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626 thoughts on “What HRM trends do you see coming up in the future?

  1. With the help of artificial intelligence and advanced analytics, HR departments can streamline their processes, improve decision-making, and enhance overall efficiency.

  2. Artificial Intelligence will be a major trend in the nearby future as it will go beyond the Technology expertise in data and analysis down to AI machines doing most of the job of the HRM.

  3. AI and automation are transforming HRM functions, from recruitment and onboarding to performance management and employee engagement.

  4. HRM is up for the post of the only dependable means to run a business smoothly with the help of artificial intelligence

  5. Artificial Intelligence will be a major trend in HRM in the nearest future as it will go beyond the Technology expertise in data and analysis down to AI machines doing most of the job of the HRM.

  6. HRM should upgrade the digitalized strategies in the global world as every organization are moving towards the directions or some are in it already.

  7. The trend in this HR is that, even HR had to upskill to remain relevant. Managing alot of humans needs some professional ethics and if not vast in some area, the personnel might not work according to specifications and the HR will not even be aware.

  8. Some HR Trends will be increase in the impact of data and analytics. HR professionals are now required to build skills they traditionally weren’t very good at. Not many HR professionals needed to access dashboards or have a deep understanding of HR technology a few years ago.

    Automation is also driving digital transformation and is threatening to partially automate many of the more administrative HR jobs. Not only does this mean that the external environment is changing, but so are the skills required for the HR professional

  9. Here are some HRM trends that are expected to come up in the future ¹:
    · Resolving the productivity paradox
    · Tapping into the hidden workforce
    · The point of no return for DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging)
    · HR driving climate change adaptation
    · From silos to solutions
    · HR leans in
    · HR meets PR
    · AI-empowered workforce evolution
    · Shifting work-life balance to work-life fit
    · The end of BS jobs
    · From talent acquisition to talent access

  10. With HRM entering into the digitalised strategies in the global world, every organisation will perform well

  11. HRM will trive with the use of technology as the world is becoming digitalise..I think the future of HRM is secure,cause it plays a major role in an organization both online and offline.

  12. Accessing people for jobs based on skills they have or required rather than educational qualifications
    Working with Gig economy… That’s use of freelancers which are more of Remote jobs
    Use of AI

  13. Remote Jobs are becoming increasingly important nowadays and many modern and even traditional business owners are buying into the Use of online space to expand their business. In this case, HRM will also play a vital role in managing both online and onsite human resources even to the improvement of skills and knowledge to to meet up with the technology demands.

  14. The whole world is becoming more digitised.
    I think the future of HRM will involve more of the use of AI to help in organizing things

  15. HRM will be one of the most important skills in the next couple of years as all companies will eventually need someone who can communicate with the rest of the employees.

    Someone who can monitored, supervised the growth of the company.

    Someone who can placed ideals, nurture all the workers and most importantly encourage them to do better in their respective fields

    The HRM future is good

  16. HRM will no longer be as ot used to be as
    There has been an invent of technology in
    Almost all the activities of live…therefore I believe HR staffs should upskill and be conversant with different technological skills if they must remain relevant in today’s
    Work as a HRM.

  17. Nicole

    These trends indicate a shift towards more flexible, inclusive, and technology-driven HR practices aimed at enhancing employee experience, organizational effectiveness, and adaptability in a rapidly changing world of work.

  18. Tender
    In the realm of Human Resource Management (HRM), several trends are likely to shape the future of work. Here are some prominent ones:

    1. **Remote Work and Hybrid Models**: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote work. In the future, organizations are likely to embrace hybrid work models where employees have the flexibility to work from both office and remote locations. HRM will need to develop policies and practices that support this hybrid workforce effectively.

    2. **Employee Well-being and Mental Health**: There is increasing recognition of the importance of employee well-being and mental health. HRM will focus more on initiatives that promote work-life balance, stress management, and mental health support.

    3. **Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)**: Companies are prioritizing DEI initiatives to create inclusive workplaces. HRM will play a crucial role in implementing strategies that foster diversity, ensure equity, and promote inclusivity across all levels of the organization.

    4. **Digital Transformation**: HRM processes are becoming increasingly digitalized, from recruitment and onboarding to performance management and learning and development. The future will see continued investment in HR technology (HR Tech) to streamline processes and enhance employee experience.

    5. **Skills Development and Lifelong Learning**: Continuous learning and upskilling are critical as job roles evolve due to technological advancements. HRM will focus on creating learning cultures within organizations, offering opportunities for employees to acquire new skills and adapt to changing job requirements.

    6. **Data-Driven HR**: HR analytics and people analytics are becoming essential for data-driven decision-making. In the future, HRM will increasingly rely on data to understand employee engagement, performance trends, retention drivers, and other critical metrics.

    7. **Agile HR Practices**: Agile methodologies, popular in software development, are being adapted by HRM for more flexible and responsive ways of working. Agile HR allows organizations to quickly adapt to changes and opportunities in the market.

    8. **Remote Employee Engagement**: With remote and hybrid work arrangements becoming more prevalent, HRM will focus on strategies to keep remote employees engaged, connected, and motivated.

    9. **Ethical AI and Automation**: As AI and automation are integrated into HR processes, there will be a growing emphasis on ensuring these technologies are used ethically and responsibly, without bias or discrimination.

    10. **Gig Economy and Contingent Workforce**: The gig economy continues to grow, and organizations are increasingly hiring contingent workers. HRM will need to develop policies and practices that effectively manage this diverse workforce.

    These trends indicate a shift towards more flexible, inclusive, and technology-driven HR practices aimed at enhancing employee experience, organizational effectiveness, and adaptability in a rapidly changing world of work.

  19. We have new trends coming up that might no longer include we humans to be in any workspace. These includes: AI- it is now being increasingly used for tasks like Resume screening, employee performance analysis, etc.
    – Data driven HR
    HR-tech and digital transformation
    All these trends indicates a shift towards more strategic technology driven solutions and employee centric HR-practices

  20. The world is getting more digitised.

    So future HRM will be more involved in the use of AI which is helping society and organisations in this day’s activities.

  21. I see the following trends evolve in HR.
    * As AI is taking most of the jobs, companies needs to invest in career development programs and reskilling as it makes the employees stand best in the market.
    * HR departments needs to be Data-driven people wherein making use of analytics tools and make informed strategic decisions.
    * Also, the Equity is the major factor that plays a role and HR professionals should focus on Diversion, Equity, inclusion as it remains to be critical.
    * Along with technical skills, HR has to focus on soft skills as always such as “Creativity, adaptability, Communication”.

  22. The future trends of HRM includes: Japa syndrome, Gen z and Millennials taking over, remote work culture, diversity and inclusion, and life -work balance instead of work -life balance.

  23. I think another trend is the Machine Learning based automation of repetitive tasks, such as grading quizzes, tracking progress, or providing feedback.

  24. I think virtual HR personnel will increase and then leading to more diversity and inclusion factors which could enhance the organization globalization policies and market as well

  25. Onibokun Adetona Oluwaseun*team 8

    The future is right here in our face with the introduction of Artificial intelligence and machine learning tools. Human resources management will become more easy to workforce and more information and research will be open for jobs improvement and productivity.

  26. I think they will be more emphasis and thoughts giving to employee wellness and overall wellbeing especially in the area of mental health. With the growth of remote/hybrid work, most remote workers tend to spend their time alone with little to no form of human interaction which may lead to depression. As humans, we are naturally social beings who crave community and interaction. Working remotely has already defeated that purpose, hence the need for some form of effort on the part of HR to introduce a holistic wellness scheme as part of employee Compensation and benefits.

    I also believe that in the near future, most organizations would embrace employee diversity and inclusion in all forms especially organizations that are currently averse to the concept.

  27. 1. Improved HR managers technology dynamics by the introduction of Artificial Intelligence

    2. Working remotely by the introduction of Virtual Human Resource Management activities

  28. I think one of the trend we should expect in future is Change Management : Change management is a systematic process aimed at helping individuals and organizations adapt to shifts in goals, processes or technologies.

  29. – Hybrid work model: A flexible work model that allows employees to work remotely and in the office is expected to grow to 81% by 2024.
    – Generative AI: Generative AI is expected to enhance HR processes like talent acquisition, employee engagement and workforce management.
    – Human leadership: Human-centric leadership that prioritizes communication, teamwork and employee recognition is becoming more prominent.
    – Predictive analytics: Predictive analytics is becoming a game-changer in HR, enabling professionals to manage employees proactively.
    – Change management: Change management is becoming more important than ever, with companies needing to adapt to shifts in goals, processes or technologies.
    – People analytics: People analytics is becoming crucial in HR, enabling companies to enhance business performance and employee experience.
    – Employee well-being: Employee well-being is becoming a priority, with companies needing to address workplace burnout and enhance mental well-being.
    – Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI): DEI initiatives are gaining momentum, with companies committing to foster more inclusive workplaces.

  30. Some of the trends in HRM I’m expecting to shape the future includes:

    1. Artificial Intelligence and Automation

    2. Data-driven HR

    3. Gig Economy and Contingent Workforce

    4. HR Technology Integration

    5. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

  31. The future trends I see are:
    1. AI automation: With the increase in technology, AI will be used for even more performance tracking and feedback.
    2. Flexible work life: a well-planned hybrid work opportunity that would enable HR personnel to have a better work-life balance. 

  32. Advanced HR effectiveness and efficiency that would result from a combination of knowledge, skills and Artificial intelligence abilities.

  33. A future trend I see in HR is a growing system that allows HR to seat with board members and make important decisions that involves the overall welfare of human resources.

  34. Skills Development and Reskilling : HR will focus on continuous learning and upskilling are becoming essential due to technology advancements and evolving jobs roles.

  35. HR will soon become a remote job whereby anyone with knowledge of data analytics will continue to be relevant.

  36. It is important to upgrade ones skill and competence to remain valuable to the business industry. Therefore, skill in data analytics and other fields will become a neccesity.

  37. Automation and Digital transformation are Future trend in HR because, the world is going digital, thus, there’s need for HRM to step up his/her digital skills.

  38. In the nearest future the future trends of working remotely,automation as a way of digital transformation due to increase in the impact of data and analytics as come to stay with more of it as technology advancement rolls out.

  39. I think HRM personnel should have an impact on newly employed workers so as to achieve organizational goals and objective

  40. A future trend I think will be AI in comparison with human labor, as well as the inclusion of data analysis

  41. The emergence of AI-driven HR analytics for data-informed decision-making and a heightened focus on remote work policies and flexible work arrangements for enhanced employee satisfaction and productivity.

  42. During my formative years as a communicator, I found immense satisfaction in articulating ideas, particularly in an educational role where individuals actively absorb knowledge. Leveraging my persuasive skills as a project manager, alongside the assistance of DEXA, will significantly enhance my rapport with potential clients and colleagues, instilling confidence in my decision-making abilities.

