they could. They openly analyzed the situation having gathered relevant data and information on the state of the project, engaged the stakeholders in the best way to get their views and concerns. They were ethical and followed due rules in their engagement. They were flexible in a few cases in getting the best of their teammates. They considered the pros and cons where necessary, in taken their choices. In each of their decisions, they had positive dispositions and impact despite the challenging situation and decision made. They ensured the stakeholders are clearly carried along having communicated the rationale behind the decision and got their feedback.
    I believe they could have reacted differently in difference context, however whatever their reaction, I believe it will still be the best decision they can take in a challenging situation taking into consideration the stakeholders, holding forth the best values and ethics.

    Familua Adeniyi
    Cohort 15, Team 1

  195. From the explanations of the experts, they would only try to save the situation and so can do whatsover that is right to be done. That would vary depending on the situation at hand and what needs to be done.

  196. During the course of running a project, there are instances where you would need to make difficult decisions as a project manager.
    One thing peculiar to the experts is their ability to communicate effectively with all stakeholders involved while analysing the situation on ground and thinking of possible alternatives. They were able to do this by considering the available resources,nature of project,technical issues e.t.c. Also, they were patient and calm enough to address the challenges. I believe that in a different situation, they wouldn’t act so differently because even though each project is unique, as a P. M, you need to be able to adapt to situations, be transparent with every stakeholder involved and think of possible alternatives.

  197. Listening to the experts on the unique challenges they all faced in their different projects,one would realize that every project comes with it’s uniqueness, and proffering solutions to challenges must be a strong point of any project manager and with each decision a project manager arrives at, it must still uphold the value of the firm,this w
    Can either make him or discredit him
    So,every Project manager MUST possess these skills Communication skill,Critical Thinking, risk analysis ,risk manager ,teamwork and transparency .

    Cohort 15, Team 7

  198. Project management is a challenging task because it requires the ability of a PM to make difficult decisions to have the ability to impact negatively or positively to organisational goals.

    What was important to them, was how the decision and management skill (as regards the challenges faced) could impact on the project and organisational target. For instance, the speaker said, “it can be very painful to terminate a project early” but important consideration here is the reason behind the decision.

    Would they act differently in a different context? Why?

    Yes, because in most cases, different situations require different approaches.

  199. Life itself is characterized by various challenges, and so a project is not immune to challenges. Of course, there might have been a vision for embarking on a project with good intentions but sometimes life happens which could lead to a change in priority, thus putting a pause, redirection, or entirely stopping a project regardless of how far it has gone or how much has been spent.

    however, there could also be a good reason why a project has to be paused, redirected or stopped.
    Whichever the case, in situations like this just as mentioned in the video, communicating with details to the various tiers of stakeholders is very key. Show empathy and in some cases compensating the project team for time spent might be a great thing to do. Other situations might require the Project manager to come up with a solution for the project to continue, either way communicating with stakeholders is Key.

    Mary Ayo

  200. One thing I noticed from the three experts is that there is a target they must achieve, they focused on the goal. And if I was in their shoes I wouldn’t have acted differently.
    It was painful to have cancelled a project half way because of the efforts that have been put in to it.
    But she had empathy and was able to manage the situation and speak with her team.

  201. As project managers, dealing with difficult decision in project management calls for a well-thought-out methodology. For the three Project managers ,each of them managed the difficulty in the best way they could. They openly analyzed the situation having gathered relevant data and information on the state of the project, engaged the stakeholders in the best way to get their views and concerns. They were ethical and followed due rules in their engagement. They were flexible in a few cases in getting the best of their teammates. They considered the pros and cons where necessary, in taken their choices. In each of their decisions, they had positive dispositions and impact despite the challenging situation and decision made. They ensured the stakeholders are clearly carried along having communicated the rationale behind the decision and got their feedback.
    I believe they could have reacted differently in difference context, however whatever their reaction, I believe it will still be the best decision they can take in a challenging situation taking into consideration the stakeholders, holding forth the best values and ethics.

    Familua Adeniyi
    Cohort 15, Team 1

  202. Navigating challenging decisions requires a methodical and organized approach that harmonizes ethical considerations, practical consequences, and stakeholder interests.

    It is important to gather pertinent information and assess potential outcomes for each alternative. Delve into the ethical principles at play, such as integrity, equity, and regard for others’ rights.
    Engage with stakeholders to grasp their viewpoints and apprehensions. Evaluate the merits and demerits of each option, factoring in both immediate and long-term repercussions.

    Prioritize choices that resonate with fundamental values and ethical norms, while also evaluating feasibility and impact. Upon reaching a decision, it is important to communicate it clearly and transparently, explaining the reasoning to affected parties.
    Then, monitor the decision’s outcomes and remain open to adjustments if circumstances warrant them.

  203. From the discussions of the experts, I was able to see that challenges are normal for managers but it differs and how to handle them differs too.
    Once a manager is faced with a challenge or challenges, the next thing is to find a solution. Solutions can actually come from having a round table discussion with the team just as the expert with the venue issue. He was able to proffer solution despite the fact that the client had to pay extra.
    Another thing i learnt is seeing a challenge as an opportunity. This I got from the expert who had communication as a challenge due to language barrier but he saw it as a value.
    Also, it might be a difficult thing to terminate a project early but if it’s affecting the priority, it might be permitted and always be positive about everything even when there is a termination of project. Be positive because there are lessons to be learnt.

  204. Despite the strain they all went through in making those tough decisions, their unrelenting determination to follow their ethical values of delivering the best services for their clients kept them going and enabled them stick to the decisions. Acting differently in another context would have been a matter of how dire the situation is and the consequences if they were to overlook the ethics and compromise

  205. Olufemi Olayanju Cohort 15, Team 8

    Every project is unique hence project managers must be prepared for the unforeseen and the unexpected. Project managers are usually task and result driven but there are situations that sometimes challenges the skill set and competency of a project manager. When this occurs it requires a situation analysis vis-a-vis the goal of the project.
    In one of the cases mentioned, there was a need for continued business justification. For reason of a change in priority, a project had to be terminated. In this particular case of project termination, the sponsors due to change in priority decided to divert resources elsewhere after the take off of the project despite time, effort and commitment invested. Project termination could also be for technical reasons affecting the feasibility of the project. The project manager in either situation could not have acted differently as he or she is called to implement a plan to create a viable product. If the sponsor is no longer interested in sponsoring the project or the project cannot deliver on a viable product, it has to wind up prematurely.
    In the MTD water infrastructure case, it was clearly a case of clash of interests between two managers wanting to offer service and deliver result. The lesson in this case was the fact that when confronted with difficult decisions , all stakeholders must collaborate in seeking a way forward. There is need for engagement, communication and compromise to forge ahead.
    In handling difficult decision, there is need for problem analysis, collaborate with stake holders on the way forward, negotiation, consider all options, decide collaboratively, capture lessons and outputs from the resolution.

    On whether the project managers would act differently in another context, it depends on the peculiar circumstances of the different context. The words different context suggest a different set of circumstances. For sure the project managers have learnt lessons from this particular scenarios which they can take forward to other project settings. Project managers are constantly learning on the job and getting better as managers. Project dynamics differ from one project to another but new projects are always enriched by lessons learnt from previous projects.

  206. Every project is unique hence project managers must be prepared for the unforeseen and the unexpected. Project managers are usually task and result driven but there are situations that sometimes challenges the skill set and competency of a project manager. When this occurs it requires a situation analysis vis-a-vis the goal of the project.
    In one of the cases mentioned, there was a need for continued business justification. For reason of a change in priority, a project had to be terminated. In this particular case of project termination, the sponsors due to change in priority decided to divert resources elsewhere after the take off of the project despite time, effort and commitment invested. Project termination could also be for technical reasons affecting the feasibility of the project. The project manager in either situation could not have acted differently as he or she is called to implement a plan to create a viable product. If the sponsor is no longer interested in sponsoring the project or the project cannot deliver on a viable product, it has to wind up prematurely.
    In the MTD water infrastructure case, it was clearly a case of clash of interests between two managers wanting to offer service and deliver result. The lesson in this case was the fact that when confronted with difficult decisions , all stakeholders must collaborate in seeking a way forward. There is need for engagement, communication and compromise to forge ahead.
    In handling difficult decision, there is need for problem analysis, collaborate with stake holders on the way forward, negotiation, consider all options, decide collaboratively, capture lessons and outputs from the resolution.

    On whether the project managers would act differently in another context, it depends on the peculiar circumstances of the different context. The words different context suggest a different set of circumstances. For sure the project managers have learnt lessons from this particular scenarios which they can take forward to other project settings. Project managers are constantly learning on the job and getting better as managers. Project dynamics differ from one project to another but new projects are always enriched by lessons learnt from previous projects.

  207. We are faced with one challenge or the other as individuals and as an organisation. These challenges vary from one project to another, hence there are need to function differently in resolving them.
    A manager could resolve his or her team challenge by constant communication while other comes through a written plan for deliberation, another maybe through criticism as the case may be. In dealing with difficult decisions as a project manager, positivity is highly required to be able to withstand dilemmas of handling technical issues and critical decisions. Seeking opinions from different parties especially when there is a language barrier between the manager and some team workers.
    There’s a great need to act differently in handling difficult decisions because we operate with different people with different barrier in communication, innovative ideas,values etc.
    COHORT 15
    TEAM 3

  208. Onadeko Tofunmi Cohort 15 Team 8
    Dealing with difficult decisions requires a thoughtful and structured approach that balances ethical considerations, practical implications, and the interests of stakeholders. First, gather all relevant information and analyze the potential outcomes of each option. Consider the ethical principles involved, such as honesty, fairness, and respect for others’ rights. Engage with stakeholders to understand their perspectives and concerns. Weigh the pros and cons of each choice, taking into account both short-term and long-term consequences. Prioritize options that align with core values and ethical standards, while also considering feasibility and impact. Once a decision is made, communicate it clearly and transparently, explaining the rationale to those affected. Monitor the results of the decision and be open to adjustments if necessary.

    I think they will act differently in different context.

  209. These three team members consistently demonstrated strong work ethics, a deep understanding of their environment and project, and a commitment to delivering results despite challenges. By fully embracing the core principles and values of their project and organization, they effectively navigated and resolved difficulties encountered along the way. Their integration of work ethics, comprehensive project understanding, and dedication to achieving results, even in the face of obstacles, enabled them to find optimal solutions within the framework of their project and organization.

  210. These three experts expressed critical thinking before deciding and coming up with solutions to resolve the issues on the ground.

  211. Before making a decision as a PM,I believe this three expert will have think very well about and put some things into consideration especially for the first expert who terminate a project but as for the language barrier from the third expect I think hiring hiring a language translator will have be the best option for that

  212. These three team members exhibited strong work ethics, had a thorough understanding of their environment and project, and consistently delivered the necessary results despite facing challenges. They fully embraced the core principles and values of their project and organization, enabling them to effectively navigate and resolve any difficulties they encountered.

  213. If a project is to be discontinued as painful as it may seem based on effort and input from team and stakeholders. As a PM first a careful reviews of all the reasons for and against and coming up with the right approach and explanations for conciliation is necessary. I have seen projects being delayed for a month for safety reasons were lives with be greatly affected. So yes a project could be council if it will cause more harm to the environment and the eco-system,which in turn will impact on health and cost of the project

  214. In my point of view after watching the video, what is important to them in taking the decision they took was the flair to completing Projects. Considering time, resources, commitment and effort invested on the project.

  215. These three individuals took work ethics into account, understood their surroundings and the project they were working on perfectly, and made sure to deliver the required results despite any obstacles in their way. They were able to fully integrate the principles and values that underpin their project and organization, allowing them to find the best solution for whatever difficulty they find themselves in.

  216. From the video seen, the experiences of three experts who navigated difficult decisions in a project shed light on the critical factors in their decision-making processes. Each expert emphasized the significance of considering diverse viewpoints, gathering pertinent data, and assessing the potential risks and benefits prior to making a decision. These elements enabled them to navigate challenging scenarios and make well-informed choices aligned with their project objectives.

    Reflecting on whether these experts would act differently in a different context, it’s crucial to recognize that decision-making is influenced by the unique circumstances of each project. While the fundamental principles of information gathering and considering multiple perspectives remain constant, the specific context, stakeholders involved, and nature of the decision can vary significantly.

    In another context, these experts might adjust their decision-making approach based on factors like the urgency of the situation, resource availability, and stakeholder collaboration levels. They could adapt their strategies and processes to address the distinct challenges and opportunities posed by each project environment.

    Ultimately, the ability to flexibly apply sound decision-making principles is essential for navigating diverse project scenarios effectively. By learning from past experiences and remaining open to adjusting their approach, these experts can continue making informed decisions that contribute to project success, irrespective of the context.

  217. Dealing with difficult decisions requires a thoughtful and structured approach that balances ethical considerations, practical implications, and the interests of stakeholders. First, gather all relevant information and analyze the potential outcomes of each option. Consider the ethical principles involved, such as honesty, fairness, and respect for others’ rights. Engage with stakeholders to understand their perspectives and concerns. Weigh the pros and cons of each choice, taking into account both short-term and long-term consequences. Prioritize options that align with core values and ethical standards, while also considering feasibility and impact. Once a decision is made, communicate it clearly and transparently, explaining the rationale to those affected. Monitor the results of the decision and be open to adjustments if necessary.
    1. Before termination of project, one must weigh both the cost of continuing and canceling the project
    2. A way must be created to overcome the language barrier even if it requires to hire a translator.
    3. When the necessity is not available, the available becomes the necessity which have mostly help out in project management and completion.
    4. It’s not easy to bring back the interest of members who have lost interest in an ongoing project but it’s very important to find a way to make them have a rethink towards the completion of the project.

  218. From my observation they all had to seat with all the stakeholders to resolve the issues. The resulting dialog resulted in solutions. In another context they would still have had to dialog to result issues and make the tough decisions.

  219. It was important to all of them that the focus should be on achieving the goal while trying as much as possible to maintain cordiality and effectiveness. Even where the project has to be terminated, it is still critical to keep the goal in mind and constantly align decisions and solutions to problems with the project purpose in mind.
    In different situations I think they’d have acted in similar ways but the response would necessarily be tailored to the peculiarity of the situation.

  220. From my observation they all had to seat with all the stakeholders to resolve the issues. The resulting dialog resulted in solutions. In another context they would still have had to dialog to result issues and make the tough decisions.

  221. Considering what was said by the managers, what I observed was the word communication. Sometimes, there may be a need to compromise but as a Project manager, the cost must be counted in other to ensure that it is a win win for both parties and the project itself it full achieved.

  222. The decisions made by the three project managers depend on the goals of the project.

    According to the first project manager, the early termination of a project is the most difficult decision to make. This is because team members and stakeholders have invested significant effort in the project. The decision to terminate may be made if the project is significantly over budget or if the costs outweigh the potential benefits. Stakeholder expectations and project feasibility are also factors that may lead to early termination.

    In a different context, PMs may act differently based on the specific project, organizational priorities, and external factors.

    While the second project manager employed more team members to accelerate project progress when he was faced with resource constraints.

    In a different context, PMs may consider other alternative solutions, such as optimizing existing resources or adjusting project timelines, depending on the situation.

    The last project manager mentioned that the most difficult decision he ever took was due to language barriers, which can impact project progress.

    In a different context, PMs may prioritize language proficiency or explore technology-based communication tools.

    Ultimately, the decisions made by the project managers were dependent on the specific context, project goals, and available information. It is important to consider all relevant factors and adapt decision-making strategies accordingly.

  223. No doubt, every Project Manager will face one or two challenges in project and PMs must be ready to use diverse means in sorting them out. What was very important to the three experts that made them took the decision they took was the success of a project. Being successful in project plans and meeting the goal is the joy of every Project Manager. However, if there situations arises, PMs must count the cost, make concrete analysis to see if the project should continue or be cancelled. If a PM succeeded in counting the cost and continue the project, he has succeeded to add another badge to his feather and impact people with the project. If a PM succeeded in counting the cost and he realizes the project is not anywhere going to yield results and cancel the project early, he has also succeeded in diverting and avoiding the negativity the project can have on his organizations or beneficiary at large. Either ways, it’s a win win for a project manager

  224. No one would want to start a project and not complete it, and the beauty of being a PM is when you are able to deliver that which is committed into your hands. You will continue to be relevant as PM to degree which you provide solutions to complex problems. Their intention to deliver as PM propelled them to take the decision.
    And to answer if they would act differently in a different context, I will say yes! because they will have another set of stakeholder, client and possibly project team to deal with.. One of the PM explained how they had issue with with water and how it is being resolved. Two important steps he took is to gather people together for brainstorming and after which he was able to get contingency for the venue…. The case might not be the same in a different context.

  225. Before terminating a project as a PM you must weigh both the cost of continuing and canceling the project

  226. The experts wouldn’t have acted differently in another circumstance.

    Because individuals have different ways of thinking about how an issue should be solved, one can only agree with the views of other stakeholders, by comparing everyone’s opinions, and then go with the ones that best solve the issue.
    The organization also have their regulations on how things should go.

    So, just like one of the experts said, they had to collaborate.
    Collaborating with the organization and customers to resolve any issue that comes up is one of the keys to keeping the relationship between an organization and its customers.

  227. For the three managers, these things stand even as they encounter challenges as Managers
    Creating a balance by weighing the cost of continuation or termination of a project.
    Overcoming language barriers for effective communication and impartation.
    Sustaining members’ interest, as this could be hard to reclaim when lost. Creating engaging communication strategies that allow members to rethink their commitments and deepen their connection to the quality of service delivery.
    Considering the rights’ of team members and engaging them on their perspectives to get well-rounded and effective delivery.
    Being open to adjustments will allow team members to fully commit to the core values and overall service delivery of their projects.

  228. All of the managers encountered challenges, but their major propeller is the the success of the project which was their target. Individual approach to each challenges encountered is keen.

  229. According to the 3 experts that shared their difficulties, to me it’s the best thing they did to find a wayout…
    1. Before termination of project, one must weigh both the cost of continuing and canceling the project
    2. A way must be created to overcome the language barrier even if it requires to hire a translator.
    3. When the necessity is not available, the available becomes the necessity which have mostly help out in project management and completion.
    4. It’s not easy to bring back the interest of members who have lost interest in an ongoing project but it’s very important to find a way to make them have a rethink towards the completion of the project.

    In general, to complete a project many sacrifices are done as a project manager.

  230. Sometimes project scope may expand beyond the initial expectation. one challenge that arises from this is to decide if it still favors the goal of the project for the the work to continue. and if it were to continue what form of external input should be brought on board.

  231. Dealing with difficult decisions requires a thoughtful and structured approach that balances ethical considerations, practical implications, and the interests of stakeholders. First, gather all relevant information and analyze the potential outcomes of each option. Consider the ethical principles involved, such as honesty, fairness, and respect for others’ rights. Engage with stakeholders to understand their perspectives and concerns. Weigh the pros and cons of each choice, taking into account both short-term and long-term consequences. Prioritize options that align with core values and ethical standards, while also considering feasibility and impact. Once a decision is made, communicate it clearly and transparently, explaining the rationale to those affected. Monitor the results of the decision and be open to adjustments if necessary.

  232. Each project manager encounter challenges, but it’s their adaptability and flexibility that often spell the difference between success and failure. Despite facing difficult situations, they demonstrate resilience by shifting their focus from the problem at hand to crafting innovative solutions. By embracing change and adapting to unforeseen circumstances, they steer the project towards success, proving that obstacles are merely stepping stones on the path to achievement.

  233. The decision to make the project a success was their driving force and They were focused on the project goals even though They had their different approaches in solving difficult issues.

  234. In a different context, such as having more flexibility in resource management or access to alternative water sources, MTD might approach the situation differently.

    If MTD had access to alternative water sources or could arrange for temporary water supply solutions (like water trucks or onsite storage), they might explore these options to continue project activities without major interruptions.

    Improved water management practices, such as water recycling systems or efficient usage techniques, could help mitigate water supply challenges and support concurrent project activities.
    Depending on project priorities and contractual obligations, MTD might prioritize water-intensive tasks for one project over another or adjust project timelines to optimize resource utilization.

    The decision-making process would be influenced by the specific context, available resources, project timelines, contractual obligations, and stakeholder expectations.

    Flexibility, adaptability, and proactive risk management can guide project managers and organizations in navigating unexpected challenges when handling projects.

  235. Inability to state clearly project objectives and goals can lead to taking some difficult decision,such as termination of project. A good PM must get his/her plans ready, and clear enough to convince the client of success. No client will want to engage in fruitless venture. Once this is settled, difficult decision taken will always be for positive results of the ongoing project, such as re assigning of roles to each team members.

  236. What was important to the project managers in the video was:
    1. Focusing on the goal of the organization in accomplishing the given task
    2. Collaborating with the team and stakeholders in order to achieve the set goal.
    I believe every issue has its peculiarity and therefore requires different approaches in resolving it. Therefore, I would say that if they were face with a different situation they would have acted differently. However, focusing on the goal for each task and collaborating with the team and stakeholders is material to every situation.

  237. In the video the three professional project manager focused more on their goals which lead to the success of the project.

  238. The three experts where precisely focused on the organisational goals and prioritizing the goals of the organisation and being determine to achieve the goals no matter the odds made them successful. Also having clear communication with the team and involving stakeholders made it easier

  239. In overcoming all the difficult situations faced by the project managers as all three discussed, the most entailing thing was the project goal and even if faced with a more peculiar case this is the main objective of the project which is the successful completion of the project. At such stating clear project objectives and goals help project managers overcome difficult situations with reasonable ease.

  240. I noticed 3 important things about the 3 experts, the decision was the success of the project. They were focused on the project goals. They had their different approaches in solving difficult issues.

  241. In difficult situations where there’s no straightforward answer or decision, the project manager has to ensure that the guiding factor behind his/her choice/decision is the success of the project. In different circumstances, different choices would need to be made while still ensuring the success of the project.

  242. What was important for 3 experts in taking the decision was the success of the project. They were focused on the project goals. They had their different approaches in solving difficult issues. They were able to make the decision because of their transparency and clear communication with their teammates and stakeholders.
    If they were found in a different situation, they will act differently because not all problems are the same, so approach cannot be the same.

  243. I’ve learned from the three experienced Project Managers that a difficult decision often arises when there isn’t a straightforward, clear path forward. In such situations, there are multiple options available, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. However, as a Project Manager, it’s crucial to recognize that there’s always an alternative. Our primary objective is to deliver value within the designated timeframe or schedule, and navigating through these alternatives is a fundamental aspect of achieving that goal.

  244. As a project manager, circumstances towards a project could differ but identifying the right strategy to approach them is relevant.

  245. Basically, the ultimate goal of a project manager is to meet a success at the end, so each situation could probably have their own different way of sorting, and the PM’s ability to think like the teammates and the stakeholders could go a long way

  246. One of the things that was important for the Project managers was the positive outcome of what ever decision they had to take, either aborting a project they just started or finding an extra solution to an already existing one or having to come to terms in communication with the stakeholders despite the disparity in languages.

  247. The three experts all had different approaches to solving the difficult issues. And I think one of the general factors of the three is the ability to communicate with both their team mates and the stakeholders. As a project manager, we should be able to tackle difficult situations in a very calm way. Ability to compromise and be patient with team members is also essential. A project manager should also be honest, ensure you relay the reason for any change to both team members and stakeholders in clear term.

  248. The experts’ decisions were influenced by the specific project context, including constraints, objectives, and external factors. Depending on different contexts, such as available resources, deadlines, budget, and market conditions, their decision-making may vary to align with the unique circumstances at hand. Flexibility and adaptability are key traits in decision-making, allowing experts to navigate various contexts effectively

  249. Project managers have a unique approach in terms of decision-making. this depends on the current matter at hand. the three experts each had to make a difficult decision to continue or discontinue their projects. project manager should be open and communicate effectively to ensure the feedback collected can be of help in the next project.

  250. Circumstances and the nature of the project determine the action of the project manager. Many things affect the decisions taken by a project manager- financial resources, social, climatic factors as well as cultural factors. The ability to adapt to change,and if necessary, develop a contingency plan, makes a project manager capable of handling whatever challenge(s) faced at every point in time.
    Another factor to be considered is the response from the stakeholders to the changes observed in the execution of the project. Once the project manager informs the stakeholder (s) of the challenge(s), the response obtained will also determine the next course of action to be taken.

  251. These three experts all had different experiences that required them to act in different ways. As a project manager, the decisions you make on different projects will differ. A project manager should always be prepared to make decisions, even difficult ones, which would ultimately help them achieve the goal or goals of the project which is the most important. A project manager should be open to collaborations and compromise and also be able to be transparent and honest while communicating effectively.

  252. The main goal for each of them was achieving the main goal of the project which they did, despite the hurdles and setbacks. I think they would ascot the say way if in a different context, because like I said the main aim is to get the job done, have contingency plans ahead and making sure they are stated clearly and everyone understands.

  253. A project manager has to take decisions which is usually based on the issues or situations at a particular project at the time,the key is to be able to compromise and find the most favorable option for all the parties involved. it is also necessary to pull the plug on the project if that is the best route to take for all the stakeholders involved in the project.
    A project manager might have to act differently than they did in the past, that is because every project is different no matter how similar it may be, and also the priority level of the project at the time.

  254. They had to act differently because each of them has well-outlined specific goals they had to achieve, bearing in mind they are serving in different capacities, and the decisions each makes have an impact on the overall project goals. That is why teamwork and diversity come into play here.

    I think they all make the right decision as a project manager, which helps the team achieve success at the end of the project.

  255. Project managers act differently based on the situation on ground, every challenge is unique, the response to the challenge should be based on what’s to be done to achieve the set goal. It about carrying stakeholders along and managing resources effectively.

  256. The most important things is getting the project done safely and timely. Despite the issues or difficulties encountered, they all discussed, found solution and moved ahead

  257. Nobody want wish to terminate a project because you have wasted a lots of time but meeting with the team concerning a difficult deal and manage it is a good decision

  258. One thing that was important was the best way forward at ensuring the project continues and there is value delivered. The ability of a project manager to handle impediments is key which was what they did.

  259. What is important is ego be dropped when discussing to find solution to a situation.
    All parties involved must come to round table to discuss about the steps to take to find solution to the problem.
    The PM must come to the level of the team

  260. what was important for them in each situation was the project. They were all focused on the project goals and found solutions to problems that might hinder achieving this goals.
    if they were found in a different situation i think they will act differently because not all problems are the same so the approach cannot be the same.

  261. These experts faced a tough choice. They had clear goals, but it wasn’t easy to solve the problems. Nobody wants to end a project early, especially when others have put in a lot of effort. They tried to prevent setbacks with safety measures, but if those didn’t work, they had no choice but to stop the project.

    Now, to the question of whether they’d act differently in another situation, the answer is yes. There could be many reasons for terminating the project, like not enough resources, natural disasters, or even the sponsor’s decision. In a different situation, they might have made a different, better choice.

  262. These three expert have thought and goals laid out for them. In case of early termination project, it could not be easy because of the time, efforts, resources and manpower put into the project. Like she readily said, the termination also, resulted to positive and negative feedback. Also, on one point, they have to compromise. Language barrier is also put difficulties in decision making.

  263. What is more important to a PM is to always lead the mind of the team or stakeholders towards the goal as well as ensuring serene workspace. i.e ensuring that the team are in their good state of mind.

    Its also important to find a safe landing towards every decision as far as that decision would the compromise the core goal of the organisation/project.

  264. These three experts are on top of the discussions. They had their goals well planned for. they didn’t give up and one of them mentioned termination of a project, it is assumed that their was no other option for her to choose termination of project.

  265. On the issue of termination of contract, I think another route ought to have been taken. Actually, i do not know what led to the termination but if it is a default from the client, it could lead to litigation because the contractor must have purchased a bond, mobilise, etc except if the project was terminated at the planning level

  266. These experts are at the top of their discussion making ladders although hard and difficult to decide but will with the help of communication and transparency in achieving a common goal

  267. These experts were at the top of their decisions making ladder, although difficult yet engaging in communication and transparency in resolving their issues to attain organisation goals.

  268. These experts made the right decisions based on the situation at hand. They also did well in being transparent and communicating the current situation to their stakeholders. I also observed that in every project, free flow of communication is very important especially in international projects.

  269. The three were good in their decisions though difficult but Employing communication and transparency in resolving their issues to attain organisation goals.

  270. The experts had their goals well plans. Their challenges were tackled differently. Communication, effectiveness and willing to collaborate always with their team members is key.

    1. Terminating a project is one difficult decision for every project manager. The 3 PM’s acted differently based on their experience

  271. The three PMs acted differently and have their goals outlined in mind to achieve in their different projects. They have play with effective communication with all stakeholders to make a final decision.

  272. The three experts all very good at their jobs had moments where they were tested and from the video, they overcome. They communicated with their stakeholders, peers, clients and their team. Yes some of the decisions they made probably wasn’t to everyone’s liking but they understood it’s logical point of view.

  273. The experts had their goal intact and they didn’t let the distractions and challenges they had to tackle alongside got them Carried away
    So effective communication played a very good role here in achieving the success

    COHORT 14
    TEAM 4

  274. These experts did so well in the decision making process while dealing with difficult decisions.
    They had different goals per project plan as such, each expert required diverse skills ranging from communication ( the foundation; with or without language barrier) to empathy, collaboration, time management, risk management among others putting the pros and cons into consideration all to favour the success of the projects.

