Hi, welcome to the HR Management bootcamp. Below is the learning timetable for this course, to ensure you start and finish the course without stress.


Welcome to the Bootcamp – Diploma in HR

How to use the DEXA Website

About this Course

Meet the Tutors & Contributors in this course

Module 1 – Introduction to Human Resource Management (HRM)

Introduction & History of HRM

HRM Activities

Making an impact with HRM

Future Trends in HR


— Key Skills Required to Work in HR

Role of Communication in H.R.M

Module 2 – Ethics in HR

Human Resource Ethics

★★ Important Information – DO NOT SKIP


Strategic HRM Plans and HR Plans


What is Strategic Human Resource Management? – Eric van Vulpen

Importance of Strategic HRM – Eric van Vulpen

— How to Develop a Strategic H.R.M Plan

How to create a Strategic HRM plan – Eric van Vulpen

HR Planning – How to Apply Human Resource Planning in Practice.

Compensation and Benefits


Compensation and Benefits 2

Understanding Organisational Design

Module 4: The Recruitment Process


Recruiting in HR

Stages of the Recruitment Process

Talent Acquisition


Job Analysis and Job Descriptions

What is Job Analysis

— Job Description

— Tips for Writing a Good Job Description

Recruitment Strategy

— Advantages and Disadvantages of Recruiting Methods

— Internal Candidates vs. External Candidates


— Costs of Recruitment

Recruitment Lesson – Summary

Module 5 – The Selection Process

Selecting Employees

Overview of the Selection Process

The Interview Process


— The Interviewing Plan & Interview Question Types

— Tips for Effective Interviewing

Selecting and Testing

— Types of Testing Methods

Selecting – Introduction

— Selection Methods

— Making the Offer


Module 6 – Diploma in Human Resources – First Assessment

Module 7 – Training and Development

Training Employees

The Training and Development Process

— The Training and Development Process 2

— In-House Training, Mentoring & External Training.

Types of Training Delivery Methods


Module 8 – Managing Employee Performance

Managing Employee Performance

Types of Performance Appraisals

— Management by Objectives

— Work Standards Approach

— Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (B.A.R.S or BARS)

— Critical Incident Appraisals:

— Graphic Rating Scale

— Checklist Scale

DAY 10

— Ranking

Managing Poor Employee Performance

— Investigation of Performance Issues

— Discipline

Employee Separation

— Employee Resignation

— Employee Termination due to Poor Performance

DAY 11

Managing Poor Employee Performance – Lesson Summary

Module 9 : Organizational Culture

What is Organisational Culture

More Info on Organisational Culture

— Types of Organisational Culture

Managing Change

— Managing Change in the Workplace

— Change Management and Organisational Culture

DAY 12

— Change Strategies

Organizational Culture – Lesson Summary

Module 10: Managing Employee Motivation and Retention

Theories of Motivation

— Theories of Motivation – Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory

— Theories of Motivation: McGregor – Theory X and Theory

— Theories of Motivation : Mayo’s Human Relations Motivation Theory

DAY 13

Management Styles and Employee Motivation

— How to Apply Management Styles

Managing Employee Retention

— Retention Strategies

— Retention Strategies (part2)

Managing Employee Motivation and Retention – Lesson Summary

Module 11: Diploma in Human Resources – Second Assessment

DAY 14

Module 12 – International HR Management

Introduction to Global HR

HRM in a Global Environment

Factors affecting HRM in International Markets

Human Resource Planning in a Global Economy

Selecting Employees in a Global Labor Market

Performance Management across National Boundaries

DAY 15

Compensating an International Workforce

International Labor Relations

Managing Expatriates

You’re the HR Manager now – Congratulations!

HR Specialist Salary Information

Become a Certified Human Resource Manager – READ TILL THE END TO GET CERTIFICATE