  43. On the current trends in labor force and how its affect the HRM of the firm, the current and ever increasing use of Artificial Intelligence, AI, to replace human as labor force wouldn’t it likely dwindle the function and importance of HRM in a firm?.

  44. 1. prioritizing team work and collaboration.
    2. Investing in people.
    3. Encouraging feedback.
    4. Recognizing hard works, giving rewards and compliments.

  45. I believe that the gig economy will continue to grow,with more companies using a mix of full time employees and independent contractors

  46. I foresee a more flexible and friendly work environment,where the opinions and inputs of the employees will be factored into by the organization.
    And also the emergence of Artificial intelligence in the HR department.

  47. Human resources (HR) trends influence the practices and techniques that companies use to meet employee needs, add value to the business and align specific functions with commercial demands.

  48. The Emergence of AI in the field of HR is another trend that will be looked up to and automation

  49. Engaging employees efficiently, fostering daily virtual interactions for remote employees, providing training and career development opportunities and regularly checking employee mental health.

  50. Engaging employees efficiently, fostering daily virtual interactions for remote employees, providing training and career development opportunities regularly checking employee mental health.

  51. I see the adoption of more flexible work arrangements, including hybrid models and fully remote setups. Remote work policies been designed to meet the needs of both employees and employers, balancing flexibility and productivity while leveraging on technology to enable remote collaboration and communication.

  52. In the world of AI the trend I see coming is the upskills and re-skill. Personal development is important for one to be relevant and effective in the world to come.

  53. As the word advances with technology, Artificial intelligence And Predictive analytics will dominate, also simplifying data and decision making will become easy And simple

  54. The world is evolving therefore companies must make firm strategies for the future include engaging employees efficiently, fostering daily virtual interactions for remote employees, providing training and career development opportunities and regularly checking employee mental health.

  55. Task and industry specific human capital; HR will be able to contribute more and fixed value in the job and industry and they can help differentiate ideal by bring two peoples work together

  56. Agile Workforce and Gig Economy:

    The gig economy is likely to continue growing, leading to a more agile workforce with a combination of full-time employees, freelancers, and contract workers. HRM will need to adapt to manage this diverse workforce effectively.

  57. One emerging trend in HRM (Human Resource Management) is the increasing focus on employee well-being and mental health support. This includes initiatives such as flexible work arrangements, mindfulness programs, and mental health resources to support employees’ overall wellness. Additionally, leveraging technology for remote work and talent management is likely to continue evolving.

  58. Continuous Learning and Reskilling: Rapid technological advancements are leading to skill obsolescence. HRM will focus on upskilling and reskilling efforts to keep employees relevant amid changing job requirements. Personalized learning and development plans, on-the-job training, and collaboration with educational institutions may become common practices.

  59. The HR trend I see coming up is the upskill/ reskill on Products management, Data analysis and Artificial intelligence. HRM are expected to have an insight knowledge of the above mention as they are required to have full interpretation of their influence on human capital and also gear up the company’s competitive advantage over it’s competitors by forecasting possible output from their input performances

  60. Data-drive decision making, continuous learning and ups killing, diversity, equity, and inclusion, crisis management

  61. The first trend is HR tends to ensure sustainable employment in the future, hence improving on their skills on HR dashboard.
    Lastly, they tends to assist an organization by indicating the relevant positions of employee which will aid the growth of the organization.

  62. I see the future of HRM operating in more advanced technologies, Leveraging more use of Artificial intelligence (Ai) to achieve goals .

  63. The future trend of Human Resource is more of the emergence of task and industrial specific human capital and also AI – Assistance

  64. The future trend of Human resources is by embracing Al and Automation and also implementing of policies that prevent discrimination and embrace diversity and provide equal growth and opportunities for every employee.

  65. AI-Assisted, Data Driven HR Work flows
    An AI assisted, data driven workflows are revolutionizing the way organizations manage their human resources. With the help of artificial intelligence and advanced analytics, HR departments can streamline their processes, improve decision making to enhance and engage overall performance.

    The HR will embrace diversity and also cultivate an inclusive and equitable work place by providing equal growth opportunities.

    Elevating employee experience is another trend where employees will not only want a good paycheck but a quality culture and healthy work environment

  66. with the evolution of HR trends, i see HRM improving the support being rendered for remote work and hiring as well as upgrading processes with AI and Automation

  67. The globalization is a trend I see coming up much more in the future. Seriously, the traditional way HR was used to before now is quiet different from the whole remote stuff. And now aside pandemic, insecurities is creating more room for the remote kind of opportunities.

  68. As a unique HR that want to grow an organization, I must be diversical in nature to master the global trends in the technological in this 21st century.

  69. Prior to the fact that organizations are now embracing AI systems, I believe this will make HR jobs more fully automated but the downside towards this is that it reduces a whole lot of human effort which in turn means a slight increase in unemployment.

  70. The hr trend associated with utomation, i realise as technology advances, every administration duties will most likely be substituted with ai or other intelligence

  71. The foremost emerging trends in the nearest future is that HRM functions and activities would become digitalized and required more software and applications to get the tasks done. then one can work remotely.

  72. Artificial Intelligence and Remote Work are the foremost emerging trends in Human Resource Management.

  73. If HR are giving more free hands to be more strategic, they will help organizations achieve major wins in the future.

  74. As the HR landscape evolves, companies must remain agile and responsive. Strategies for the future include engaging employees efficiently, fostering daily virtual interactions for remote employees, providing training and career development opportunities and regularly checking employee mental health.

  75. The integration of artificial intelligence and robots in the workplace indeed poses challenges for traditional HRM practices. Remote working environments add another layer of complexity, requiring HRM to adapt to managing teams in different contexts and time frames. Understanding individual challenges becomes more challenging with distance. Adaptation and innovation in HRM strategies will be crucial to effectively navigate these trends and ensure the well-being and productivity of remote workers.

  76. HRM will prioritize employee well-being by offering support services, promoting work-life balance, and implementing wellness programs to address physical, mental, and emotional health needs.
    HRM will prioritize enhancing the employee experience by personalizing interactions, improving communication channels, and creating positive workplace environments that foster engagement and loyalty.

  77. Culture management can affect future trends of HRM. How to integrate people’s belief system and still maintain organisational policies will be a challenge.

  78. Engaging more and improving support for remote work and hiring and also increasing inclusion, diversity and equity changes

  79. More trends like freelance gig in HRM, remote and hybrid mode of work is the new normal of work thanks to AI.

  80. Advancement in HR technology especially with HR bots, more seamless automations. Inclusion and Diversity in remote workplaces. More flexibility in delivering tasks.

  81. As remote work becomes more prevalent, HRM will focus on optimizing virtual collaboration, employee engagement, and well-being.

  82. Advancement in AI technology, Remote technology, equity and inclusion process trends and also digital policies.

    1. HRM that is likely to emerge in the future is Remote work policies: as remote work becomes more common, HR will focus on developing and implementing policies to support distributed teams effectively.

  83. HRM that is likely to emerge in the future is Remote work policies: as remote work becomes more common, HR will focus on developing and implementing policies to support distributed teams effectively.

  84. Advancements in HR technology, including AI, machine learning, and automation, will reshape HRM practices. From streamlining administrative tasks to enhancing candidate sourcing and selection processes, innovative HR technologies will continue to transform the HR landscape and also Lifelong learning is becoming essential in today’s rapidly evolving work environment. HRM will play a crucial role in facilitating continuous learning opportunities for employees, whether through formal training programs, mentorship initiatives, or online learning platforms.

  85. With the advancement in technology, I see the position of HR really expanding beyond where it is now.

  86. Agile HR: I see HRM practices becoming more agile adaptive to meet changing business needs and talent demands.

  87. HRM future trend would be employment of artificial intelligence and robot to do the job of HR.

    A remote working environment that will eradicate the importance of HRM office

  88. Employment of Artificial intelligence and robots, will replace the normal HRM practices and it will be difficult for HRM to navigate that trend.
    A remote working environment that will be hard to know how to manage and put into practice of HRM activities since people will be working in a different context, and time frame and facing different individual challenges which will sometime be unknown due to distance

  89. Expecting more strategic HRM where local and traditional organizations will properly includes in their board of trustees for proper management of upskills and reskills for the organisational growth

  90. In the current era, a significant portion of jobs, particularly in the technological realm, is conducted remotely. Consequently, recruitment processes are likely to follow suit, emerging as a future trend aimed at easing the workload for human resource managers and enhancing efficiency by saving time during the recruitment period.

  91. “What HRM trends do you see coming up in the future?”
    1. Employment of Artificial intelligence and robots, will replace the normal HRM practices and it will be difficult for HRM to navigate that trend.
    2. a remote working environment that will be hard to know how to manage and put into practice of HRM activities since people will be working in a different context, and time frame and facing different individual challenges which will sometime be unknown due to distance

  92. Remote work and flexible work arrangement.
    Remote talent acquisition and onboarding
    Remote Leadership Development

  93. The HRM trends I see coming up in the future has to do with the numerous aging workforce in most western countries. If this trend continuous, there could possibly be a shortage of human resources (personnel, workforce) and the use of artificial intelligence to help out in some strategic aspects of an organization would drastically increase.

    Also, the pandemic and post pandemic era possibility to work remotely could result to a reality where HRM may have the challenge to build a strong organizational culture and communication given that each one they hire can work from any location. I think that an organizational culture can easily be built, nurtured and harnessed to fruition when employees really get to interact with each other in person and not virtually as it has become the case from the pandemic and post pandemic era in some organization where some employees have the chance to work from home and rarely go to work together with other employees in the same organization.

  94. What I love most about HR is the use of Data for making insightful decisions( Human Resource Analytics)

    I also love the new trends like AI+HR, Diversity and Inclusion, Human Resource Information System e.t.c.

    I also love the growth of remote work

  95. What effects will these changes have on how people work in the future and what HR professionals do?

    How can businesses improve their human capital strategy by utilising these changes?

  96. 1. Agile HR Practices: HRM will adopt agile methodologies to adapt quickly to changing business environments and market dynamics, enabling organizations to respond effectively to emerging challenges and opportunities.
    2. Ai and Automation
    3. Remote Work Optimization

  97. Other future trend which might include:
    1. Diversification
    2. The use of artificial intelligence (Al)
    3. Strong work force balance remotely

  98. With Trends coming up in HRM, l agree totally with your submision, but l forsee a surge in Freelancers, Automation and Artificial Intelligience as well as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI).

  99. The HRM for the future is full implementation of social inclusion in the work environment. Thank you

  100. Emerging Trend in HRM is Remote Work Policies
    The advent of the COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted how we work. One of the most prominent shifts is a change in attitudes towards on-site work policies. Many organizations have successfully adopted hybrid or fully remote work models. Hence, HR professionals need to prioritize refining remote work policies and procedures. The focus should be on effectively supporting remote teams in key areas like work-life balance, communication, and productivity measurement.

  101. The changes of lifestyle of human has now make things to be different as we expected. Therefore the HRM trend that contributed in olden days during or after the first and second world war. It will also trend as global resolution of many issue that lead on crisis globally.