  275. The three experts differently and have their goals outlined and the most important is communication,they communicate to tackle the thing on ground.

    1. Dealing with difficult decision is one thing a project manager has to deal with but reflecting on the most important objective of the project is very important in other for them to achieve their goal.
      Also,clear and consistent communication with stakeholders should remain ethical while making decisions.
      The three project manager would react differently in different situation because each situation requires different approach.

  276. The three expert PMs acted differently and have their goals outlined in mind to achieve in their different projects.

  277. These experts did so well in the decision making process while dealing with difficult decisions.
    They had different goals per project plan as such, each expert required diverse skills ranging from communication ( the foundation; with or without language barrier) to empathy, collaboration, time management, risk management among others putting the pros and cons into consideration all to favour the success of the projects.

  278. They had to act differently because each of them has well-outlined specific goals they had to achieve, bearing in mind they are serving in different capacities, and the decisions each makes have an impact on the overall project goals. That is why teamwork and diversity come into play here.

  279. The best approach to resolve and take difficult decisions is to be transparent and ensure adherence to laid down rules and regulations. Additionally, a project manager must be seen to be leading by example.

  280. Time management was one of the difficulties faced by the first project manager this made me have a reflection of our previous module on proper planning in other to meet up on time in handling project.
    positivity in team work is of necessity once the team members are positive that a particular goal will be achieved all efforts will be put into achieving the goal .

  281. making the right decision as a project manager, helps the team achieve success at the end of the project.

  282. Looking at the decisions the three project managers had to take, you could say that they had no other choice.
    Having a viable project is more important than sticking to the initial plan or cost.
    Pulling the plug on a project has to be a very difficult decision especially when time and energy has gone into it. Nevertheless it was a right decision as the project my not be useful after completion.

  283. The capacity to communicate with teammates and stakeholders was crucial to their success, especially in the face of a situation that appeared difficult and demanding due to the intricacy of striking a balance between a number of competing interests, deadlines, resource limitations, and possible hazards.

  284. For the 3 project managers, several key factors were important:

    Clear Objectives: Understanding the project’s goals and objectives is crucial for making decisions that align with the project’s overall direction.

    Stakeholder Input: Considering the perspectives and needs of stakeholders helps ensure that decisions take into account diverse viewpoints and potential impacts.

    Risk Assessment: Evaluating potential risks and uncertainties allows project managers to anticipate challenges and make decisions that mitigate negative consequences.

    Data and Information: Basing decisions on accurate and relevant data enhances their effectiveness and reduces the likelihood of making decisions based on assumptions or incomplete information.

    Communication: Effective communication with team members, stakeholders, and other relevant parties is essential for conveying decisions, gathering input, and maintaining transparency throughout the decision-making process.

    Flexibility: Being adaptable and open to adjusting decisions as new information emerges or circumstances change enables project managers to respond effectively to unexpected challenges.

    Project managers may indeed act differently in different contexts due to factors such as the nature and complexity of the project, the organizational culture, the availability of resources, and external influences such as market conditions or regulatory requirements.

  285. Yes the three project manager expertises will of courses act differently
    2. Stakeholders involved in the project
    3. The deadline
    4.funding etc
    Now these variables can effect there reasons and the way they act,
    Environment is a strong hold in a project hence it might effect the project negatively or positively thereby affecting the way they act or will react to it
    Stakeholders are another strong hold while carrying out a project, their decisions might affect the way the expertises react or handle the project
    Lastly funding, funding is another thing to consider when carrying out a project, this might also affect the way these experts reacts

  286. Having to terminate a project is actually a tough decision.
    Just like the narration of other project manager….
    Technical issues, higher priority jobs, challenges of venue
    My most painful reason to terminate a project was the indecision of the client.

    When we had to go back and forth foe reasons not worth it yet the client is not willing to make compensations.

  287. All 3 PMs would act differently in a different context because a lot of variables involved would have changed and need to be taken in to consideration. Variables like the project, the environment, the stakeholders involved, the different problems that might arise during the course of the project. These would require their responses and decisions to be tailored to the specific parameters surrounding that project.

  288. Dealing with difficulty decision.
    3 experts have described difficult decisions they had to take in one project. Now think about what was important for them in taking the decision the took.

    I think what was more important to the 3 project managers are the priority of the project, the goals of the project and achieving this goals within its set time and budget

    Would they have at differently in a different contexts and why

    I personally believe their decisions would be based on the uniqueness of the problem that they encounter when carrying out a project and they wouldn’t have acted differently seeing they all made compromises, coming up with different alternatives to deal with the issues and at the end of the said projects everyone was happy with the outcome.

  289. A Project Manager should be a proactive person so as to assuage situations that could turn messy and which could tarnish his integrity. So if nipping in the bud is the saviour for such, then it is advisable to go for it after considering both negative and positive sides well.
    Since this is not an act of cowardice, in different situations, these PMs would have taken different actions.

  290. I think, based on my understanding, decisions are made based on the circumstances at hand. And having listened to the three experts, they are much more concerned about project goals set before the project started, with a clear focus on the goals.

    They had to act differently because each of them has well-outlined specific goals they had to achieve, bearing in mind they are serving in different capacities, and the decisions each makes have an impact on the overall project goals. That is why teamwork and diversity come into play here.

  291. A Project Manager should be a proactive person so as to assuage situations that could turn messy and which could tarnish his integrity. So if nipping in the bud is the saviour for such, then it is advisable to go for it after considering both negative and positive sides well.
    Since this is not an act of cowardice, in different situations, these PMs would have taken different actions.

  292. Dealing with difficult decisions as a project manager involves carefully evaluating the situation, and considering various factors such as project constraints, contingencies, stakeholder interests, and ethical considerations. It requires effective communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills to explore alternatives, weigh the potential risks and benefits, and make informed decisions that align with project objectives and values. Additionally, seeking input from relevant stakeholders and seeking guidance from experienced mentors or subject matter experts can help navigate challenging situations and mitigate adverse impacts on the project.

  293. The of the PM expert mentioned there experiences and there are whole lots of lessons to learn from them The goal of a project manager is to ensure that the project is completed successfully, on time, and within budget. This involves a number of different tasks. It’s also important to communicate effectively with all stakeholders, and to resolve any issues that arise in a timely manner.

  294. The of the PM expert mentioned there experiences and there are whole lots of lessons to learn from them The goal of a project manager is to ensure that the project is completed successfully, on time, and within budget. This involves a number of different tasks. It’s also important to communicate effectively with all stakeholders, and to resolve any issues that arise in a timely manner.

  295. The three professional PM made me realize that to tackle a difficult decision as a PM is not to dwell on the decision but to get another alternative to get the project done. Making inquiries and getting more information can help you settle some decisions that are very difficult to make

  296. Listening to the three project manager sharing their experience has been enlightening and also shows that situations may arise when difficult decisions must be made by a project manager in the cause of a project but what really matters is your approach to decision making.
    Here we see that though the context were different being transparent and communication skills came in handy in bringing about solution.
    We also see collaboration in play and the focus on the overall goal of the project, going back to the drawing board to remind stakeholders, and clients on the actual goal of the project and explaining in honesty the situation and why certain decisions must be made while allowing them go be part of the decision process in the sense that they all get an understanding as to why this decisions are important the pros and cons .

  297. From the three difficult situations experienced by the project managers, I can say that what stood out was the ability to make decisions without sentiments and to take actions that were going to be of benefit to the entire company. Also, making inquiries and seeking more information and guidance on how to handle the situation will not be out of place.

  298. Itodo Jennifer Ezinne

    Each of these project managers mentioned their respective difficulties they encountered during a project, what was important for them was the communication between stakeholders, the team and themselves as a project manager and to derive a solution and give feedback to all people /parties involved in the project.
    These approaches remain applicable in addressing issues even within a different context, nevertheless, all other approaches that align with the given context should be considered and implemented.

  299. Each of these project managers mentioned their respective difficulties they encountered during a project, what was important for them was the communication between stakeholders, the team and themselves as a project manager and to derive a solution and give feedback to all people /parties involved in the project.
    These approaches remain applicable in addressing issues even within a different context, nevertheless, all other approaches that align with the given context should be considered and implemented.

  300. Each of these expert mentioned their respective difficulties they encountered during the project. What was important for them was the communication between the stakeholders, the team and themselves as the project manager and to derive a solution and give feedback to all people /parties involved in the project.
    The situation at hand will help us know how to tackle such situation, for the woman, it was the decision to terminate the project early, maybe as result of some factors or that there’s an higher project at hand that won’t make the current project to be feasible.
    Language barrier is another aspect that need to be tackled when handling international project.
    I believe the decision they will act on will be unique to the problem that they encounter in carrying out the project. Also as project managers, they need to be calm in face of difficult situations.

  301. Each of the experts addressed the respective difficulty encountered in the course of the project as deemed suitable given the context of the situation. Two major similarities in their approach to dealing with the respective situations was effective communication with the parties involved in the execution of the project as well as ensuring that the goal for which the project was initiated is achieved. These approaches remain applicable in addressing issues even within a different context, nonetheless, all other approaches that align with the given context should be considered and implemented.

  302. The goal of the project should always be considered at all stages of its execution, and where there are tough decisions to be made due to difficulties encountered, some form of flexibility should be deployed.

  303. The decision-makers weighed various factors such as project goals, team capabilities, client expectations, budget constraints, and long-term project outcomes. Their decisions were influenced by the specific context of the project, including timelines, resources, and stakeholder priorities. In different contexts with altered parameters, they might indeed act differently to align with the new circumstances and priorities.

  304. Most of the time dealing with difficult people is difficult more so, when they are aggrieved. She did well in calming the different parties and having them focus on the goal
    In the remote remote work set up, language is a very big challenge and it’s always important to manage communication with diverse group of people.

  305. When a vital project team member beings to give issues which might affect the goals of the project.
    As a project manager at the moment you know option than to discharge such a member, if it is what it might cost to ensure that the project goals are meet.

  306. The context in which decisions are made has a profound impact on organizational behavior. While prioritizing innovation and cultural transformation in the current context, different circumstances could prompt alternative decisions shaped by varying priorities, risks, and constraints.

  307. This situation clearly says that as a project manager, you are there to solve problems not matter how complex they appear except you have tried all available options and it’s not yielding result is when you’ll have to take the difficult decision of pulling out on the job also clearly stating your reasons with stakeholders so they understand with you or help find a way around it.

  308. Different challenges come to play during projects but the way we handle it matters a lot. Communicating with the team members is very key at this point There should be room for adjustment in any project development. Which means a project manager should be able to compromise and also find ways to make the project successful inspite of whatever challenges encountered during the project.

  309. Even in situations that requires compromise, the project manager should focus more on the success of a project. Also, when the trust a project manager has built over time with stakeholders and sponsors of the project will make it easy to communicate better on the project at hand,

  310. *Dealing with difficult decisions -Discussion*
    Project manager need to be able to compromise. Their set goal at all times should find a way to go ahead with the project at hand irrespective of the challenges faced with while on the project. It is not always easy for a project manager to terminate a the ongoing project as a lot of efforts has been invested. For instance, when you get stocked up in a project rather than terminating it, you have to diversify means of solving it, like the expect that brought water to the event center by paying for the contingencies which now served as a legacy.

  311. As a project manager, there are situations which requires compromise.
    The project managers at different times experienced the ups and down aspect of managing a project. But they focused more on the success of the project. They made sure, the team members and stakeholders were able to put resources and efforts together to achieve their objectives.

  312. Our approach most times to difficult/unforseen situations matters, all the managers had different situations at hand but their approach were topnotch, certain challenges needs an immediate response while there are some that a manager has to call on his team, where they discuss and agree on what to do to attend to the challenges.

  313. Seldom do we get to work on a project where we get everything we want, and everyone agrees on the work. Most of the time leading a project involves several conversations and compromises. Sometimes the key stakeholders will want the impossible. Other times they may be shooting too low. If you have built a good relationship, it becomes easier to have open honest conversations with your stakeholders. They’ll listen to your opinion and allow for flexibility in meeting the project goals.

    For most of us, the project sponsor is the senior business leader who has invested in your project. Oftentimes project leaders will think of the sponsor as “the person with the checkbook” and treat them as such. With this approach, one can unintentionally assume that the sponsor only wants to hear about what’s going well. I’ve seen more than one project manager hide challenges and try to resolve them on their own just to keep the sponsor happy. A good project manager may operate this way for years and do just fine. However, moving from good to great takes a different approach.

    To help your projects go great, leverage the three concepts (trust, communication, and understanding) to build a better relationship with your sponsors. Share what goes well and what doesn’t. Sponsors will oftentimes have the relationships in an organization to “pull some strings” and help remove any obstacles in the way of your project.

  314. I believe what was important for them in the decision they took were as follows:
    1. the cons of continuing a project out weighed the pros and this had to be communicated clearly to all the stakeholders involved to get their buy in
    2. When faced with the challenge of looming failure with a project it was necessary to reach a compromise in finding a solution and the willingness to take on extra costs just for the project to achieve its objective
    3. the need for collaboration was a motivation to overcome the language barrier.
    They would act differently in a different context because different situations calls for different actions but I believe they would still have acted in line with their values.

  315. They all did what they thought was best at that point in time. Especially that of communication barrier.. communication covers over 80% percent of project management as a profession and there is no way you could function as a project manager without an effective communication. So I think the best way to handle that is either to get an interpreter or terminate the project

  316. No.they wouldn’t act differently in different context because they were acting according to the values of their profession.

  317. Dealing with difficult decisions – Discussion
    1. The difficult decision made by Cathy Shaw was the decision to terminate a project early.
    2. The Difficult decision made by Emanuele Colomella was that of Language having to work with an intenational company
    3. The difficult decision for Bill Wooten was the sporting event continuing as scheduled after knowing the issue of water supply

  318. In dealing with difficult situations, project managers must allow for flexibility in handling issues. Dogmatic leaders tend to make great mistakes on a project.

    Relationship with customers, colleagues and stakeholders generally is very important and some good compromises must be allowed as long as it does not nullify their ethics.

  319. The gains of every project are different, when challenges occur, you think of all cost, think of all stakeholders interests and the best alternative considering all alternatives forgone. This will help make informed decision.

  320. Involving every member of the project will bring out the best for the project because everyone will bring his idea for the betterment of the job, also having good communication skills helps in handling difficult situation

  321. I think terminating a project while still in process will have effects on the project team because they’ve left other things to engage the project. Not forgetting the client because i know there should be a good reason terminating the project.

  322. As to the termination before a project was fully delivered, I believe the decisions of the stakeholder- particularly the sponsor – was considered. Since there is aboslute inclusiveness, I believe the entire team has been clearly engaged and would feel less discouragement during the termination.

  323. They considered the alternative foregone if the project will have to stay or be terminated and weighed the pros and cons, clearly spelt it out to their teams for easy disengagement.
    Negotiation skills come in heavy in these scenarios so that all parties go back satisfied no matter the outcome.
    I think they may have acted differently in a different context because different situations call for different approaches.

  324. What was important for them in taking the decision they took was;
    1. The ability to dictate how to handle the problem and taking critical decision to achieve goal without being discourage.
    2. Ability to accept extra cost in expense of failure. If goal will be achieved but still within budget, then it’s a step worth taking.
    3. The thought of collaboration was very key. That gave and alternative venue and also intermediator in communication.

    Yes they will act differently in different context.
    Reason been that. Every context has its own challenges and must have different approach. Because same issue in different context may demand different approach reason been that people, culture, values and many more ethics varies with context.

  325. Communicating decisions clearly to your team, understanding project goals and the people involved is key.

  326. It might be quite challenging to make a difficult decision on the project you are managing buh I guess it’s for the best if it will be the best option of both the project and the individual. The three individuals handle the situation well. There wouldn’t have been a better way

  327. While it may be challenging to make difficult decisions in a project, it’s necessary for effective project management. I believe that all three project managers acted appropriately in the situation. When having to end a project before it is delivered, the ability to collaborate, communicate, and view things in a positive light comes into play. Bringing all team members and stakeholders along is essential when managing a project, just like the first project manager did by sharing the concerns and then working together to find a solution to the water source issue.

  328. To me, I picked one important point, which is communication. For every step they always make sure they communicate and they issues are kinds similar but resolution method differs.

  329. When facing challenges or issues that might lead to conflict or project termination, its best to try and communicate, try easing the whole situation, identifying minor issues, listening to each members of the team to avoid partial judgments and also the project manager should show leadership qualities which would help put back everyone and the project back on track.

  330. When facing conflict leading to potential project termination, the project manager should apply strong mediation and conflict resolution skills. This involves active listening, fostering open communication among team members, identifying underlying issues, negotiating compromises, and seeking win-win solutions. Additionally, the manager should demonstrate leadership, empathy, and adaptability to navigate through the conflict and steer the project back on track.

  331. The three managers faced difficult decisions ranging from early termination of project, conflicting or opposition projects or organization, and language barrier.
    I making decisions the three of them had to consider their projects, team and their sponsors hence, had to go back to negotiations table/ communication table to find a common ground they all found common grounds (compromise) while considering their projects goals which let to them living a remarkable impacts with amicable resolutions.

  332. In order to successfully deliver a project, communication is necessary and what help the expert to deliver well is they communicate promptly, when you get stocked up in a project rather than terminating it, you have to diversify means of solving it, like the expect that brought water to the event center.

  333. Communication is the key because without them concluding on a project to Carry out, it will be very difficult to finish.
    Because it helps to have the total knowledge about the project and the kind of clients you are working with.

  334. In my opinion the three project managers acted well in responses to their various difficulty experienced in various tasks.

  335. 1. The important consideration for Cathy Shaw was the viability of the project. When she encountered lack of trust in the team, she reminded them of why the project was important and they were able to proceed. She would have acted differently if the issues were technical in nature and the project would have become less viable in view of technological advancements. She would rather have terminated the project.
    2. The important consideration to Emanuele Colomella was the fact that it was an international project involving stakeholders from different countries and his ability to consistently communicate with all of them was what made the project continue. He might have acted differently if there was no language barrier among the stakeholders.
    3. The important consideration for Bill Wooten was the sporting event continuing as scheduled. He negotiated a mutually beneficial outcome and gave a concession in a contingency plan for the venue, although this caused the project to overshoot it’s budget. I do believe that if there were other cheaper options for getting water to the venue, he would have taken it, or if the water had been highlighted as a major consideration at the time of venue selection, another venue might have been chosen for the sporting event.

  336. The 3 experts understood that what was more important was delivering the project in good condition and on time.

    Also, they knew that there would be setbacks but one thing to have in mind is to remember the goals and for them to be transparent.

    Communication is a major priority and for everyone to be on the same page it has to be properly communicated so that at the end of the day there is a mutual understanding.

  337. Every project comes with its own challenges.

    Communication is the key to solving all problems, communication plays an important role. When there’s an effective communication between project managers, stakeholder and every other person involve in the project, some problems get solved even before they arise because solution measures will be available.

  338. What was important to them was getting the project delivered well and on time.
    But most importantly know all that a project entails before embarking on it, communicate and deliberate on confusing issues with stakeholders and team members, ask questions for clarity anywhere you’re confused.

  339. In my opinion, the 3 experts handled the situations excellently well. One key thing I understood from this is that communication remains the most important skill of a Project Manager. The ability to understand a project goal and the people involved in it, and also be able to communicate and manage them effectively can not be over emphasized.

  340. I believe the 3 experts have the understanding of the project at hand so as to work together without any issue, communication is the key because without them concluding on a particular things the work will be difficult to carry out. As a project manager, communicating with the team members is very essential to attain great achievement.

  341. Having background information about a project one want to embark on is very imperative, and proper communication with team members is another thing to consider before commencement of any project.


  342. It is very crucial and necessary to have a full knowledge of the project you want to carry out before starting it because it will help in making the appropriate decisions for the project. And also a project manager should always communicate with the team members when necessary.

  343. It is necessary to have a full knowledge about the project and environment before starting a project.
    During difficult situations, staying focus is a factor that will really help in scaling through while effective communication with team can also be use to solve difficulties

  344. It is important to have a background information when working with some group of people, this will help to understand some of the reason for their decision or reactions. It is also important to stay focus in achieving a project goals and sometime you have to go extra miles as a project manager to leave behind a good reputation. Effective communication is important when dealing with divers people.

    Adeyemi Adedokun

  345. In handling or dealing with difficult situation, project manager need to look very carefully at that situation, so as not to make wrong decision that will affect every stake HOlDERS. In order to make proper and right decisions project managers must master communication skills, that is letting evey stakeholders know the reasons for such decisions….
    Communication in the context of project management can not be over emphasis, because it is very vital…

  346. Effects and impacts of communication can not be over-emphasized as it has been from the beginning of the this training, and as portrayed in the video.Which means as a project manager, effective communication should be as important as air to ensure sustenance of business

  347. Thank you DEXA for bringing this awesome opportunity to us ,from the three instances listed above ,in each context ,they handled the situations very well ,like it should be handled . Learning a particular language to ease communication,that is a very good way to go.

  348. As a project manager effective communication is crucial in making the project a success with your team members also.
    Understanding the task at hand and executing them appropriately being honest and transparent.

  349. As a PM, having thorough understanding of the situation at hand and good communication as a vital role, adding with transparency is a key role to handling resources and human in your team.

  350. Communication is the key and vital role which acted like the centre pillar for every project manager. Honesty and transparency must not be excluded as you carry your project team alongside the stakeholders during the project exercise. ~Julius

  351. In dealing with difficult decisions ,PM must have a thorough understanding of the situation on ground and also communication is key and is power of managing projects, managing human being and resources.

    1. The three project managers had difficult challenges as regards to communication barrier, termination of project, technical issues, unavailability of resources and communicating this with the stakeholders and team members would go a long way to resolve the issue on ground. This shows professionalism and transparency. Every project comes with its own challenges and communication plays an important role.

  352. What was important to them as a project manager was communication. The first PM had to communicate effectively with the workers to ease the anger. The second PM had to discuss with the clients to see how the difficulty on the ground could be solved and concluded.

    Yes, they would have acted differently in a different context if they were probably sales representative or human resource manager

  353. The three expert project managers were all serious in the project, despite everyone’s challenge in the project such in regard to resources available, technical issues and communication barriers. They kept moving on until they had fruitful discussions with different stakeholders involved in the project. That shows how professional project managers might prioritise the organisation goals rather than considering personal feelings in the decision making process. The PM have to adapt themselves to the difficulties they encounter, and seek a win-win solution every time.

  354. What was important to them as a project manager was communication. Thr first Pm had to communicate effectively with the workers so as to ease the anger come to a conclusion. The second PM had to discuss with the clients to see how the difficulty on ground can be solved and concluded.

    Yes, they would have acted differently in a different context if they are probably sales representative or human resource manager

  355. The most important thing for me here is effective communication. If they had communicated to their clients, they would have done things differently

  356. In terminating a project early than the anticipated time, the PM needed to have brought all stakeholders onboard to align and get their feedback.

  357. PM should act in a way they contribute to the success of their project to show commitment to the job and leadership

  358. How could this be mitigated?

    Project managers could work alongside the team to show their own willingness to work overtime and during festivities.
    Making additional services and facilities available for team members with families who may appreciate arrangements such as babysitting and transport services to make up for longer working hours.
    Awarding additional days off at the end of the project, as compensation for the demanding commitments of the project.

  359. Understanding is key . Understanding the stakeholders and their needs and also the decision they are making or have made in respect to the project at hand during difficult situations also ability to communicate effectively to other key players

  360. When navigating challenging discussions, prioritizing communication with all cross-functional team members is essential.

  361. For terminating a project early ;the project manager in consultation with the donor and the project team can look for local community based organizations that have the capacity of taking over the implementation and use the available funding in building the capacity of the very local based organizations.
    For inability to deliver;the organization should hold a standard of 75% capacity to the party given the responsibility to deliver a particular service and conduct a pre-visit to conduct an audit of the capacity to deliver

  362. For the project managers, I believe what was important for them in taking those decisions was if after all is said and done, is if everything is still aligned to the project goal that was set at the start.
    Options to either continue a project, terminate or change course must be clearly set out to enable all stakeholders deliberate before a decision will be made and communication is key for this to happen.
    And yes, the project managers could have acted differently in different scenarios because each situation is unique and will need different skills, methods and techniques to handle it.

  363. Basically in any PM setting, open communication with all stakeholder is very key. Its the responsibility of the P. Manager to set the tone at the onset of the Project in this regard. Thereafter outlining in very clear terms the purpose and the deliverables of the project is essential. Once the project objective is clear then working in concert towards the common goal is half solved. Along the line in case project variation arises bringing disagreement on its trail, its easier to navigate the terrain by reaching out to the initial project goal ( the project road map) for fine tuning, adjustment or amendment so long conviviality of communication, respect and trust reign.

    1. In the terminating of any project, the PM firstly should have communicated with the specialist team members, community representatives and one else who knows and understands the effect of the challenge(s) before the PM communicates with the client relating the challenges and the reason(s) why the project termination is the best solution.

  364. At all time, in handling difficulties in different scenarios, the key factor should be “understanding” the difficulties on ground and possible ways to fix them. Understanding would give room to a better report to the necessary members of the team. The focal point for me would just be, in writing or verbally, always communicate with understanding, listen to understand and always make sure you understand and also, you’re being understood.

  365. Understanding is key in dealing with difficult situations. Seek to understand the stakeholders involved and the reason for the decisions they made or are making. This would enable you to deal well with the outcomes.

  366. Before making a decision, gather as much relevant information as possible. This may involve consulting team members, stakeholders, subject matter experts, and relevant documentation to fully understand the situation. For instance, a project may have reduced priority and resources may need to be deployed elsewhere or maybe prevailing events may have made the project no longer feasible. Whichever way pulling the plug on a project tough call.

  367. My humble opinion is that in a different situation the difficult decision that well
    Managed by the three experts would have met with a different approach or response if they lack project management skills to handle such situation

  368. When navigating challenging discussions, prioritizing communication with all cross-functional team members is essential. Emphasizing the benefits over the drawbacks while aligning with the project’s overarching goals fosters a constructive approach to problem-solving.

  369. I think that having engaged in robust and effective communication with stakeholders, canceling a project might tend to be the very last option. However, having a plan B from the very start of the project seems to be an alternative lifesaver to canceling the project that has been commenced.

  370. Cancelling a project could be a difficult decision to make, taking into consideration the resources already expended on the project. That said, if the goal of the project is not met, the project could be cancelled. As a project manager, you will need to properly engage and communicate clearly with the team members’ reasons behind every decision made. Of course, as with every aspect of human endeavours, there could be vital lessons where the team members can learn and used to improve the processes in future projects.
    Proactive engagement and collaboration with stakeholders could be helpful when dealing with difficult decisions during project execution. Such engagements will bring everyone on board so that there will be no surprises when difficult decisions are made.

  371. Listening to the experts, I understand that having a honest and transparent conversation with the stakeholders is the right thing to do.

    Communicating effectively and efficiently with your team and stakeholders
    Building integrity and having honest relationships with stakeholders
    Being receptive and adaptable to change.

    Also, don’t let your ego bring you down as humility is vital

  372. The key point that helped them was ability to communicate with stakeholders and Teammates, even when the situation looked daunting and challenging due to the complexity of balancing various factors such as stakeholder interests, resource constraints, timelines, and potential risks.

  373. Listening to this, I can boldly say that making decisions is challenging due to the complexity of balancing various factors such as stakeholder interests, resource constraints, timelines, and potential risks. Each decision carries significant implications for project outcomes, making the process inherently difficult and requiring careful consideration to mitigate potential consequences and ensure project success.

  374. Making tough decisions

    It’s difficult to oversee a project manager. Managing people and situations that are challenging is part of this. In a challenging scenario, every project manager has to make important choices. While viewing things from various angles, different actions should be done. Nonetheless, in order to achieve a shared understanding, project team managers ought to work together with project stakeholders.

  375. In a project life cycle, there are times when PMs are faced with the task of dealing with difficult decision making. PM should always collaborate with all stakeholders and teams involved in that project , this can be made possible through effective and concise communication, the decision made together will bring a level of satisfaction to all the parties involved.

  376. Decisions to terminate projectsbare quite good since they were able to properly solutions for those terminations.
    Their solutions was also alright with the sponsors that’s why they were able to move on despite the extra costs that was incurred.

  377. This 3 people put the ethics of their work into consideration and had a perfect understanding of their environment as well as the perfect understanding of the project they had to face and they ensured to deliver appropriately regardless of the surrounding challenges. They had been able to imbibe the values and morals guiding their organization and project which enables them to find a perfect way out of the circumstances or situations they find themselves.

  378. The decision to terminate a project prematurely, while potentially disappointing, does not equate to wasted knowledge. As a project manager, it is essential to use effective knowledge management processes, ensuring that skills, tools, and techniques are not lost in the realm of knowledge. The decision to terminate a project early is carefully evaluated, taking into account various factors such as project objectives, schedule baseline, scope baseline, and more.

    Flexibility and willingness to compromise are crucial traits for a project manager, especially when it comes to appeasing disgruntled stakeholders. However, it is important to maintain a focus on meeting project objectives. Communication channels and style play a vital role in project success, and it is the duty of the project manager to find effective solutions and navigate these aspects accordingly.

  379. Larry Ganrekeme Ayapaye
    Cohort 13
    Team 8
    Module 2 lesson 19
    However, the decision a project manager would take depends on the circumstances surrounding the project.
    For instance, a project manager cannot continue with a project which its sponsors have pulled out of. Of course the project belongs to the sponsor who also is funding it and when the sponsor decides not to continue, the PM would have no choice but the end the project.
    Dealing with difficult and uncomfortable situation is one of the things a project manager should be prepared handle and in some cases you have to come to a compromise, you may have to decide to terminate a project early after weighing the pros and cons of continuing the project.

