Professional Social Media Engagement & Job hunt task for all Participants

Before you get into this email, here’s a quick catch up with what you missed.

1. You’ve been grouped, Join your team:

2. Yet to start the course? Read the Onboarding email to get started:

3. Timetable has been released:

As you already know, a closed mouth could be a missed opportunity.


So, you’re going to announce and make yourself seen by potential hiring managers today.

Just like Bukola Ayikimi from Team 3, Cohort 8, Busayo from Cohort 1 and Engr Makama Philip Shehu from Cohort 4 of our Project Management course.


Bukola’s story in the screenshots below might just inspire you to take a step towards becoming certified as a VA after this rigorous bootcamp.

A little background on Bukola’s story:

She’s a Team 3, Cohort 8 participant in the Project Management Bootcamp of DEXA.

Bukola’s cohort was scheduled to graduate from the bootcamp Just one week before she received the job offer. Which means she hadn’t even been certified yet in Project Management when a PM Job offer was made to her.


She only carried out the Weekly task of the bootcamp as we instructed.

Then She was offered a new job as a Project Manager for the same company she works for. Bukky went from being a class teacher to being a Project Manager in just 3 weeks.


It is now our job to provide her with the resources and support she needs to handle that role perfectly, as a Certified DEXA community member.

Congratulations to her.

Here is a chat between her and DEXA CEO.

Next is Engr Makama Philip Shehu from cohort 4 of the PM Course;

Engr Shehu got a job invitation just after completing the course and receiving his Certificate with Cohort 4, according to him, he was further asked to submit his CV and also get a recommendation/certificate supporting letter from us, which we have already sent out. All this happened in less than 2 weeks after completing the program.

Here is a message from him to DEXA CEO.

Congratulations to Philip Shehu. You can be next.

(Compulsory TASK – Our monitoring team is taking note)

NOTE📌. Everyone of the over 2,900+ participants in this cohort is advised to follow you and engage your post or tweet once they find it with the hashtag. #Learnwithdexa and you are advised to do same.

INSTRUCTION – Pay Attention

  1. Your task is to generate a customized DP design through the link that has been shared at the end of this email with a nice professional-looking photo of yourself.

Just like the example below.

  1. Once you have the design ready, screenshot or download the image, and make a post on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn with the design and write up below and tag at least 3people. After making the post, tag-mention the tutors in the comment section (Erin Booth & Le-an Lai Lacaba) Ensure its their main accounts.

Here’s the post.

Thrilled to announce that I’ve been accepted into the Tuition-Free Virtual Assistance Course on DEXA. In 3weeks, I’ll be available for remote Internship & Job Roles as a Certified Virtual Assistant. Feel free to reach out.

If you’re interested in joining the next cohort, go to:

@LearnwithDEXA #LearnwithDEXA

NOTE: Our official link cannot be posted on facebook. So, use this link instead when posting on Facebook.



If you post on Facebook, do well to tag us @Digital Exchange Academy – DEXA, so we can acknowledge your post and reshare

On LinkedIn, do same and Don’t miss twitter.

Twitter has proven to be massive for your growth, just as LinkedIn. To tag us on twitter, use @learnwithdexa

Task should be completed before 6PM tomorrow as We’ll be acknowledging your posts one by one.

TeamLeads are expected to repost this mail in groups.


Best regards,

Victor Kelechi Kingsley

Founder & CEO, DEXA.