  102. I see other course not relating with HRM comparing
    HRM need to look above the table, files and record , an go for what employee can add value to the organization.
    Also HRM need only not focus human resource but both material and financial resources

  103. Flexible working: In the future, which is also now, HR will be more flexible.

    Diversity: inclusion, and equity. The benefits of a diverse workforce are not a secret anymore. Most companies are implementing D&I policies

  104. The future trend that I see in HRM (Human Resource Management) is remote work practices will increase. HR professionals will need to adapt to diverse work situations and develop effective strategies for managing remote teams.

  105. The future looks brighter for HR towards trending or matching experiences of workforce who had similar exposure with capacity to excel effectively and efficiently.

    Moreso, the challenge of aging workforce would witness a dynamic upskill or retraining of workers whose skillset are not presently relevant in this age.

    Besides, the World of human capital engagement is fast becoming flexible and since the world has become a global village for the global workers where the COVID-19 pandemic had gracefully and fast embracing the new culture of working from home side by side with the traditional physical workspace.

    Finally,building skills that are amenable to data gathering and analysis is a foremost trend that could also shape or reinvent the HR professionals to be tech complaints

  106. The future trend i see is the more frequent use of Artificial intelligence and Robotics to perform most HR duties in the achievement of the organizational goals

  107. With the rapid pace of technological advancements, companies will invest more in continuous learning and development programs to upskill and reskill their workforce.

  108. Remote Work and Flexible Work Arrangements. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift towards remote work, and many organizations are likely to continue offering flexible work options to their employees. HRM will need to adapt to managing remote teams effectively, ensuring productivity, engagement, and work-life balance.
    Also, data driven HR. The use of data analytics and HR technologies for decision-making is expected to become more prevalent. HRM will leverage data to assess employee performance, engagement, and retention, as well as to inform strategic workforce planning.

  109. First I would like to say the class was an eye opener and it was interesting while going through it.

    Future trends that I see coming up in the future are data analytics and automation. These two will play a great role in the future of HRM as the work space is changing by the day and as such the HRM would need to pace in that direction as well so as not to be left out.

  110. HRM will be able to create a technology that test people’s IQ and the way they can contribute to an organization before hiring them.

  111. Here are some HRM trends that I anticipate may continue to gain prominence in the future:
    1. Focus on employee well being
    2. Diversity, Equity and inclusion
    3. Digital transformation
    4. Skill development and lifelong learning

  112. One emerging trend in HRM (Human Resource Management) is the focus on employee well-being and mental health support, including initiatives like remote work flexibility, mental health days, and access to counseling services.

  113. HRM will continue to leverage technology for tasks such as recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and employee engagement. AI and analytics will play a greater role in decision-making and workforce planning.

    As automation and AI are trending, HRM will need to focus on upskilling and reskilling employees to ensure they have the skills needed for the future.

  114. Strategies for the future include engaging employees efficiently, fostering daily virtual interactions for remote employees, providing training and career development opportunities and regularly checking employee mental health.

  115. Focus on Employee Well-being and Mental Health: With increased awareness and destigmatization of mental health issues, HRM is expected to prioritize employee well-being and mental health support. This could involve offering counseling services, mental health days, mindfulness programs, and creating a supportive work environment where employees feel comfortable discussing mental health concerns.

  116. 1. Digital Transformation: HRM will continue to leverage technology for tasks such as recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and employee engagement. AI and analytics will play a greater role in decision-making and workforce planning.

    2. Skills Development and Lifelong Learning: As automation and AI reshape the nature of work, HRM will need to focus on upskilling and reskilling employees to ensure they have the skills needed for the future.

  117. My name is Ogar Prince Ogar. I will be mentioning 2 other ways we the HRMs can strategized to remain valuable in future in addition to what my tutor has rightly said.
    1.Focus on Employee Well-being and Mental Health: With increased awareness and destigmatization of mental health issues, HRM is expected to prioritize employee well-being and mental health support. This could involve offering counseling services, mental health days, mindfulness programs, and creating a supportive work environment where employees feel comfortable discussing mental health concerns.

    2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives: Companies are placing a greater emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. HRM will need to implement comprehensive DEI strategies to attract and retain diverse talent, mitigate biases in recruitment and performance management processes, and foster an inclusive culture where all employees feel valued and respected..

  118. I expect that there should be an increased on employees well-being and mental health in terms of occupational health and more use of technology im HRM

  119. Future trend is the take over of the industry by Artificial intelligence (AI) which has gradually begun and which is going to lead to a high unemployment rate in the nearest future.

  120. HR professionals will focus on employee retention by building employees’ skills rather than just filling roles

  121. In the nearest future I see Human resource managers working online from the comfort of their homes haven connected to the people or company online

  122. The future trend I see in the future is that HRMs would need to unskill by learning some tech skill.
    I enjoyed the lecture.

  123. One major future trend I see is the upskill of technology in all spheres of the organisation, as HRM is an integral part in any organization

  124. As the world is advancing in technology, HR managers will need to learn some of tech skills to fit into the advancement…

  125. Upskilling and Reskilling With rapid technological advancements and changing job roles, there is a growing need for upskilling and reskilling employees. Future HRM trends may involve implementing development programs to help employees acquire new skills, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and promoting career growth opportunities within the organization

  126. In the future, we can expect to see an increased focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion(DEI), with organizations prioritizing diverse hiring practices, inclusive leadership development, and accountability for driving meaningful change.

  127. Human resource managers/professionals will have to fully understand and implement technology such as Artificial Intelligence and so on. The world is going global and everything is changing.

  128. One of the future trend I see coming is the Data and Analytical trend because it goes a long way in decision making.

  129. Artificial intelligence and Advanced analytics can help the HRM to streamline their processes, improve decision-making and enhance overall efficiency.

  130. One future trend I see coming is succession planning. Most organizations today are prioritizing succession and involve in training of staff pending when there is a need to fill a strategic position in the organization.

  131. One of the Future Trend that won’t be left out ,is the AI and technology which wil relvolute various aspect of Human Resources from the recruitment and onboarding to performance management and employees engagement..

  132. One future trend in HRM is placing importance on employee’s overall wellbeing, especially as it concerns mental health. This is because the mental health of an individual determines how productive they will be and how well they will contribute to the growth of the organization

  133. HRM will do more and more in the future and help people out on how to manage rightly and also help organization manage their shares and resources properly

  134. The emergence of task and industry-specific human capital will be the future trend and a remote job control

  135. With the global trend, ict, and more, I forsee the scaling of HRM focusing more on human capital development, as well as the use of artificial intelligence and remote job control

  136. With the widespread adoption of remote work, I foresee HRM will focus on optimizing remote work policies, employee engagement, and virtual team management.

  137. That should be setting the hybrid work model for collaboration,generative AI to Enhance HR process and change Management

  138. HRM has so much envolved in line with best practices. But in the nearest future i foresee a more robust HRM Practices that are digitally driven. An HRM that focuses on employee mental health in other to drive overall productivity of the workforce.

  139. Challenges of volatility and uncertainty affect the organization’s mandate as follows:
    I) Market volatility: Price Fluctuation and Increase in input cost. This will affect farmers/ producers in the area of budget and planning
    ii) Weather volatility: such as Climate change like drought, floods etc and changes in growing seasons, there’s an increase in the length of growing some crops.
    iii) Policy uncertainty: Changes in trade policies and tariffs, regulatory changes too
    iv)Global economic uncertainty: Changes in currency exchange rate and increase in consumer demand
    v) Technological uncertainty: Adoption and use of new technologies and so on

  140. In a federal organization where I work that strives to increase agricultural production to combat the problem of food security and malnutrition as a sustainable development goal for the country, global issues as mentioned in the above study will have both positive and negative effects on the organization or project to be executed. For instance, Technological advancements in agriculture such as precision farming, automated machinery, and genetically modified crops, can enhance productivity, efficiency, and yield. These innovations may lead to sustainable farming practices and produce more with fewer resources. However, dependence on technology can create a digital divide, where farmers struggle to compete without access to modern tools and information.
    Secondly, Increased awareness of environmental issues can lead to the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices, focusing on conservation and biodiversity. Farmers may implement measures to mitigate the impact of climate change, such as water conservation and soil management practices. On the other hand, extreme weather issues, changing climate patterns, and environmental degradation can directly harm crop yields and livestock. Increased frequency of droughts, floods, or pest infestations can threaten food production, leading to shortages and higher prices. Also, the influence of agriculture on environmental issues, such as deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions cannot be overemphasised.

  141. The lecture was so impacting and am learning alots.
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    Thank you

  142. the use of Chat GPT to create questions for engagement surveys, analyze and also the implementations of AI assistant could even support more ‘proactive’ aspects of HR and allow HR teams to make a real difference to the culture of an organization. But i believe that this will make HRM work more artificial and also reduce manpower.

  143. The most important factor for them is the goal of the projects… They used several strategies ranging from communication, collaboration, mini meetings, negotiations etc to keep the projects on track. They would have acted differently as they would have strategically envisioned the occurrence of such issues and put contingency plans in place at the planning stage of the project

  144. ANSWER 1: The primary functions and responsibilities of an HR manager within an organization include:

    1. Recruitment and Selection: HR managers are responsible for sourcing, attracting, and hiring the right talent for the organization. For example, they may design job descriptions, conduct interviews, and make hiring decisions, ensuring that the workforce meets the organization’s needs and goals.

    2. Training and Development: HR managers oversee employee training and development programs to enhance skills and knowledge. For instance, they may organize workshops, seminars, or online courses to upskill employees, leading to a more competent and productive workforce.

    3. Performance Management: HR managers establish performance evaluation systems and provide feedback to employees to improve their performance. This could involve conducting regular performance reviews, setting goals, and recognizing or rewarding outstanding performance, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and accountability.

    4. Employee Relations: HR managers handle employee relations issues, such as conflicts, grievances, or disciplinary actions, to maintain a harmonious work environment. They might mediate disputes, enforce company policies, and ensure fair treatment of all employees, fostering trust and loyalty within the workforce.

    5. Compensation and Benefits: HR managers design and administer compensation and benefits packages to attract and retain top talent. For example, they may conduct salary surveys, negotiate with vendors for benefit offerings, and ensure compliance with labor laws, contributing to employee satisfaction and retention.

    6. HR Policies and Procedures: HR managers develop and implement HR policies and procedures to ensure compliance with legal requirements and align with organizational objectives. This could involve drafting employee handbooks, updating policies as needed, and communicating changes effectively, promoting consistency and fairness across the organization.

    7. Workforce Planning: HR managers forecast future workforce needs and develop strategies to address them. For instance, they may analyze demographic trends, anticipate skill gaps, and devise recruitment or training plans accordingly, enabling the organization to adapt to changing business conditions effectively.

    1 B)Overall, these responsibilities contribute to effective human resource management by ensuring that the organization has the right people with the right skills in the right roles, fostering a positive work culture, and aligning HR practices with the organization’s strategic goals for sustained success.