  380. Project management like other professions has its ups and downs. It calls on the project manager to determine how to handle such difficult situations.

    Decision whether difficult or simple should be communicated before or after the stakeholders

  381. making difficult decisions have always been some of the key roles of a project manager. also prioritization of resources and also effective communications with the project team and the stakeholders would ensure a quick solutions to whatever blocks comes up along the project. these attributes were well demonstrated by the Project managers in the video

  382. This 3 people put the ethics of their work into consideration and had a perfect understanding of their environment as well as the perfect understanding of the project they had to face and they ensured to deliver appropriately regardless of the surrounding challenges. They had been able to imbibe the values and morals guiding their organization and project which enables them to find a perfect way out of the circumstances or situations they find themselves.

  383. Like every endeavor in life faces challenges, project management is not insulated from its own ups and downs. It calls on the project manager to determine how to handle such difficult situations. The decision-making and analytical skill of the manager will be critical at this start whether to continue a project or to pull the plug.
    Complex and ambiguous challenges faced during a project process can make difficult to judge if a manager makes the right decision as such situations are unique and particular. such decisions are made on the go after considering all the facts. Every difficult challenge will require its own unique solution as dimmed fit by the project manager in the saddle.

  384. These project managers are skilled in decision making, and this was the most relevant factor needed to mitigate difficult and unexpected situations.

  385. Each and every project comes with difficulties and challenges. This is when communication and decision making is very important. Channel of communication has to be opened. Team members should have clear idea and able to communicate whatever they are encountering during the project, here the problem and difficulties would be know then decision on the solution has to be made. Project manager has to be bold on his making of decision for the sake of meeting the objectives of the project. Some decisions are always hard to be made but it must be. Nothing is important than the project. Even if the best decision is to stop the project for a while, it has to be done.

  386. Just as we face face difficulties in our day to day activities, so is it with handling Projects as a Project Manager.
    A Project Manager is saddled, faced with difficult, yet painful decisions that could help in taking final decisions.
    A Project Manager could be forced take the following difficult decisions;

    *To terminate a project if demand is equal to resource or Resource persons. But first off, Options to continue or terminate a project should be given consideration by putting them side by side and weighing them.

    *Prioritization due to evolving times in the process mechanism and technology might impact on having to make difficult considerations and conclusions.

    *Analysis of if the skills set and tools are still applicable to the present ones or has any relevance in being applied.
    I believe there are other ways these difficulties can be addressed and basically, I believe Resource smoothing should be used to preserve the project deadline only that extra costs will be incurred.

  387. Just as we face face difficulties in our day to day activities, so is it with handling Projects as a Project Manager.
    A Project Manager is saddled, faced with difficult, yet painful decisions that could help in taking final decisions.
    A Project Manager could be forced take the following difficult decisions;

    *To terminate a project if demand is equal to resource or Resource persons. But first off, Options to continue or terminate a project should be given consideration by putting them side by side and weighing them.

    *Prioritization due to evolving times in the process mechanism and technology might impact on having to make difficult considerations and conclusions.

    *Analysis of if the skills set and tools are still applicable to the present ones or has any relevance in being applied.
    I believe there are other ways these difficulties can be addressed and basically, I believe Resource smoothing should be used to preserve the project deadline only that extra costs will be incurred.

  388. Every project has its ups and down and as such sometimes a project manager may experience challenges but in the midst of those challenges, tough decision must be made and so, the project manager should communicate and collaborate with the team in a positive and calm way

  389. Every project is unique so challenges would be different .the project managers in the previous video would have acted differently though it will still be within the ethical values of the organization.

  390. Reflecting on the most important objective of the Project
    Clear and consistent communication with stakeholders
    Remaining ethical while making decisions

  391. If was in their shoe, I would taken such decision they took or think of some other best way to address the challenge.

  392. As project manager in a construction space, Decision making whether its difficult or simple should be communicated to before or after to the stakeholders .
    Any decision we are making should have human face in it i.e our environment.

  393. Effective communication is important in project management. One thing I noticed from one of the speakers is the ability to maintain a tone that is encouraging and positive.
    As a project manager, you should be able to make your client see the vision of the project as well as identify any roadblocks and explore all possible solutions, and this can only be achieved through effective communications with your team and clients.

  394. From the lesson I’ve learned that as a project manager, there are sometimes we will have to make some difficult decisions. What is important in making a difficult decision is communication.
    The decision is not to be taken alone, the team and stakeholders have to be carried along and the decisions can then be taken after communicating with them.
    When making the decision, the goal of the project too must be considered and should not be left out.
    In a different context, I feel they would have acted differently because as they say “different stroke for different folks” decisions should align with the goals most importantly.

  395. Considering the three project managers, communication emerged as a pivotal factor for them. Effective communication fosters problem-solving within the project team. When challenges arise, project managers and team members can engage in collaborative discussions and brainstorming sessions to explore solutions. Open channels of communication also promote the exchange of lessons learned, facilitating process improvement and the prevention of recurring issues. In varying contexts, project managers may approach difficult decision-making in distinct ways, influenced by factors such as project complexity, urgency, stakeholder dynamics, organizational culture, and personal leadership style. effective decision-making in project management consistently hinges on a blend of critical thinking, collaboration, adaptability, and ethical consideration, crucial for overcoming obstacles and achieving project objectives.

  396. Project managers often have to make difficult decisions and must find a balance that is guided by ethics and values. Moreover, upholding the objectives and communicating effectively with the Stakeholders are prerequisites for making difficult decisions.

  397. Keeping an eye on what the most important objective is or the reason why decisions are made or will be made makes the difficult decision worth making.
    However, a firm but clear relay of information to all the stakeholders needs to be made by the project manager

  398. Dealing with difficult decision in project is bound to making especially when making a project so the best way to deal with is by gathering relevant information and data.Find the solution to the problem, also can consult the team member,make decision and implement the decision to deal with the problem

  399. Challenges can come in different forms when managing projects-either from within or from external factors.
    The most important thing is the ability of a project manager to differentiate where the problem is coming from, lay all cards on the table , communicate clearly the pros and cons of the project, and come to a definitive conclusion with everyone leaving satisfied.

  400. Adesola loveth
    Cohort 13 Team2
    I think the key point that helped them was ability to communicate with stakeholders and Teammates, even when the situation looked daunting.
    They were able to deal with the difficulties that came along with the disagreements among stakeholders.
    One thing I learnt from one of the speakers is ability to place priority on projects so as to identify which is to be set below or dissolved totally.

  401. They considered the goals and objectives, as well as the team involved, knowing how to communicate withe them appropriately and clearly.

  402. what was important for them is the organization goal, stakeholders in involved in the project as well as the project itself, They would definitely act differently in a different context Different project require different approach. Project managers are skilled with understanding the project at hand, effective planning, the ability to navigate through issues and challenges in projects in order to achieve the best result.

    1. As project manager in a construction space, Decision making whether its difficult or simple should be communicated to before or after to the stakeholders .
      Any decision we are making should have human face in it i.e our environment.

  403. The company goal is the 3 experts’ focal point in making the decision. The company goal and vision drive their decisions and when it comes to different contexts, their decision will still be driven by the goal and vision of the company.

  404. For me I think what helped the first PMs was their willingness to compromise and strike common ground with other stakeholders. Being able to compromise is a very rare skill especially when people from diverse backgrounds and groups are involved reason being that most humans are very keen towards feeding their egos especially when it involves significant projects. And with regards to the last PM with language barrier I think what could have helped him to take decisions was his focus on the projects because either way the project has to be done also I think maintaining a friendly approach could have contributed to success in such situations.

    If they were to be in different situations or circumstances I believe they would have taken more linear approach that wouldn’t warrant much or compromise or learning different or difficult languages because it would help streamline the process of project execution.

  405. Mfon Brendan
    Cohort 13
    Team 9

    Dealing with difficult situations

    Each of the PmS as seen in the video dealt with unique issues like;
    having to terminate a project mid-way
    Setting up a venue
    Language challenge in communication
    Teams who were angry and frustrated about past issues.
    But in all these three cases one way that helped them deal with the situations which was common for all three PMs was proper communication.

    What was important for each of them was peculiar to each PM, for 1
    It was important to make the team see that there was a greater option in canceling the ongoing project, to focus on the skills and knowledge gained during the process.

    To another PM it was important to add value and bring people together even though they were from different countries.
    In handling difficult situations it is important to take people back to their goals, encourage the parties involved to leave the baggage out the door,
    As a PM it is also important to be ready to collaborate with the different parties to ensure that their goals or needs are achieved which is the ultimate aim, in doing this you must be open and transparent

  406. Dealing with difficult decision requires skills and a lot of tolerance especially internal decision.
    That decision to terminate a project will be due unable to keep up with timeline with few equipment, resources.
    They acted differently to all problems because all problems have specific and designed solution.

  407. A key factor that drove their decision is communication. That’s about 80% of all the requirements in Project Management.

    They all had their customers in mind and worked harder to find solutions to all the challenges they encountered in the course of satisfying them.

    So, with a customer-satisfaction and solutions-based mindset, it was easy to move mountains, make compromises and galvanize the support of all stakeholders, through effective communication, towards solving the problems and getting the projects done.

  408. Each project comes with its uniqueness and it difficulties. Time and manpower also has a way of affecting a project also

  409. Dealing with difficult decisions

    Managing a project manager is not an easy task. This involves dealing with difficult times and people. Every project manager must take serious decisions during difficulty situation. Different measures should be taken while looking in different perspectives. However, project team managers should collaborate with project stakeholders for common understanding.

  410. Oliyide Oluwatobi
    Cohort 13
    Team 10

    Dealing with difficult discussions (Discussion)

    When making difficult decisions, it is important to consider all of the available information and options carefully. This includes weighing the potential risks and benefits of each option, as well as considering the potential impact of the decision on others. These are some factors important to them(experts in the video) in their decision-making process are:

    – Project goals & everyone’s expectations: What did they want to achieve, and what did others involved need?
    – Risks & uncertainty: What could go wrong with each choice, and how unsure were they of the outcome?
    – What they had & what they lacked: Did they have the people, tools, and time they needed for each option?
    – Team & expert input: What did others think, and what expertise did they offer?
    – Right & wrong: Would the choice be fair and good for society?

  411. The project managers would act differently based on their individual context which are as follows:
    1. Organization
    2. Local community
    3. International community

    They would adapt their decisions to align with the goals and values of these context listed above.

  412. The vital things to experts in making decision are:
    1. Proferring solution e.g buffer storage
    2. Adding value
    3. The strategic goal of the project
    4. Better working relationship

    Different context could call for different approaches, but with the same guidelines for problem solving and arriving at a win-win situation.

  413. Difficulties in projects arise when projects do not flow according to predetermined specifications or when surprises happen. In that moment, an honest analysis of the situation is required—an honest analysis free from exaggerations and assumptions. When the analysis is done, a hard or difficult decision has to be made, like pulling the plug, or changing the team working on it. The person to pay for it should also be clearly stated, in some projects I have handled, the project manager and some members of the team bear the additional cost, while in others, the client bears the additional cost.

    – Chijioke Obioma, Team 5, Cohort 13

  414. It is possible to act differently in a different context as different projects always come with its own kind of problem.

  415. Decision making is one of the difficult tool a project manager must have. This is because at some point during the project he/she might be faced with difficulty in which they might not be able to meet up with the deadline. A project manager must be prepared at all times to face some difficult situation which might require making tough decision.

  416. Some Challenges faced by the project managers were difficult choices of terminating a project due to changing situations, inadequate resources, community and language barrier.
    However they were able to navigate the situation through communicating again the purpose or goals to achieve and collaborating with relevant stakeholders to develop contingency plans in ensuring that the original goals were achieved

  417. Decision making is one of the most difficult tool, a project manager must always be prepared to face some difficult situations that will require tough decision.
    We are learning from top project managers and it can help us to restructure ourselves for the task ahead

    1. Addressing conflicts in a professional setting is key to the success of project. A clear communications had to be made and the interest of the project should be the ultimate goal.

  418. I believe the three project managers would have acted differently, they will act base on their capability to take care of the challenges,they might have different views and that can make them take different decisions

  419. Certainly. The three project managers actions would have been based on the specific challenges or difficulties they encountered. The nature of these challenges would have influenced the decisions made.

  420. In the situation faced by the three project manager, they had to decide on whether to cancel/terminate an ongoing project or fix the issues that came up. They demonstrated good communication skill with the stakeholders in tackling the issue that came up in the project.
    They would probably have acted differently because different projects brings in different client/stakeholders.

  421. In each of those situations, the project managers were faced with challenges past their capabilities.

    For the project manager that had to terminate the project mid way, her approach was superb, and I think I’ll make use of it if I was ever faced with the same challenge.

    Communication is an essential part of project management, all three experts have demonstrated a skillful use of this tool throughout the projects.

  422. They would not have acted differently in a different context because being a project manager you must communicate clearly and openly, the ability to work with other team members and experience over the years made them to come together to solve the challenges that would have affected the successful execution of the project.

  423. the three expert has to come together and work as a team, although they have difficult decisions to make this one project. the reason why I said they have to come together as a team is because they have put heads together and know what the challenge is and as well know the head way for them. they act differently in a different context, can make they not to achieve the project execution..

  424. Yes. The project managers would have acted differently pending on the kind of challenge or difficulties they met. The kind of difficulty you encounter as a project manager will determine the kind of decisions to make. As a project manager, we shouldn’t be scared to break any bad news to the stakeholders or clients and also be able to profer solutions.

  425. Understand the fact that every individual as different points of view . communication was a major factor in sorting possible conflicts that may arise.

  426. Addressing conflicts in a professional setting is key to the success of project. Clear communications had to be made and the interest of the project and not the individual is the ultimate goal.

  427. The situations bring different perspectives and reactions. yes, decisions would have been different if they were to meet different challenges.

  428. . The project managers did what they have to do when they experienced some difficulties with the project. They all had their reasons for terminating the project and I loved the approach taken by the project manager for the water project.He had an open communication with the stakeholders and together they were able to find a solution to the problem that would have led to the termination of the project.So when faced with such difficult situation, we should look at all our options and communicate with the stakeholders,they might be willing to make some compromises or changes that would keep the project going.And even when all other options have been explored and we have to terminate a project, clear communication is also key.We owe it to our team members,clients and other parties involved

  429. Yes, they would have acted differently in a different situation because every necessary decision to be taken to address a project challenge normally should relate to the type of problem or difficult decision to make.

    1. Yes, they would have acted differently in a different situation because every necessary decision to be taken to address a project challenge normally should relate to the type of problem or difficult decision to make.

      However, in the particular scenarios painted by the three professionals, the strategies adopted toward making difficult decisions could not have been different.

  430. The three experts took decisions that were best for the projects. Termination of a project before launch due to insecure location, having to adapt to foreign language and culture
    I don’t think they could have acted any other way because their actions were totally professional and they exhibited the characteristics of a good project manager by communicating

  431. From the explanations from the three project managers, it might be difficult to take a different approach or decision, as we all know that a successful project requires proper communication and planning. If the safety of the team is in doubt, there is no other option than to terminate the contract. On the language barrier, if proper planning was put in place, an interpreter can be provided because communication is necessary. Welfare of the team member are very important, so if the requirements for the Welfare of team is not met, then there is no other option than to terminate the project.

    Akinmoye Segun-Cohort 13, Team 2

    1. Yes they would have acted differently in a different situations because having flexibility is the key to deal with difficult decisions.some actions might change for each project.

  432. One of the most important things you can do is listen to the opinions of others who have a stake in the decision and know something about the options involved. Even if the final decision is yours, listening to diverse perspectives on the topic helps clarify your own thinking.

  433. What was important for them to take the decision they took was getting over with that step of the project and getting to the next step. Although they communicated and were able to reevaluate their situation

  434. Communication is one of the most important skills you can have. It’s the ability to share your thoughts, feelings, and ideas with others in a way they can understand. Communication is essential in difficult situations. That’s because it can be hard to express yourself clearly when things are tough. in context when risk compliance is in check, they were able to weight the risk of the decisions they took and had the best possible result.

  435. Difficult decisions like terminating impactful project in highly insecure locations .
    Resigning from the project to joined a project with better staff welfare.
    Implementing a project in a hostile community.
    Adapting to strange culture and languages.

  436. In project planning communication is key in that sense language barrier is inevitable so as a project manager u should be vast in languages because you might not get an interpreter Early enough to help negotiate with a client or pass vital information.
    planning is also an important part planning ahead of activities to be done during the project.to ensure a perfect work nd result.
    Onaivi fidelia ozavize
    Team 10

  437. iI think language barrier is one of the biggest and most difficult situation in Project management. This is because project management has to do with a lot of verbal communication and in fact, communication is 80% of all business procedures

  438. The three of them couldn’t have taken same decision because of their different peculiarities.
    Local community
    And International community.
    Considering these three different characteristics, we should come to realize that what can only remain constant was taken decision, but the decision taken at each level would differ from the othe for the following reasons among others:
    – the characteristics of the project situation
    – the characteristics of the community
    – the characteristics of the culture
    – the characteristics of the staffs
    -the characteristics of the particular values of the client
    – the ethical demand
    – the regulatory demands

    Olubunmi Johnson,
    Cohort 13, Team 1

  439. From their explanation of the situations, each of them acted in a manner very professional of a project manager and thus, were able to achieve result. The challenges they faced were basically that of collaboration and communication. They each displayed the importance of effective communication in achieving collaboration. Therefore i do not think there was other way they could have manage to achieve result outside the effective deployment of communication skills to bring all stakeholders to a place of understanding of the goals of the project which left everyone happy in the end.

  440. Perhaps, one can not really tell if he will act differently until he is inside the same situation. but on this, I may not act totally different in similar situations as described by the project manager, however, one thing was a major contributor to their solution and that is Language or communication. When there is language barrier this makes understand alien. hence, it underscores the importance of communication, and that with effective communication, whatever difficulty encountered can be surpassed.

  441. When there is language barrier, the need for an interpreter become inevitable as a project manager otherwise you are going to encounter great challenges that may lead to failure of project.
    In addition, proper planning and effective communication is key to a successful project management.

  442. Ensuring effective communication among team members, stakeholders, and external parties is crucial for project success but can be difficult to maintain.

    Establish Clear Communication Channels: Set up regular communication channels such as team meetings, email updates, and project management software platforms to ensure everyone is informed about project progress, changes, and challenges.

    Define Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of team members and stakeholders to avoid confusion and ensure accountability for communication tasks.

    Active Listening: Encourage active listening among team members and stakeholders to ensure everyone feels heard and understood, fostering open communication and trust.

    Use Multiple Communication Modes: Recognize that different individuals prefer different communication methods. Utilize a variety of communication modes such as emails, phone calls, video conferences, and in-person meetings to accommodate diverse preferences and needs.

    Provide Training and Resources: Offer training on effective communication techniques and tools to team members to enhance their communication skills and ensure they are equipped to communicate effectively in various situations.

    Document Key Information: Maintain clear and concise documentation of project plans, decisions, and actions to serve as a reference for all stakeholders and minimize misunderstandings.

    Manage Expectations: Set clear expectations regarding communication frequency, preferred channels, and response times to ensure alignment among team members and stakeholders.

    Encourage Feedback: Create a culture of open feedback where team members feel comfortable providing input and raising concerns about communication processes and issues.

    Address Communication Barriers: Identify and address communication barriers such as language barriers, time zone differences, or cultural differences proactively to facilitate effective communication among diverse team members and stakeholders.

    Regular Check-ins: Schedule regular check-ins with team members and stakeholders to assess communication effectiveness, address any challenges or issues, and make necessary adjustments to improve communication processes.

    Conflict Resolution: Develop strategies for resolving conflicts or misunderstandings that may arise due to communication breakdowns promptly and constructively.

    Lead by Example: Project managers should lead by example by demonstrating effective communication practices, actively engaging with team members and stakeholders, and fostering a culture of transparency and collaboration.

  443. I will not act totally different if faced with situations as described by the project manager, however, one thing was a major contributor to their solution and that is COMMUNICATION. this makes me understand that with effective communication, whatever difficulty encountered can be surpassed.

  444. Getting a difficult tasks solved as project manager entails good communication skills between teams and also allowing opinions from those in lower position so you can make a better decision through their options.

    1. Basically delivering a quality goal is the utmost desire of a project manager, this trigger whatever decision they make,

  445. From the video, it was quite obvious that meeting certain standards was what took priority for them, even though these standards varied across different areas they nonetheless still try to meet up with it. Even if they were in a different context they probably still would have try to keep up with their said standards

  446. Getting a solution for a difficult project decision comes with good communication with your trams/Stakeholders. As a project manager, you don’t know it all, but when you speak out via your constant communication with stakeholders, solutions always come by.

  447. The most important thing for them to make a decision was communicating, all they needed was communicate with their teams to see reasons why they couldn’t go further with the project and why they need to deliver to their clients.
    Do not be afraid to communicate no matter what the news is or how difficult the decision is.
    When there is lack of communication decisions will be difficult and unfavorable

  448. As an aspiring project Manager, the need to Communicate with the Team members and the various stake holders is very crucial in handling a difficult task. That will keep everyone informed and abreast with the challenges on ground and will as well push all Team members/stakeholders into work in search of solution in order to make sure that the task is handled and as well meeting up with the deadline.

  449. Now for the 3 scenario.
    I would say communication was important. All stakeholders directly or indirectly involved in this were consulted. So this helped to analyze the financial or time delay burden that will be geared for the project success.

    If there was a different context, I don’t think they will act differently. Communication is still key. Solution is what was needed, but we know that it has to be communicated with the cost of putting it to effect

  450. The need to inform stakeholders and client when challenges arises is important that is why communication is a vital tool in project execution.

  451. Communication is the key to solving all problems. When there’s an effective and free flow of communication some problems get solved even before they arises thereby solutions for it would have been laid down

  452. In the case of an impromptu challenge like the inadequacy of water distribution for the event, it is very necessary that all stakeholders device necessary strategies to see to it and that can only happen through effective communication. In this case, certain organization values might need to be overlooked in order to get the job done. Although, companies do have their contingency plans for cases like that but, there are cases where events unplanned might occur and will require the project manager and other necessary stakeholders to sit down and device strategies for it. This is why the project manager has to be skilled at negotiating the project at the initial phase so as not to put the company at loss.

  453. Now for the 3 scenario.
    I would say communication was important. All stakeholders directly or indirectly involved in this were consulted. So this helped to analyze the financial or time delay burden that will be geared for the project success.

    If there was a different context, I don’t think they will act differently. Communication is still key. Solution is what was needed, but we know that it has to be communicated with the cost of putting it to effect.

  454. communication and meeting deadline is the key to effective project management, i think they can but most times some things are inevitable.

  455. Lack of adequate communication attract difficult decision making.

    So effective communication is key to favorable negotiation.

    1. The most important thing for them to make a decision was communicating, all they needed was communicate with their teams to see reasons why they couldn’t go further with the project and why they need to deliver to their clients.
      Do not be afraid to communicate no matter what the news is or how difficult the decision is.
      When there is lack of communication decisions will be difficult and unfavorable

  456. Like we learnt in our previous lessons as a project manager, do not be afraid to communicate, no matter how difficult a decision is. Communication makes all the difference in the way a team functions. Even though sometimes it comes across as Been soulless. Communication is key

  457. The decision to terminate a project early:

    Importance: The experts may prioritize factors such as project feasibility, resource allocation, financial implications, and stakeholder interests when deciding whether to terminate a project early. They may weigh the potential risks and benefits of continuing the project against the costs and consequences of termination.
    Context: In a different context, such as if the project is critical to the organization’s strategic objectives or if there are significant sunk costs invested in the project, the experts may approach the decision differently. They may be more inclined to explore alternative solutions, renegotiate project scope or timelines, or seek additional resources to mitigate risks and salvage the project.
    Drawing on supply:

    Importance: The experts may consider factors such as supply chain reliability, cost-effectiveness, quality control, and long-term sustainability when deciding whether to draw on supply. They may assess the availability of alternative suppliers, the impact on production schedules, and the potential for supply chain disruptions.
    Context: In a different context, such as if there are geopolitical tensions affecting the availability of certain supplies or if there are concerns about ethical sourcing practices, the experts may act differently. They may prioritize diversification of supply sources, invest in supply chain resilience measures, or explore opportunities for vertical integration to reduce dependency on external suppliers.
    Not working with his native language:

    Importance: The experts may consider factors such as language proficiency, cultural competency, communication effectiveness, and project requirements when deciding whether to work in a non-native language. They may assess their own language skills, the availability of language support resources, and the potential impact on project outcomes and stakeholder relationships.
    Context: In a different context, such as if the project involves complex technical specifications or legal requirements that necessitate fluency in a specific language, the experts may act differently. They may prioritize hiring bilingual staff, engaging language interpreters or translators, or partnering with local experts to bridge language and cultural barriers and ensure effective communication and collaboration.
    In each of these scenarios, the experts’ decision-making processes are influenced by a combination of internal and external factors, including project objectives, resource constraints, stakeholder interests, and contextual considerations. While the underlying principles guiding their decisions may remain consistent across different contexts, the specific actions they take may vary based on the unique challenges and opportunities presented in each situation.

  458. Communication was the most important step they took. The project manager communicated the project’s challenges to the team and stakeholders which enabled them to know if the project was to be continued or if it would be pulled. Would they have acted differently in a different scenario? Definitely, cos all projects are not the same in terms of time, budgeting etc

  459. From the different case studies, the most important thing for them to make these decisions was communication. All 3 project managers made sure they communicated with their team and worked with them to see the reason why they couldn’t go further with projects or why they needed to put more effort in other to deliver to their clients.
    I also noticed that every project had its pecks, different budget, Scope, and time. As a project manager, you need to know what approach best works for your client.

  460. According to the discussion so far, effective communication is one of the things we should do in such moment in other to address the issue.

    Every projects has different scope, time and budget. So tackling of problems in the project will have to be based on how it was been planned, seeing where the errors are and fixing it.

  461. no two challenges are always the same, I wouldn’t have expected them to react differently. so many factors were at play, including money budgeted for the project, time frame, and usefulness
    will they act differently, in a different scenario? definitely, they will, since the prevailing circumstances would or might be different, requiring a different approach.

  462. Based on what they say I think communication is one of the things we should do in such moment so that it can be easy to address the issue on ground
    And Every projects has different scope, time and budget.
    So tackling of problems in the project will have to be based on how it was been planned, seeing where the errors are and fixing it.

  463. According to what they said, they would have acted differently. Every projects has different scope, time and budget.
    So tackling of problems in the project will have to be based on how it was been planned, see where the errors are and fix it.

  464. According to the project managers their choices were made in the context of what they were into, and yes they might have taken a different decision in a different context. However some of the primary consideration was
    1. The legacy the project was set to create
    2. The feasibility and priority of getting the project done
    3.The goal of the project .

  465. A key factor that drove their decision is communication. That’s about 80% of all the requirements in Project Management.

    They all had their customers in mind and worked harder to find solutions to all the challenges they encountered in the course of satisfying them.

    So, with a customer-satisfaction and solutions-based mindset, it was easy to move mountains, make compromises and galvanize the support of all stakeholders, through effective communication, towards solving the problems and getting the projects done.

  466. Communication was a key part of their decision making. A customer focused mindset helped them make right decisions and ensured good communication happened

  467. Communication was key for the project managers and being open to new ideas or points of view.
    A solution based mindset helped them to keep the project running and still deliver.
    They communicated to the project team about the reasons for decisions at different points in the project, be it cutting the project or changing the scope, they were also able to bring step into the team’s shoes and see things from their perspective.

  468. Every project has its peculiarity and constraints relative to it… The nature and scope of such project determines the approach a Project Manager will take in mapping out the modalities and work out the time it will take to complete the project.

  469. Ethical constraints fueled by consumer satisfaction were apparent throughout the stakeholder engagements. The need to achieve the desired outcomes guided the discussions.

    Would they have done it differently in a different context? I do not think so.

    My reason is predicated on the guiding principles of my earlier statement.

  470. Communication is important and how been applied when matter raise or technical issues like the water shortage to the building is important.

  471. In dealing with a difficult decision, the project manager took into account the short supply of water and technical issues that could hinder the smooth completion of the task.

  472. I think good communication, honesty, transparency and empathy can help a project manager to deal with most of the difficult situations he can be faced with.

  473. The ability to communicate your decision clearly to your team and the why behind it, is a super power every project manager should have.

    Effectively doing this with sincerity will always earn better support and outcomes in the long term.

  474. Communication, collaboration with the team is vital in project management and also when any difficulties surface during the execution of the project

  475. In project management, communication is very important, making a difficult decision can be really tough for the project manager.. However, the project manager will need to plan well and communicate effectively with his team member and clients.

  476. Dealing with difficult decisions such as terminating a project early, managing some sorts of contingencies and language challenge are very crucial to Project Management. However, this decisions are very important especially when there are technical reasons why the project is no longer feasible. Having a round table meeting with stakeholders and being able to convince them on why such decision is taken and discussing the way forward is important.
    In situations where there is language challenge, hiring employees of diverse languages from different countries could be of great help. This can help in communicating effectively with clients who are unable to speak the universal language.
    But would it be different if the reverse is the case? Although project Managers takes the lead in executing a project, but can also take decisions base on the opinion of the stakeholders, if it’s of good interest to the project. The ones with negative interest be discarded.