    ANSWER 2.Communication plays a pivotal role in human resource management (HRM) as it facilitates the exchange of information, ideas, and feedback between employees, managers, and other stakeholders within an organization. Here’s how effective communication contributes to the success of HRM practices:

    1. Employee Engagement and Morale: Clear and transparent communication from HR fosters a positive work environment, encourages trust, and boosts employee morale. When employees feel informed and involved, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated.

    2. Performance Management:Effective communication ensures that employees understand their roles, responsibilities, and performance expectations. Regular feedback sessions enable constructive discussions about performance, development areas, and career progression, leading to improved performance management outcomes.

    3. Conflict Resolution: Open communication channels allow HR to address conflicts and grievances promptly. By providing a platform for employees to express their concerns and grievances, HR can mitigate conflicts before they escalate, maintaining a harmonious work environment.

    4. Change Management: In times of organizational change or restructuring, transparent communication is crucial for managing uncertainties and allaying employees’ concerns. Clear communication about the reasons for change, its impact, and the way forward helps employees adapt to change more effectively.

    5. Talent Acquisition and Retention: Effective communication enhances employer branding and helps attract top talent. Furthermore, clear communication about career advancement opportunities, benefits, and company culture contributes to employee retention efforts.

    2B)Challenges that may arise in the absence of clear communication in HRM practices include:

    1. Misunderstandings: Lack of clarity in communication can lead to misunderstandings, confusion, and misinterpretation of policies, procedures, and expectations, resulting in decreased productivity and morale.

    2. Low Employee Engagement: Without effective communication channels, employees may feel disconnected from the organization, leading to low engagement levels, absenteeism, and turnover.

    3. Increased Conflict: Poor communication can exacerbate conflicts and grievances among employees, teams, and management, leading to disruptions in workflow and decreased team cohesion.

    4. Resistance to Change:In the absence of clear communication about organizational changes, employees may resist change due to uncertainty or fear of the unknown, hindering the implementation of new initiatives or strategies.

    5. Legal Risks: Inadequate communication about HR policies, procedures, and legal requirements can expose the organization to legal risks, such as discrimination lawsuits or labor disputes.

    In summary, effective communication is integral to the success of HRM practices as it promotes employee engagement, facilitates performance management, resolves conflicts, manages change, and enhances talent acquisition and retention. Clear communication helps overcome challenges such as misunderstandings, low engagement, conflicts, resistance to change, and legal risks, ultimately contributing to a positive and productive work environment.

    ANSWER 3: Developing a comprehensive compensation plan involves several steps to ensure that it aligns with market trends, maintains internal equity, and motivates employees. Here’s an outline of the steps involved:

    1. Conduct Market Analysis: Research market trends and industry benchmarks to understand prevailing compensation practices for similar roles in your geographical location and industry. This analysis helps ensure that your compensation plan remains competitive and attractive to prospective employees.

    2. Define Job Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly define job roles and responsibilities within your organization to establish a framework for evaluating internal equity. Job evaluations can be conducted to assess the relative worth of different positions based on factors such as skill requirements, experience, and responsibilities.

    3. Establish Salary Structures: Develop salary structures that reflect the market value of each job role while maintaining internal equity. This may involve creating salary ranges or bands based on factors such as job level, experience, and performance.

    4. Consider Variable Pay Components: In addition to base salaries, consider incorporating variable pay components such as bonuses, incentives, or profit-sharing schemes to motivate employees and reward performance. Variable pay can be tied to individual, team, or organizational performance goals.

    5. Review Benefits and Perks: Evaluate the benefits and perks offered as part of the compensation package, such as health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, and professional development opportunities. Ensure that these benefits are competitive and aligned with employee needs and preferences.

    6. Communicate the Compensation Plan: Transparent communication is essential to ensure that employees understand the components of the compensation plan, how their compensation is determined, and the organization’s rationale behind it. Provide opportunities for employees to ask questions and seek clarification about their compensation.

    7. Monitor and Adjust as Needed: Regularly review and update the compensation plan to reflect changes in market conditions, organizational priorities, and employee feedback. Monitor key metrics such as employee turnover, engagement, and satisfaction to assess the effectiveness of the compensation plan and make adjustments as needed.

    3B)Example Case Study:

    Mary’s Company, a technology startup, is developing a comprehensive compensation plan for its employees. They begin by conducting a market analysis to benchmark salaries for software engineers in their region and industry. Based on the market data, they establish salary structures with competitive base salaries and variable pay components tied to individual and company performance goals.

    To maintain internal equity, Mary’s Company defines clear job roles and responsibilities for software engineers at different levels, such as junior, mid-level, and senior. They conduct job evaluations to ensure that compensation reflects the relative worth of each role within the organization.

    In addition to base salaries, Mary’s Company offers a range of benefits and perks, including health insurance, stock options, flexible work arrangements, and ongoing training and development opportunities.

    The company communicates the compensation plan to employees through regular meetings, email updates, and an employee handbook. They encourage open dialogue and feedback from employees to address any questions or concerns about compensation.

    Mary’s Company monitors key metrics such as employee turnover and satisfaction to assess the effectiveness of the compensation plan. Based on feedback and market trends, they make adjustments to the plan as needed to ensure that it remains competitive and aligned with employee needs and organizational goals.

    ANSWER 4: Mary’s Recruitment Process:

    1. Job Analysis and Planning:
    – Significance: This stage involves analyzing the organization’s staffing needs, identifying job requirements, and planning the recruitment process accordingly. It ensures that the recruitment efforts are aligned with the organization’s goals and that the right talent is targeted for acquisition.

    2. Sourcing Candidates:
    – Significance: Sourcing candidates involves attracting potential applicants through various channels such as job boards, social media, referrals, and recruitment agencies. It ensures a diverse pool of candidates and increases the chances of finding the best fit for the job.

    3. Screening and Shortlisting:
    – Significance: Screening and shortlisting involve reviewing resumes, conducting initial interviews, and assessing candidates’ qualifications and fit for the role. This stage helps filter out unqualified candidates and identifies those who meet the job requirements, saving time and resources in the selection process.

    4. Interviewing:
    – Significance: Interviews provide an opportunity to evaluate candidates’ skills, experience, and cultural fit with the organization. Different interview formats, such as behavioral interviews or technical assessments, help assess candidates’ suitability for the role and ensure alignment with organizational values and objectives.

    5. Assessment and Evaluation:
    – Significance: Assessments, such as skills tests, personality assessments, or reference checks, provide additional insights into candidates’ capabilities and suitability for the role. They help verify qualifications, validate interview findings, and ensure that the selected candidate possesses the necessary skills and attributes for success.

    6. Offer and Negotiation:
    – Significance: Making a job offer involves presenting a competitive compensation package and negotiating terms with the selected candidate. A well-crafted offer ensures that the organization can attract top talent and secure their commitment to joining the team.

    7. Onboarding:
    – Significance: Onboarding is the process of integrating new hires into the organization and providing them with the necessary tools, information, and support to succeed in their roles. Effective onboarding ensures a smooth transition for new employees and sets the stage for long-term engagement and retention.

    7 B) Each stage of the recruitment process plays a critical role in ensuring the acquisition of the right talent for an organization. From defining job requirements to onboarding new hires, every step contributes to identifying, attracting, and selecting candidates who possess the skills, experience, and cultural fit needed to drive organizational success. By following a structured recruitment process, organizations can minimize hiring risks, improve retention rates, and build a talented workforce that supports their strategic objectives.

  145. In the realm of HR, I foresee several trends emerging in the near future. Firstly, there will likely be a continued emphasis on employee well-being and mental health support, as organizations recognize the importance of fostering a positive work environment. Additionally, remote work and hybrid work models will persist, prompting HR departments to refine their strategies for managing distributed teams and maintaining employee engagement. Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives will also remain at the forefront, with companies prioritizing efforts to create more inclusive workplaces. Lastly, the use of technology, such as AI and automation, will continue to reshape HR processes, streamlining tasks like recruitment, onboarding, and performance management.

  146. Remote work & flexibility
    2. Data Driven decision making
    3. Advanced Employee Experience
    4. Digital transformation
    Sustainability & Corporate social Responsibility…….

  147. While I don’t have real-time updates, as of my last knowledge update in January 2022, I can provide insights into some HRM trends that were anticipated to shape the future of Human Resource Management (HRM). Keep in mind that the evolution of trends may have continued beyond my last update. Here are some trends that were gaining traction:

    Remote Work and Hybrid Models:

    The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote work. Even as things return to normal, many organizations were expected to continue with remote or hybrid work models. HRM would focus on strategies for managing distributed teams effectively, fostering collaboration, and maintaining employee engagement in virtual environments.
    Employee Well-being:

    Organizations were increasingly recognizing the importance of employee well-being. HRM trends were shifting towards creating supportive environments, offering mental health resources, and implementing policies that prioritize work-life balance.
    Digital Transformation:

    The integration of technology into HR processes, known as HR Tech, was on the rise. Automation of repetitive tasks, the use of AI for recruitment and employee management, and the implementation of data analytics for better decision-making were expected to become more prevalent.
    Focus on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI):

    Organizations were placing a stronger emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. HRM was expected to play a crucial role in fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace, including fair hiring practices, training programs, and ongoing evaluation of policies.

  148. The sessions has been impactful so far so the HR trend I see coming up in the future is the data and analytics trend

  149. This has been very enlightening so far, I particularly learnt the evolving nature of human resource management and how important it is to keep up with this nature like knowing the strategic differentiators

  150. From the generation quest and ability to look ahead, The Human Resources Management soon becoming Artificial Intelligence Management in order to save resources and time

  151. I see Artificial Intelligence incorporated into Human Resource Management and also, the need for HR to acquire strategic skills that aid psychological safety at work, especially in a world of remote work and multicultural teams.

  152. Prioritizing flexible working arrangements to better accommodate employees. A happy and healthy workforce enhances productivity and reduces turnover.

  153. A future trend of HR might be the use of AI to track workers performance and optimal areas at the workplace which could lead to enhanced performance in organizations.

    Also the areas of Remote work & flexibility, Data Driven decision making, Advanced Employee Experience and Digital transformation can be a gamechanger in Human Resource Management.

  154. It’s the automation part as we are emerging AI now, HRM will have to update their digital skills in order to meet up with this future AI trends.

  155. I would love to see where there is a match of activities with what experience the HR personnel have and also vast training on HR technology.