  477. Facing challenges, particularly the daunting task of terminating a project, presents a formidable obstacle. Yet, amidst this struggle, I find myself drawn to the art of delivering unwelcome news with finesse, despite the inherent frustration it entails. Furthermore, confronting the ire of contractors and stakeholders is a truly immersive journey. It underscores the importance of maintaining composure, addressing issues with impartiality, and adapting to the evolving landscape of project management—even when the ultimate decision necessitates the termination of the project itself. Moreover, grappling with language barriers, particularly in the realm of international collaboration, unveils a fresh perspective that is rapidly becoming the norm. These encounters serve as rich learning experiences, offering valuable insights for navigating future endeavors.

  478. In project management, communication is key for relating or resolving issues, tasks and progress with both clients and the teams members.

    Communication is like a lubricant for project managers.

    1. In project management, the ability to transmit and transcribe messages correctly is when communication has taken place. However, one of the difficult decisions/challenge is ineffective communication which is non-negotiable to the actualisation of excellent delivery of a project.

      Also, the risk to halt or terminate a project underway is another difficult task to do. The time, knowledge etc invested in the project may pose a great loss to the team.

  479. Dealing with tough decision can be very challenging, but has a project manager, having this qualities would help you to make better decision. Effective communication helps a project manager convey decision transparently. collaboration ensures diverse perspectives among the people involve in the project, this would give room for the project manager to use his/her interpersonal relationship skill in bringing people together to support, and also share ideas which would help the project manager in making decision.

  480. The challenges faced especially with the need to terminate a project is really a big take. I admire the approach of packaging the bad news and being able to communicate it effectively as much as it is a very frustrating event.

    The language barrier issue especially when working with international clients is a whole new perspective that Si actually the new norm. So many lessons here.

    Dealing with angry and frustrated contractors /stakeholders, is breath taking experience. I see very valuable lessons, being composed, remaining objective, addressing issues objectively, solving new changes in the journey of a project and even at times, terminating it altogether.

  481. the project Managers in the videos handled their challenges the best way possible at the given time.

    Dealing with difficult and uncomfortable situation is one of the things a project manager should be prepared handle and in some cases you have to come to a compromise, you may have to decide to terminate a project early after weighing the pros and cons of continuing the project.

  482. Communication is key for a project manager as it helps to relate issues, tasks and progress with both clients and the teams members

  483. Communication is key to Project manager. The PM must understand the difficulty and must be able to come up with favorable decisions

  484. Every other context would have accepted the decision they made.

    Why because in the case of projects, a client would not just wake up to cancel a project i progress knowing fully well they amount of time, money and resources that had gone into that project. So it is in the hands of the project manager and stakeholders involved in the project to sit together to understand what really is happening and why it is happening. that way, both parties are better aquainted with developments and make peace with client’s decisions. Without doubt, the needs of the client comes first as far as they are within the values of the stakeholders involved in the project.

    the important thing is that the project manager understood the challenges of stakeholders and helped them in the best way they could to bring the desire to accomplishment.

  485. As a project manager, dealing with difficult situations is almost inevitable which is why we are on the project. A project manager must be able to assert himself/herself to proffer solutions. Different situations warrant different measures hence, the project manager must be ready to think outside the box and improvise most importantly checking with the team and carrying everyone along.

  486. Yes, there are situations when as a project manager you have to take some difficult decisions. However, the decision a project manager would take depends on the circumstances surrounding the project.

    For instance, a project manager cannot continue with a project which its sponsors have pulled out of. Of course the project belongs to the sponsor who also is funding it and when the sponsor decides not to continue, the PM would have no choice but the end the project.

    Again, taking difficult decisions can be challenging to a PM. In the case of the water project, the PM was able to bring together major stakeholders to reach a conclusion on his alternative towards ensuring consistent supply of water to the venue during the event. It was also good that the sponsor accepted his decision and was willing to pay for the change.


  487. Difficult situations leading to difficult decisions come as unforeseen during a project, as one of the Project Managers said He had to get an alternative source of water as a buffer during the games and that solved the problem completely even for the future use of that venue.
    This was the best decision to be taken since the project timeline might not accommodate options such as sinking a new borehole within the facility.

  488. It is sometimes mentally challenging to make difficult decisions particularly those you do not have control over and that may ultimately affect the project as it were. Though I do not subscribe to having a universal solution to a universal problem, In these cases particularly the one about water supply, I think the solution will work perfectly in a similar context anywhere in the world. The approach will determine the degree of success or compliance.

  489. I think the decision they made in their situation was right and can be the same in different contexts, I say this because they tried to communicate with all stakeholders concerned and they collaborated with them in the decision-making. As PM communication and collaboration is key in decision-making since it helps you to scan collectively and see if there is no other option to consider and decide.

  490. In taking difficult decisions in their project, the experts emphasized several important factors. Firstly, they considered the impact of their decisions on stakeholders, including team members and clients, highlighting the importance of communication and managing expectations. Secondly, they emphasized the need for thorough analysis and evaluation of risks and benefits, indicating a reliance on data-driven decision-making. Lastly, they acknowledged the importance of personal values and ethics, ensuring alignment between their decisions and their moral compass.

    In a different context, the experts might indeed act differently based on various factors such as the nature of the project, the stakeholders involved, and the specific challenges faced. For instance, in a project with higher stakes or tighter timelines, they might prioritize efficiency over consensus-building. Similarly, if faced with different ethical dilemmas or conflicting values, they might make decisions that align with the specific context and circumstances. Overall, while the core principles of communication, analysis, and ethics remain constant, the application of these principles may vary based on the context at hand.

    1. In all instances, it’s good the PM is able to communicate and conduct a quick meeting and is also able to collaborate with every people and aspect involved in the project.

  491. Communication is key for a project manager as it helps to relate issues, tasks and progress with both clients and the teams members

  492. communication was what was common in all three situation. Different situation demands a different approach. So all in all you need to think outside the box as a project manager in difficult situations

  493. When making difficult decisions, it is important to consider all of the available information and options carefully. This includes weighing the potential risks and benefits of each option, as well as considering the potential impact of the decision on others. These are some factors important to them in their decision-making process are:

    – Project goals & everyone’s expectations: What did they want to achieve, and what did others involved need?
    – Risks & uncertainty: What could go wrong with each choice, and how unsure were they of the outcome?
    – What they had & what they lacked: Did they have the people, tools, and time they needed for each option?
    – Team & expert input: What did others think, and what expertise did they offer?
    – Right & wrong: Would the choice be fair and good for society?

    The experts wouldn’t always make the same call. Basically, the experts are flexible and adjust their decisions based on what matters most in each situation.

  494. communication was what was common in all three situation. They were all different challenging situations but they all handled it with good and effective communication skills.

  495. What was most important for them in taking the decisions they took was the initial set Project Goals and Objectives. When challenges surfaced, they just have to re-envision the set goals, and the natural instincts of a Project Manager is to never back down as being enshrined and learnt overtime… They can’t just see people efforts wasted away, so they naturally are carved to solve problems.

    Would they act differently in different context? I strongly believe it’s a no, they will also have to deal with the uniqueness of the challenge, but ultimately, would still navigate the storm and turbulence to achieve set goals and objectives.

  496. Effective and constant communication and dedication was a great tool that helped them.
    Every project manager should have a specialize way of communicating difficulties on the project to team members and be actively involved in executing whatever solutions designed to curb the challenge.
    Would they have acted differently in a different context? No

  497. Ultimately, I drew from the video, the inference of having to develop a solution-oriented adaptation aptitude in the face of fragile and tough decision making as a project manager, when it seems situations or circumstances won’t give you what’s normally expected or ideally desired to play out.

  498. A Challenging situation create an opportunity for learning as a PM You have to an open mind whereby you will be able to face any situation.

  499. Effective communication and team work without emotions is a cogent tool in project management especially after failed attempts to yield a successful project. Strategy and proper placement of the missing piece will enable success.

  500. Communication was the key aspect that really help them and commitment to the project was also part of the factor which pilot their affairs toward achieving their goals during the project management.

  501. The most important factor that helped them take the decisions they took was proper and effective communication between parties. From the ability to understand the reasons why the project was pulled to coming to a compromise about what the technical manager needed, which was a buffer, up till the uderstanding of the need for proper communication, even if it was in a second language, just enumerates the cogent use of what is the main dish of Project managers, “Communication”.

  502. There is a key element that is similar among the experts which is communication and collaboration. Will they act differently in another scenario? My answer will be No.

  503. What was common and prevalent amongst all three expert is communication. Each might have handled the scenarios differently but all used the communication skill. In all, it is imperative to know what form of communication works for your team.

  504. All of the project managers were trying to make decisions that will not terminate all the hard work the team members have put into the project. We can also see the use of communication in making difficult decisions . The project managers try to limit damage(s) or avoid them.

  505. What is important and common to the 3 scenarios is that a challenging situation presents a great learning opportunity whether it is from a fully completed project or one stopped abruptly. In addition, trying to stay positive is equally as important. Finally communicating adequately with the teams helps everyone to navigate through and propose the best of solution. Communication enhances team work!

  506. what i got from the video, dealing with difficult situations require constant and effective communication, and every project manager should have an appropriate method of communicating difficult situation and strategies to take when the need arises.

    1. Challenging situation create an opportunity for learning. This is where communication comes in. As a project manager, you communicate with team members in order to make a good decision.

  507. Different projects requires different strategy and approach. Each project has it’s uniqueness and desicion to be taken when the need arises

  508. Every decision that a project manager takes is tailored to the uniqueness of their project and I find that is still true when they have to make difficult decisions. Ultimately, they must consider all angles to try to sort the issue affecting the project by harnessing all of their communications and problem solving skills. If all else fails and the difficult decision is taken to end the project early, they must show that they have covered all angles and must then try to justify that early project closure is beneficial at some level for all stakeholders and that these benefits outweigh the disbenefits.

  509. Ultimately, I drew from the video, the inference of having to develop a solution-oriented adaptation aptitude in the face of fragile and tough decision making as a project manager, when it seems situations or circumstances won’t give you what’s normally expected or ideally desired to play out.

    In the face of critical plan-altering constraints that may threaten the accomplishment of projects with respect to quality delivery, time and client’s satisfaction, the onus lies on a PM to find creative or extra-usual way no matter how stretching, if necessary, reaching for a necessary acceptable and non-unethical compromise alongside with other project managers , stakeholders and team members to ensure that set goals are met and objectives achieved.

  510. Ultimately, I drew from the video, the inference of having to develop a solution-oriented adaptation aptitude in the face of fragile and tough decision making as a project manager, when it seems you situations or circumstances won’t give you what’s normally expected or ideally desired to play out.

    In the face of critical plan-altering constraints that may threaten the accomplishment of projects with respect to quality delivery, time and client’s satisfaction, the onus lies on a PM to find creative or extra-usual way no matter how stretching, if necessary, reaching for a necessary acceptable and non-unethical compromise alongside with other project managers , stakeholders and team members to ensure that set goals are met and objectives achieved.

  511. What I noticed was important to each of them was the Desire to meet the need of their Clients and Also reach the goals of the Stakeholders.Diversity is an Important part of Project management since different projects requires different strategies their Decision would be Different in a Different situation.

  512. Dealing with difficult situations require constant and effective communication. And that has a lot more work to do with the kind of language used in communication, so as to ensure all parties are heard, and we’ll understood.

    In a different context, I believe the people in the video should act differently because no two projects can be the same. They can look similar, but not exactly the same, and so flexibility is required to analyse the situation on ground, and then act accordingly with discretion.

  513. These experts described difficult decisions they had to make in their different projects, and their reflections revealed what was crucial to them when making those decisions.

    The significance of effective communication, teamwork, transparency, and adaptation in decision-making are significant topics in these experts’ thoughts. While the precise problems may vary depending on the situation, the basic concepts of ethical and intelligent decision-making are likely to guide these specialists in a variety of project circumstances.

  514. During decision making, would I act differently in a different context? I need to ask myself these questions and get honest answers.

  515. While they were faced with a situation where decision making is important, they confidently aligned it with organizational objectives, emphasizing conviction and merit.

    Their decision-making strength lies in preparedness and effectively articulating rationale, pros, and cons. Through persuasive communication, they ensured stakeholders understood the decision’s merit, whether it outweighed drawbacks or aligned with organizational goals. This consistent approach reflects a commitment to excellence, demonstrating that their decision-making prowess transcends specific contexts, consistently prioritizing organizational objectives.

  516. I think for me, what makes you a good PM is the quality of your decision while being in a difficult situation as you are caught between the stakeholders and your team. make them see the difficult situation that the project is facing and It essential to always find the balance between making an informed and rational decision as well as keeping your team motivated for a subsequent project.


    The three narratives in PMs used expertise in project review, collaboration and communication to make the tough decisions.

    Provided that the project progress is being reviewed continuously, and there have been communication flow across to all stakeholders, should there be need for such a difficult decision to take, the preparedness, reasons for conviction and juxtaposing the pros and cons through convincing communication could make the decision flies.

    I don’t think they would act differently in a different context as much as the merit of the decision supersedes demerits or aligns with the objectives of the organization.

    Decision making is also very sensitive discussion in PM and being in the position to make in some cases can cause a conflict of interest if not properly handled.

    But i believe the Latter goal is to ensure there is a win-win result for everyone.
    Communication is also paramount and if situations arises that brings about certain compromises , relaying the right message and telling the Pros and cons of certain situations gives every team member a sense of inclusivity and trust in you.

    Thank you so much for your time

  518. Three adept project managers leveraged their skills in project review, collaboration, and communication to handle a challenging decision. With continuous project progress reviews and ongoing stakeholder communication, they were well-prepared for tough choices. When faced with a significant decision, they confidently aligned it with organizational objectives, emphasizing conviction and merit.

    Their decision-making strength lies in preparedness and effectively articulating rationale, pros, and cons. Through persuasive communication, they ensured stakeholders understood the decision’s merit, whether it outweighed drawbacks or aligned with organizational goals. This consistent approach reflects a commitment to excellence, demonstrating that their decision-making prowess transcends specific contexts, consistently prioritizing organizational objectives.

  519. What work for them is their interest to add value in which ever condition possible, that is why they could ethically took decisions unanimously with project stakeholders and cultivate a heathy and clear communication with the team members

  520. Projects are unique ,they each come with their problems.To be successful in project, making difficult decisions comes as part of of the project to enable head way.making quick decision after analyzing the consequences making a good project manager.

  521. Taking difficult decisions as a Project Manager is very critical so as not to capsize the ship of the success of the project.
    The decisions they made in these instances were right which led to the success and a good ending. Even in the case of canceled project.
    The team must work together as one despite past happenings.
    They must let bygone be bygone and work together for the success of the new project that brings them together again. They must be focused.
    As a good project manager one need to be wise God helping one to make wise decisions.
    They will not act differently in a different context because the successful completion of the project is their goal and they must make decisions that will help them to achieve their goal.

  522. I believe what makes you a good PM is the quality of your decision while being in a difficult situation as you are caught between the stakeholders and your team. It essential to always find the balance between making an informed and rational decision as well as keeping your team motivated for a subsequent project.

  523. In the case of terminating a project early, especially when it is dear to you, it can be a very difficult situation. But after weighing the options, If the benefits of terminating outweighs that of continuing, it would be best to terminate. Terminating it early is better than terminating it later after much resources must have been expended into it.
    In a different context, it could be a difficult decision to continue especially if you are under pressure to do so. You have also weighed the options and relayed your thoughts to your clients but they still chose to pursue the project. You know how it will end and you don’t want them to waste resources but they are so emotional about their project and you are also human, it could be a very difficult decision to make.

  524. Communication cuts across the 3 experts. working ethically occasionally involves making the tough decisions and the PM could be labeled a bad leader. proper communication in passing across tough decisions ti the team is an effective tool i took out from the 3 experts

  525. Decision making is a very sensitive discourse in PM and being in the position to make can cause quite a conflict of interest. but i believe the end goal is to ensure there is a win-win result for everyone. Communication is paramount and if situations arises that brings about certain compromises , relaying the right message and telling the Pros and cons of certain situations gives every team member a sense of inclusivity and trust in you.

  526. decision making is quite pivotal in every team,to make the goals and aspiration of the team become a reality.

  527. Making decisions as a project manager is crucial as any decision made may favour the project or otherwise not. Therefore a project manager should communicate with team members on issues, listen to others point of view, evaluate all suggestions before making final decision on the project.

  528. Three the PMs used expertise in project review, collaboration and communication to make the tough decision. Provided that the project progress is being reviewed continuously, and there have been communication flow across to all stakeholders, should there be need for such a difficult decision to take, the preparedness, reasons for conviction and juxtaposing the pros and cons through convincing communication could make the decision flies.

    I don’t think they would act differently in a different context as much as the merit of the decision supersedes demerits or aligns with the objectives of the organization.

  529. Three experts describe difficult decisions they had to take in one project.
    Now reflect on what was important for them in making the decision. Would they act differently in a different context? Why?

    These experts described difficult decisions they had to make in their respective projects, and their reflections provided insights into what was important for them in making those decisions.

    The key themes across these experts’ reflections include the importance of effective communication, collaboration, transparency, and adaptability in decision-making. While specific challenges may differ in different contexts, the underlying principles of ethical and thoughtful decision-making are likely to guide these experts in various project scenarios.

    Expert One
    Decision to Terminate a Project Early:
    He highlighted the difficulty of deciding to terminate a project prematurely, considering the significant investment of time, effort, and commitment. The decision was prompted by an issue related to water supply conflicting with the venue’s needs during a major event.
    The manager emphasized the importance of clearly outlining options for continuing or canceling the project.
    A collaborative decision-making process involving relevant stakeholders at the right governance level is crucial.

    Expert Two
    Resolution of Water Supply Challenge:
    The expert faced a challenge related to water supply for a major event and had to bring together various stakeholders, including Scottish Water, local maintenance teams, and organizers, to find a solution. Language barriers added complexity to the situation.
    Collaboration and communication played a crucial role in resolving the challenge. The decision involved installing a two-inch connection for the event and building a contingency buffer for the venue. The client funded the contingency, leaving a positive legacy for the venue.

    Expert Three
    Management of Partnership Project and Stakeholder Relations:
    The project manager faced challenges in a social care project with frustrated and angry stakeholders from partner organizations who felt let down by the County Council in the past.
    The manager focused on aligning stakeholders by reminding them of the shared project goals. Openness, transparency, and a collaborative approach were crucial in managing the difficult situation. Compromising to meet the needs of stakeholders strengthened relationships and garnered buy-in.

  530. Hello, the three pm took the right decisions. And each project has its own challenges and requires different steps to solving the issues.

  531. A common theme for all three experts was communication. In terminating a project early, being able to carry your stakeholders along and effectively communicate the possibilities and consequences is important. In the case of the 2nd expert, communicating with the stakeholders was key to resolving the issue and finding a lasting solution. How well a PM communicates in a difficult situation will determine how successful such a person will produce a good outcome.

  532. Concerning the other discussion concerning handling contradicting situations in the organization, I believe it can be mitigated by Encouragement, and Motivational words to the team to energize them to carry out the project successfully

  533. Dealing with difficult situations require constant and effective communication. And that has a lot more work to do with the kind of language used in communication, so as to ensure all parties are heard, and we’ll understood.

    In a different context, I believe the people in the video should act differently because no two projects can be the same. They can look similar, but not exactly the same, and so flexibility is required to analyse the situation on ground, and then act accordingly with discretion.

  534. Dealing with difficult decisions in projects.

    Reflecting on what is important for the three experts in taking their decisions.

    In taking the decision to terminate a project early, the experts would likely consider factors such as resource allocation, cost-benefit analysis, risk assessment, and the potential impact on stakeholders. The decision would be driven by the project’s viability, alignment with organizational goals, and the ability to deliver value.

    Regarding communication (language), it’s important for the experts to consider cultural nuances, language barriers, and the diverse backgrounds of project stakeholders. Effective communication strategies, including translation services or cultural sensitivity training, may be essential in such situations.

    When dealing with the issue of no water in the project venue, the experts would need to assess the impact on project timelines, health and safety considerations, and alternative solutions. Contingency planning and rapid problem-solving skills would be crucial in addressing this issue.

    In a different context, the experts might act differently based on the unique challenges and considerations of each project. Factors such as cultural differences, regulatory environments, and resource availability could significantly influence decision-making. Flexibility and adaptability are essential in responding to diverse project contexts.

  535. I feel what was important for them was communication. And, Yes! I strongly believe they’ll act differently. It depends majorly on the sponsors. Should the outcome from the sponsors change, increased commitment to handle what looked like obstacle then a project manager would consider proceeding with such project.
    Again we see stakeholders being carried along/communicated timely in difficult situation for negotiation. Collaboration with sponsors, team members project target cannot be overemphasized.

  536. Decision making though vital in any project cannot or shouldn’t be done in a vacuum hence the laying of all cards on the table while leaving a tiny room for eventualities which in most cases are unavoidable. Every decision taken should get one closer to finish line. On the mind of every project manager is not to terminate before the job is done
    Proper analysis of work to be done, who to do what, how to be done , time apportioning and imbibing all rules / ethics are important .
    The possibility that the Project Managers will use the same approach is 50/50 as what is most important is ensuring that the job is done . Their personality could inform their decision ..
    Finally the tendency to use the same approach in all project is minimal as the projects vary so will any Project Manager factor its uniqueness in .

    1. Handling difficult decision in a project differs with different project managers depending on the nature of the project, the Project Manager needs to involves assessing risks, considering team input, and aligning choices with project goals.
      The Project Manager also needs to communicate effectively with the team regarding any decisions to be made and should also seek support to achieve the preferred value and goals regarding the project. The stakeholders as well will be carried along any changes made in order for both parties to be on the same page.

  537. Decision making is crucial aspect of any project , it can be tough or easy . From the video the three stakeholders had different views on how they took difficult decisions on their projects , this doesn’t make them bad project managers because I believe that before a decision can be made proper investigation, analysis , check and balance has been done before coming to a conclusion also putting into consideration the success of the project at that time.

  538. Decision making is quite pivotal to the success of any project. From the point of the experts,they had to weigh in on the option of terminating or continuing a certain project is clearly set out, of this decision has to be taken in cognizance with the stakeholders.
    It is important the goals of every project is brought forward in the face of every decision, to ensure that there are no counter to the goals and that whatever decision that would be taken must be in the benefit of the project.
    With the goals of the project in mind, I think the approach would be thesame, regardless of the context they find their selves. Because each of them took their decisions based on goals not challenges.
    Summarily, achieving project goals should always be the core in our decision making process.

  539. Decision making is very important act in project management. Before making decision on project, necessary analysis has to done, communicating with stakeholders is also necessary.
    Decision making must base on value, ethics, rules and regulations, and the organizational policy.

    Given the same scenario, the three managers will likely make different decisions, because individual has his/her own approach to situations. That does not mean that the decision of others are wrong.

  540. Decision making is very important act in project management. Before making decision on project, necessary analysis has to done, communicating with stakeholders is also necessary.
    Decision making must base on value, ethics, rules and regulations, and the organizational policy.

  541. Making decisions is a vital skill used by the captain to navigate the rough waters of project management. Every decision you make, from picking the best technology to negotiating obstacles, has the power to make or break your journey. Making wise choices keeps the project moving forward. Project managers use data analysis, risk assessment, and stakeholder needs analysis to map out the path to success. Meeting deadlines, allocating resources effectively, and quickly navigating unforeseen currents are all made possible by a determined hand.

  542. When it comes to making decisions in our organization, they can be good or not-so-good. But because we’re all working towards the same goal, it’s important to respect what most people think to move the organization forward. A project manager should be open-minded, a good listener, and good at different ways of communicating. Adding data and analysis to the mix, I think tough situations can be handled well. A project manager should always be ready for challenging situations.

  543. Decision making might be favourable or otherwise, since we are having a common goal in the organization, the majority opinions should be respected for the sake of the progress of the organization

  544. For the goals of a project to be achieved, it is mandatory for project managers to communicate with all stakeholders to come to agreement to ensure that set goals are achieved.

  545. As a project manager, it is imperative you weigh other option before making a final decision, because decision making can be sometimes very difficult mostly when you have to step on some people’s toes in other to achieve project success/goals.

  546. The primary motivation behind the decision-making process for undertaking various projects is to achieve success. However, it is imperative to acknowledge that the level of preparedness in areas such as language acquisition, project timing, and project locations plays a critical role in mitigating potential challenges. Therefore, it is recommended to consider these factors while planning and executing projects to ensure optimal outcomes.

  547. At the long run they all wanted the success of the project and had to make certain decision for the benefit of all.

  548. I believe that when it comes to decision making especially critical ones, emotions shouldn’t have a part to play but logical reasoning and ethics.

  549. As PM, it is expedient to communicate with all stakeholders and come to position consensus as all hands must be on deck to achieve the project goal.

  550. A project manager must be prepared at all times. He must be ready to deal with any situation that emerges and find a way of bringing it within his control. once he is unable to bring a particular situation under control, he automatically loses the support of the stakeholders. Succinctly put, a project manager must be skilled in crisis management because more often than not, crisis will always emegrge

  551. In a project life cycle, there are times when PMs are faced with the task of dealing with difficult making. PM should always collaborate with all stakeholders and teams involved in that project to achieve a win-win solution for all parties involved, this can be made possible through effective and concise communication.

  552. Project managers should at all times be ready for future contingencies. This will help in absorbing the shock and finding other ways to mitigate this difficult situation.
    Having learned that communication is paramount, the project manager should be able to communicate to the team the situation in other to provide solutions as a team. Also, in every difficult situation, there are lessons, skills, and knowledge to be learned.

  553. Managing difficult decisions as a project manager requires a balanced approach. Prioritize clear communication to ensure understanding among team members. Consider input from stakeholders and weigh the potential outcomes of each choice. Maintain flexibility, as projects may evolve, and adaptability is crucial. Learn from challenging decisions to refine your decision-making skills and enhance future project management strategies.

  554. In the previous lessons, it was learnt that communication skills cannot be underestimated in project management. As a project manager, being able to communicate with your clients, stakeholders and team members is a step to having a good project. This will enable them to know how capable and transparent you are.

    A project manager must be prepared for any challenge, or difficulty that may arise in the course of the project.

  555. A project manager is meant to be open to a lot of possibilities, good listening skills and various forms along communication.
    With data and analysis added with the above I believe tough situations can be managed. From previous lessons learnt, a project manager needs to prepare for difficult situations at all times.

  556. Managing a tough decision relatively becomes easy if it has the backing of data and analysis of the same.

    Important aspect is having regular reviews and structured methodological process to maintain data and linkages.

    Fact based decisions are ease to digest, and you shall clearly have a plan- B in place as contingency.

    Any decision which is likly to make an impact on outcome of project or project team to be mapped for worst, pessimistic and optimistic scenario

  557. Project Managers have to have good listening skills and open to discussions towards potential negative issues that may impact on projects. Projects Managers are bound to find themselves in tight situations and ready to undertake difficult and critical decisions in order to keep projects on tracks. Trying to understand the root cause may help in addressing the situation in favor of clients, beneficiaries and implementers. The 3 Project Managers had taken the right steps in addressing the challenges that arose given that contexts.

  558. As a project manager, you must be open to possibilities at all times. A win win resolution approach is very important in most cases, in that the PM may have to compromise in order to get the needs of stakeholders and beneficiaries met.Language barrier should not be a major challenge especially at this age of AI.
    An empowered PM should not be afraid of deciding because that is why they are in this position.

  559. For your project to be good and successful then one has to be consistent with all forms of communication in the project making , communication between the team and clients involved in it.Stakeholders also needs to be carried along because they are also a major part of the project.the speakers making those difficult decisions shows the sacrifice one has to make as a project manager

  560. Definitely, there are bound to arise issues creating difficult situations where decisions must be taken. As a project manager, be open to possibilities at all times. A win win resolution approach is very important in most cases, in that the project manager may have to compromise in order to get the needs of stakeholders and beneficiaries met.

    It is also necessary to draw attention to the project goals agreed ab-initio, this can also drive the focus of stakeholders, especially with the challenge to have a turn around from the already agreed.

  561. In project management, things don’t always go as planned. There are bound to arise contingencies that require though decisions to resolve When they arise, a project manager needs to able to understand the issues first hand and also be able to communicate effectively with relevant stakeholders involved such that ideas are shared to reach a win-win compromise. Those very though decisions would seamlessly be resolved when there is a clear understanding of the set goal of the project and ego’s are kept in check.

  562. PM involves constant changes, and these go hand in hand with decision-making. It should not be difficult when there is no call to judgment. When a decision is based on findings and has been applied to critical thinking and decision-making protocols, it is therefore not biased, and it yields positivity across stakeholders. An empowered PM should not be afraid of deciding because that is why they are in this position.

  563. Ability to communicate well, bad past shouldn’t be the center of focus even though it can be referenced to avoid repeating

  564. A project manager it’s need communicate with the stakeholders adequately and fluently so that they have a mutual understanding between in order to accomplish the determine goals of project, communication with the stakeholders clients and project team work is essential to growth the such projects

  565. It very important for each of the speakers to be an effective communicator. This is a strong tool in engaging all the stakeholders when there are contingencies, unplanned occurrence and effective engagement of the stakeholders.

    I quite believe they would all consider the best communication method when faced with the same challenge.

  566. One thing that was common among all three project managers was their ability to communicate with every stakeholder involved and take decisions together. This shows that effective and timely discussion helps project managers handle difficult situations easily, even if they have to compromise. It actually helps them bring the best out of it and proves them as capable and transparent to their team members and other stakeholders.

  567. One thing that was common among all three project managers was their ability to communicate with every stakeholder involved and take decisions together. This shows that effective and timely discussion helps project managers handle difficult situations easily. It actually helps them bring the best out of it and proves them as capable and transparent to their team members and other stakeholders.

  568. I have come to learn that communication as a project manager is very important and in making decisions all stakeholder must be carried along.

    In taking the decisions they took, the most important factor was that the goal of the project was achieved thereby making it a success.

    In a different context, as long as the goal of the project is not affected they would act differently because every context and challenge is different. One thing is they would always want and do what they need to do in-line with their budget for the success of their project.

  569. As a project manager, being able to communicate with the stakeholders/ clients and your project team is essential to the growth of such projects. With effective and seamless communication problems arising during the execution process can be addressed and tackled on time.

  570. As a PM, you must always work with ethics and values, which sometimes can be difficult or difficulties may arise due to language barriers, cultural differences, or whatever. The values must be adhered to, which sometimes can be discussed with stakeholders and team members.

  571. as a project manager sometimes you would be faced with certain decisions that would be inconsistent with with the organisations values but would be for the good of the project. effective communication with the stakeholders is important in this instant, and the organisations values can be adapted to accommodate the necessary changes needed to move forward in carrying out the project

  572. To have a successful project, there must be adequate and seamless communication between and with stakeholders, clients, team members. Critical analysis must be done and all decisions taken must be tailored towards the main goal of the project.

  573. Language is a major factor that needs to be provisioned for in project management. It can make or mar the project if not carefully taken care of.

  574. stakeholders are a major part of the projects and they must be effectively carried along with any development occurring in the course of the project. i feel the three people in our case study did a good job with their decisions.

  575. In making this difficult decision all stakeholders must be carried along. Critical analysis must be done, tabled, and communicated to all stakeholders seeking their input before the final decision is taken. All decisions taken must be tailored towards the main goal of the project.

  576. For you to have a successful project, you must adequately communicate to the stakeholders, clients, team members regularly so as to be on the same page. Though strategies must be applied.

  577. Communication, integrity and adaptability is the key.

    Communicate strategically, clearly, effectively and efficiently with your team and stakeholders

    Build integrity and honesty relationship with stakeholders

    Be adaptable to change and don’t let your ego bring you down, humility is vital

    1. In making this difficult decision all stakeholders must be carried along. Critical analysis must be done, tabled, and communicated to all stakeholders seeking their input before the final decision is taken. All decisions taken must be tailored towards the main goal of the project.

  578. It is important to be able to notice and map out a challenge, but more important to understand the challenge before a project manager can profer solutions to these challenges.

    What was important to the project managers for taking the decision that they took was putting in mind, the goal of the project, how important the success and end result of a project is, to its beneficiaries.

    They would have actually acted differently in a different situation because addressing these issues is not a one-way method as there are multiple routes that a project manager can take, to address a challenge, in essence a project manager should be flexible and able to diversify.

  579. Listening to the experts, I discovered that being able to communicate effectively with the parties involved really helped. Also not letting your ego get in the way would really help a PM take sound decisions

  580. When having difficult discussions with client or stakeholders it is import to use the win-win negotiation, to collaborate for the benefit the project team and the clients. and both can adapt to the changes.

  581. My, take is as a PM you should be adaptable to change and you should listen and communicate clearly, the first speaker emphasis on how a venue was changed. If she was not flexible and adaptable enough..the situation would have gotten out of hands.

  582. Having a honest and transparent conversation with the stakeholders is the way to go.
    Also, setting clear goals right from inception makes it easy to communicate difficult decisions, particularly when the project is no longer serving the goals earlier communicated.

  583. The most important information I got is the fact that communication is 80% of a job, from my recent experiences, proper communication matters in any form.

  584. Communication is the best key as we’ve seen in the video the three expert were able to make their decision by communicating with the team members

  585. Communication amongst the stakeholders is key in taking a tough decision that affects a project. One of the experts mentioned having enough good reasons made taking a decision such as discontinuing a project possible. The PM must bear in mind the objectives of a project against which performance are measured. Also collaboration between the team member in resolving complex is also a strategy used by one of the experts which led to a better solution.

  586. The 3 expert has made us understand how important communication is in project management. The first expert talks on how a project can be terminated earlier even after project team had invested lot on it. She also highlighted making decisions by letting the team understand the objectives of the project.

    The second expert made us understand the effect of great coordinating and Communication skill can solve problems.

    The third emphasis on how difficult the communication barrier is on the international standard and as a project manager you are to make sure you communicated effectively.

  587. Being consciously guided in maintaining a good relationship also not loosing out integrity and not compromising regardless of the tight schedule I might find myself.

  588. All three project managers exemplified their proficiency in steering projects towards successful fruition. The first project manager astutely recognized the complexities inherent in prematurely concluding a project. However, she emphasized the pivotal role of meticulous planning in mitigating such challenges and ensuring a more favorable resolution without compromising the intended achievements. Her insightful recounting of collaborating with the county council highlighted the nuanced difficulties prevalent in the care industry, where satisfaction among caregivers or clients may pose obstacles. She adeptly outlined strategic actions to navigate such challenges effectively.

    The second project manager demonstrated exceptional acumen in achieving superior outcomes, even in the face of increased financial investments. Going above and beyond, the project manager diligently engaged all necessary stakeholders, eschewing shortcuts that could jeopardize the ultimate success of the project. This commitment to comprehensive involvement and dedication to the project’s integrity underscored the manager’s effectiveness in optimizing results.

    The third project manager adeptly addressed the intricacies of language as a potential barrier to communication and project delivery. This nuanced consideration becomes particularly crucial in the context of international projects and the diverse work environments in which projects unfold. The manager’s keen insights into the impact of language on effective project execution highlighted the significance of linguistic precision in navigating the complexities inherent in cross-cultural and diverse workplace settings.

  589. difficulty situations will always come but the most important thing when it comes to taking difficult decisions its better to collaborate with team and having clear communication

  590. The first PM highlighted the potential pitfalls of early project completion, but stressed the importance of proactive planning to mitigate risks and maintain quality. She exemplified this by discussing challenges encountered while working with a county council regarding client and career dissatisfaction, emphasizing the crucial role of effective action.
    The second PM excelled in achieving superior results despite increased budget constraints. This involved going the extra mile to secure necessary resources and avoid detrimental shortcuts that could compromise the final product.
    The third PM brought attention to the crucial role of language in project communication and delivery. He emphasized the inherent complexity of this aspect, particularly in international collaborations and specific workplace environments.

  591. The three Project Managers made decisions that was best for their projects at that time because there was clear communication on other projects being of utmost importance and needs urgent attention.

    In a different context, they would have acted differently because every project manager would want to finish his or her project successful.

  592. The various challenges posed at the three project managers and how it was handled shows how good communication is in every facet of a project manager responsibility to see to the actualization of every project. The decision for them to move on or drop the project was well thought out and communicated to all that were involved. The Ladies reason was a good reason, company may have a better outlook on a different project that will be more beneficial to the organization and the Scottish project manager has to collaborate with others even the Scottish water department officials and see how it can be done, same with the last project manager that has to deal with language barrier. In all they made very good decisions in the approach they use. No personal feelings and no sentiment.

  593. All three PMs shows how they supported their projects to achieved positive outcome. The 1st identified how it could become difficult sometimes to end project early. However. putting the proper plan in place can help to come to a better option when coming out it without affecting what you want to achieved. Her illustration of working with the county council shows some challenges faced even in the care industry when delivery care where careers or clients are not satisfied. she stated the best action to take.

    the second person did brilliantly to achieved a better outcome even though more money was involved. The PM went extra miles to get everyone needed to achieve better outcome for the project involved without looking for shortcuts that can affect the final outcome of the project.

    The 3rd PM nailed it on the head when he talked about language which can affect communication and delivery of project. This is a grey area especially when you are dealing with international projects and sometimes within the environment you work.

  594. They made the best decision at that moment. Once the options to continue versus to cancel are laid out and every member of the project team understands and is carried along, the decision to cancel is taken and they can move on to the next project in a better stand.

  595. The 3 PMs faced different difficult situation where they had to make a tough decision.
    They never put their personal sentiments for the project ahead of their clients.
    The first woman realised the organizations might have a more interesting project to invest in and jlhence decided to drop the current one.

    The second PM sees that there is need to provide solution although extra cost and he went for the option and all that matters at the moment is solution.

    These decisions are some of the best decision they could make at that moment.

  596. The most important thing is they found a solution to the problems at hand even when the decision is difficult they took it anyway, they had the organization they’re working for at hand not chasing their personal gain or goals.

    Would they have acted differently in a different situations yes….it is possible for them to take different decision under different circumstances.

  597. After listening to the 3PM’s on the difficult situations they encounter on their different projects and how they handle it and got it resolved. To me that was the most efficient and effective way to resolve those difficult situations as at that time. I once had a difficult situation with a client and it was language difference. It was a tough one but we overcame the difficult situation though it’s cost us additional time for project.

  598. Dealing with difficult situation/ Taking difficult decision in project Management requires some skills like Open communication in every step of the way, collaborating with client, project Teams and Stakeholders, making critical Analysis and Negotiation goes a long way towards an effective and successful Project focusing on the project goal.

    1. The 3 PMS faced different situations where they had to make a tough decisions. There was an open communication in getting to the clients, stakeholders and team, making negotiation and critical analysing was an effective way that they were able to achieve a successful project. In all, despite everyone’s challenge they never gave up and at the end there was a win – win among the three PMS.

  599. After listening to the three expert project managers for the project described in the video, i loved that they were all serious in the project, despite everyone’s challenge in the project such in regard to resources available, technical issue and communication barriers just to name a few. All those never have been a cause for giving up on the project. They never were individually selfish, they kept moving on until they had discussions (cooperation) with different stakeholders involved to give clear reasons to proceed or not. That was a win-win solution from all the stakeholder perspectives. In the end, noticing that stopping the project is the best option rather than proceeding, a happy non srntimental decision to terminate the project was brought to the stakehders table. This emphasises how professional project managers might prioritise the organization goals rather than considering personal feelings in the decision making process.

  600. Being able to identify a problem, proffer a solution, evaluate the pros and cons and still presenting it to all stakeholders and allowing them make decision while guiding them and reminding them of the initial project business case ( the why) is a brilliant way to manage people.
    The 3PMs narrated a win-win situation irrespective of how the project ended.

  601. Three distinct projects with distinct challenges were expertly managed at the point of looking at the reason for the project and not allowing the bad vibes to affect decision-making. Going out of his way to find additional water partners to collaborate with to ensure the quantity required for project success, and finally, effective communication is the key to any successful project.

  602. As a PM must always work with ethics and values which sometimes it can be difficult or difficulties may arise either language barrier, cultural differences or whatsoever the values must be adhere to which sometimes it can be discuss with stakeholders and team members

  603. After listening to the three different project managers and the difficulties they have faced.
    I can say that they dealt with their difficulties well, and they always took the project they had at hand seriously. When thinking of terminating a project there was a genuine reason, also the other person had a language barrier as part of his project difficulty, and he knew he must do something about it for the project to be a success. Also, communication can not be overemphasized

  604. From the three difficult situations experienced by the project managers, I can say that what stood out was the ability to make decisions without sentiments and to take actions that were going to be beneficial to the entire company. Also, making inquiries and seeking more information and guidance on how to handle the situation will not be out of place.

  605. Difficult decisions are sometimes inevitable and can really be frustrating; but dealing with difficult decisions with a clear and honest approach is vital for projects managers.

  606. i have learnt that One of the most important things you can do is listen to the opinions of others who have a stake in the decision and know something about the options involved. Even if the final decision is yours, listening to diverse perspectives on the topic helps clarify your own thinking.

  607. Before undertaking any project, A PM should employ ‘Risk-based thinking”. This means thoroughly researching all that the project requires, This includes identifying possible risks that may impede/halt the progress of the project if need be, identifying opportunities that can be leveraged, and of course, having in place contingency plans as a fallback for when things do not go as planned.

    In the video, the managers were reactive and not proactive (having controls in place to forestall the already identified risk if risk risk-based approach was utilized).

    If risk-based thinking had been deployed, the Language barrier would have been mitigated by ensuring a translator is on ground.

  608. From the three difficult decisions above, the most important thing done in taking the decision was leaving sentiments aside and doing what was ethically best for the project. By this decision, the organizational standard was still preserved.

    In a different context, putting first the organization’s goals, objectives and standards is very important. Therefore, since every project has its unique characteristics and requirements, what works for a particular project might not work for another.

  609. Understanding the broader context of the project, including its goals, constraints, and stakeholders, is crucial for decision-making. This involves considering the project’s specific challenges, timeline, and resources available. In a different context, these experts might need to adapt their decision-making approach based on the unique characteristics and requirements of the new projects. What worked in one context may not necessarily apply in another.

    Considering the interests and perspectives of various stakeholders is critical. Decision-making should align with project objectives and maintaining positive relationships with each key stakeholders to draw up possible solutions when challenges occurs is very key to the success of the project.

  610. We cannot avoid sometimes difficult decisions but before we take such major decisions we have to sit down and discuss the issues either with the stakeholders or the team to have clear picture of how to resolve the issues. This step is very important because no member of the team will want a halt in the progress of the project thereby leading to time wasting and increase in cost.

  611. Difficult decisions are sometimes inevitable and can really be frustrating; but dealing with difficult decisions with a clear and honest approach is vital for projects managers.

    In the cases shown in this lesson, we can highlight that brainstorming with stakeholders before taking any difficult decision is paramount. Decisions taken to mitigate situations may sometimes halt or end a project and sometimes the outcome of a difficult decision may bring innovation to the project and even leave legacy to stakeholders.

  612. Based on the difficult decisions highlighted by the experts, I think what I percieve to be the most important in making these decisions, was leaving setiments aside and doing what was ethically best for the project.

    There isn’t enough resources to carry out the project? Well then it’s best to put the project on hold rather than squeezing things in that would most likely comprise the quality of the outcome.

    Or, another alternative is to collaborate with other teams so that resources can be shared to get the desired outcome.

    I genuinely do not think that they would act differently in a different context.

  613. one of the most important thing to be done in a situation like this where language is barrier, is to get someone who can effectively enable you communicate to drive your points home knowing fully well that communication and above all, effective communication with a clear line of objective is key.
    even if your decisions are adopted, or the decision of the management is adopted, . let it be known that you have clearly driven your points professionally

  614. Decision-making in project management is the process of making important decisions that affect the outcome of a project. It involves evaluating the options available, assessing the risks and benefits of each option, and selecting the best solution for the project.

    Decision-making is a crucial part of project management. It’s important because the decisions you make can have a huge impact on the success of the project. The right decision can mean the difference between success and failure, so it’s important to take the time to evaluate all the options and make the best decision possible.

    When making a difficult decision, have a process. Have a set of criteria so you don’t jump to conclusions rashly.
    Explain yourself when making a difficult decision.
    It is also important to consider the impact of your decision.
    It is good to have a trusted individual to discuss with. Then, you own your decision.

  615. One of the most important things you can do is listen to the opinions of others who have a stake in the decision and know something about the options involved. Even if the final decision is yours, listening to diverse perspectives on the topic helps clarify your own thinking.

  616. Problems will always be encountered, looking at ways of solving it is key, in situations were solution is not visible, team members needs to come together and discuss future steps of continuing or not continuing.

  617. Different contexts determine the reactions and decisions you make in then so, yes, they would act differently in another context.

    However, the skills they used in this context; communication, negotiation, flexibility and being able to compromise in some things will still come into play in whatever context.

  618. Taking decision is actually very difficult especially when you have a team and your decision could affect your team negatively. But whatever the case is, the option for cancelling or continuing a project should be clearly stated.


  619. Taking decisions in difficult situations could be really dicey, decisions are dependent on several variables that should be thoroughly scrutinized and weighed in order to arrive on a leveled ground that is profitable to all involved. The ability for a PM to pull through this phase is a great credit to his relevance in such project.

  620. Taking decisions in different situations could be really dicey, decisions are dependent on several variables that should be thoroughly scrutinized and weighed in order to arrive on a leveled ground that is profitable to all involved. The ability for a PM to pull through this phase is a great credit to his relevance in such project.

    1. In project management, In situations where solutions are elusive, the importance of team discussions for determining the next steps is evident. The decision-making process involves collective input, showcasing the significance of teamwork and shared responsibility.

      The acknowledgment that different contexts shape reactions and decisions indicates an awareness of situational adaptability. While the specific actions may vary, the core skills such as communication, negotiation, flexibility, and compromise remain crucial across diverse contexts. This suggests that, even in different situations, the project managers would leverage these skills to navigate challenges effectively.

      The highlighted challenge of language in international projects, project managers should check language requirements and consider including a translator in the project plan showcases a proactive approach to overcoming language barriers. Additionally, it is important to choose a communication style that suits both the project team and stakeholders underlines the importance of tailoring strategies to diverse audiences.

      In summary, the key factors for decision-making include collaborative problem-solving and the understanding that context influences actions. The consistent application of essential skills, irrespective of the context, underscores the universal relevance of communication, negotiation, flexibility, and compromise in project management.

    2. Problems are bound to be encountered in any projects and definitely the solution depends solely on what type of problem.
      But what’s really matters is to let team mangers decision be in,so they know it is.

  621. As a project manager new challenges should be expected as problems comes in different ways and different and measurable method should be applied in other to archieve set objectives.

    In the video the managers have taken best decisions known to them and they are able to solve the problem without deviating or delaying the project goals.

    What came to me as huge challenge is the problem with Language, If one is to take a project with ECOWAS, UN, EU etc one need to check the language required before embarking so as to know: Knowing the stakeholders if all of them understand a general language which is ENGLISH, May be the project manager should include a translator in his plan, Choose Style of communication with the project team and stakeholders, etc

  622. Dealing with difficult decisions in project management is an inevitable part of the role these decisions can range from resources allocation and scope changes to team conflict and risk mitigation

  623. I believed they have valid reasons for taking those difficult decisions and if I was in their shoes, I wouldn’t have taken a different decision because the overall objective of the project is paramount as well as the client satisfaction.

  624. As a project manager you be ale to handle stakeholders when dealing with a project as we have bee taught that stakeholders can affect our projects. In the context of the video terminating an ongoing project can be a very tough decision to make and its also has effect on the team members because they have invested more of there time in doing the project and seeing it been taken up will have adverse effect on them and there should be away the project manager let the clients know the project cant just be taken down like that without considering the emotions of the team

    1. As a Project Manager, I would open my mind to always face challenges or difficult situations in carrying out a project and finalizing it. Issues of terminating a project early, communication, transparency and compromise are truly some things that would be faced but now for me I would look at the client or the people and address this squarely. I would ensure that we are on the same page when we communicate and ensure we understand each other. If it is a case of language barrier, I would bring in an interpreter to help make the job easy so we also understand each other. Issues of terminating the project , yes can be quite frustrating but this should also have been well planned out in the initial discussion with the client so that it could be a win win situation for both parties. I would also want to find out why they are terminating it early and if they have a future to still take on the project. Being transparent is very key as this would ensure that there are no hitches. This must just be very clear.

  625. Dealing with difficult situations is something that a project manager should be prepared for and as seen in the video clip collaboration with the stakeholders is very important when faced with a difficult situation.Also the ability to analyze the pros and cons before taking a decision is vital in handling difficult situations.
    I feel that they might act different depending on the situation at hand as projects differ and situations differ to. However, a project manager should be able to understand the situation and come up with a decision that will work as a mitigation to the difficult situation at hand.

  626. situations determine decisions and actions which can change in other varying circumstances.
    there dealing with difficult situations, the company’s overall interest should drive decision given different situations. Collaboration among the experts here is noticed and instrumental to handling the situation.
    The language issue can be resolved by
    1. Bringing in a translator
    2. Creating an atmosphere that favors sense of belonging to all

    1. I believe it takes a lot of deep thinking and analysis to make tough decisions.
      I respect the professionals in the video shared to brace up to the challenge and think through strategically.

      Terminating a job early is really a tough one because a lot of hardwork, time, and efforts have been put in place to ensure that the project will be success but I believe that this is where communication comes in

      As a PM, you will need to carry your team along with any development and keep them abreast of any decision affecting the project.

      Language is a barrier but that shouldn’t be a tough decision not to embark on a project.
      With the use of language translator, the right information and communication will be passed to ensure a smooth sail of the project.

      PM should ensure that they have explored all possible options within their reach before taking difficult decisions.

      Like the saying goes, tough situations do not last long but tough people do.

  627. I’m of the opinion that there was no options left other than terminating the project..though terminating a project is a difficult decision to make especially when all options
    Have been exhausted.

  628. Kazeem Team 7
    As a project manager you be ale to handle stakeholders when dealing with a project as we have bee taught that stakeholders can affect our projects. In the context of the video terminating an ongoing project can be a very tough decision to make and its also has effect on the team members because they have invested more of there time in doing the project and seeing it been taken up will have adverse effect on them and there should be away the project manager let the clients know the project cant just be taken down like that without considering the emotions of the team members.
    Language should not be a barrier in project management as we all know communication is way more important in PM, what could be done is properly communicating plans of the projects to the stakeholder involving in the projects and disseminating information from time to time maybe it may involve using a translator to disseminate information from time to time at the appropriate time.

  629. Dealing with difficult situations depends on the nature of the situation and what is needed to resolve the situation.
    * The challenge of terminating an ongoing project early is a tough decision to make and as a Project Manager, there must be a way to resolve it in order to get the project going. Some of the decision that can be taken include but not limited to the following:
    + Getting the client to take care of the contingencies that were not initially captured in the budget of the project.
    + Motivating the team member to keep up the spirit to the completion of the project.
    + Compromise may be needed a times to enable the needed stakeholders fully participate and also to strengthen the relationship among team members.

    * In the situation of handling difficult decision of communication barriers as a result of social difference, educational dichotomy, ethnic and language differences, as a PM, the following steps can be taken to deal with such situation:
    + Step up the gap differences among team members probably by introducing a common room where all come in to interact no matter the class difference.
    + Giving room for expression of individual opinions in order to give a sense of belonging to all.
    + Bring in translators where you the challenge of communication problems as a result of language barrier.

    Dr. Taiwo O. Adeyinka
    Team 3

  630. For me, I think it was their ability to improvise and think outside the box in that difficult situation to make the project a success, and everybody goes home happy and satisfied. If tables were to be turned, they would have still improvised, except the tables were in their favor.

  631. Micah Chijioke Madu
    Project Management
    Cohort 12
    Team 6

    I am of the opinion that the experts in the video for today’s lesson would have acted differently given a different scenario.
    The reason for my position above:
    Actions of such nature in project management are usually reactive to existing situations. This simply means that different situations solicit different actions or reactions from Project Managers. Therefore, given a different situation, a Project Manager’s line of thought and decision will adaptively change.
    If the expert in the video opted for early project termination because the global trend has made the project obsolete, that decision wouldn’t have been reached if the global trend still favoured the project.
    The same applies to the change that was made to the sports venue (an additional water infrastructure construction to meet the water supply requirement for the event). That decision was occasioned by the critical lack of adequate water supply in the venue. If the situation was different and there was no need to mitigate, then there wouldn’t have even been a meeting to discuss a nonexistent situation, and the client wouldn’t have incurred that additional cost. The same goes with the other situations presented in the video. Situations necessitate decisions and actions which change given alternate circumstances.

  632. I think what was important for the three experts was the ability to collaborate and adjust to situations to get the required outcome.
    For me, I don’t think they might have done otherwise aside from collaboration.

  633. A project manager needs to be focused on a project, be optimistic on a project, push through project execution within timeline, cost and project quality; to achieve these monitoring and communication has to be constant.

  634. Sunday Nathaniel Ngwamah, Cohort 12, Team 10.

    Such times come in project management where hard and difficult decisions have to be made for many reasons ranging from cost, change policies, viability, unforseen circumstances that crops up which makes project execution difficult and many times stretches it to impossibility.

    The three managers were swift enough to be able to diagnose the challenges with their projects, and brave enough to make the difficult decisions. One was involving a shift in cost which had to be made plane to sponsors who in turn was willing and infact, paid for the additional cost.

    The project manager needs to maintain an eagle eye on a project, be optimistic on a project, push through project execution within timeline, cost and project quality; to achieve these monitoring and communication has to be constant and realtime. These allows him to remain in touch with the project and reality of issues at hand.

    These were swift with decisions though had ones. Normally, difficult and hard decision vary per project and even these would act differently with the parameters of their different projects but same principles applies.

    1. I concur with your line of reasoning. Same standard, different reactions to different situations.
      You can go through my comment for comparison of thought.

  635. I support the decisions made by these experts, they will definitely think differently based on the project they’re handling but one thing that was common is the emphasis on transparent communication with sponsors, clients, and the project team.
    Sharing every challenge enabled them to collectively understand the situation and make informed decisions.

  636. The three project managers were able to deal with the issues that arose in the project which did not align with the initial plans of the project. They recognised the importance of reconciling trade-offs amongst the elements of cost, time and quality and maintaned a balanced view, engaged project team and control communication to find viable solutions before the end of the project.
    I also agree with the decisions made by these experts, especially the emphasis on transparent communication with our sponsors, clients, and the project team.

    Sharing every challenge with one another enabled them to collectively understand the situation and make informed decisions. Notably, one client had to unexpectedly cover certain expenses, highlighting the importance of collaborating and openly communicating with all stakeholders. These experiences have shown me firsthand that effective communication and collaboration will significantly ease my role as a project manager, allowing me to navigate unexpected situations more effectively and achieve successful outcomes.

  637. Reflection: In reflecting on the decisions made by these three experts in the video, it becomes evident that the importance of specific factors varied across contexts. The decision to terminate a project early was driven by financial considerations and a reassessment of project goals, emphasizing the critical need for budget management and strategic alignment. Language-related challenges underscored the significance of effective communication, recognizing its pivotal role in ensuring collaboration and project success, particularly in multicultural or global settings. Addressing a lack of materials and deciding to outsource highlighted the importance of resource availability, highlighting the experts’ commitment to overcoming constraints and ensuring project progression.

    These factors collectively emphasize the crucial and multifaceted nature of decision-making in project management, where a judicious balance of financial prudence, clear communication, and adaptive resource management is essential for navigating the challenges inherent in diverse project contexts.

    Would they act differently in a different context?

    Well, the likelihood of the project managers acting differently in a different context depends on the nature of the challenges they faced and the specific characteristics of the new context. For the expert who considered terminating a project early, the decision might vary in a different context based on factors such as available funding sources, the strategic importance of the project, or organizational priorities unique to the unique environment.
    On the other hand, the expert that struggled with language-related challenges might adapt decision-making based on the language dynamics of the new context. If language barriers are less pronounced or if the team has a more diverse language skill set in the new setting, the approach to addressing communication challenges may differ.
    In the case of the expert dealing with a lack of materials and outsourcing, decisions could be influenced by the availability and accessibility of resources in the new context. If alternative sources are more readily available or material shortages are less severe, the expert might employ different strategies to manage resources effectively.
    The adaptability of decision-making hinges on the dynamic interplay between project-specific considerations and the unique characteristics of each context. The experts’ responses would be shaped by their ability to assess and respond to the distinct challenges presented in different project environments.

    The decision-making process is highly contingent on the specific characteristics of each project and its context. The adaptability of project managers in different settings reflects their ability to assess and respond to the unique challenges and opportunities presented in each environment.
    The likelihood of the managers acting differently in different contexts can be influenced by the dynamic interplay of different factors:
    Project Goals and Priorities: The nature and goals of projects can vary significantly between contexts. In a different context, the strategic importance of a project may differ, influencing the decision to terminate early or continue based on the organization’s current priorities.
    Resource Availability: The availability of resources, including funding and materials, can vary based on the economic and logistical landscape of each context. This variability may prompt experts to adapt their decisions to the specific constraints and opportunities present.
    Organizational Culture: The values and culture of the organization can shape decision-making. In a different context, the organizational culture may prioritize certain aspects, influencing how decisions are approached and what factors are deemed most important.
    Stakeholder Expectations: The expectations of stakeholders may differ between contexts. Experts may need to adjust their decision-making based on the varying needs and expectations of stakeholders in different project environments.
    Project Type and its Complexity: The type and complexity of projects can vary widely. A decision that makes sense for a particular type of project may not be as applicable in a different setting with a unique set of challenges and requirements.
    Team Dynamics: The composition and dynamics of project teams may differ, impacting how decisions are communicated and implemented. Experts may need to consider team collaboration and adapt their decision-making approach accordingly.
    Regulatory Environment: The regulatory environment can differ between contexts, influencing how decisions are made to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
    Economic Conditions: Economic conditions, including inflation rates and market stability, can impact financial considerations and resource management. Experts may need to adjust their strategies based on the economic context.
    Experience: If project manager has learned from past experiences, they may bring those lessons into new contexts. Insights gained from previous projects could influence decision-making approaches and strategies, promoting adaptability based on lessons learned.

  638. Of course, yes… They will act or behave differently.
    In every situation or difficulty in the line of the project. Any decision taken at that moment should geared toward completing the project in good time and its specifications

  639. This is what I understand, there are challenges you must face during a project period… But at the end of the decisions, sacrifices, setbacks and the Project must be completed as well ……..