  156. 1. Remote work & flexibility
    2. Data Driven decision making
    3. Advanced Employee Experience
    4. Digital transformation
    Sustainability & Corporate social Responsibility

  157. 1. Digital transformation
    2. Remote work and more flexibility
    3. Employee inclusion and overall well-being

  158. 1. Remote work & flexibility
    2. Data Driven decision making
    3. Advanced Employee Experience
    4. Digital transformation
    Sustainability & Corporate social Responsibility

  159. There are a few trends that I think will be important in the future of human resource management. One is the increased use of technology, such as AI and to streamline HR processes and improve efficiency. Another trend is the growing importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, as organizations recognize the benefits of having a workforce that is diverse and inclusive. Lastly, I think we’ll see a greater focus on employee well-being and mental health, as employers seek to create a positive work environment that supports the overall health and well-being of their employees

  160. With the vast rate of advancement in technology, I see virtual H.R.M where the workers might totally not need to come to the office, amd work remotely from there homes, amd I also see possibility of AI taking over some part of Human resource development.

  161. With the vast rate of advancement in technology, I see visual H.R.M where the workers might totally not need to come to the office, amd work remotely from there homes, amd I also see possibility of AI taking over some part of Human resource development.

  162. In the future, AI can take over the HR position in some offices, i suggest something unique should be added to make the profession look unique.

  163. In the future, AI can taking over the HR position in some offices, i suggest something unique should be added to make the profession look unique.

  164. Another future can be the ability of the HR to really integrate into the digital world as everything in the labour is evolving

  165. 1. Another future trend could be usage of robotic instead of human power as the technology is improving day by day.

    2. Lack of experience, must HR prefer young people to old, and young people start schooling now adays compare to 90’s

  166. Automation of HR AI software to create less human presence and to create work space for accurate and partial employee performance analysis

  167. I believe that one of the biggest HRM trends we’ll see in the future is the rise of automation and artificial intelligence (AI). With advances in technology, businesses will be able to automate more tasks and processes, freeing up HR professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives. AI will also play a bigger role in areas like candidate screening, recruitment, and employee engagement. I also think we’ll see more focus on employee well-being and work-life balance, as companies strive to create a more positive and productive work environment.

  168. They will be trends on automation, Data and analytics which involves having basic knowledge on computer operations, To be able to access dashboards and also understand HR technology.They will also be future trends on task and industry-specific human capital.

  169. I see a future where no single organization, no matter how little will function effectively without a solid HR manager and HHR team. I believe HR is the bedrock of any budding organization and their ticket to effective operations and general success.

  170. Remote work policies might be put in place, whereby most HRMs will be working from home. I also believe another HRM future trend will be making use of AI for recruitment.

  171. HRM will trend in the future for there will be great decision making in the human resources management.

  172. HRM’s great diversity and it’s ability to unlock unknown but important aspects of an organization thereby driving up consistent growth and then being able to fast track it will make it one of the most sought after jobs in the world.

  173. HR analytics for better decision-making, and a growing emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives within organizations.

  174. HRM,will be a very great force to reckon with ,as it’s going to be one of the hottest jobs, because of its great diversity.

  175. A flexible work model accommodates the workforce’s diverse needs. AI and predictive analytics are emerging trends . Revolutionizing workforce management and simplifying data decision- making.

  176. HR future trend may include the increase in the impact of data and analytics as well as automation and digital transformation which will open room for remote work policies and AI driven recruitment.

  177. HRM future trends includes Digital transformation which entails remote work policies, emphasis on employee well-being, AI-driven recruitment

    1. Artificial intelligence and machine learning. Robotics is also another future trend that will play a pivotal role in personnel management and can also serve as a replacement to remote works.

  178. Certainly! Some emerging HRM trends include remote work policies, emphasis on employee well-being, AI-driven recruitment, and a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

  179. Soon I think we will see a trend where HRM can be connected through a data system where even when you leave a company to go work for another, your background can be checked online and also we will soon see HRM bring involved in the indepth decision making in organization as they are the ones who keeps the culture of these organization.

  180. Globalization of labour market which will bring abour global workers, working remotely there by making the physical work space a thing of the past and the organisation more flexible.

  181. With the increase in the level of technology on daily basis and the advent of AI, HR will be task also with the work of a data analysis and maintenance of automated machines

  182. In the future, HRM trends may include increased focus on employee well-being, remote work policies, AI-driven recruitment, and diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. Continuous learning and development programs are likely to gain prominence as well.

    Additionally, personalized employee experiences, data-driven decision-making in HR, flexible work arrangements, and enhanced use of technology for HR processes are expected to shape the future of human resource management.

  183. The use of Data Analytics will aid in selection processes. There will be inventions of more technology applied tools for Human Resource Management, and it will be flexible enough for remote jobs.

  184. People will have to compete with Artificial Intelligence in years to come, but I don not think AI can totally replace humans in HRM though. It’s all a matter of time anyways.

  185. AI will transform HRM processes, which also include recruitment, employee(s) training, overall performance evaluation, and predictive analytics for the workforce.

  186. The next generation of managers: Organizations have to find ways to effectively prepare these new generation of managers to handle he workforce. Members of Gen Y are now well into their 30’s and even 40’s and are coming into leadership positions, meanwhile many of the Gen Z’s are already managing teams especially now that they would like to give and receive feedback, especially in the context of performance reviews.

  187. Predicting future HRM trends can be speculative, but based on current developments and emerging technologies, several trends are likely to shape the future of HRM:

    Remote Work Policies: With the rise of remote work due to advancements in technology and the impact of events like the COVID-19 pandemic, HRM will continue to focus on remote work policies, including virtual team management, performance evaluation, and ensuring employee well-being in remote settings.

    AI and Automation: AI and automation will continue to transform HRM processes, including recruitment, employee training, performance evaluation, and predictive analytics for workforce planning. AI-driven tools will help HR professionals make data-driven decisions and streamline repetitive tasks.

    Employee Experience: HRM will increasingly prioritize employee experience, focusing on creating a positive work environment, fostering employee engagement, and providing opportunities for skill development and career growth.

    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): DEI initiatives will remain a central focus of HRM, with organizations striving to create inclusive workplaces that value diversity and ensure equal opportunities for all employees.

  188. Automation

    Since the Covid19 outbreak, some HR responsibilities have been taken over by the development of HR software. In years to come, more responsibilities may be taken over by automation

  189. One HRM trend I see coming in the future is the heavy inclusion of Artificial Intelligence into the HRM model. This would include in areas of employee data and analytics, delegation of tasks and positions to well suited individuals in the organization and so on.

    Human Resource Management

    1. Data Driven Decision Making
    Data is transforming the way HR functions. From predicting employee turnover to analyzing engagement levels, data-driven insights enable HR professionals to make informed decisions. However, this trend also poses challenges related to data privacy and ethical considerations when utilizing personal employee data.

    2. Human Resource departments will face new compliance requirements.
    As is the case with every other aspect of life, laws and guidelines change. In response to this reality, HR departments will grapple with new compliance requirements. HR managers will be faced with the need to rewrite employee handbooks and reevaluate rules pertaining to workplace harassment measures, leave benefits, and drug testing. 
    HR departments will also have to navigate the pay transparency laws that are rapidly becoming more common across the globe

  191. HRM is tend to become a fully remote job in the nearest future. In the sense that the HR personnel might or will not have to be there physically but the home doing his or her job perfectly well.

  192. I see the future of HRM transcending from what it is today to becoming I.T. inclined and creating more avenues by making HR personnel’s have a seat on the table.

  193. With the raising event in AI and other technology, there is tendency for downsizing in some organizations. Hence, posing a challenge for HR managers on who to retain and who to lay-off

  194. With the entry of AI and its rapidly growing strength, HR workers may have to adapt and pick up AI related strategies

  195. Use of Ai for recruitment processes and the ability to work remotely but efficiently in a highly computerized environment

  196. The recent trend the I believe the HR would need in future is the ability to work hand in hand with future machines and computer programs. The need for HR professionals to have basic working ideas of computer programs and Operations will be important as people are gradually losing jobs to machines. But with an up-skill in basic computer operations and basic computer programs the work force will not be easily replaced. The Human brain is unique. We program the machines to what we want them to do or how we want them to work. It shouldn’t be limited to those who are into programming or operations. HR should train work force in basic knowledge so as to have understanding of how things work in the modern technology driven world. The need to have unlimited knowledge to HR software computer programs is important as data knowledge the bedrock of all Human Resource Management

  197. The Future of HR include the following:
    – Setting the Hybrid work model for collaboration
    – Generative AI to Enhance HR process
    – DEI in the spotlight: DEI means Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    – People Analytics
    – Predictive Analysis for HR
    – Change Management

  198. A primary HR trend will involve a focus on learning. Organizations will allocate resources to offer employees opportunities for acquiring new skills, fostering development, and enhancing their prospects for career advancement. Ensuring continuous learning involves making it accessible at all times.

  199. I see the emergence of task and industry-specific human capitalcoming up in the future as companies are keyed to seeing growth and rapid development as they are not really creating the space of based trained on the job because of the close competitive market in various industries and the changing economy of the world at large.

  200. one future HRM trend i can think of right now would be the use of AI in HRM, AI automated recruitment, and selection process.

  201. Adoption ofAI tools for HR to help make work faster and easier than it use to be before. And daily observant of employees to achieve better results for the organization.

  202. As the HR landscape evolves, companies must remain agile and responsive. Strategies for the future include engaging employees efficiently and regularly checking employee mental health.

  203. HR trend in current picture is basically
    Wellness and providing resources to support health , work place ambiance, support and provision of adequate work tools for employee of the organizations.
    HRM being involved in strategic planning and thinking along with the administrative part of an organization. It would help HRM have a knowledge in aspect of embracing new technologies that will promote the organization growth

  204. HRM trends that are expected to shape the future
    1. Talent scarcity and skills gap: Competition for skilled workers will intensify, making employee development and upskilling crucial
    2. Employees well being and mental health: Prioritizing employee wellness and providing resources to support mental health and resilience
    3. Integration of AI and automation: Leveraging technology to enhance HR processes, improve employee’s experience and augment human capabilities

  205. HR is now so important, even the smallest scales industry or manufacturer rely on them to execute the job.
    Through information and recommendation from HR work is made easy through the channels of workforce in an organization

  206. -Building diversity and inclusion
    -Promoting wellbeing in the workplace
    -Balancing work arrangements in a way that’s not rigid and will allow flexibility among individuals

  207. The increase in the impact of data and analytics. HR professionals are now required to build skills they traditionally weren’t very good at. Not many HR professionals needed to access dashboards or have a deep understanding of HR technology a few years ago.

  208. One trend is the increased use of artificial intelligence and automation in HR processes, like candidate screening and employee training. Another trend is the focus on employee well-being and work-life balance, with companies offering more flexible work arrangements and wellness programs. And let’s not forget about the growing importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.

  209. Virtual onboarding processes, online team-building activities, and remote mentorship programs are emerging trends to ensure new hires feel connected and engaged from day one.

  210. * Employee experience
    * People Analytics (like mental health check)
    * AI and automation
    * Data analysis and reports..e.t.c

  211. A few more trends that may likely spring up on the future, in my own opinion are;
    – In the area of data & analytics, advanced softwares would be introduced to help HR professionals in data collection.
    – HRM would transcend from human management, to AI management, as AI would be adopted in carrying out professional tasks, thereby enhancing efficiency. This will have HRM becoming more immersed in technology.

  212. I see a HRM trends of AI -Artificial Intelligence Program been use to enable the work of HRM to be more efficient.

  213. The future of AI playing a major role in how HRM is being done, more analytical insights will be done to check and balance the trends this would also boost the surge of HR analytics

  214. The future trend I see coming in the future is in the aspect of technology like AI evolution which will play a significant role in helping to achieve business goals.

  215. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning
    Flexible work arrangement, this includes remote jobs.
    The impact of Data and analytics
    Digital transformation Threatening to partially automate many of the administrative HR jobs
    Continuous learning to have an agile and competitive workforce
    how to ensure employees remain engaged while working as hybrid staff

  216. Some emerging HRM trends include increased focus on employee well-being, remote work policies, adoption of AI for HR tasks, emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and the use of data analytics for talent management.

  217. This was a very insightful lecture. The trend I see coming in the future is the merging of human resource management and AI in the ever-changing work environment. AI’s incorporation has the potential to boost efficiency, especially in aspects like talent acquisition and data-driven decision-making, revolutionizing conventional HR approaches and shaping the future of workforce management.

  218. HRM professionals will need to up their skill in technology as physical workspace is gradually fading and giving way for advanced technology such as Ai and the likes

  219. This was a very detailed teaching.

    One future trend in HRM would be being involved in strategic planning and thinking along with the administrative part of an organization. It would help HRM have a knowledge of that aspect.
    HRM aren’t getting enough credit for their job but in the future, it would pay off when they are involved in the organization’s strategic planning.

  220. Tapping into the current technology such as AI. Upgrading on all angles also allowing the young ones to take part in organising building skills since young ones have invaded the space in such a short period of time.

  221. Policy development is going to be a thing because lots of trends are coming up, and there has to be flexible policies that help organizations acclimatize, and still reach their goals, with improved bottom line..

  222. I totally agree with the thoughts provided in the video on the future of HR. Policy development is going to be a thing because lots of trends are coming up, and there has to be flexible policies that help organizations acclimatize, and still reach their goals, with improved bottom line..

  223. With the gradual takeover of the workplace by AI and machines, I believe HRM should upskill and embrace the emergence technology, so as not to be left behind or replaced by AI and machines.

  224. Change management is a key trend that will emerge in field of Human Resources. In life the only thing constant is change. The HR sector must be prepared for the unexpected. We must be ready to adapt to shifts in goal, processes and technologies.

  225. Predicting future trends can be speculative, but some HRM trends on the horizon include increased focus on employee well-being, remote work policies, diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

  226. Given the importance on AI and robotics in the nearest future, an increased impact on data and analytics is paramount with a good strategic planning giving room to a very highly competitive market due to the advancement of the Human Resource Management.,

  227. For me basically, I see more organizations adapting diversity, equity and inclusion into their system.
    The Integration of AI in the HR processes for data analytics etc.

  228. HRM proffesionals will need to keep up on learning new skills and new learnings to enable strategic involvement in organizational growth success.

  229. In the nearest future I see HR experiencing predictive analysis as Artificial Intelligence is taking over the world

  230. I am enjoying this module one topic, with what I have read so far, HRM is evolving and more interesting trends will be introduced especially AI doing some HR activities like scanning the human brain and get some recruitment done by their IQ level.
    No interview, no work test,etc..
    Thank you DEXA for this new level

  231. Due to globalization and the emergence of Artificial Intelligence, HRM scope has become more complex and ambiguous, HR mangers need to dive more into acquring tech skills and constantly upskilling there knowledge in other to stay relevant, in this light, i forsee the business world becoming more automated, giving room for machines to take over the HRM task resulting to decrease in HUMAN CAPITAL. The challenge here is that skilled HR personnel will compete with machines for the position, having at the back of our minds that machines deliver faster and can combine the work of 2-5 people at the same time. Employers will definately go for a more efficient option which will inturn lead to more displacement of jobs. Also technology has giving rise to Agile and Scrum mastery, i forsee it taken over HRM role in future. HR personel should always upskill and re-learn to be relevant in there field.

  232. Another major future trend is due to the increase in the impact of data and analytics. HR professionals are now required to build skills they traditionally weren’t very good at.

  233. The next trend of HRM coming will focus on HR Data and Analytics, this is because of the rapid growth of tech today but at the same time still focus on performance management, learning and development.

  234. More globalization, talents and skills to companies and organizations will be more accessible and seamless to connect

  235. One future trend that I think will be more receptive and should be implemented as a policy are Equality,inclusion and diversity.This is a pressing issue in growing organisations nd it is an important aspect of development for any successful business or enterprise and therefore should be prioritised greatly,cultivated as a consistent practice to be embraced for the benefit of both employers and employees.

  236. A significant trend will be companies believing and investing more in remote option. Also setting up a data or a method to ensure productivity is on point.

  237. Given the current growth rate of AI, the HR Management profession is facing a significant challenge in accommodating the hybrid and flexible workforces. With the increasing adoption of AI, companies are shifting towards more flexible and remote working arrangements, which can lead to several HR-related issues. These include managing remote workers, ensuring effective communication, maintaining employee engagement and motivation, and monitoring productivity. The HR Management profession needs to adapt to these changing conditions and develop new strategies and tools to navigate this new landscape effectively.

  238. AI is also a digital trend that might prevent a Human resources professional from ascertaining the originality of some things.for example using AI to generate a resume which makes it lack originality

  239. Navigating the complexities of remote and hybrid work environments has become a pressing challenge. How do you ensure that employees remain engaged, productive, and connected?

  240. Another significant trends coming up in the HRM world is the adaptation of new technology like AI in evaluating performance of employee services in an organization. The new technology which will be faster and reliable will give real appraisal of the employee and recommend where necessary for training and talent complement.

    1. HR will be the most practice skills few years from now because you will have to know how to manage people for any company to move forward.

  241. Virtual onboarding processes, online team-building activities, and remote mentorship programs are the future trends of HRM

  242. If the HR are the set of people who make up the work place an organization.
    Then the future trend would be investing more In the HUMAN CAPITAL.
    While the strategic HR department should focus on creating more numbers of strategic differentiators.
    This is another way the HRM can help their organization to be more successful.

  243. Human Resource is a growing but potentially proven sector in Nigeria with just a few start-ups in it.
    I believe in the next few decades major and minor companies will begin to rely heavily on their services.

  244. The recent outbreaks of pandemic which automatically less the remote jobs is gradually changing the narrative from the traditional ways of doing job , in addition to relevant skills will be needed to enable HR manager drive the work place

  245. I think HR will be the most practice skills few years from now because you will have to know how to manage people for any company to move forward.

  246. The future HR trend I forsee is Technical skill upgrade which will give one a competitive edge over others..try to acquire a strong relevant knowledge,personal development and the required values needed so as to join the moving trend.

  247. The impact of globalization on labor markets, allowing companies to tap into a global talent pool will impact the HR role. The shift to remote work, accelerated by the pandemic, is changing the traditional concept of physical workspaces which means HR will have to use other remote / virtual ways to manage organizations and work force.
    Also AI would probably start doing most of the recruitment processes and performance management based on set indicators.

  248. I also see Artificial Intelligence taking the space in HR. This will help to breakdown more complex tasks and bring about am almost perfect and precise results.

  249. As the HR landscape evolves, companies must remain agile and responsive. Strategies for the future include engaging employees efficiently, fostering daily virtual interactions for remote employees, providing training and career development opportunities and regularly checking employee mental health

  250. Hi Dexa thank you for the opportunity of this course. I just hope Al will not replace HR in the nearest future as the world keeps advancing everyday.

  251. As HR is the Bedrock of any organisation, now we dive into a contemporary word of digital skills where AI is taking the high percentage of workforce in many organisation. So, I think the Human intelligence and skills must be upgraded and measured in order to compete with the new digital and AI trends.

    Thank you and best regards.

  252. One of the most trends I see coming up in the future and will likely takeover the place of the HR position is AI. This might eventually drive the efficiency of humans in various organisations into extinction.

  253. Looking at the future of HRM we could be having a replacement of employees with robot . It’s quite disturbing because it will render alot of human jobless.

  254. Future HRM I see coming in the future and am afraid of is the replacement of employees with robot which seems to have been taken place in some part of the world. It’s quite disturbing because it will render alot of human jobless.

  255. To increase the emergence of HR working remotely especially here in Nigeria that cost of transportation is very high. However, HR will able to develop strategic modems for boosting organization performance.

  256. Future HRM trend I see coming is HR managers becoming a core factor able to determine workers employment and enforce technology training for employees

  257. Some emerging HRM trends include increased focus on employee well-being, remote work strategies, AI-driven HR tech for better decision-making, and continued emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives

  258. Certainly! In addition to the mentioned trends, future HRM is likely to see increased emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion, as organizations recognize the importance of a diverse workforce. Employee well-being, mental health support, and a focus on work-life balance will also become more integral. Additionally, continuous learning and development programs will be crucial to keep pace with rapidly evolving skills requirements in the job market. These trends reflect a broader shift towards a more holistic and people-centric approach in HRM.

  259. Future trends of HR would also include employees working remotely through the strategic differentiators which includes information and Analytics HRM activities.

  260. One of the trends I have seen is the reduced usage of Talent Acquisition Specialists, whereby Talents or Candidates can be gotten to fill certain roles by recommendations. A website that I came across that does this is called Bounty Hunters World.

    I also see A.I trending in the recruitment and selection activity.

  261. One of the teens that’s I think would come up is the need for HR Professionals to be able to analyze large amount of data using data tools like python or power Bi. More to say combining data analysts and HRM.

  262. HR will be totally digital, meaning the recruitment,performance,learning down to compensation will all be learned online through the companies website that will be only accessible to those who reach the criteria. since the world in moving globally now . most HR jobs will be remote .

  263. I see total up scaling in all the HR process. This means the full use of technology to drive all HR process from recruiting to onboarding and down to exit process.

  264. Remote work optimization, also the rise of AI in recruitment processes, personalized learning and enhanced use of data analytics for HR decision-making.

  265. It’s a great privilege to encounter this excellent course.

    Another trend I could see for HR is the building of human capacity beyond the skills that they had initially, HR will build a world where humans will have the innate ability to bring in creative ideas and thoughts towards the development of every organization and to the achievement of the organization goals.

  266. I see basic IT skills being a prerequisite for employment irrespective of the role in the near future.

    AI is already a big part of the employee selection process but I see AI being used in more of the recruitment stages like assessment, test of spoken language etc.

    I also see companies engaged in BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) springing up in Nigeria and other West African countries especially, due to the cheap labour. Remote, hybrid work will become the preferred choice.

  267. One HRM trend I see coming up in the future is more of Equity as against Equality, it will be more diversified catering to individual needs and more human focused as well as all round Inclusion.
    It will create a more inclusive environment in the workforce.

  268. The trend of remote work and flexible schedules is expected to continue with companies adopting hybrid work models that combine remote and in-office work.