  640. They didn’t think differently rather they focused on the end result of the project, accepted and acknowledged the faults and determined to achieve the set goals despite the differences.

  641. Sometimes community issues can be a reason why a project can be on hold when their demands in terms of payment are not met since it’s part of the MOU signed. This is more of the case we faced more often in the location of the project we handle.

  642. A team with one voice and purpose will be able to surmount any obstacle in their way with regard to dealing with difficult decision-making.

    No two projects are the same, because every project comes with its own sour or sweet experience, and so should the approach; My answer will be an emphatical YES.
    Let me add that a PM who will be successful at his job must be open-minded, and very flexible; this gives room for him or her to embrace new challenges.

  643. Yeah. They will definitely act differently base on the project at hand.

    I truly admire how they were able to handle the difficult situation at hand, especially been transparent with the situation, collaborating with all parties, and encouraging everyone to see the goal or reason why they started in the first place.

    It’s a win win.

    1. Kudos to them for being open and ready available to be able to deal with the problem, inspite of it being a difficult decision. If the situation had been reversed, yes the decisions would have been different, maybe not terminating the project or making a contingency plan for enough water at the venue. However. With the situation faced, I think the right decision, though difficult were made.

  644. I fully support the decisions made by these experts, especially the emphasis on transparent communication with our sponsors, clients, and the project team.

    Sharing every challenge enabled them to collectively understand the situation and make informed decisions. Notably, one client had to unexpectedly cover certain expenses, highlighting the importance of collaborating and openly communicating with all stakeholders. These experiences have shown me firsthand that effective communication and collaboration significantly ease my role as a project manager, allowing us to navigate unexpected situations more effectively and achieve successful outcomes.

  645. I think it’s the best for them at that point, they were open minded and also honest and transparent. And so because of that they could easily communicate with their team members and take on the decision.

  646. I agree with the decision they made, mostly important thing was to communicate every challenge with both the sponsor the clients, project team so that a enable them succeed in tackling or making a decision at that point in time. its would have been more difficult if communicating with the client the sponsor and the project team on the current situation wasn’t done. I also noticed that one of the client had to pay some certain amount of money that they probably did not budget for, so collaborating and communicating with your sponsor, client and project team would make your work as a project manager easy.

  647. Yes, their approach will be different in different contexts because no two projects are the same, and every project comes with its dynamism, so should the approach.
    For this to happen, the project manager must be open-minded; this gives room for the PM to embrace whatever challenges.
    Constant, open, honest, and transparent communication should not be lacking with team members so that it is easier to tackle challenges should they arise.

  648. Taking had decision is part of every project. I remember my last show i had to make a dificult decision that almost affected my planning. The venue i planned to use had to be changed because of proximity, now the road to the innitial venue was under construction, a decision that was never seen coming, if i went ahead with the venue it will sure affect everything that has to do with my show because people can not have clear assess to the venue, i had to go for an alternative which was a bit far from the previous. We had to do lots of publicity to announce the change of venue and it was really difficult to achieve.

  649. Taking hard decision and or making changes are things that will always be in the life of every project and how we deal with these is key at any point in time. Considering the three Project Managers view s and how they responded effectively to the different scenarios thereby averting serious issues in the deliverables are part of why project management practice is very key.
    Also being able to assess and project possible outcomes also helps the work of a project manager. Seeing a possible demand or need in the course of a project and making adequate or alternate solution to cater for such inadequacy as well as carrying along all stakeholders with possible decisions and outcomes helps in checkmating losses, failures in any project.
    Although with all these considerations , it also does not make project management full proof but it helps to minimize risk and avert a lot of crisis most times

  650. The approach to solving problems especially when faced with making difficult decisions like quitting a project, making plan for contingencies etc. varies, however, the place of collaboration with all parties and possible compromises without losing goal of the project or standards and quality of work and also the ability to negotiate are really important.

    1. projects goals and organizational goals can change over time and therefore the project manager has to make difficult decisions such as termination of projects, especially if it’s not meeting its objectives or if there are significant changes in organizational priorities.
      They can act differently in different context due to change in client requirements, project budget, project life cycle phase, change in political factors etc.

  651. From what I understand, there are challenges you must face during a project period… But at the end of the decisions, sacrifices, setbacks and all, the project must go on.

  652. The Project Managers in the video made communication to be a priority for them in taking their various decisions. That is they had to ensure that the various stakeholders in the respective projects understood the reason why certain steps had to or not be taken.

    Again, they had to put into consideration the success of the project at hand in their decision making.

    Though every project is peculiar and the decision taken in one project must not fit perfectly into the other, the issue of communication cannot be overlooked no matter the peculiarity in a project. Everyone needs to be carried along and that is where communication comes to play.

  653. I understood from the video that each of the project manager placed a high value on ensuring their projects are carried. They took difficult decisions because they were willing and ready to achieve their goals. As in the case of the sporting event in Glasgow, the PM said the event has to go on. Despite the huddle they met with, quitting was definitely not an option at that crucial time so they had to go back to the stakeholders involve and communicate the problem and come out with a possible solution within the time frame that they had.

    Of course they would have acted differently in a different context. Every project is unique, and lessons learned from previous ones are helpful to a certain limit. Why? This is because certain factors does not stay constant even if you do the same project over and over again.
    Finance- The budget you used to execute the same project previously will certainly change.

  654. In addition to the solutions provided, every project is aim is always tending towards a win-win situation which will bring a positive image to the organization.
    So i will add that from the onset of the project as discussions, communications, ideas, ethical values, will be taking place among stakeholders/investors, the fore-sight(picture) of the project should always be the driving force.
    Solutions to every project lies within the project but can only be harnessed through an adequate understanding of the modalities of the project.

  655. Now reflect on what was important for them in making the decision. Would they act differently in a different context? Why?

    They were majorly concerned about maintaining the relationship with their stakeholders more than they showed attachment to the projects that were being pulled down.
    I don’t think they would act differently in a different context. my reason is that they have improved and worked on the ethics and qualities required for successful PMs; one of which is the goal of winning forward; making sure there is more of a win-win situation and also objectively reasoning out the WHY behind the difficult decisions.

  656. For these experts, the critical elements in their decision-making likely included the assessment of risks and benefits, ethical considerations, stakeholder interests, and the potential long-term impact of their choices. The context significantly influences how they might act; different circumstances can shift priorities and available options, leading to different decisions. For instance, in scenarios with less pressure or different stakeholder priorities, these experts might opt for choices less about immediate problem-solving and more about long-term strategy and innovation.

  657. I think the most relevant tool used by the project managers in the video is communication. They all communicated to the stakeholders involved in their respective project in a calm manner.

  658. The video showcased three project managers who all utilized communication as a crucial tool when confronted with challenging decisions in their respective projects. In one instance, a project manager grappled with the tough decision of terminating a project. She effectively communicated with all stakeholders, outlining the available options for either continuing or cancelling the project, while also reinforcing the project’s core values. Another project manager faced a decision regarding a water shortage problem on their project. In response, this manager convened a meeting with key stakeholders to collaboratively determine the optimal solution.

    I believe that their approach would remain consistent in various contexts. The reasoning behind this is that effective communication with key stakeholders, seeking their perspectives on the issue, is a valuable strategy for navigating difficult decisions.

    1. For me I think communication is key and a good manner of approach no matter the challenge it is important to remain calm, think straight and always remind yourself what the main goal and target is no matter pressure also be open to suggestions no one is a monopoly of knowledge.

    2. From the video I watched I realized that they took the following into consideration while taking decisions
      1. Considered their team
      2.considered a means to communicate effectively
      3. The equipment and facility to be used

      4. Funding
      5. One had to collaborate with other companies to meet their goal

  659. One of the most important things you can do is listen to the opinions of others who have a stake in the decision and know something about the options involved. Even if the final decision is yours, listening to diverse perspectives on the topic helps clarify your own thinking.

  660. Critical situations require critical decisions. Most project managers are faced with taking
    tough decisions.

  661. Facing difficult situations and making difficult decisions are what make as a project manager effecient. The P.M foremost task is managing and that managing come with baggages. The 3P.M manage the their different situations very well individually because they are the people working directly with their teams, they know who they how and how possible best to communicate with them. One of the lessons I picked from all 3 P.M is always know your team, their weaknesses and strengths, and make a positive communication with them

    1. The three project managers were able to deal with the issues that arise in the project which did not align with the initial plans of the project. They recognised the importance of reconciling trade-offs between the elements of cost, time and quality and maintaned a balanced outlook, engaged project team and control communication to find viable solutions before the end of the project.

      1. The 3 project managers scenarios underscores the point that project manager thrive in problems and difficult situations.Their abilities to effectively manage these difficult situations were born out of excellent communication skills, stakeholder collaboration and timely decisions.

  662. Decision making is so important as as project manager, and also the use of effective communication. That would be needed pass out information knowing fully well that you are work with different people, from different backgrounds

  663. As a Pm of the skills one needs its the ability to tackle difficuilt situations as they arise. These decision although are not made in isolation, they are made and well thought through, weighing options, its benefits and downside to the clients and stakeholders involved. it is also important to effectively communicate to all persons involved in the programs to ensure that they undertstand while the program has be cancelled or delayed.
    another important skills for the PM is to master the art of forseeing´´ fore-knowing before hand issues that may arise before or during the program to avoid undue wastage of resources. As an international PM it is worth to note that use of language or language in itself can pose a difficult challenge. so you come fully prepared.

  664. The Three Project Managers from the video, all used an Important tool in dealing with difficult decision which they faced on their project, which is communication. One of the Project Manager was faced with a difficult decision of termination of a project, she had to communicate to all the stakeholders on the project, stating out all the options for continuing or cancelling the project, also reminding them about the values of the project. Another project manager was faced with a difficult decision on how to deal with water shortage problem on the project. The Project Manager had to call a meeting with all the key stakeholders on the project, to be able to come up with the best decision in solving the problem. I don’t think they will act differently in a different context because communication with all key stakeholders and getting their views on the problem will help in dealing with difficult decisions.

  665. For the difficult decisions taken by the project managers in the video, I believe they were quite professional in their respective approaches and dispositions. The following virtues could be gleaned from them: Ownership, Decisiveness, Openness, Transparency, Honesty, Humility & Selflessness

    1. Decision making is so important as as project manager, and also the use of effective communication. That would be needed pass out information knowing fully well that you are work with different people, from different backgrounds.

  666. After watching the three project managers in the video,I think they all used an important tool which was communication while taking effects decision. The video also reveal that a project manager needs to be flexible and not too rigid to accommodate unforeseen circumstances. If they acted differently the end result is the most important thing and in all, the major stakeholders should be carried along

  667. One of the most difficult task to take is choosing between different alternative course of actions, especially when it has to do with unprogrammed decision making. After carefully listening to the 3 Project Managers, I believe they took the best decision which was effective to the course!

  668. Decision-making is never an easy one when it comes to project management, The 3Pm made a vital decision that was beneficial to their project objectives or goal and also to their project team. In my Opinion, All 3 PM was able to manage the difficulties encountered effectively,. So, satisfactory delivery is most important especially in a case where the client have had a poor experience with different team.

  669. After watching the three project managers i the video,I think they all used an important tool which was communication while taking effects decision. The video also reveal that a project manager needs to be flexible and not too rigid to accommodate unforeseen circumstances. If they acted differently the end result is the most important thing and in al, the major stakeholders should be carried along.

  670. Challenges would arise in project and best way to resolve if faced with a difficult decision, ensure that you have all information on the table and also come up with the best possible solution to resolve. for example where a project is to be terminated, it is important that all facts are laid up against each other of what could be the result if a project is kept or terminated before a decision is finalized.

  671. Termination of project at early stage doesn’t equate waste of time and knowledge but it’s an added value. It give room for how to approach the project.

    1. The experience of the three project managers confirm that project management is not a matter of ‘1+1=2’. Rather, it shows that each project will be excellently delivered within the constraints of its unique circumstances.

      I have able to seduce the importance rubbing minds with other stakeholders in order to get fresh practicable and insights as well as support for executing them from others.

  672. I don’t think the three project managers in the video clip would have acted differently because the premises upon which their decisions were made emanated from their acquired skills and experience over the years.

    In case 1: Termination of project early.
    The truth is not all projects are bound to be successful. A successful project is not a completed project even though there are enough funds to finish it. If there are indications that the factors required for a project to be successfully completed are not favourable, I think it is the best thing to terminate it early in the interest of everyone on the project.

    Case 2: Challenge in providing adequate water requirements for a games venue.
    Project management is all about team work. When a project is being confronted a seemingly knotty issue as this, the onus lies on the project manager to engage all stakeholders on the project and brainstorm on how to solve the issue at hand. This is what the man involved in this case 2 did and at the end, everyone was happy as solution came.

  673. Dealing with difficult situations in project execution does require a combination of experience, intelligence, and a range of essential skills. A good project manager should have the ability to anticipate potential issues, make informed decisions, and effectively communicate with stakeholders to ensure the project stays on track. Experience from previous projects can be a valuable resource in navigating challenges and ensuring the project’s success. Balancing different aspects of a project and knowing when to stop or pivot is crucial for efficient project management.

  674. All the project managers might act differently but the result at the end will be the same. Their purpose is to deliver the project successful

  675. Project managers often times makes difficult decisions for the good of the company as copied from the video. However, all the team members should be carried along in whatever decisions that’s being made. What they could’ve done differently was to have an alternative backup plan should incase the first plan didn’t work.

  676. What was important for them in taking the decision here were
    -Effective Communication and
    In a different context I believe they wouldn’t have acted differently because these important actions taken is the key skill of any project manager.

  677. A project Manager thrives on problems. A lot is expected for the successful completion of a project. Hence, there’ll be times where the project manager would have to make difficult decisions. The main thing is that he should ensure everyone( Stakeholders, clients, team members) is carried along and there is no communication gap.

  678. As a project manager, you are going to face situations where you have to make tough decisions because the ultimate responsibility for that project is yours.

    One thing that is clear with the three managers is the fact that they ensured clear communication of the challenge, and involved all stakeholders in trying to find a great resolution, ultimately making the right decision for the project through collaboration. Also importantly, they took responsibility for the project.

    Every project is different, and of course, different projects have different contexts, but regardless of the project, I think that they would still make sure that
    communicating clearly and engaging stakeholders in reaching a resolution is paramount.

  679. Dealing with difficult decisions is part of the job as a project manager. What I love about them is thier proactively countering the challenges . As PM we need to have a broad understanding and architecture of the project, from venue to everything about the machines needed and etc. Time wasting is not accepted , we need to be actively in search for solutions. I love how they tackled it, it’s shows how passionate they want to get the job done, and which is somthing every PM should have at the back of their mind. Getting the job done.

  680. Isibhakhomen Angel Alimikhena

    Dealing with difficult decisions in a common challenge in project management, All three PM were able to navigate through some of these processes
    *Identify the problem
    *Gather information
    *Analyze option
    *Access risks
    *Consult stakeholders
    *Prioritize criteria
    *Make the decision
    *Implement and monitor
    *Learn and adapt
    *Seek support
    Note: Not all decisions will have straight forward solutions.
    Developing strong decision-making skills is crucial for successful project management.

  681. What stood out for me from what all 3 project managers said was the importance and effective communication and collaboration. In solving difficult issues, different heads have to come together with different perspectives and ideas.

  682. Pulling a project could be frustrating really. However, if the organization has a higher priority. However, communicating this effectively to all stakeholder and reflecting on lesson learned are really important.
    The PM could act differently if he/she has a viable alternative to keep the project running and it’s well communicated.

  683. Decision making is a crucial part of becoming a project manager . All three PM’s were critical thinkers as they needed to mk decisions that was best for the project. Hence the project managers needed to do what was right to achieve set objectives.

  684. A project manager will have to make difficult decisions during a project. We just need to know that different situations require different approaches and decisions. The major thing is to be flexible and determined to solve the issue. In order to make a difficult decision a Project Manager should consider organizational values of the company, customer satisfaction and priority of the project

  685. Before starting any project, the result is to attain success by overcoming certain obstacles with your integrity intact was one of the most important thing to the three experts.

    Also, they explained that in the process of taking any decision as a project manager,you must set your priority straight, consider the organization’s norms and values, customer satisfaction and collaborate with stakeholders effectively.

    I don’t think any of them would have acted differently irrespective of the outcomes.

    1. Every business owner or entrepreneur always have to make difficult decisions during a project and a project manager is not left out. The organizational values of every company differs and as a project manager, this should always be considered. In having a successful project a project manager should consider applying different approaches and decisions in solving problems. Customer’s satisfaction is key for every project.

  686. Decision-making is not always an easy one in project management. the 3 P.M made effective decisions which was beneficial to their team and the project goal. Communication is key, carrying your team along about the status and state of the project and inconvenience is greatly important too which the 3 P.M did

    1. I think what prompt them to take that decision is firstly:the goals of projects and they are all concerned about the success of the project as well
      The project program manager also put into consideration the efforts that both the PM and teams has put into the project and the goals they have set to work towards and achieved
      Another on is the satisfaction of the clients which of them put into consideration
      As for me I don’t think they will react differently in as much as the project goals and vision remain unchanged

  687. In order to make a difficult decision a PM should consider organizational values of the company, customer satisfaction and priority of the project

    1. Well different issues require different decision in solving them the main thing is to be flexible and determine to solve the issues,and also look out for the organizational values of the company and priority of the project

  688. They might only react differently in a different context if the goal, expectations, values and interest in the project changes.

  689. The three experts mentioned challenging decisions they had to make in their respective projects, and it’s clear that several key factors were important to them in the decision-making process. Reflecting on their decisions and the factors influencing them, we can consider whether they would act differently in a different context and why:

    1. Prioritization of Resources and Stakeholder Concerns:
    – The first expert faced a difficult decision regarding the allocation of resources, specifically water supply, between a project and an event at the same venue. They had to weigh the priorities of the project against the concerns of the technical manager within the venue. The decision was influenced by the need to satisfy the demands of both projects while managing limited resources. In a different context, with different resource constraints and stakeholder concerns, they might make different decisions to balance priorities.

    2. Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement:
    – The second expert emphasized the importance of collaboration with relevant parties to solve a complex problem related to the water supply. They organized a meeting with various stakeholders, including the Scottish Water provider and the venue’s technical team, to find a solution. The decision was based on effective communication and collaboration. In a different context, the approach might differ based on the stakeholders involved and the nature of the problem.

    3. Change Management and Stakeholder Relations:
    – The third expert highlighted the challenge of managing changes in project timing and dealing with stakeholders’ evolving expectations. They mentioned that the way they interacted with stakeholders could influence the outcome. In a different context, they might adapt their communication and change management strategies to address evolving stakeholder concerns and expectations.

    These experts made decisions based on the specific challenges and constraints they faced in their projects. In a different context, with different challenges, stakeholders, and project requirements, they might adjust their approaches to decision-making. The key factors that influenced their decisions, such as resource allocation, collaboration, and stakeholder management, are likely to remain important, but the specific actions they take may vary to suit the context and project requirements.

  690. Different situations require different decisions. The major thing is to be flexible and determined to solve the issue.

  691. Maintaining one’s integrity is an unwavering responsibility for a project manager.

    Transparency is the linchpin when it comes to facing the challenges of difficult decisions. Whether divulging crucial information in group forums or engaging in one-on-one dialogues with stakeholders, this approach cushions the impact of such decisions. Consequently, consistent and open communication assumes the role of a keystone in ensuring a project’s success, while empathy lends a valuable hand in navigating complex scenarios.

    Regarding the insights gleaned from the three speakers, it becomes evident that their paramount consideration when making decisions is the contentment and comprehension of all stakeholders. The litmus test for any decision is whether it garners the satisfaction and understanding of the client, investors, project team, beneficiaries, and every other party involved.

    However, it’s important to recognize that a project manager’s modus operandi may adapt to suit the context at hand. The approach to decision-making varies based on the intricacies and exigencies of each unique project.

    In addition to transparency and empathy, project managers can employ strategies such as risk analysis, scenario planning, and involving stakeholders in the decision-making process to enhance their effectiveness when confronting challenging decisions. These methods ensure a comprehensive understanding of potential consequences and foster collective ownership of the decisions made.

  692. The three project managers had to take decision that is to save the project from losses from terminating projects from the onset,to taking impromptu decisions before thing becomes overhead

  693. Decision making is one of the most difficult tool, a project manager must always be prepared to face some difficult situations that will require tough decision.
    We are learning from top project managers and it can help us to restructure ourselves for the task ahead

  694. The three context were different but their decisions were appropriate. As a project manager you need to prepare yourself for some certain challenges in case you encounter any problem on a certain project.

    1. it was revealed in the video that the three speakers had put their organisation, project and client at the forefront by ensuring when issues arose they collaborated by bringing the project team and the client into one room to discuss the issue. I don’t think they would have handled the issue in a different way if they were opportuned to

      1. From the video every P M must have the ability to handle any challenge that comes in during a project, carry everyone along, ability to communicate and be flexible also keep to the standard and value of the Organization. With this there should not another a different way.

  695. From the video , I learnt that when faced with difficult situations, I need to
    1. Communicate effectively
    2. Collaborate with stakeholders,
    3. Be flexible
    4. Stick to the company’d core values.
    They three pm will not act differently as long as the apply thesr principles.

  696. The three expert made decisions that were in the interest of the organisation, the impact on the team members and client. How to deliver a project that satisfies the needs of the client which involves collaboration among the stakeholders. The aspect ofadaptability and communication played a major role in the decision each expert made.

    I strongly believe that their decisions will be different if it was in a different context because an ideal decision would be made in the interest of everyone that is involved in the project

  697. A project manager must at all times protect his or her integrity. Putting all cards on the table either in group meetings or one on one discussion with stakeholders in a way cushions the impact in dealing with making difficult decisions. Hence, regular communication is key to a successful project and empathy plays a good role as well.

    In my opinion from the three speakers it is obvious that the most important for them in taking the decision is making sure that all the stakeholders are happy with the decision or understands the essence of the decision made. That is, in the long run the client or investor, the project team, the benefactors, and every other stakeholder is okay with the outcome.

    It is not certain that the project manager will act same way in a different context. The action or reaction taken in the course of handling a project will be determined base on the issue at hand.

  698. Effective Stakeholders Engagement and communication is key to maximally achieving project objectives within timeline. As project manager,
    – Communications is key,
    – Critical thinking is essential; weigh all options
    – Make a decisive approach to getting things done
    – Collect enough evidence and data before conclusion
    – Ensure all jobs are done within a given ethical code.

  699. When it comes to Project Management, Decision making is not easy task at all but that decision has to be made.
    A project manager must always be prepared to face difficult situations that will also require tough decision.
    The driving force for handling that situations are :
    1.The reputation of the Company or the organization.
    2.The satisfaction of the client and the people involved.
    3.They were able to achieve these by collaboration, proper communication and lastly adapting to the situation.

    If they were working in another context, they would prefer to do the same thing because these are the decisions that they think is the best and that will help for the success of the execution of the projects.

  700. Upon watching the video, it was revealed that the three speakers had put their organisation, project and client at the forefront by ensuring when issues arose they collaborated by bringing the project team and the client into one room to discuss the issue. I don’t think they would have handled the issue in a different way if they were opportuned to.

  701. After watching the video and listen to the decisions they had taken in their difficult time, a project manager need to be flexible, be able to communicate and negotiate effectively. In the case of language barrier which could be the one of the greatest key to a project progress. Ability to maintain the status in situations is required by a project manager.

  702. At one point, a prospective client requested our firm to develop a punzi scheme website them, that was against our organizational core value of Integrity. So we turn the juicy offer down because the service requirements falls out of our core value. That was really difficult.

  703. Their driving force for handling the problem was the reputation of the organization, satisfaction of the client and the people involved.
    They were able to achieve these by adapting to the situation, adequate communication and collaboration.

    If they were working in another context, they would have done the same thing because these are the things that will help the to successfully execute the projects.

  704. What was important to each of the three expert while making those decisions were in the interest of the organisation, the impact on the team members and client. How to deliver a project that satisfies the needs of the client which involves collaboration among the stakeholders. adaptability and communication played a major role in the decision each of them made.

    Yes, their decisions will be different if the context were different because best decisions would be made in the interest of all involved in the project

  705. The importance of effective decision-making in project management cannot be overstated. Decisions are the driving force behind the successful completion of a project. Here’s why decision-making is crucial in project management:

    Defines Project Direction: Decisions help establish the project’s objectives, scope, and overall direction. They clarify what the project aims to achieve, which is essential for aligning the team’s efforts.

    Resource Allocation: Decisions guide the allocation of resources, including human resources, time, and budget. Proper resource allocation ensures that the project stays on track and within budget.

    Risk Management: Decisions are essential in identifying and mitigating risks. Project managers must make informed decisions to address potential issues and uncertainties, minimizing the impact of adverse events.

    Task Prioritization: In complex projects, many tasks need to be completed simultaneously. Decisions are made to determine task priorities, ensuring that critical activities are completed in a logical sequence.

    Conflict Resolution: Inevitably, conflicts and disagreements can arise during a project. Effective decision-making helps resolve these conflicts, maintain team cohesion, and keep the project on course.

    Scope Control: Decisions are crucial in defining and controlling the project scope. Any changes to the scope, whether to expand or limit it, require careful decision-making to assess their impact on the project’s objectives.

    Quality Assurance: Decisions guide the quality standards for project deliverables. They ensure that the project adheres to predetermined quality criteria and that the end product meets the required standards.

    Communication: Decisions are central to communication within the project team and with stakeholders. Clear, well-informed decisions help keep everyone on the same page, fostering a shared understanding of project goals.

    Change Management: Project managers must make decisions about changes to the project, whether they involve scope, schedule, or resources. Effective change management decisions ensure that project adjustments are made systematically and with minimal disruption.

  706. I think as PM, communication is an effective tool and ability to adapt to changes whether technical change, environmental change, organizational change is important. As a PM should be proactive to enable him handle situations effectively.

  707. As a project manager, you should be ready for anything especially changes while running a project.
    Being proactive is very important and good communication cannot be overemphasized when dealing with people, both your team members, stakeholders and the project owner. That way, when there is a challenge or need for changes, it will be easier to pass that information.

    1. There is hardly a project that will not have challenges at one point or the other. Overcoming the challenge is the focus of the project manager as the project must be it’s goals. Project goals cannot just be changed but ways or steps to achieving the goals can be realigned

    2. As a project manager, having flexibility is key to dealing with difficult decisions. This is because some actions might change for each project. Moreso, PM have to take everything into consideration.

      In addition, collaboration and sustainable team work is a solution to difficult project decision.

  708. The following factors were important in taking the decisions they took:

    1. PM 1:To make sure the options of continuing vrs canceling the project are clearly set out.
    2. PM 1: To always ensure the governorship steering group lookes through the options and makes the decision to continue or discontinue a project in the interest of all. stakeholders.
    3. PM 1: To take note of the outputs and positives you can learn and salvage from the project.
    4. PM 1: To always point all stakeholders back to the goal or objective of the project. to avoid deviations and distractions.
    5. PM 1: To always be honest and transparent with stakeholders at every point of the project delivery .
    6. PM 1 :The Project manager sometimes needs to come to a compromise to meet the needs of the client.
    7. PM 2: To ensure there are always contingency plans in place to manage unforseen challenges and or emergencies.
    8. PM 2: To ensure all stakeholders on the project are satisfied with the deliverables.
    9. PM 2: Carrying all stakeholders on the project along for the best possible outcome.
    10. PM 3. To be able to perceive and bring together people from different languages and backgrounds to ensure they work together to successfully achieve the goal of the project

    Yes, I believe they would act differently in a different context because the senerio or situation may be different as such they will then have to make the best decisions in the interest of all stakeholders based on the challenges at that particular point in time on the project .

  709. What was important for the Project Managers while making those decisions were the interest of the organization, the impact on the project team members and clients and how to deliver a successful project that satisfies the needs of the client which requires collaboration among the stakeholders involved. Adaptability and communication played a major role in the decisions each of them made.

    1. In this case study, the absence of teamwork and communication within the group is evident. Successful projects require collaboration, as no one has all the answers. To maintain project quality and the company’s integrity, Kareen addressed the issue by consulting with John and colleagues. While research informed their decisions, involving William could have enhanced understanding. Communication, teamwork, and research enabled them to address project challenges and plan for potential risks.

  710. What I learnt from the 3pm is that as a project manager,you must adapt to change. The 3pm had different difficulties but the amazing part of it all is that they didn’t give up.They were able to put in some ethical decisions on how to solve the problems at hand.

  711. The goal of a project Manger should be how a project will be effectively completed and delivered to taste of his clients, in respective of the means or how it is done, so far the project was delivered as expected I think the three methods are good.

  712. The video offers several valuable lessons for project management:
    1.Flexibility and Adaptability: Projects often encounter unexpected challenges and changing circumstances. Being flexible and adaptable in your approach is crucial to finding solutions that accommodate both client desires and project feasibility.
    2. Ethical Considerations: Adhering to ethical principles, local values, and norms is essential. It not only ensures that decisions align with the client best interests but also helps build trust and goodwill.
    3. Balancing Stakeholder Interests: Striking a balance between what team manager want and what is practically feasible is a complex but essential aspect of project management. The story showcases the importance of finding a compromise that benefits all parties involved.
    4. Meticulous Planning and Problem-Solving: When faced with complex decisions, meticulous planning and problem-solving are crucial. The collaboration with others to get water to the site highlighted the need for a structured approach to overcome challenges.
    5. Cost and Inconvenience Considerations: Every decision in a project has implications, including financial costs and inconveniences. Evaluating these implications and finding ways to mitigate them is a fundamental aspect of project management.
    6. Dedication and Commitment: Successful project management often requires unwavering dedication and commitment to finding solutions, even when faced with difficulties of language barrier and setbacks.
    In summary, this story underscores the importance of balancing various factors, engaging with client, upholding ethics, and being adaptable in managing complex decisions in projects. These lessons can be applied to a wide range of project management scenarios to ensure successful outcomes.