  269. Future trends of human resource management such as remote Work Policies of the organisation, employee Well-being; an increased focus on holistic well-being programs to support physical, mental, and emotional health of workers in HR department is important, data-Driven Decision-Making; HR departments leveraging data analytics for informed talent management decisions. This trends will boost the growth of the HRM in the near future.

  270. A future trend… I strongly believe that the Hierarchy or positions of staffs, workers( Including Casuals in some organisations) or such in every organisation should be processed and handled by the HRM.

  271. International Hybrid working.

    Due to the slow adoption of working from home, HR will also be moved to employ people from different part of a country to hone their needed skills to fill in for a particular job role regardless of the employee’s nationality. An employee from another country that is competent and has the required skill to work in a vacant position can apply for the job even if it is located in a totally different country. All that is required is the necessary tools, equipment and approved access to work efficiently.

  272. Based on the vast pool of prospective employees from the global market, HRs will be required to be multilingual in order to be able to effectively communicate and coordinate the various strata of individuals that would make up the work force. Also computer based tests will also need to be introduced in place of one on one interviews of prospective employees since the organization will be spreading her tentacles beyond her geographic location.

  273. Outsourcing. This will become a future trend so they can divert some of the responsibility to the outsourcing company. They don’t have to deal with the monitoring of such staff

  274. Thank you for the lessons.
    Future trends will also include giving full attention to soft skills and promoting employees value proposition so as to attract the best talents.

  275. As the work environment is now. Organisations are after skilled labour rather than certificate, HR should add more skills to certification so as to be relevant in the organisation. The case of HR not being regarded when important meeting are holding in the organisation is a typical example. HR should add strategies to the field so as to be relevant in every angle of the organisation. We shouldn’t base our doings only on recruitment and selection, talent hunting and more.

  276. The HRM trends I see coming up in the future is the use of the artificial intelligence in recruiting employees and making HRM more of a remote job.

  277. Thank you for the well detailed explanations for each sub-topic. I see AI being adopted to get jobs done faster, especially in the selection process.

  278. Thanks for the lecture I really appreciate

    Well some emerging HRM trends that is likely to come up in the future include a focus on employee well-being, and remote work policies.

  279. Eradication of physical meetings and adoption of virtual meetings.

    Compromise work balance between remote and physical

  280. Future trends that are expected to occur include globalization, a greater influence of data and analytics, automation, and the rise of specialized human capital in various tasks and industries.

  281. Some HRM trends in the future will include remote work practices and the adoption of AI This could help make work run smoothly and effectively.

  282. Hybrid work models will increase with a mix of remote and in-office work,
    Increase Focus on soft skills: As AI takes over routine tasks, soft skills like critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence will become increasingly valuable

  283. I see rapid increase in versatile knowledge and crafty skills within the HR. This is due to the ongoing dynamics in the society and upskills, this will be an added advantage and a push up factor for firm decision making.

  284. One HRM trend I foresee is HRs actually considering the employees as opposed to the current trend of being the company’s bulldogs against employees.

  285. Increased level of diversity and inclusion within the HR because our societal changes
    Up-skilling due to the constant advancements and changes with job requirements
    Pro-active approach to maintaining well-being and good mental health especially after the pandemic

  286. I believe world leaders will be seek to cut spending to keep afloat due to increasing world economic tension. However, topics like equity, diversity and inclusion will grow even stronger.

  287. Some potential HRM trends for the future will include increase in remote work practices to ease productivity and employee effectiveness.
    Adoption of Artificial Intelligence AI in carrying out tasks faster and more efficient especially for information dissemination, recruitment, learning and development processes.

  288. The trend in Learning and Development is also another area. There is now a shift from attending physical workshops and seminars to online learning and skill development. Human resources might have to partner with such institutions in order to keep their employees updated.

  289. It should be designing new career path that would cater for the emerging needs in Organizations and also providing the right pay and financial/ professional benefits to facilitate employees retention.

  290. Reskilling and Upskilling for a Future Ready Workforce:
    For any business to succeed, it’s important to focus on continuous learning and development of employees.
    Planning to invest in employee training, mentorship programs, and opportunities for upskilling and reskilling the workforce could be a best bet for businesses.

  291. Well, Artificial Intelligence in recruitment, upskill, Diversity, Work flexibility and Hybrid work model and Automations in recruitments

  292. One of the HRM trend I see coming up is the recruitment of talents online. (without having to meet such talents physically).

  293. AI and Automation in HR: AI and automation in HR represent a paradigm shift in how human resource functions are carried out

  294. AI would be a major part of the recruitment automation in the HR and the fact that there would be systems that would track employees avatar.

  295. HRM will tend to work remotely in the near future with the emergence of new technologies and it will also become more involve in strategic decision making than daily activities like line managers functions 👍

  296. An advanced digitalized method of executing HRM activities might be working remotely with AI
    Advance technology to increase efficiency well technically AI.

  297. How HR will have to track effectively employee who work remotely, technically to ensure the organisation goals are reached.

  298. Aside working remotely and being able to work for any organization in any country regardless of where you are, the introduction is of AI would make it more efficient in the future.

  299. There are several human resources management trends that are likely to emerge in the future. Like Automation and AI in HR Processes,Flexible Work Arrangements, Data-Driven HR and lots more

    1. but do you think working remotely will be a better idea for human resources management, but talking Ai i can still say yes

  300. With the introduction of A1, HR managers will need to learn how to add this new tools to make their work faster and more efficient towards achieving a set objectives

    1. well talking about ‘integration of Artificial Intelligence’ I think you are right but how about management?.

  301. Highly computerized work environments, and increase in remote work policies are the trends I see coming up in the future.

    1. The HR trends I see is that HR should be familiar with AI and also becoming more strategic and being able to solve major problems in the Organization.

  302. Although some potential HR trends might include increased focus on remote work policies and emphasis on employee well-being, continued integration of technology for HR processes.

  303. Although artificial intelligence is taking over the workspace as of late, it may not efficiently manage Human Resources, as there would be need for specifications in expertise, requiring physical scrutinization by human managers. Hence,the future trend I see is Inclusivity of AI in HRM for efficient management of all required skill set.

  304. There will be a flexible working environment where Artificial intelligence would have to carryout most of the works done by human resource professionals

  305. From my point of view, there may be a more flexible working environment than it is now and the use of digital tools will be highly sort for.

  306. In the technology aspect through the aspect of AI production HRM will be needed in administrating their level of activeness and concentrate on what problems they could solve.

  307. Artificial Intelligence, Predictive Analytics and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). These are the future trending of HRM because they’re gaining momentum very fast than any others.

  308. One of the major future trends I see coming is ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY.
    this is making/will make a great impact in organisation………..in relation to HRM.

  309. In the future to come, I see HRM going into competition with AI and other auto-pilot machines. Aim of any company or business is to make profit and maximize cost and due to this majority will definitely go for the service of Auto-pilot machines instead of depending on human capacity to get the work done at costly price and time consuming too, but still HRM function can’t be completely substitute for AI because An HRM with update skill will definitely be needed for the machines to perform too, also it’s the duty of the HR to select the best of the best to operate those machines and it Maintenace.

  310. The use of data analytics and AI in HRM decision-making, such as predictive analytics for talent management, personalized learning, and performance evaluation, is likely to continue expanding as technology advances.

    Also, the growing importance of employee well-being programs that encompass mental health support, stress management initiatives, and work-life balance strategies. Organizations are recognizing the impact of holistic well-being on employee performance, retention, and overall company culture.

  311. The future trends I see coming in HRM is the use of Artificial intelligence in creating a more engaging and customized experience for every employee, leading to increased retention.

  312. DIVERSITY: The future demands that organisations not only embrace diversity but also cultivate an inclusive and equitable workplace.
    Digital HR: This will require HR managers to embrace a digital -first,location-independent mindset in their recruitment strategy and employee development plans.

  313. I see a continual focus on the employee wellbeing which HR takes important now since the post pandemic period. And also the use of modern technology to streamline HR processes.

  314. Remote Work Policies: With the rise of remote work, HR is likely to focus on creating and optimizing policies that support a flexible work environment.

    Technology Integration: Increased use of AI and technology in HR processes, such as recruitment automation, employee analytics, and virtual onboarding.

  315. No doubt, the future of HR is going to be Human competition against auto-pilot machines. You can trust organizations to vote more for AI to reduce cost but to hire techies more.

  316. I believe the future is here. Technology has been a driving force behind the changes in HRM and I see virtual onboarding processes and full use of AI to streamline recruitment processes loading in the HRM space.

  317. Future HR trends:
    1. AI integration for diversified work force
    2. Large and popular online workforce via remotely or office set up

  318. I see HR working more towards sustainable employment, more focus on remote employment and then going into a global Market

  319. Possible future trends in HR include increased focus on remote work policies, enhanced use of technology for talent acquisition and management, emphasis on employee well-being and mental health support, and a continued shift toward data-driven decision-making in HR processes. Additionally, diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives are likely to play a crucial role in shaping HR practices in the future.

  320. AI and predictive analytics are emerging trends in HR, revolutionizing workforce management and simplifying data decision-making. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives are gaining momentum, with the global DEI market expected to reach $15.4 billion by 2026.

  321. Thanks for the wonderful and well explained lesson. One of the future trend I thought of is the advent of Artificial Intelligence where machines undertake some of the HRM activities right from recruitment and selection process.

  322. Due to Globalization, I see HRM taking working remotely than working physically, because the rate at which technology is advancing will make it possible.

    Kudos to the tutor for the simple and easy explanation so far.

  323. People Gaining expertise in a particular niche and working accordingly and fully remote therein. Also, HRM being more of a data driven work to get results

  324. I see a Human Resource Management in the future where human resources management application will be required to interfaced between employees without necessarily physically present through technology and still obtain a better goal.

  325. Using modern technology to take in data, save organization’s data and the involvement of HRM in the Executive that strategically streamline business operations.

  326. Thanks for the wonderful and well explained lesson there. One of the future trend I thought of is the advent of AI where robots undertake some of the HRM activities right from recruitment and selection process. Another aspect is the deployment of the cybersecurity technology to protect organization and people’s data as they move towards using modern technology to save their data.

  327. A future trend I see is the advent of Artificial Intelligence and how it will influence and impact the HR space.

  328. I think the new trend on HRM may be on task and industry-specific requirements, whereby human capital will be utilised mainly to achieve a specific organizational goals.

  329. Remote Work and Hybrid Models: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote work. Even after the pandemic, many organizations were expected to continue with remote or hybrid work models. HRM would need to adapt to managing and engaging remote teams effectively.

    Employee Well-being: Organizations were increasingly recognizing the importance of employee well-being, including mental health. HRM was expected to focus on creating supportive work environments, providing resources for mental health, and promoting a healthy work-life balance.

    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): There was a growing emphasis on DEI initiatives within organizations. HRM was expected to play a crucial role in fostering diverse and inclusive workplaces, addressing bias, and ensuring equitable opportunities for all employees.

    Technology Integration: HRM was anticipated to continue leveraging technology, including artificial intelligence, analytics, and HR software, to streamline processes, enhance decision-making, and improve the overall employee experience.

    Continuous Learning and Development: The need for upskilling and reskilling was expected to rise as job roles evolve with technological advancements. HRM trends included a focus on continuous learning and development to keep employees’ skills relevant.

  330. The emergence of task and industry – specific human capital
    The fast growing of human resources technology is the aspect of data and analysis
    The emergency of Artificial intelligence in HR field

  331. (1) fostering daily virtual interactions for remote employees
    (2) providing training and career development opportunities
    (3) regularly checking employee mental health.

  332. HRM trends gaining traction include;
    1. Increased focus on employee mental health and social well-being.
    2. Advantageous remote work policies,

  333. (1) fostering daily virtual interactions for remote employees
    (2) providing training and career development opportunities
    (3) regularly checking employee mental health.
    (4) Adopting Cyber Security Practices to Build a Secure Work Environment

  334. Some emerging HRM trends include increased focus on employee well-being, remote work policies, AI-driven HR tech for recruitment and analytics, and a greater emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

  335. HRM is a very important part of building a successful business and growth of an organization. Thanks for the insights.

  336. As the HR landscape evolves, companies must remain agile and responsive. Strategies for the future include engaging employees efficiently, fostering daily virtual interactions for remote employees, providing training and career development opportunities and regularly checking employee mental health.

  337. Certainly! Some emerging HRM trends include increased focus on employee well-being, remote work strategies, data-driven decision-making, and the integration of AI in HR processes. Continuous learning and development are also gaining importance to adapt to evolving job roles.

  338. The Globalization and the Remote Role will Trend in the nearest future as the world is becoming more conscious of the online activities

  339. Thank you for this lecture on the basics of the human resource management, it’s really an eye opener that for an HR manager to be part of the strategic people in the organization and not sidelined to non strategic so as to be able to contribute in the decision making that will improve the performance of the staff and increase the productivity of the company they have to get up skilled to the current trend of the HR technology, more of learning how to use the some tech tools like Microsoft excel for information and analytics of the staffs data.

  340. I saw globalization and automation taking place in the nearest year where employees will have to work remotely from the comfort of there home inwhich thr best and nearest example is just that og the pandemic to springs up in the year 2020..

  341. Artificial intelligence (AI) may be pose a threat on HRM jobs in near future. However, it’s a call for HRM to reinvent and reinvest to stand out.

  342. HRM trends likely to come up in the future? is the Artificial Intelligence, it ought to be an advatage but with the current trends its might not help HRM

  343. Automation and digital transformation will take jobs off some people with the emergence of robots and automated machines.

  344. Succession plan will be a challenging future trend with the increase in global immigrants. A lot of professional talents are daily being lost from organizations and the HR would be faced with a continuous process of recruitment and selection to fill the empty spaces that will continue to exist.

  345. As a mathematics teacher, the mode at which the topics and contents in mathematics is explained to students matters a lot. Most students sees mathematics as one of the most difficult subject to pass, therefore the mode at which I communicate it to them should entice them more in showing rapt interest and paying rapt attention whenever the subject is going on.
    Also teaching them how to manage their time when solving any question by firstly organising a competition and training them using the stopwatch in order to manage their time properly.

    Also, negotiation in the aspect of setting a price for the winner in order to boost their morale.

  346. I think there are a few trends that we can expect to see in the future of HRM (Human Resource Management). One trend is the increased use of AI and automation in the HR field. AI can help with tasks like candidate screening, employee onboarding, and performance management. Another trend is the focus on employee experience and well-being. HR departments are increasingly focused on creating a positive and engaging work environment for employees. And finally, I think we’ll see an increased emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace.

  347. Some potential HRM trends include:

    Remote Work Policies: The ongoing acceptance and adaptation of remote work, along with the development of policies to support flexible work arrangements.

    Employee Well-being Programs: Increased focus on holistic employee well-being, including mental health support, wellness programs, and work-life balance initiatives.

    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Continued emphasis on fostering diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace cultures, with organizations actively implementing DEI strategies.

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HR: Integration of AI and machine learning for tasks such as talent acquisition, performance management, and employee engagement.

    Continuous Learning and Development: Emphasis on continuous learning and upskilling, with a shift toward personalized learning paths and development opportunities.

    Employee Experience (EX): Prioritizing the overall experience of employees, from recruitment to offboarding, to enhance engagement and job satisfaction.

    Agile HR Practices: Adoption of agile methodologies in HR processes to enable quicker responses to changing business needs.

    Remote Onboarding: Development of effective onboarding processes for remote or hybrid work settings to ensure new hires feel connected and supported.

    Data-Driven HR: Increased use of people analytics and data-driven decision-making in HR processes, enabling organizations to make informed workforce-related decisions.

    Flexible Benefits Packages: Tailoring benefits packages to meet the diverse needs and preferences of employees, reflecting a more personalized approach to employee benefits.

    These trends reflect the evolving nature of work, the changing expectations of employees, and the integration of technology in HR practices. It’s important for HR professionals to stay agile and adapt to these trends to effectively support their organizations and employees.

  348. It’s need to drop the old system that our ancestors use to regulate and operating the organization, it is need to adopt modern technology through the use of sofiscated material that lead to double productivity and thier services and provide the good impact that develop and upgrade the organization over the local community to the entire globe

  349. My thoughts for future HRM trends is that all Human resource offices will no longer be specialized in only one filled, human resource officer should be able to work in any filled of the HRM.
    Also human resource managers should be very much familiar and know how to use the newly intoduced technologies related to HRM.

  350. AI-empowered workforce evolution
    The tremendous growth of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI), like ChatGPT, has profoundly impacted the workforce in 2023. As organizations continue to recognize its transformative potential, most of them will integrate AI into the workforce and operations in 2024 and future to come which will become crucial for sustained business growth

  351. In the near future I see HRM being much more digitized, more companies conducting every aspect of the recruitment process online etc.

  352. I believe in the Future, approaches to recruitment will change. Especially, with the increase in technology. There will be a need to balance Skills and Experience.

    Also, HR Managers will become an integral part of the organization. A must have amongst the board of Directors.

  353. HRM can be foreseen to go beyond the normal or traditional styles with the emergence of 21st century ideas and innovations.

  354. HRM assessment sometimes can be partial, yet it’s crucial department in every organization. Hoping to see a faultless HRM in the future time.


  356. In the future, HRM may need little or no assistance from individuals to operate, it may be called Machine
    human Resource Management, I. E it will be completely technically based both recruitment, selection and maintenance of employees

    1. In the near future HRM will be fully digitalized doing away with paper work and physical contacts. Performance and benefits will have more value because it will become more result oriented.

  357. Digitalisation of HRM process will replace manual work. The trend is going to be AI based.Also working remotely has replacement physical presence.

  358. Well, what I envisioned is a space where management along side HR could identify employees who could contribute their own ideas into the organization and will rewarded when it turns out big.
    This could be achieved through giving out questionaires .

  359. HRM is Definitely going to be more Technologically Advance in the Future.Little or no Paper work required As information will be stored in Computers

  360. Emerging trend in HRM is facilitated by many factors globally, which includes;
    The effect of world pandemic (Corona virus) totally restructured the world of work, people working from home, and being able to handle jobs effectively in the same manner of which it would have been done in a physical setting, any individual who lacks such ability may not be favoured in the global labor market.

    Secondly the introduction of sorfisicated Robot into the world of work.

    The demand that Industries are placing on individuals with multi skills.

  361. There will no more paper work. AI takes over. Every process done becomes computer based to access persons in an organization

  362. The future trend is AI taking up the roles of HRM. The part of making use of paper for documentation and analysis will be eliminated.

  363. The HRM trends I see coming up in the future are continuous learning and skills development, giving room for unlearning and relearning so avoid being rendered redundant by AI. AI (Artificial Intelligence) will be a challenge in the near future if no improvement in learning new skills.

    1. The HRM trends I see coming up in the future are continuous learning and skills development, because I think opportunities will have to be created for employees to develop new skills

  364. With the advance in technology, I thing AI is going to play a vital role in human resources management. So there’s a need to collaborate with artificial intelligence for effective human resources management.

    Thanks so much for this insightful lectures.

  365. Task 1.
    What HRM trends do you see coming up in the future?

    1. Sustainable Employment
    2. Global market penetration
    3. Remote Employment Contracts
    4. Automation and digital transformation
    5. Emergence of task and industry-specific human capital


  366. The HRM heightens the organization, maintenance its integrity and satisfaction by the use of new technological advancements

  367. HR Trend I see coming up in the future would be
    1) Globalization going beyound what it seems to be now. As there are a lot of benefits having your work force with unique specializations producing results at the comfort of their homes with no barriers of distance, work space, language differences and with reduced need for work capital

    2) The advancing use of AI( Artificial Intelligence) in every sphere of life. This would adversely reduce the human capital and also reduce the opportunity of the company to improve or develop from varying ideas from the human capital.

  368. One trend I see in the future is AI and its possibilities with HRM. I however strongly doubt the ability of AI to completely take over the strategic functionalities of HRM in any organization.
    It would be more like collaborating with AI to help companies get the best results I suppose.
    Thank you for an enlightening session today!

  369. What are the emerging trends in HR?
    First, there is a growing emphasis on employee well-being and work-life balance.
    Second, technology is playing a crucial role in HR, with the rise of AI-driven tools and automation streamlining recruitment, onboarding, and performance management processes.
    Third, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have become critical priorities. Last, HR is shifting towards a data-driven approach, utilizing people analytics to make informed decisions about talent acquisition, retention, and development strategies.

    1. Globalization
      More up skill in data and analytics that will eventually reduce if not abolish paper work.

      The fusion of Artificial intelligence in the operational ethics and values to better organizational success

  370. Some emerging HRM trends include AI-driven HR tech for better decision-making, and a continued emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.

  371. I think the HR will be fully equipped in technology to act strategically in administering it roles in organizations.

  372. Dear recruiter.
    Is with great honor am writing to you as one who is interested in this internship. Am also interested in taking a lead role.

    Thanks and God bless you.

  373. I work with a Commercial Bank and our core values are hinged on:
    • Integrity:
    • Excellence
    • Innovation
    • Teamwork
    • Customer focus
    The Bank’s core values have shaped how we work on projects by:
    • helping to avoid costly mistakes and maintain a strong reputation.
    • its commitment to excellence has led to the development of innovative products and services that have helped its customers succeed.
    • its commitment to innovation has helped it stay ahead of the competition and provide its customers with the best possible experience.
    • its commitment to teamwork has helped it to successfully complete complex projects that would have been difficult to achieve on its own.
    • its commitment to customer centricity has helped it to build strong relationships with its customers and become a trusted financial partner.

    1. Technology improvement has also affected the HR profession. I see AI incorporated to assist the HR Profession in future