    1. What was important for the three different PMs was mainly communication. From having to cancel a project to having a challenge with the venue to managing a project with people from different countries they all had to have effective communication with the teams involved. Also being able to gain something from the cancellation of the project and using that knowledge to work on another project ,being able to be flexible in order to come up with a solution and bring able to initiate communication between two people who do not speak the same native language these are all skills every project manager should have in order to ensure a successful project outcome

  713. What was important for the project managers in taking the decisions was majorly the interest of the organisation and the impact of their decision. Generally, decisions may defer depending on the context of the situation. So I believe the PMs would have taken a different decision depending on the situation they are dealing with.

  714. Every project manager must be ready to make difficult decisions when changes come up in the course of the project. The project managers all faced different challenges and had to make difficult decisions.

  715. After watching the video and seeing the decisions they had taken in that difficult position I would say as a PM, you need to be ready to be flexible and need to be able to communicate and negotiate effectively. In the case of language barrier which could be the one of the greatest barrier to a project progress. Ability to maintain the status quo in situations is needed by a PM and also having a Plan B

  716. What I learned from the 3 PMs is that Project Managers must be ready to adapt to change, make decisions in line with the ethics, values, and morals of the profession, communicate effectively, and goal-oriented

  717. I’ve picked up from the lesson that tension from a sponsor is normal at the start of a project, we as project managers need to understand them, make necessary compromise and make them satisfied with our work.
    This will enable us complete the projects smoothly and on a nice note. We can thereafter network with the stakeholders and build more connections.

    1. From the video , I learnt that as a Project Manager,you will be faced with difficult situations, your ability to come up with a solution to save the day is of topmost importance. Also been flexible and able to communicate well to the stakeholders and all team members is a huge skill that one must posses in other to come up with a lasting solution that will be benifical to all who are involved in the project . As Project Manager you must be always on your toe to make sure even in the face of challenges, you are able to take the best decision to save the day

  718. The 3 PM’s encounter different challenges and different ways of handling it as well was also spelt out. like in the case of the third PM, language challenge could be very difficult as i’ve encounter this before. working on a project where most of the people aren’t understanding what you are actually explaining due to language barrier. also, given a time frame for a project and it already late meanwhile the project is not ready is a treating issues as your mind wont be at rest until you have deliver the project as stipulated in your contract.
    in conclusion, different project manager encounters different challenges and have a very unique way of solving that.

    1. What I learnt about the difficulties the three PM is that they faced different challenges and at first it was disturbing and they were no nervous, but they also realized that the success of the project is so vital too, so they ensured to make ethical decisions which helped them in solving the issue at hand

  719. It is not easy to deal to make decision in a difficult situation but such decision must be made anyways otherwise achieving the goals of such project will not be easy at all. I encountered a similar case with the 2nd PM in the video, it took a bold decision to face the situation and addressing it boldly really gave my team a further insight to achieving the project goals. We are implementing a software migration for my company and we got stuck with our partner because we were not getting initial result we envisaged at the point of sign up, we cannot go back to the management, we dealt with it by unanimously looking for a alternative way to get the desired result. Till today, the software is still being used even after some of the most of the team members have either retired or moved to other companies.

    1. In my opinion, it is highly probable for them to exhibit different behavior in varying contexts.

      This is due to the influence of various factors like values and the surrounding environment. For instance, when faced with a shortage of water supply, if collaborating with other firms does not align with their objectives, they may explore alternative possibilities to address the issue.

      1. Decision making in challenging situations is one important task of a project manager. It determines the future of the project positively or negatively. As a project manager, I must be willing to carefully weigh all possible options before taking a decision.

  720. The 3 P.Ms made their decisions inorder to achieve success in the project,to satisfy their customers and to add value to their careers.

    I think they would probably make different decisions in different contexts because every decision made stems from the peculiarity of the problem,so yes the problem will determine the decision made eat every point in time.

  721. What I noticed from the 3 Project Managers is that they encountered change while the project was ongoing in which every project manager will definitely be ready for such and when change occurs, definitely tough and precise decisions have to be made to sustain the project. If you noticed for the water project when the water was not going to be enough for the event ,the PM had to call the stakeholders so that they will collaborate, agree on the additional requirement for the ongoing project since it was not in the scope initially. At the end of the day, the change was effected and the client payed for the contingency buffer so that the event can move on as planned.
    The lady PM on the other hand had issues with terminating project at an early stage. I like the approach she used in resolving the tough decision she will take which is knowing the negative and positive options of Cancelling or Continuing a project, which one is beneficial. Also after taking the appropriate decision, highlighting the lessons learnt after cancelling or continuing the project and communicating to stakeholders. This is vital because all stakeholders will need have a comprehensive information of what is happening in regards to the project.
    The last PM who is talking about how he managed to collaborate with team members despite having a different language set but still managed to achieve his goal as a PM by simply ensuring that he perceives the stakeholders in the project and communicate accordingly.
    In conclusion, Project Managers must be ready to adapt to change, make decisions inline with ethics/values/morals of the profession, communicate effective, and goal oriented

    1. Well explained and understood.

      You summed it all.

      PMs have to be proactive in all aspect and be ready for any outcomes.

  722. The 3 project managers are able to effectively do justice to there decision making when the time arised which is very pivotal for all PMs. PMs must be a problem solver to the extent of fearing to lose a project thinking of the capital invested and some manpower investment. Ability to make decision is a very critical skill to be embodied as a PM. Listen to your team comments and join it with your own opinion to arrived on a decision. And also communication is very essential.

    1. All PMs should be problem solvers….. Should have answers to all questions and solve all problems well envisaged or not.

    2. PMs should be proactive and always think on their feet as this will enable problems to be solved in a more proactive way.

  723. The following were important to them:
    1. Finding the way forward
    2. Communicating with stakeholders & teams
    3. Capturing lessons learnt
    4. Making an unconventional but necessary decision

    They would have acted in a differently in a different context because every project is unique and so is it’s challenges

  724. Project management requires management of resources to bringing forward a complete project. Hence, with regard to the challenges posed on the 3PMs, I think they were able to successfully manage it while employing sufficient strategy. They were able to achieve this haven taken time to develop themselves in the field. It’s worth learning from.

  725. The capacity to make judicious and pivotal decisions stands as an indispensable attribute within the arsenal of a proficient project manager. It is my firm belief that the three Project Managers (3PMs) admirably demonstrated their competence within the ambit of their respective projects, judiciously taking into account the prevailing circumstances, the information at their disposal, and an unwavering focus on the pre-established project objectives.

    These astute 3PMs exemplified a plethora of attributes emblematic of effective project management. Their prowess in communication was nothing short of exemplary, ensuring that the project team and stakeholders remained well-informed and engaged throughout. Moreover, their meticulous attention to detail was apparent, guaranteeing that no facet of the project escaped their scrutinous gaze. What truly set them apart, however, was their remarkable prescience regarding potential risks and a profound understanding of the ripple effect these risks could have on the ultimate project outcome. Despite the adversities they encountered, they adeptly orchestrated a harmonious collaborative atmosphere, resulting in a mutually beneficial denouement for all parties involved.

    It is conceivable that, had the situational landscape been disparate, the 3PMs might have adopted a different course of action. Nevertheless, their ability to navigate the circumstances at hand, adapting with sagacity, was noteworthy. In essence, their ability to make apt decisions in light of the prevailing conditions underscores their proficiency in the realm of project management.

  726. Being able to make a good decision as a Project Manager is very important. And from my look the 3 Project Manager’s take the best decision at that point. For instance, being able to bring people from different parts of the country and being able to convince them, that was I good one. Secondly, Communication and also being able to deliver the project on time was also a good.

  727. Decision-making is not always an easy one in project management. the 3 P.M made effective decisions which was beneficial to their team and the project goal. Communication is key, carrying your team along about the status and state of the project and inconvenience is greatly important too which the 3 P.M did

  728. Ability to take critical decision is a very vital quality of a project manager. I believe the 3PMs acted well on their respective projects given the situation on the ground, the information available to them and an eye on the already set goals of the project.
    The 3PMs displayed sound qualities of effective communication, attention to detail, keen foresight on potential risks and their corresponding effect on the final outcome of the project. Despite the inconvenience they were able to carry everyone along, so at the end it’s a win-win situation for all parties involved.
    Perhaps if the conditions on ground were different, they might have acted differently but nevertheless they handled it appropriately with what was on ground.

  729. In my own View, after listening to the three Project managers speak,
    Decisions were made based on the circumstances surrounding the decisions to be made.
    The most striking is effective communication in a clear and simple language to stakeholders
    which is a vital key in Project Management.
    Project Managers must be able to prioritize task, have a foresight and prepare for challenges
    anytime they present themselves.

  730. Decision-making is not always an easy one in project management, they make effective decisions which was beneficial to the team and the project goal .

  731. Project managers should understand that there utmost priority is to achieve the project goal. But to achieve the goal a lot of measures has to be taken, whereby all the stakeholders involved are carried along with an open mind, transparency by communicating the goals, fears and outcomes of a certain decision if needs to be changed or adjusted. However, everyone needs to be happy at the end of the projects.

  732. For the three PMs, instead of just solving the problems they faced at all cost or using unhanded methods, they ensured that the solutions they arrived at were a win-win for all parties involved. They were very clear and transparent and they handled issues with an open and curious mind. They also kept in mind that stakeholders involved in the same project had a common goal which aided them in resolving conflicts. As no two situation is exactly the same, I believe these project managers definitely would react differently in a different context (more in a manner best fit to resolve whatever situation they are facing).

  733. Decision Making is very key for a project manager and the 3 PM in the video were able to manage their difficulties efficiently and effectively.

  734. With the mindset that there is always a solution to any problem and that Project Managers thrive on chaos, I do believe they wouldn’t have acted differently.
    However, having the buy -in of your team is important to the success of any project as decisions have to be made collectively.

  735. Each decision they made was for the good of the project though may have been tough decisions, but it was necessary to ensure the effective communication and the need to get to the finish. They wouldn’t have done it differently if they were in a different situation for it was all for a common goal except they had all the resources and adequate budget to effect those changes.

  736. Decision making is not easy any way but decision has to be made. A project manager must always be prepared to make decisions.

  737. What was important for them in taking those decisions they took was the fact that they were accountable, responsible, collaborative and communicative. With all these skills, they were able to pull off their various huge projects.

    Yes, they would have acted differently in a different context if these ethics mentioned above weren’t put in place, and that would have made the projects very hard to complete. Rather, they were able to compromise at some stage, thereby giving them an edge.


    As a project manager, communication at the every stage of any project in context is key. this is the more reason why communication plan is very important and regular meetings with project stakeholders is very important.

    Taking a difficult decision to me is not a sole responsibilty of the project manager. Discussion would have been ongoing with the project stakeholders and a win-win situation would have been arrived at.

  739. In taking their decision, I think they focused more on these

    – proffering solution to the challenge
    – value addition
    – building relationship with the client

    I don’t think they would have acted differently in a different context

    Because, project management is also about anticipating risk and taking decisions to manage same within the confines of a project

  740. The whole aim or goal is to find a solution and come to a win-win outcome. At this point, you might be working under pressure but it’s all to get the issues fixed.

  741. Project Managers identified each project challenges, analysis it and communicate with the stakeholders the challenges and the best resolution. Which is the reason for regular detailed report being sent to stakeholders during project, this will keep them updated on the project.

  742. As a project manager, the decision they took was based on making sure all the parties involved can buy into the solutions they had to provide for the challenge before them, also making sure that the project is not terminated unexpectedly.

    And I don’t think they will act otherwise in other difficult situations because P.M always thrive in challenges like this and moreso it gives you more experience and knowledge when a particular issues is/are resolved either within the project team or stakeholders

  743. They wouldn’t have acted differently simply because the goal which is the project mapped is the priority of the Project Manager’s in order to set up quality standard as a reliable person and reputable organization and moreso the Project Manager’s were able to bring together people from different background to accomplish a goal.

  744. A good Project Manager thrives on difficulties. Also, a good PM works with his mind and keeps his eyes on the goal. So whenever there’s a difficult situation at hand, the PM puts his mind to work to quickly figure out ways to deal with the situation in order to still be able to achieve the agreed project goal(s). That was the situation with all the three project Managers in the video. They’re not likely to act differently in a different context except if the decision involves pulling out of the project before it is delivered.

  745. For all three PM’s, the goals that they had planned to achieve in the project was the most important therefore they had to work through all the difficulties to ensure that it was successful.
    Another important thing is the ability to effectively communicate the difficulties to the different stakeholders

  746. Making very wise, necessary, timely decision is another key quality of a project manager. Although some decisions like the once taken by these PM’s seemed difficult, yet they must be taken for the greater good.

  747. The decision-making process for these experts was influenced by factors such as project constraints, stakeholder considerations, and risk assessment. In a different context, these factors would vary, and thus, the experts might make different decisions to adapt to the specific circumstances and optimize project outcomes.

  748. In my opinion, All three project Managers made sure they identified the challenges facing each projects after critical analysis and wasn’t afraid to communicate with their clients/sponsors of the best way to handle the situation.

  749. Making decision is an integral part of project management. As hard as some decisions can be you just have to make them. Also, communicate appropriately as a project manager.

  750. Communication with all stakeholders was important which the project managers did. I believe they would not act differently in a different situation because communication with stakeholders is important in any decision making

  751. Taking hard decision as Project manager is often required as this program has stated in some.of our lectures and considering the 3 Project managers decisions which feel was key as they couldn’t have done anything rather than take those decisions and at times these decisions i mean all 3 may come in the life of the same project at different times. Because communication is key in project management proper mode and language of communication need be developed to enhance the proper decision making. So also seeing a possible demand need as in the evnt and making adequate ,alternate solution to cater for the inadequacy carrying every stakeholder involved so no one is caught unaware as well as getting the matter provided for though at extra cost but to the satisfaction of the client. While lastly even with things done effectively there difficult time that have a closure or having to work outside of the stipulated period to get things done. Those are also tough decisions which need to be made and effectively seen through.

  752. As once said decision determine destiny and the outcome of endeavor.As project managers there are critical period our project execution.It is expedient that we embark on critical reasoning to think out of the box to make the best decision in the interest of our project.
    Some of these major decision may be based on the underlisted:
    i.Communication issue
    ii.Limited available resources to meet up a particular task
    iii.Decision to rent or outright purchase
    However, no matter the what the challenges may be, it is clear that there will always be away out of the dilemma,

  753. I think that, as a project manager, you should be ready for some hard decisions. Having foreseen pitfalls that cannot be managed or cannot be avoided, you don’t keep wasting resources or iu will end up sinking your name, the sponsor’s resources and other available resources. So, no, I don’t think they should have made another decision . Although, a PM is not to be rigid, adaptability is key in all projects being handled.

  754. Some decisions they took were quite hard to take but I think the did the right thing.
    They were proactive in their decision making.
    They involved the Stakeholders, team members and everyone supposedly involved in the project.
    l might have deal in the same way or different way as sometimes you need to find yourself in such situations to take certain actions in other to achieve a set goals

  755. All 3 project managers interviewed gave their best response in each difficult situation.
    I don’t think they will act different in other situations. I would have acted the same way in similar situations.
    I think what was important in the decisions each PM took in each situation is
    1. For first PM to terminate a project early, he considered all available options, then communicated his decision
    2. For the second PM, be positive, take lessons, seek for solutions. Also take your stakeholders back to the goals set to be achieved, make compromise to meet the needs of stakeholders.
    3. For the 3rd PM, working in a foreign with different language was a challenge but find a way to communicate and meet the needs of stakeholders will ensure a successful project.

  756. All three project Managers responded and we’re proactive in their decision making.
    From communicating with Stakeholders, collaborating with team members ensuring that the situation were handled and managed effectively as to meet the isls and objectives set out.
    Handling or dealing with situations and projects differ, so l might have deal in the same way or different way .

  757. well even though painful according to of the speaker, they have to close the ahead of schedule, but to achieve this they had call a stake holders meeting to discus the situations and the end of the day; sacrifices, compromises were made just to ensure the client get what they want.

    1. From the video, I deduced that the Project Managers relied greatly on the power of collaborations and compromise when they encountered these difficult situations.
      They had to remind stakeholders of their initial joint goals and were able to get them to an agreement that worked out for everyone.

      No, I don’t think they should have acted differently in a different context because these are skills required for all situations.

  758. As a good project manager, communication is very vital. You have to communicate with your team members and ensure you are open-minded to learning and making constructive decisions in difficult situations.

    1. Each project can bring it’s unique set of difficulties but mastering the decision-making challenges is essential for successful project management

      1. Sometimes it can be very difficult to make some decisions against some people especially when there’s some form of friendship or attachment to them but for the sake of the project success, it’s crucial that such decisions are made..

  759. The three PMs made their decisions based on the circumstance surrounding the decisions to be made. But one thing is certain effective communication is key. the project manager must have foresight and prepare for challenges ahead of time

  760. As a project manager one need to be a transparent as possible, effectively communicate with the clients and team members on whatever challenges that occur during the project. It can be frustrating getting a negative feedback of customers dissatisfaction but being able to balance it with lots of empathy will make the clients believe in your sincerity and honesty.

  761. As a PM, communication is very important and it is key to effective project delivery. When there is an effective communication and stakeholders management plan, taking decisions are not as difficult as it seems.

  762. To every difficult situation has to be treated by its own peculiar circumstances. However, if they would have acted differently? it depends on the circumstance of the case.
    Above all, collaboration, open mindedness, communication and good negotiation skills are required to scale through.

  763. Dealing with difficult decisions in a project can be challenging, but it’s an essential part of effective project management. Here’s a step-by-step approach to handling such situations:

    1. Define the Problem:** Clearly identify the specific issue or decision that needs to be addressed. Break it down into its essential components to understand the root cause and implications.

    2. Gather Information:** Collect all relevant data and information that can help you make an informed decision. This may include project documentation, stakeholder input, cost-benefit analyses, and risk assessments.

    3. Consult Stakeholders:** Involve key stakeholders in the decision-making process. Gather input from team members, clients, and other relevant parties. Their perspectives can provide valuable insights and ensure that decisions align with project goals.

    4. Evaluate Options:** Brainstorm and analyze various solutions or alternatives to the problem. Assess the potential outcomes, risks, and benefits associated with each option.

    5. Ethical Considerations:** Consider the ethical implications of each option. Will the decision uphold ethical standards, maintain transparency, and treat all stakeholders fairly?

    6. Impact Analysis:** Assess the potential impact of each decision on the project’s timeline, budget, quality, and scope. Consider both short-term and long-term consequences.

    7. Risk Assessment:** Evaluate the risks associated with each option. Identify potential obstacles, uncertainties, and the likelihood of success or failure.

    8. Decision-Making Framework:** Use a structured decision-making framework, such as a decision matrix or a weighted scoring system, to objectively compare and prioritize options.

    9. Consult with Experts:** If the decision involves specialized knowledge or expertise, consult with subject matter experts who can provide insights and guidance.

    10. Make the Decision:** Based on the information, analysis, and input gathered, make a well-informed decision. Document the decision-making process, including the rationale behind your choice.

    11. Communicate Clearly:** Communicate the decision to all relevant stakeholders in a clear and transparent manner. Explain the reasoning behind the decision and address any concerns or questions.

    12. Implement and Monitor:** Put the decision into action and closely monitor its execution. Track the outcomes and be prepared to adjust if necessary.

    13. Document Everything:** Maintain thorough records of the decision and its outcomes. This documentation can be valuable for future reference, audits, or lessons learned.

    14. Seek Feedback: After the decision has been implemented, seek feedback from stakeholders to assess its effectiveness and any unintended consequences.

  764. I think they all did their best in managing the situation from communication to carrying the stakeholders along and ensuring the situation was maned.
    Given the scenario, I would have probably done same.

    With more experienced gathered and technology advancement, for communication on international projects, I will hire someone who is fluent in the language as a member of the team for the duration of the project.

  765. Making sound decisions, especially under pressure, is essential. As a PM one can use a structured decision-making process, consider all available information, involve the project team, and seek expert advice when needed.
    Ultimately, a project manager’s ability to make good decisions relies on effective planning, communication, risk management, and the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances. Regularly assessing the project’s status and being proactive in addressing challenges are key to successful decision-making in project management.

    1. As a PM learning to use emotional intelligence in Making decisions under pressure or difficult situation is key. You shouldn’t let your emotions make your decisions, communicate effectively to your stake holders and team members. State the situation, seek result driven opinions, lay out a plan and execute at once with everyone involved…

  766. In my opinion, all three projects managers acted accordingly in the situation. From collaboration, communicating, seeing things in a positive light in the event of having to end a project before it is delivered, to having a language barrier.

    When managing a project it is important to carry all team members and stakeholders along just like the first project manager did by communicating the problems and then collaborating to solve the problem of the water source.

  767. Making certain critical decisions concerning a project is usually not easy, however, the project manager must look into the benefits and effects of such decisions on team members and the project before making the decision.

  768. I believe every difficult situation has to be treated by its own peculiar circumstances. So, on if they would have acted differently? it depends on the circumstance of the case.
    Above all, collaboration, open mindedness, communication and good negotiation skills are required to scale through.

  769. What was important to the three project managers was to ensure that they they reaches the goal of the project despite the obstacles. Their approach to addressing their peculiar obstacle worked out well. They ensured delivery, time management, resource management and well communicated information.

  770. The three Managers responded to the challenges differently and obviously based on their respective track records of experience and engaging in related projects tasks.

    The third manager with language barrier and difficulty could have hired a linguistic expert to help guide him in taking key decision as the project progress.

  771. “communication is about 80%”…this highlights the importance of the key skill of. Communication to a Project Manager.

    Bringing stakeholders together and passing information to them at critical moments requires high tact and tentative skill set.

  772. 1) PM was interested in getting all stakeholders on the same page despite the difficult circumstance of project termination. She would act differently if she were in a position of finding her self on the defensive if termination was blamed on her shortcomings or if stakeholders were not receptive to a discussion.
    2) Finding a solution that was mutually acceptable to both event hosts was priority for this PM. He would have acted differently if one or both of the hosts were unwilling to reach a compromise because that would have made him have to look towards making the project success a priority.
    3) Communication is always important for a PM but if he was in an environment were language was not a barrier, his approach to such projects would have been different in that more energy would be focused on other areas since there would be little gap in communication.

  773. The objective of the project and its impact on stakeholders were the most important factors in the decision-making process for all three project managers. I believe that they would all make different decisions in different contexts, given the same project requirements and resources.

  774. As a professional project manager, taking a decision must build good rapport with all the stakeholders in to Forster future business relationship.
    Manager1: cancelling a project is not a good idea. The client might size your ability with that and not like to do business with you in the future. To me, you can partner with another manager in order to complete the project. With this , technical know out can be shared and make you a better manager
    Manager2: This manager handled the situation they way I will do, try to schedule meeting upon meeting in order to get the best.
    Manager3: Language barrier shouldn’t hinder project execution. I will learn simple language terms of that country, employ interpreter and sign gestures can be of help.

  775. In all honesty, I can’t imagine a scenario where they could or should have acted differently. they did the best (at that moment) for the organisation and team members

  776. Communication was a common factor for the three project managers (PMs) to take the various decisions. Taking a look at the different scenarios painted by the PMs:
    1. PM1 – she had to speak with the various stakeholders on the project so as to know their stance before canceling or continuing with the project. After which she discussed the lessons learnt (skills, tools and knowledge acquired) from the failed project with her team.
    2. PM2 – at the point where the team encountered a difficulty, he had to set up a meeting to communicate the issue with the conflicting parties so as to know the way forward with the project.
    3. PM3 – had to learn the communication style or languages of the team members so as to be able to bring them to work together.

    They may likely act differently in a different context because the approach to tackling or dealing with difficult decisions may vary depending on the type of project or the stakeholders involved.

  777. Taking difficult decisions such as program termination is essential when they available options have been exhausted.

    My concern is for the amount of time or resources that have gone down the drain in the course of the lifespan of the project.

    Though decisions are for the good of the organization

  778. Looking at it critically. How the Project manager communicated appropriately to convince the client to bring augmentation of fund to move it to the new locations was superb. And also terminating the project early with reasonable options so as to not make the other team members feel bad was key. In the issue of language barrier. I think that should have been considered before picking up the project.

  779. In my opinion, the three PMs took these factors into consideration before making such decisions; Risk Assessment, Budget, Project Success/Delivery and Time Management.

    Along the line they also made sure to communicate to their team and more importantly the Stakeholders involved, the problem encountered and then collaborating ideas to make the final decisions.

    I think they took best line of action as PMs In dealing with their various situations, whereby you had clients who already had history of bad record with the former Management Company, the best thing to do was to look for ways to bring them around by showing them the goals the project was going to achieve and it’s impact it would bring about and also making sure that they understood the project thoroughly to avoid issues along the duration of the project which could break trust.

  780. In the three scenarios, the project manager aimed to get the job done, and the strategies they employed were ways to achieve that.
    80% 0f the work of a project manager is to communicate in clear terms even when there is a language barrier, The PM also tries to ensure that the values of the project are not sacrificed along the way.
    Being able to come to a term that will be a win-win for the stakeholders is a plus.

  781. For Cathy, it was important to take the positive lessons away from the project that had to be terminated early. In the second scenario, what was paramount for her was the goals of the project and she helped to bring that back into the focus of the angry party so as to get their buy in.

    What was important for Bill was validating the concern of an important stakeholder and ensuring that a solution that worked for all parties concerned was proffered.

    For Emanuele, communicating effectively, coordinating and adding value despite the language barrier was of utmost importance.

    I do not think that anyone of them would have acted differently as the solutions implemented appeared to have produced the best possible outcomes.

  782. The Project Managers were able to communicate with the stakeholders to clarify what information is needed and also in line with the stakeholders needs and expectation

  783. After consulting with important stakeholders, all three project managers settled on a course of action. One of the challenges she faced was learning to put aside her pride, explain to the other participants exactly what it was they were there to accomplish, and work together to find solutions to any problems that arose.

    They used many of the tools at a project manager’s disposal to do all this and more.

    They would have had to take different actions based on the specifics of the scenario. It’s the result of a number of causes and elements working together. However, the need of good communication and teamwork will never diminish.

  784. No matter what may happen during the project, a project manager must find a way to resolve issues, having a healthy communication with stakeholders goes a long way.

    As a project manager you have to always consider people that speaks other languages. Find a way to move along with them.

  785. All three Project Manager ensure key stakehold were carried along and they came to a definite decision on how to proceed. For one, it was having to temper her ego, letting the stakeholders know why they were there and what goal they were gunning for and resolving all issues through conversation and collaboration.

    In all of this, they deployed various skills a project manager needs to thrive and ensure the success of a project.

    If this were to be different scenarios, they’d have had to act differently depending on the situation they have at hand. It’s a combination of different elements and factors. However, effective communication and collaboration remains a constant.

  786. The three project manager engaged in team work. They carried their team along through effective communication, giving out updates to both their team members and tge stakeholder. This, likewise, i will do in all project when it comes to decision making.

  787. The project managers ensured the relevant stakeholders are properly carried along in the decision making process. Communication is an important tool for effective delivery of a project.

  788. In the different Scenarios, the Project Managers ensured that the stakeholders were involved in the communication process At the end if it all, a collective decision was made and everything was sorted out. Sometimes in handling difficult situations, organization values should be subject to changes n not fixed. As a project manager, you should be able to thrive through chaos and manage situations to a win _win for all stakeholders involved.

  789. They made the best decision after some factors into consideration and weighing their options. Decision-making is one of the tough aspects of project management.

  790. The Decision they made is the best. The Project Manager carried the team along , discuss the situation on ground and find the best solution to the difficult situation.

    1. Yes, they would have acted differently in a different situation. It has been said that a project manager needs to be able to size up a situation and proffer the solution that best suits it. So, I guess each situation would determine which way out

  791. Considering all the available information and factors, they took the best decision in that scenario, but if the factors are varied then it could be a whole different decision depending on the new scenario presented by the varied factors.

  792. Decision making is. Very important , so P.M makes decision base on what is the current situation then , but project manager make be fully prepared for any difficulty

  793. The Project Manager thought carefully and communicated with his team and and made a decision that was best for them and the project.

    1. As a project Manager to make a difficult decision as to put some certain things into consideration.
      1 Understand the situation.

      2 Gather relevant information.

      3 Identify all possible alternatives.

      4 Chose the best alternatives with the recommendation

  794. They acted in the best way they can, They had taken so many factors into consideration and reached a verdict that would be beneficial to all.

  795. All three project manager were more interested in meeting their clients satisfaction at that point in time. On they different context , they would have acted differently cos of their Values.

  796. What was important to all three project managers was their clients satisfaction at that point in time.on they different context , they would have acted differently cos of their Values.

  797. Experts often base their decisions on a combination of factors, including available data, experience, ethical considerations, and project constraints. What’s important to them can vary, but generally, they prioritize achieving project goals, minimizing risks, and ensuring alignment with organizational values.

    In a different context, experts might act differently because the variables and considerations could change. For example:

    1. Project Complexity: In a more complex project, experts might prioritize a more thorough analysis of data and potential consequences.

    2. Resource Availability: If resources are scarce in another context, they may need to make more conservative decisions to stay within budget.

    3. Time Pressure:When time is limited, they might opt for quicker decisions, potentially taking on more risk.

    4. Ethical Implications:Different contexts may bring unique ethical challenges, influencing their decisions accordingly.

    5. Stakeholder Expectations:The expectations and priorities of stakeholders can vary, impacting their decision-making approach.

  798. Various organizations face their complexities and limitations and these complexities if not adequately managed and mitigated could hinder the outcome of most projects.;some of these difficulties could be meeting the stakeholders demand or standard, resources constraints, organizational culture, risk management.
    These pros and con’s could be mitigated through ;good critical planning and communication, adequate resource allocation and management, effective team motivation and good organizational mission and moral value system.

  799. As a project management, one of the difficult decision is terminating a project earlier before the deadline. As a project manager you have to make strong decision that will help in moving the project forward and advancing and when this happened. you negotiate with your clients and see how you can end up things with both end on a win-win level

  800. Yes, they would act differently in another context because there are many factors to be considered in a difficult discussion. and probably in another context, the factors might to a different decision. But if the conditions and the factors remain the same, I believe they would not be scared to take the same position.

  801. Making decisions depends on the factors surrounding the project. If it would be feasible or not. The PMs in the video would have acted in a different way. Their goal was to deliver a successful project to the client.

  802. Of course, they would act differently in a different context/situation because flexibility is paramount in any situation. This also depends on the stakeholders involved.

  803. Of course, they would act differently in a different context/situaton because flexibility is paramount in any situation.

  804. According to the video, each of the PM dealt with the challenges in accordance to the the scope of the problem eg budget and risk and also the stakeholders involved.

    Two seemingly similar challenges cannot be handle the same way because of the other factor factors involved in project management which includes but not limited to the type of stakeholders involved.

  805. There are different approaches towards solving different problems. As a project manager the most important thing is to make the right decision towards solving a problem.

  806. Flexibility and adaptability is one of the principles of project management. So when there is a difficult situation, be flexible and adjust to the change.In so doing, proper communication with the team, stakeholders and clients would be of a great help. Secondly mastering languages proper among the team is also very important. As per their reaction, they might have reacted differently given that urgent decisions to solve issues is proper to every project manager. And what is important to them at the moment was delivering their job well, on time and not exceeding an already given budget.

  807. Flexibility and adaptability is one of the principles of project management. So when there is a difficult situation, be flexible and adjust to the change.In so doing, proper communication with the team, stakeholders and clients would be of a great help. Secondly mastering languages proper among the team is also very important. As per their reaction, they might have reacted differently given that urgent decisions to solve issues is proper to every project manager.

  808. The answer is yes! They would act differently in a different concept. Every project comes with its expected/unexpected challenges and is dealt with differently.

  809. What was important for these Project Managers was the Client’s satisfaction.

    After thoroughly considering the pros and cons, as at the time the decision was to be made, I believe they made the best decision.

    Would they act differently in a different context?

    They may. The decision will still depend on the peculiarity of the situation they encounter in whatever different context.

    I believe there are no tools or go-to methods for handling difficult situations. A PM just has to be wise and creative in such situations.

    Thank you.

    1. Our mode of thinking and the way we view this matters in taking quality decisions that can affect organisation.
      It is good to all always be empathetic is all that you do as a PM.

  810. Some of the characteristics of Project Managers are: Communication and problem solving.
    Project Managers thrive in solving Problems, it was very important for all three project managers to solve the problem their project faced within a the given period of time of the project.
    Secondly, another characteristic is communication. Project Managers are known to be clear cut communicators. What was important for all three Project Managers in taking the decisions they took was the proper communication with the team, stakeholders, and client to understand why and how they had to take such difficult decisions.
    If they would act differently in a different context, yes they probably would if the circumstances and opportunities available are different and better than the options available to choose from.

    1. As a PM difficult decision is one of the things you may face ,but I think that their is a way of controlling and checking it that is communication and even being transparent can go a long way too

  811. I do not think that there will be major differences in their actions. This is because the key point here is communication. When you communicate smoothly , rest assured that half of your problem is solved and that is actually what was common in their stories.

  812. As a Project Manager, the most important is making the right decision at all time. The three would definitely act differently in different context because a Project Manager is not expected to be rigid or tailored in decision making process. A Project Manager is expected to be flexible yet firm when making decisions

  813. The three Project Managers must make decisions based on a variety of scenarios, budgets, deadlines, and risks; however, all must be made with the primary goal of resolving challenges in mind.

    To prevent preventable issues from cropping up in the middle of project operations, it is critical for project managers to critically align with the procedures involved in project management from the outset. As a result, frequent, intensive team communication is required.

    1. In all three contexts, our PMs are faced with stiff challenges. In the one case, a termination of contract was the chosen option after careful thoughts and discussions with all concerned team mates and stakeholders. This is essential as it preserved the professional name and the PM .With the second, a temporary halt is observed for a prompt exchange session with the concerned stakeholders and finally a bigger contract is born from the initial small contract. In the third case, the importance of mastering languages proper to team mates for better is very imperative for communication and so he harnesses efforts to attend to this.

      As per whether they’ll react differently to these challenges, I suggest they might have reacted seemingly differently given that impromptu decisions to solve issues is proper to every PM.
      In all, irrespective of the challenges they faced, EFFECTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE COMMUNICATION was
      the used technique that brought about the good fruits.

  814. Would they act differently under different circumstances? Yes is my answer.
    A PM is expected to make decisions that are right and suitable for a particular project. Projects can be dynamic and being too rigid to a particular method of solving problems can be an issue instead of a skill for a Project manager.

  815. the underlay of project management is having to make different decisions per time and most of them would be difficult.
    Terminating a project, having to weigh options, deciding teams, technical decisions.

    it is always best to have various options already written down to tackle whatever comes up along the way.

  816. Making right decision is one of the essential skill of a Project Manager.As a PM, you need to always take tough decisions in the interest of your brand. In a construction company, it’s better to pull out of a project with a poor quality control than being involved in a collapse of a building project. Sometimes it is required to sack or transfer a skillful staff that usually poison other staffs, for the project to progress.

  817. The Project Managers are faced with different scenarios, budgets, schedules and risks, which implies that decisions will be different but all still fall within solving issues which is the major focus.

    It is important for Project Managers to critically from the on-set, align with the processes involved in project management to ensure that avoidable problems are not encountered in the middle of the project activities, hence the need to intensively communicate across the project team regularly.

  818. The 3 PMs would have done the same if it were in a different context because in order to achieve their goals, they communicated with their stakeholders and collaborated. There was also compromise and and agreement for them to achieve success.

    So they wouldn’t have done differently in a different context.

  819. For me your state of mind is key, The 1st PM terminated the project because of a bigger one, and after considering the pros & cons carefully, terminating may be the best option for her to maintain her professional ethics and values, and it is well communicated. The decision the 3 of them took may be the very best because of what it entails to be a project manager our core value is key and integrity cannot be purchased.

  820. As a Pm,you will be faced most times in taking tough decisions, especially in the termination of a project before stipulated time. In most of these case,as a P.M,you just restrategize,count all the lessons learned and moved on.Most especially,you should be able to communicate with the team.Proper and clear communication will help to proffer solution to the pending problem at hand.

  821. From the discussion from the 3 PMs A PM should be able to develop skills that could help him/her make very tough decisions, especially when it has to do with ending a project that has been well invested in abruptly which taking into consideration the organisational values. Also he/she should be able to navigate around unforeseen issues in the project and be ready to provide solution at any instance.

  822. Well, while it is true that a PM should be robed in empathy, I believe it is important to possess enough guts to be able to take tough decisions, particularly if the decisions have been properly evaluated and if they’re in line with the organizational values or cultures.

  823. The three PM experts shared some tough decisions that were taken, how difficult those decisions are on the project.
    The first PM explained the tough decision to terminate project early, the organization having higher priority project over the former project. Moreover taking the team back to the goals, strengthening the relationship with the clients and stakeholders is key. The second PM synergizes with supplier to ensure the availability of resources for the project. This shows that communication skills and team play is crucial. Language barrier is another difficult situation as the third PM shared, bringing people together from different languages, introduction of language translators can help solve the problem of language barriers.
    The crux of these decisions is that Project Manager must be able to use communication skills to tackle and manage difficult situations and be confident to take some tough decisions to sustain the organization

    1. Skills acquisition and development couple with ideal/efficient communication could aid in taking a tough decision as seen displayed by the -PM’s in the video.

  824. A PM should be able to develop skills that could help him make very tough decisions, especially when it has to do with ending a project that has been well invested in abruptly which taking into consideration the organisational values. Also her/she should be able to navigate around unforeseen issues in the project and be ready to provide solution at any instance.

  825. A PM should be ready to take a very hard decision during a project especially when it has to do with ending a project that has been well invested in abruptly, while taking into cognizance the core values of the organisation. A PM should be able to work around unforeseen challenges and also creatively provide solutions.

  826. From the conversations with the 3 PMs, making the difficult decision must be seen in the context of how beneficial if the cancellation is done. Also, a great lesson here is finding resolution paths by brining everyone to the table and allowing all to understand the end game. I don’t think they would have done differently as the role required, finding a path way to every project’s success.

  827. All the project manager did well there will be a point where difficult decision as to be taken and they all communicated which is the vital roll in a project and for the third pm with the language barrier I think he should have used a language translator instead

  828. All 3 of them encountered a difficult situation and I thing I learnt is they communicated, the first person spoke out about ending the project i believe to all stack holders while the third had a language barrier which he new communication is about 80% of PM. Indeed speaking g out or let’s say communication is a bed rock of project management

  829. The three Project Managers did the same thing by resorting to meeting to know the possible way to resolve the issues they had.
    In this world of technology, I believe the PM who has language barrier should have used language translation app to sort himself out.

  830. All the three pm has done well , As a pm we should be able to forsee the some circumstances and we should be able to put a end to a project that can be stuck at some point

    The second pm was about resources and getting the interest and making sure the sure the project is well done

    The third pm with a language barrier could have find a more suitable way

    There is no problem without a corresponding solution, and if it was another project maybe and maybe not it might not turn out this way

    But in every project a pm just always and be ready to take difficult decision
    Know your scope creep !

  831. As a PM there will always be moments of making difficult decisions as shared by The three PMs in the video.

    However, I think they would have made different choices if the circumstances and opportunities that are available are different.
    For example the first PM wouldn’t have chosen to terminate the Project if he sees a possibility of success in the project.
    And to the second PM, would have done differently solely based on available resources and the interest of the project which is paramount.

    The Third PM who faced the problem of Language will be able to solve this language barrier with the help language translators and technologies knowing fully well that Language is the key determinant of communication, and without communication, there can’t be a truce on any Project.
    Hence, he would have as well done differently.

  832. All the project managers did the same thing and it is still that same thing that will happen in a different content. When I said SAME THING, I mean communication, three of them had to call a meeting and brought the matter on the table, with calmness and other qualities needed.

  833. Communication and collaboration with all stakeholders were important for the 3 project managers in making a difficult decision. They had to communicate with all stakeholders and agree on some terms before making the decision.

    They would not have acted differently in a different context because of the rule of ethics in project management. There are certain morals and values that guide the project manager and team.

  834. The three project managers had to take thier decisions based on the end goals of the project they had at hand. If it was a different sceanario or project, they would still have to make thier decisions based on the uniqueness of the project and the end goal.

    The one thing all three had running which is a critical factor in any project is commnunicating with client and stakeholders on the project per time.
    A project manager must not allow his or her ego come in the way, rather he /she must collaborating with all stakeholders.

    1. The three project Managers lack skills of effective communication which almost ruin there project
      And the also don’t understand there seif which to work as a team become a problem to them

  835. They all knew that solid communication was really a key to dealing with difficult decisions with might cause slight challenge for the team or organization

  836. All the three pms was able to manage the different encounter effectively because managing a project is no less difficult than running a small city, u have to take care of the project,resources and deadline,manage the budget and ensure proper communication and foresee potential risks .

  837. most of the time a project manager can get to a point where he will have to make certain difficult decisions in his career That’s why it is good to stay true at all times to avoid being jammed
    Time, effort, and commitments that were put in by the manager and other stakeholders including the workers were are always considered in making though decision

  838. The three PMs would have made different choices if the opportunities that are available are different. For example the first PM wouldn’t have chosen to terminate the Project early if he sees even the smallest chance that the project is going to work giving the available information.
    And to the second PM, available resources would have determined the kind of decision taken as his decisions is solely based on available resources and the interest of the project.
    The Third PM who faced the problem of Language will be able to solve this language barrier with the help language translators and technologies.
    So most importantly, the decisions of Project Managers should always be the interest of the Project. Good PM should know when to say No and when to say Yes and possibly when to put an end to an ongoing project as this is one of the most difficult decision that a PM has to ever make.

  839. Options such as considering priority of projects,flexibility,involvement of relevant parties,communication barrier, reorientation of goals and a compromise to get needs met are generally important approaches to be considered by Project managers. However, in difficult and different situations other approaches can be considered based on the peculiarities of the situation at hand.

  840. The project managers navigated challenging decisions by prioritizing solutions tailored to the unique aspects of the issues they faced. They employed various strategies, including assessing project priorities, embracing flexibility, involving relevant stakeholders for effective solutions, addressing communication barriers, realigning goals, and occasionally compromising to meet needs. Depending on the specific circumstances, the project managers might have explored additional approaches, always taking into account the distinctive nature of each challenge.

  841. Well I believe there are some stages where one has to make difficult decisions, especially as a project manager. there were reasons that lead to the termination of those project, which the project manager and stakeholders already look at it before going through the termination process, yes it was painful but they knew it was the best solution. so I would say they wouldn’t have been indifferent about it.

  842. Time, commitment and efforts by the project program managers. They won’t act in different context because dealing with decisions is very difficult.

  843. Time, effort, and commitments that were put in by the manager and other stakeholders including the workers were what was considered. Also the relevance or value of the project as against the latest innovation. Language difference was also another important factor considered.
    I don’t think they will act differently because that might be an abandonment of their skills or principles.

  844. Situations that can bring a project manager to the point where he/she will have to make certain difficult decisions are inevitable in this career even though such situations are never wished for. However, it is better to maintain integrity than taking a risk that is capable of jeopardizing the very existence of the company.
    The three different experiences and scenarios did require such difficult decisions as it was indeed best for their company and career’s reputation

  845. In PM any options such as considering priority of projects,flexibility,involvement of relevant parties to proper solutions,communication barrier, reorientation of goals to be achieved and a compromise to get needs met were the important approaches taken by the Project managers. In different situations there are many other approaches they would have taken considering the peculiarities of the challenge.

  846. Punctuality, accountability, and transparency are some of the values and principles upheld by my organization. And I think these and also diligence are applicable in project management and as a project manager.

    As a project manager, it is essential to employ effective knowledge management processes, ensuring that skills, tools, and techniques are not lost in the realm of knowledge. The decision to terminate a project early is carefully evaluated, taking into account various factors such as project objectives, schedule baseline, scope baseline, and more.

  847. The three scenarios were very different from one another, and their reactions furthermore were suitable. Even when all plans have been implemented, ending a project early can be a difficult choice, but with the experience and understanding of what is needed, it only takes being more practical than optimistic to do so.

  848. As a project manager we were told that we are fore-sighted ,(i.e having eagle eye) so before you will terminate a project that means there is no possible way out for you.and remember feedback is important,so when you get a bad feedback concerning your project, it discourages and can ruin your reputation as a “good project manager.

  849. The Project managers dealt with the difficult decisions preferring solutions in accordance to the peculiarity of the issues.
    Many options such as considering priority of projects,flexibility,involvement of relevant parties to proper solutions,communication barrier, reorientation of goals to be achieved and a compromise to get needs met were the important approaches taken by the Project managers. In different situations there are many other approaches they would have taken considering the peculiarities of the challenge.

    1. No,the three MP will find it easier if they work together and deal with the difficulty in decision making they all come across,such as how the project shouldn’t be terminate, the requirements need for the project and also to have good communications with the stakeholders so that all of them will reach to solutions and achieve their target goals

  850. The actions taken by the PM experts to manage difficult situation were in line with the values of project management. Good communication being the bedrock of many potentially difficult situations. The communication of their concerns to stakeholders in a clear and concise manner allowed each one of them to manage the situation better. In addition, the application of other PM values such as transparency, integrity and cultural awareness also helped to ease tensions and douse potentially volatile meetings.

    1. PM are problem solver, communicating to various stakeholder in the team will help a lot in identifying the issues on time and collection of feedback will help resolving it so quick.

  851. the three contexts were totally different, and moreso their response was appropriate for the context Terminating a project at early stage could be a tough decision to make especially when all plans has been put in place but with the experience and knowledge of what is required, it takes being more realistic than being optimistic to do so.

    1. A project manager is also a problem solver so there are some situation which you have to take harsh or difficult decision in other to get a desirable results, that’s why project manager should not be to rigid in he’s/her professional carrier as things change a times
      Project manager should be flexible so he can adapt to any kind situation

  852. The three Project Managers really dealt wisely. As a Project manager, you have to prepare yourself for challenges ahead in case you encounter them. (That’s when risk taking comes in). Decision to terminate your project early comes in only when there are threats to the project though there are lessons to learn from the one that didn’t work out. As a PM we were told to be multilingual because communication is key to achieving goal.

  853. As a project manager, making tough decisions is a must. whatever reason there may be. it is important to consider the impact of your decisions before making them. Flexibility honestly and willingness to compromise are crucial traits for a project manager, especially when dealing either stakeholders or project members.

  854. As a Project manager, you have to prepare yourself for challenges ahead in case you encounter them. (That’s when risk taking comes in). Decision to terminate your project early comes in only when there are threats to the project though there are lessons to learn from the one that didn’t work out. As a PM we were told to be multilingual because communication is key to achieving goal.

    1. For me, the project manager took the action to carry his team along by communicating the problem on ground with them, getting an alternative solution to the problem, deciding the wet forward, adapting it and deciding on it as a team.

  855. The three project managers were able to effectively handle the difficulties encountered during their projects. In my opinion, delivering satisfactory results is crucial, especially if the client has had a poor experience with a different team in the past. Sometimes, going back to the drawing board is necessary, such as when a random situation arises like the issue with the venue. I particularly admired how the project manager who faced a language barrier was able to manage the project effectively. It is commendable for a project manager to remain open-minded and flexible to workable ideas from team members.

  856. The three experts did a good thing by not given up to defeat despite their various challenges that arise in the project they deem it fit to quickly look for a solution. They have plans before the start of the project which is good but plan can change but with that they quickly contact on relevant party that will help in getting the work done as planned.
    As project manager before embarking a project it is expedient to communicate with other projects members or stakeholders to come to a reasonable conclusion that will make the project achievable and attainable. Communication is key to every project

  857. There are several difficult decisions Project Manager has to make such as frequent change request and terminating project due to not meeting up with timelines for deliverables.

  858. The three people in this context had a clear and positive object of the project, but each delt with it in a different way, one, William is suppose to over see the project, which invariably places him in charge of the other two, but he still went ahead a made a decision without following due process and consulting his colleagues. John on the other hand is very ethical and wants things to be done in a proper manner, Karen had a clear insight of the entire process but was sceptical. In a nutshell, making decisions together as a team can go a long way to prevent future mishaps, when you bring a concern to your colleagues it helps you get a wider view of the issues. Another point is, it is always a right call to map out possible risk involved and the possible problems that might arise before taking action in any project, it helps put things in perspective and possible review, it is also worth mentioning to always get a second opinion before acting.

    1. As project managers, the satisfaction of their clients were their top priorities and would have acted differently in a different context.

  859. All the three project managers had all this in common:
    – Dialogue with the stakeholders
    – Comparison of the options on the table
    – Collaboration
    – Compromise
    – Agreement

  860. The 3 contexts were quite different but their responses were appropriate. Terminating a project is a difficult thing to do especially when a lot has been put to it. Communication is also very important in delivering projects. Where there’s a language barrier, it’s always difficult to get things done easily. Importantly the goal of a project manager is to get the project executed no matter the hurdles encountered.

  861. The Project Manager had to take those decisions though they would not have wanted to if they have their way because of the power and influence of the stakeholders involved, they are the high-quality high stakeholders, they are the life and sponsors of the project and they must be satisfied, project management is about stakeholders satisfaction and engaging them to fulfill their expectations on the project. The project needed to be terminated because it’s no longer on their priority list due to changes in their contextual outside world and have shifted interest to higher priority project and they are sponsors/ funder of the project and projects can’t run on water. If it does the MTD manager did not even have enough.
    In a bid to satisfy their clients, the MTD manager has to suggest contingency buffer.

    The managers would have acted differently in a different context just has portrayed by the Lady manager in the latter part of the video. It was a kind of partnership project and she had to use her expertise I communication and conflict resolution to put the partners back on track and draw them to the things that brings them together, the project goals and objectives, the reasons why they have come together, assuming them of her willingness to work and collaborate, be flexible and compromise to have their needs met.

  862. Project manager are seen as problems solvers. Studying a project before before taking it is very important you will know the does and don’t also the difficulties involved. In such senerio you have to always communicate with your team the facilitator’s for that project brainstorm together and bring out solutions that will yeild positive results

  863. It all depends on the kind of project ,you’re working. These are three different projects and it needs to be handled in different ways that best suit it. Taking a though decision of terminating a project could be that the end of the might be worse if they had continue ,so that could be the best decision as at that time, then go back to the planning board, restrategise,learn from the previous project, either positive or negative lessons ,and knowledge gotten. And plan for a better project ahead.

  864. Different project situations requires different approaches which involves making difficult decisions that will either terminate the project prematurely or lead to the desired end when all stakeholders come together and work towards the desired end

    1. The mangers facing the same challenges dialogue with the stakeholders on the issue on ground on how to resolve it and move on the response of the stakeholders most time determine to bring the project to save end or not. In most cases the stakeholders are only concerned about their gain and profit on a particular project no minding the risks associated with it. The best option as a project manager is to take the project study it in and out in order it takes appropriate decision at a particular given time. My view.

  865. In my opinion the three contexts discussed were different, and their response was appropriate for those particular contexts. Terminating a project prematurely could be a tough decision to make but with the experience and knowledge of what is required and proper planning , it takes being more realistic than being optimistic to do so. as having to come to terms of terminating a project is a difficult decision to make as project manage .

    1. Well said, it’s all about weighing the options, the pros and cons, setting out clearly the options for continuing versus cancelling and going with the one in the best interest of the project sponsors while drawing lessons, skills, knowledge and tools which might become handy in future projects.

  866. Every situation is different and will require different skillset deployed to manage processes and decision making. In these instances they had to terminate project as tough as it were but in a different context will require them to apply themselves again weigh all the options available to them and if there’s a need to still terminate they would have to but if they have other options available to them the might require taking tough decisions, perhaps cuts etc they might not necessarily need to terminate.

  867. All the Project Managers might act differently but the end result will be the same. Their purpose is to deliver the project at hand

  868. The decision to terminate project earlier than expected is always hard because it involves lots of people that depend on it more especially those that feed on it daily . So for them to decide they will have to consider lots of negative aspect of it and know how to handle the situation in a calm way .As a project manager, it is essential to employ effective knowledge management processes, ensuring that skills, tools, and techniques are not lost in the realm.

  869. Different Situation often times will call for different solutions or methods hence in a different context, the project managers might evaluate the best method and come up with a different approach.

    What stood out for me is weighing of options, pros and cons, calling out to other team members and stakeholders involved to reach a decision and see to the success of the project without manipulating or going against the ethics.

  870. No, they won’t do differently because, as a project manager that they are, they knew the time frame for the project, and they accepted, so it was all calculated, it was difficult but possible. As long as result could be delivered at stipulated time, it’s a win for me. So they will do the same in a different scenario (As long as producing result is constant).

  871. No, they won’t think they would differently because, as a project manager that they are, they knew the time frame for the work, and they accepted, so it was all calculated, it was difficult but possible. As long as result could delivered at stipulated time, it’s a win for me. So they will do the same in a different scenario (As long as producing result is constant).

      1. What was important for them all is simple. Reaching or achieving the goal of the project.

        Every project is peculiar and challenges for every project is different hence, the different scenarios but one thing is key, the PM must find a way to reach his or her goal, pride should be put away, communication and empathy should be improved and also culture, language and understanding must be aligned in some cases.

        Would they act differently? That depends on the situation being presented to them but from what I see they all know what their roles were as PM and would not deliberately do anything to jeopardize their ultimate goal. Hence even if presented with a different challenge they would still find a way to overcome their challenges.

        They are experienced project managers even though, some projects can be tough, working with different people can be challenging but they will still achieve their aim.

  872. All three of them encountered difficult decisions and at the end of the day, tried really hard to salvage the situations. They might take those decisions again or improve on them, one thing is sure, there is not set in stone solutions in such cases. One has to put the goal in mind and work towards achieving it without compromising on basic ethical values. Like they mentioned.. Collaboration is key..You cannot know it all. The team needs to work together, shake off baggages and look towards a solution. If it ends up being a negative one..catch the lessons learned and properly communicate to forestall future occurrences.

  873. What was most important to the project managers was to provide solution to the problems on ground in accordance with the ethical standards of practice and values of the organization.
    The project managers would have acted differently in a different context due to arsing challenges, changes in the interests and goals of stakeholders, priorities of the organisation, bugdet, deadlines, scope of project etc.
    However, in taking difficult decisions to bring solutions to the table, ethical standards and values of the organization must be taken into account.

  874. I think that the project managers would have taken different decisions in different contexts. For example, the MTD project manager would have had to find another means if there was no source of water supply close by. Maybe the contingency buffer for the venue would have come into play.

  875. Project managers act differently when it comes to taking difficult decisions. The actions taken depend on the matter on ground and since they all have different mentality their problem solving method will definitely be different.

      1. The Project Manager’s role in the life any given project could be likened to that of a master chef -requiring a fine mix of various ingrients (all stakeholders), to produce a final design which is acceptable to all and which everyone is happy with.

        He must draw the line-indeed, maintain a balance between organizational culture and personal ethics and principles…being careful that the over all goal is met.

        Meanwhile, some tough decisions land on his plate -especially the ones obviously going against set organization’s standards (by either internal players or “forces from without), and he must act in the interest of the project.

  876. I think organisational values and culture goes a long way to affect decisions no matter how hard or simple the decision may seem.

    As Project Managers must take into consideration the values of an organisation when making a decision

  877. They mapped out their initial options in clear terms creating alternative outcomes like this helps you highlight the ethical choice.

  878. They wouldn’t act differently in a different context unless the values and morals around that context doesn’t need to be considered when handling a difficult situation

    1. In my opinion, the PMs took these factors into consideration before making such decisions; Risk Assessment, Budget, Project Success/Delivery and Time Management.

      Along the line they also made sure to communicate to their team and more importantly the Stakeholders involved, the problem encountered and then collaborating ideas to make the final decisions.

      I think they took best line of action as PMs In dealing with their various situations, whereby you had clients who already had history of bad record with the former Management Company, the best thing to do was to look for ways to bring them around by showing them the goals the project was going to achieve and it’s impact it would bring about and also making sure that they understood the project thoroughly to avoid issues along the duration of the project which could break trust.

  879. I think the three contexts were different, and their response was appropriate for those particular contexts. Terminating a project prematurely could be a tough decision to make but with the experience and knowledge of what is required, it takes being more realistic than being optimistic to do so.

    1. All 3 PM was able to manage the difficulties encountered effectively. In my opinion, satisfactory delivery is most important especially if a client have had a poor experience with a different team. Going back to the drawing board may become necessary where random situation arises like the issue of the venue.. I particularly admire how the PM who had a language barrier iissie s able to manage the project effectively. Being open- minded or flexible to workable ideas from team members is commendable as a PM.

  880. The decision to terminate a project prematurely, while potentially disappointing, does not equate to wasted knowledge. As a project manager, it is essential to employ effective knowledge management processes, ensuring that skills, tools, and techniques are not lost in the realm of knowledge. The decision to terminate a project early is carefully evaluated, taking into account various factors such as project objectives, schedule baseline, scope baseline, and more.

    Project managers must possess the ability to navigate unforeseen challenges, even those not accounted for in the risk management plan. Every problem that arises should have a corresponding solution. In the described scenario, any additional costs incurred were transferred to the client, who bears responsibility for the project. This arrangement creates a win-win situation, despite the added expense for the client.

    Flexibility and willingness to compromise are crucial traits for a project manager, especially when it comes to appeasing disgruntled stakeholders. However, it is important to maintain a focus on meeting project objectives. Communication channels and style play a vital role in project success, and it is the duty of the project manager to find effective solutions and navigate these aspects accordingly.

    1. Real communication and the projects managers must ensure is well prepared for a given assignment before anything work is been done

    2. Decision making is not easy in all situation but has to be made. A project manager must always be prepared to face some difficult situations that will require tough decision.
      We are learning from top project managers and it can aid of decision making in the future.

      1. Decision-making is not always an easy one in project management. the 3 P.M made effective decisions which was beneficial to their team and the project goal. Communication is key, carrying your team along about the status and state of the project and inconvenience is greatly important too which the 3 P.M did